Organisation of the Cerebral Cortex Flashcards
What are the three types of fibre that make up white matter?
Association Fibres – connect with areas in the same hemisphere
Commissural Fibres – connect the two hemispheres
Projection Fibres – connect the cortex with lower brain structures (e.g. thalamus)

How many layers of grey matter are there?
3-6 (they are usually numbered by roman numerals)

What is the neocortex?
A part of the cerebral cortex (grey matter) concerned with sight and hearing in mammals, regarded as the most recently evolved part of the cortex
Describe the arrangement of the neocortex.
- Arranges in layers (lamina structure) and columns
- More dense ventral connections - basis for topographical organisation
- Neurons with similar properties are connected in the same column

Describe the different connections of the 6 layers of grey matter.
Layers 1-3 = mainly cortico-cortical connections
Layer 4 = input from the thalamus
Layer 5-6 = connections with subcortical, brainstem and spinal cord
What does layer 1 mainly consist of?
Neutropil – an area composed mostly of unmyelinated axons, dendrites and glial cell processes that forms a synaptically dense region containing a relatively low number of cell bodies
What type of neurone is found in layer 4?
Stellate neurones
What type of neurone is found in layer 5?
Pyramidal neurones
What are the differnet lobes of the neocortex?
- Frontal
- Parietal
- Occipital
- Temporal
Describe the organisation of the primary cortices.
Primary cortices
- function predictable
- organised topographically
- left-right symmetry
- Taste (gustatory) cortex in the inferior frontal lobe
- Smell (olfactroy) cortex in the medial temporal lobe

Describe the organisation of the association cortices.
Association cortices
- function less predictable
- not organised topographically
- left-right symmetry weak or absent
- Broca’s area in inferior frontal lobe; Wernicke’s at junction between parietal and temporal lobe
- Broca’s and Wernicke’s found on L side thus stroke on left side causes language deficits.

What are the two parts of the visual association cortex and what are they responsible for?
WHAT and WHERE pathways for analysng different attributes of visual image in different places:
Dorsal Pathway – responsible for interpretation of spatial relationships and movements
Ventral Pathway – responsible for form and colour

What is the result of lesions of the visual posterior association area(fusiform gyrus)?
- inability to recognize familiar faces
- inability to learn new faces
=a deficit called prosopagnosia (aka face blindness).
What is the role of the frontal lobe?
Executive functions e.g. planning, judgement, foresight, personality
What two areas does the prefrontal cortex receive massive inputs from?
- Sensory association cortex (somatosensory, visual and auditory)
- Dorsomedial Nucleus of the thalamus
NOTE: lesion of the dorsomedial nucleus will have similar consequences to prefrontal lobotomy
If you give someone with a unilateral parietal lobe lesion something to draw, what will you expect him or her to do?
Hemispatial neglect – they will only draw half of it
What are the consequences of a prefrontal lobotomy?
- Change in personality
- Inappropriate behaviour
- Lack of planning
- Lack of ability to remember and relate things over time
- Attention span and ability to concentrate are diminished
- Self-control is hugely impaired
What is the role of the posterior parietal association cortex?
It creates a SPATIAL MAP of the body in its surroundings from multi-modality information
What could injury of the posterior parietal association cortex lead to?
- Disorientation
- Inability to read a map or understand spatial relationships
- Apraxia
- Hemispatial neglect

Define apraxia.
Inability to make skilled movements with accuracy
What is the temporal association cortex responsible for?
- Language
- Object Recognition
- Memory
- Emotions
What are the two main consequences of injury to the temporal lobe?
AGNOSIA – inability for the brain to interpret sensory information although the nerves carrying sensory information to the brain are fine
- E.g. visual agnosia – patients can see perfectly fine but they can’t interpret sympbols such as letters
RECEPTIVE APHASIA –unable to understand language in the spoken or written forms
Who was patient HM and what was the result of his surgery?
Patient HM = bilateral ressection of anterior medial temporal lobe structures (lost most of hippocampus) to cure epilepsy.
Treated palliated seizures, but created dense anterograde amnesia –> can’t form new memories.
Describe hemispheric specialisation.
Right hemisphere = spacial perception, drawing, music.
Left hemisphere = language dominant + calculations, writing, both ears.

What is a callosotomy?
Split brain by cutting the corpus callosum which is the main bundle of neuronal fibres connecting the two sides of the brain-> lateralised deficits in function
Describe the effects of a callosotomy.
Input from the left field of vision is processed by the right hemisphere and vice versa.
In split brain patients:
- Word flashed on right side will enter the left hemisphere –> patient will be able to say what they say because it is the verbal processing dominant side.
- If word flashes on the left then the right hemisphere processes it –> unable to share information with the left –> patient is unable to say what he saw but he can draw it (since this is the spacial percpetion side)

State a type of imaging that uses the movement of water molecules in the brain to infer the underlying structure of white matter.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging – Tractography

What is the use of tractography clinically?
- Can be used to estimate location and connections between different white matter pathways
- In traumatic brain injury or concussion it is throught that these white matter connectiosn become disrupted.
Describe the two types of brain stimulation testing.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) (pic 1)
- Magnetic field induces a current in the cortex causing neurons to fire
- This can be used to test whether a specific area is responsible for a function e.g. speech
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS)
- This changes the local excitability of neurones but does NOT directly induce neuronal firing
- It increases or decreases the firing RATE
- Anode = increases neuronal excitability
- Cathode = decreases neuronal excitability
TDCS could be used to reduce motion sickness by suppressing the area of the cortex associated with perceiving vestibular information
What could transcranial direct current stimulation potentially be used for?
According to research, it could be used for reducing motion sickness by suppressing the area of the cortex associated with processing vestibular information.
Describe and explain how PET scans work.
A radioactive tracer is attached to a molecule to locate areas of the brain where that molecule is being absorbed
The tracer emits positrons, which are then detected by the receptors and shown as different degrees of colour according to uptake
Describe how PET scanning can be used in Parkinson’s Disease.
- It can be used in Parkinson’s disease to see the uptake of dopamine precursors by dopaminergic terminals in the striatum - 18-fluoro-levodopa given to show degree of presence of terminals.
- Degree of uptake should be homogenous throughout striatum
- BUT in PD there is profound loss in the posterolatral putamein with relative preservation of the caudate.
- If the PD mainly affects the right arm then there will be reduced dopaminergic innervation most on the right posterolateral putamen (as shown below)

What is the difference between MEGs and EEGs?
MEGs = magnetoencephalography – measures magnetic fields (produced by electrical current occurring naturally in the brain using sensitive magnetometers)
EEGs = electroencephalography – measures electric fields (record electrical activity of the brain using electrodes on scalp)
What is a major problem with MEGs and EEGs and how is this resolved?
- It is quite noisy – there is a lot of background activity
- This is resolved by doing a trial of a large number of participants so that an average can be found
- Once the average has been found, eliminating effect of random noise can allow you to see underlying activity.
MEG/EEG also only measures surface activity of the brain, but cannot directly measure the activity of interior surfaces.

What is fMRI?
Function MRI
It detects changes in blood flow in the brain
It relies on the fact that blood flow in the brain and neuronal activity are coupled – more active parts of the brain require increased blood flow
“blobs” on fMRI are the areas which are 1-2% more active than surrounding areas.

Which areas of the brain become more active when participants imagine positive events?
Rostral anterior cingulate cortex