Organelles of the Eukaryotic Cell Flashcards
single lipid bilayer organelles
endosomes, lysosomes, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth & rough), & golgi complex
double lipid bilayer organelles
nucleus, mitochondria, & chloroplasts
take up soluble macromolecules from cell exterior, delivers to lysosomes for degredation
acidic organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes (acid hydrolases); found only in animal cells
degregation of aged organelles/cell components by lysosome
uptake of small proteins/soluble macromolecules by cell for degredation
uptake of large insoluble particles (i.e. bacteria) by cell for degredation
degrade fatty acids and other toxic compounds; contain oxidases & catalyse
enzyme that uses molecular oxygen to oxidize substances & from H2O2
degrades H2O2 into H2O & O2 to detoxify cell
endoplasmic reticulum
important in the synthesis of lipids, membrane proteins, & secreted proteins
smooth ER
site of fatty acid/phospholipid synthesis; abundant in hepatocytes(liver cells)
rough ER
site of membrane, organelle, & secreted protein synthesis; membrane proteins remain with ER membrane while secreted proteins enter lumen; has attached ribosomes (protein builders)
golgi complex
important in modification and redirection of proteins from ER; defined regions are cis, medial, & trans
process of golgi complex
vesicles from ER fuse to cis golgi, proteins move to medial then trans golgi while modified by specialized enzymes, vesicles bud from trans golgi & direct prteins to membrane, cell surface, or lysosomes
outer lipid bilayer is continous with ER, space b/t bilayers with nuclear pores; holds DNA (chromosomes); different regions serve diff functions
site of photosynthesis & ATP generation; series of membranes called thylakoids; has own DNA
has outer membrane, inner w/ invaginations (called crtisae) that pass into center (mitochondrial matrix), & inner membrane space b/t; has own DNA & ribosomes