Organelles Flashcards
Cell structure and Organisation
What are the main structural features of a mitochondria?
- It has a double membrane
- It has a matrix
- It has 70s ribosomes.
- It has cristae.
What is the function of the inner mitochondrial membrane (Mitochondria)?
To be folded into cristae which provide a large surface area for the attachment of enzymes.
What is the function of the matrix (Mitochondria)?
Contains chemical compounds (proteins and lipids)
What are the main structural features of a chloroplast?
- Double membrane
- Fluid filled stroma
- 70s ribosomes and circular DNA
- Thylakoids
- Chlorophyll
What is the function of the stroma (Chloroplast)?
Contains some products of photosynthesis
What is the function of 70s ribosomes and circular DNA (Chloroplast)?
So they can synthesise some proteins and self-replicate.
What is a stack of thylakoids called (Chloroplast)?
A granum
What are the main structural features of nucleus?
- Double membrane (nuclear envelope) with pores
- Chromatin
- Nucleolus
What is the function of the nuclear envelope (Nucleus)?
It has nuclear pores that allow larger molecules to move in and out of the nucleus
What is the function of the chromatin (Nucleus)?
Coils of DNA bound to protein.
What is the function of the nucleolus (Nucleus)?
It’s where RNA is made and helps to make ribosomes.
What is the endosymbiotic theory?
The theory that all organisms arose from a single ancestor.
Describe Cell surface membrane/ Plasma membrane.
Made of molecules of phospholipids in two layers of molecules.
Describe Mitochondrion.
The site of aerobic respiration, consumes O2 and produces ATP.
Describe Golgi body/ apparatus.
Site of synthesis of secretions produced by the cell.
Describe Lyosome.
Contains lytic (breakdown) enzymes within a vacuole.
Describe Ribosome.
Site of protein synthesis within a cell which is directed by mRNA code.
Describe Nucleus.
Large membrane bound structure which contains DNA on chromosomes, coiled around special proteins.
Describe chloroplast.
Site of photosynthesis, found in plant cells and algae.
Describe Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Membrane structure, continuous with nucleus which allows movement of materials within the cell; studded with ribosomes.