Organic - Aromatic Chemistry Flashcards
What are arenes?
Arenes are hydrocarbons based on benzene (C6H6), which is the simplest one. Although benzene is an unsaturated molecule, it is very stable. It has a hexagonal ring structure with a special type of bonding.
Why are arenes called aromatic compounds?
Arenes were first isolated from sweet-smelling oils, such as balsam, and this gave them the name aromatic compounds.
Arenes are still called aromatic compounds, but this now refers to their structures rather than their aromas. Benzene and other arenes have characteristic properties.
What symbol is given to benzene?
A hexagon with a large circle in the middle. This is a skeletal formula, which does not show the carbon or hydrogen atoms. Benzene consists of a flat (planar, 120 degree angles), regular hexagon of carbon atoms, each of which is bonded to a single hydrogen atom.
An arene can have other functional groups (substituents) replacing one or more of the hydrogen atoms in its structure.
What is the C-C bond length in benzene?
The C-C bond lengths in benzene are intermediate between those expected for a carbon-carbon single bond (0.153nm) and a carbon-carbon double bond (0.134nm). So each bond is intermediate between a single and a double bond (0.140nm).
How can the benzene symbol be explained?
This can be explained by using the idea that some of the electrons are delocalised. Delocalisation means that electrons in the pi system do not belong to any particular carbon atom, they are spread over more than two atoms and a free to move throughout the whole pi system - in this case the six carbon atoms that form the ring.
How are the electrons in benzene arranged?
Each carbon has three covalent, sigma bonds - one to a hydrogen atom and the other two to carbon atoms. The fourth electron of each carbon atom can be found anywhere in a p-orbital (perpendicular to the plane of the ring), and there are six of these - one on each carbon atom.
The p-orbitals overlap with each neighbouring p-orbital to form a pi bond, and the electrons in them are delocalised. They form a region of electron density (negative charge, “electron cloud”) above and below the plane of the ring, hence the circle.
What is aromatic stability?
Overall, each carbon-carbon bond is intermediate between a single and a double bond. The delocalised system is very important in the chemistry of benzene and its derivatives. It makes benzene unusually stable (lower in energy) as the electrons are delocalised and more spread out, so they will repel each other less making the molecule more stable. This is sometimes called aromatic or delocalisation stability.
What is the thermochemical evidence for stability?
- The enthalpy change for the hydrogenation of cyclohexene is -120kJmol-1.
- So the hydrogenation of a ring with alternate double bonds would be expected to be three times this (-360kJmol-1).
- The enthalpy change for benzene is in fact -208kJmole-1.
- If these values are put on an enthalpy diagram, you can see that benzene is 152kJmol-1 more stable than the unsaturated ring structure.
What are the physical properties of arenes?
- Benzene is a colourless liquid at room temperature.
- It boils at 353K and freezes at 279K.
- Its boiling point is comparable with that of hexane (354K) but its melting point is much higher than hexane’s (178K).
- This is because benzene’s flat, hexagonal molecules pack together very well in the solid state.
- They are therefore harder to separate and this must happen for the solid to melt.
- Like other hydrocarbons that are non-polar, arenes do not mix with water but mix with other hydrocarbons and non-polar solvents.
How do you name aromatic compounds?
- substituted arenes are generally names as derivatives of benzene, so benzene forms the root of the name
- if there is more than one substituent, the ring is numbered
- when two or more different substituents are present, they are listed in alphabetical order
- the benzene ring can be regarded as a substituent on another molecule (phenyl group)
- when there is an alcohol group attached, it is known as a phenol
What factors are important in the reactivity of aromatic compounds?
- The ring is an area of high electron density, because of the delocalised bonding, and is therefore attached by electrophiles (either a positive ion or the positive end of a dipole).
- The aromatic ring is very stable. It needs energy to be put in to break the ring before the system can be destroyed. This is called the delocalisation energy. It means that the ring almost always remains intact in the reactions of arenas.
What are most of the reactions of aromatic systems?
electrophilic substitution reactions
What compound was benzene originally thought to have a structure similar to?
cyclohexatriene, with three double bonds and three single bonds
Who was Kekule?
Kekule made a significant breakthrough and was the first chemist to realise that benzene had a ring structure with six carbon atoms each joined to one hydrogen atom. However, he thought that the ing contains three C=C double bonds and three C-C single bonds. This molecule would be a “triene” (“cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene”) with three C=C double bonds rather than a delocalised ring system.
How does the C-C bond length support the delocalised structure?
- All the C-C bonds are the same length - and this length is in between the length of C-C single and C=C double bonds.
- If benzene was a triene, we would expect three longer C-C single bonds and three shortened C=C double bonds, making it asymmetrical.
How do addition reactions support the delocalised structure?
- Benzene does not readily undergo addition reactions (e.g. benzene does not decolourise bromine water).
- If benzene was a triene, we would expect it to readily undergo addition reactions such as this but it doesn’t.
What happens when arenes burn in air?
Arenes burn in air with flames that are noticeable smoky. This is because they have a high carbon : hydrogen ratio compared with alkanes. There is usually unburnt carbon remaining when they burn in air and this produces soot. A smoky flame suggests an aromatic compound.
What reaction does benzene undergo?
Although benzene is unsaturated, it does not react like an alkene.
The most typical reaction is an electrophilic substitution that leaves the aromatic system unchanged, rather than addition which would require the input of the delocalisation energy to destroy the aromatic system.
What happens during electrophilic substitution?
The delocalised system of the aromatic ring has a high electron density that attracts electrophiles. At the same time, the electrons are attracted towards the electrophile, El+.
A bond forms between one of the carbon atoms and the electrophile. But to do this the carbon must use electrons from the delocalised system. This destroys the aromatic system. To get back the stability of the aromatic system, the carbon loses an H+ ion, with the electron in the C-H bond returning to the delocalised system. The sum of these reactions is the substitution of H+ by El+.
The same overall process occurs in, for example, nitration and Friedel-Crafts acylation reactions.
What is nitration?
Nitration is the substitution of a NO2 group for one of the hydrogen atoms on an arene ring. The electrophile NO2 + is generated in the reaction mixture of concentrated nitric and concentrated sulphuric acids:
H2SO4 + HNO3 -> HSO4 - + NO2 + + H2O
What happens in a nitration reaction?
Sulphuric acid is a stronger acid than nitric acid and so donates a proton (H+) to nitric acid (which accepts the proton and therefore acts as a base).
H2NO3 + then loses a molecule of water to give NO2 + (nitronium ion or nitryl cation).
H2NO3 + -> H2O + NO2 +
What is the overall equation for the generation of the NO2 + electrophile?
H2SO4 + NHO3 -> HSO4 - + H2O + NO2 +
The overall product of the reaction of the nitronium ion (NO2 +) with benzene is nitrobenzene.
What happens after nitration?
The H+ then reacts with the HSO4 - to regenerate H2SO4, making sulphuric acid a catalyst.
benzene + HNO3 —(sulphuric acid)–> nitrobenzene + H2O
What do curly arrows indicate?
Curly arrows are used to indicate the movement of a pair of electrons. They run form areas of high electron density to more positively charged areas.
What are the uses of nitrated arenes?
- Nitration is an important step in the production of explosives like TNT.
- Nitration is the first step in making aromatic amines, and these in turn are used to make industrial dyes.
What is TNT?
TNT is short for trinitrotoluene. It is made by nitrating methylbenzene (toluene). TNT is an important high explosive with both military and peaceful applications. It is a solid of low melting point. This property is used both in filling shells and by bomb disposal teams who can steam TNT out of unexploded bombs.
The reaction is strongly exothermic. The rapid formation of a lot of gas as well as heat produces the destructive effect. Many other compounds with several nitrogen atoms in the molecule are explosive. Another example is 2,4,6-trinitrophenol, which can explode on impact and is therefore useful as a detonator to set off other explosives.
How will an atom or group of atoms already on a benzene ring affect further substitution reactions?
- It may release electrons onto the benzene ring an therefore make it more susceptible to further electrophilic substitution reactions. Or it will withdraw electrons from the ring, making it less susceptible to further electrophilic substitution.
- It will direct further substitution to particular positions on the ring. Electron-releasing groups direct further substitution to the 2, 4 and 6 positions. Electron-withdrawing groups direct further substitution to the 3 and 5 positions.
What are some electron-releasing groups?
- CH3
- OCH3
- OH
- NH2
What are some electron-withdrawing groups?
- NO2
- COCl
What are exceptions to the rule?
Halogens are exceptions to the rule - they withdraw electrons but direct substitution to the 2 and 4 positions.
Why do aromatic compounds not readily undergo addition reactions?
They do not readily undergo addition reactions as they would lose their delocalisation and so extra stability in the process.
What is the reagent in nitration?
- concentrated HNO3
- concentrated H2SO4
What conditions are needed for nitration?
This reaction shows a mono-substitution of a single NO2 + electrophile which takes place when the reaction temperature is 50 degrees Celsius. At temperatures greater than this, multiple substitutions can occur. It is vital that only one substitution occurs for the production of aromatic amines.
What are the products of nitration?
Aromatic nitro compounds which are used:
- to make aromatic amines (e.g. used further to make azo dyes)
- to make explosives (e.g. TNT which is 2,4,6-trinitromethylbenzene)
What is the nitronium ion?
In electrophilic substitution, the electrophile is the NO2 + ion (nitronium). This is a reactive intermediate, produced in the reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid with concentrated nitric acid.
What are Friedel-Crafts acylation reactions?
The delocalised electron ring in benzene can also act as a nucleophile, leading to the attack on acyl chlorides.
These reactions use aluminium chloride as a catalyst. The method of doing this was discovered by Charles Friedel and James Crafts.
The mechanism for acylation is a substitution, with RCO substituting for hydrogen on the aromatic ring.
Acyl chlorides provide the RCO groups.
RCOCl + AlCl3 -> AlCl4 - + RCO +
Why does the acylation reaction take place?
This reaction takes place because the aluminium atom in aluminium chloride has only six electrons in its outer main level and readily accepts a lone pair from the chlorine atom of RCOCl.
RCO + is a good electrophile that is attacked by the benzene ring to form substitution products.
Why is aluminium chloride a catalyst?
The aluminium chloride is a catalyst because it is reformed by reaction of the AlCl4 - ion with H+ from the benzene ring.
AlCl4 - + H + -> AlCl3 + HCl
What are the products of acylation reactions?
acyl-substituted arenes (aromatic ketones) - this reaction is extremely useful for adding carbon atoms to aromatic rings and any reaction that adds carbon atoms onto the aromatic ring is very valuable in organic synthesis
What is acylation useful for?
Acylation is a useful step in the synthesis of new substituted aromatic compounds.
These molecules are commonly used in the industrial production of dyes, pharmaceuticals and explosives.
What is the reagent in Friedel-Crafts acylation?
- acyl chloride and AlCl3 or
- acid anhydride and AlCl3
What conditions are needed for Friedel-Crafts acylation?
anhydrous (to prevent reaction of AlCl3)
What is the electrophile in acylation?
RCO + (acylium ion)
What must happen in order for Friedel-Crafts acylation to take place?
A reactive intermediate must be formed from the acyl chloride and an aluminium chloride catalyst. This reactive intermediate is then attacked by the benzene ring (the nucleophile).
What are the two acylation reactions?
- electrophilic substitution with benzene
- nucleophilic addition-elimination reaction (H2O, ROH, NH3, RNH2)