organic chemistry Flashcards
what is tructural isomerism
same molecular formula but different structural formula
what is serioisomerism
is the same structural formula but atoms and bonds arranged differtly in space
why does alkenes produce ez sterioisomerism
due to restriction rotaion on the douvble bond
what is the feature of the homologous chromosomes
it differs by a functional and specific group
as the chain length increases more electrons so more vanderwall forces between molecules so greater boiling points and melting point
as brnching increases it decreases the boiling points as it cant pack very closely together
chemical reaction is the similair
what is polarity and solubility and reactions fr alkanes
bonds non polar as similair electronegativity this means only vdw forces between molecules much weajker than dipole or hydrogne bonding insoluble as doesnt have enough strength to interact between hydrogen bonding can react and release energy in combustion
how does fractional distillation work
the crude oil is heated in a blast furnace and then the gasses are passed through a colum it is coolest at the top and warmest at the bottom the vapours condense and whhen reaches a cool it cools and condenses and forms liquid and pipes off forming different fraction at the bottom is bitument which is like tar
why is cracking needed
there is small need for the fuel oil na d longer hydrocarbon and ore need for smaller hydrocarbons
what is thermal cracking
high temperatures and high pressure of 720-1200 and 7200 kpa this then is cracked here the carbon carbon bond is broken homolytically leaving free radicals these then can react however not enough hydrogen bonds so form alkenes thermal cracking leads large amoun of alkens being formed only left for a short period of time as highly reactive also form hydrogen
what is catalytic cracking
it is medium temp and pressure 720 k and low pressure using a zeolite catalyst which is acidic honeycome structure it cracks and forms more branched molecules and chains aromatic compound and cycloalkanes
products may be futher cracked
what happens in incoplete combustion
can either form incompkete combustion carbon monoxide or can form soot
how is the atmosphere polluted
using carbon monoxide it is a poisonous gas
nitrogen ad oxygen from the air react at high temperature in the exhaust forming nitrogen oxides whcih can also react with water vapour and form aciidc rain
the sulphur impurities react with oxygen and water to form sulfur dioxid and acid rain
c02 is released and unburt hydrocarbons
how does nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide form into
and what does hydrocarbon and nitrogen form
nitrogen and carbon dioxide
h20 and nitrogen and c02
what is a nucleophile
electron donor
give all the nucleophillic substitutions reaction
oh aqueasu and it is ehtanoic
cynaide ehtano
concentrated sulfuric acid and ethanol
how does oh act as a base with alkanes
in elimination reaction forming an alkene ethanol and hot
how is a carbon cation formed
the alkyl group ghave electron releasing effect which make the carbon more stable the greater the positive inducity effect the greater the stability
what are plasticiers
added in between polyere seperate and space out the chain so less packed together so make nmore flexible do better related to its function
why are addition polymers not biodegradble
large amount of carbon and hydrogen very highly unreactive so cannot be broken down
how are different plastics made
low density is made high pressure and high temperature and a zeolite catayst it creates free radical reaction and lead to a lot of branhcing so doesnt pack very closlely so weak and flexibe used for carrier bags
hgih density is made from medium and low temperature with a niegller catalyst it forms unbranched chains fairy stright and rigid can be used for drain
how to recycle plastic
wash the plastic and then pack into pellets these can then be melted and form and mould into different types of plastic
what is the genral formula of alchohol and the ohysical properties
cnh2n+1oh is small carbon chain molecules there are hydrogen bonding which is as well as vdw forces so greater bp
how is ethanol industrially made
using phosphoric acid steam and high pressure
how is ethanol dehydrated
using hot concentrated sulphuric acid or phosphoric acid
how is ethanol changed to ethanal
simple distillation
how is ethanal changed into ethanoic acid
using concentratted acid and potassium dichromate and a refluxingthe ehtanol boils evaporates and then condesnses so it can fully oxidise
What happens in Tolkien’s reagent
The ag + ions are reduced to silver atoms and then deposit on the surface have no effects on a ketone
Why is alcohol a good fuels
It doesn’t contain sulcus impurities and it also can be made using renewable materials
How does infrared spec work
All bonds have specific frequency which the vibrate theses can be detecting passing the radiation through the compound and the absorbable
What is the fingerprint religion
All compunds have a fingerprint region which allow to detect a compound as all bonds vibrate with specific vibration Oh bond is broad Oh bond is very broad Co is sharp Can be used to detect water and co2