Organ Systems Exam 4 Flashcards

  1. What characteristics change as the vascular system divides into smaller branches down to capillaries. What characterizes medium & large veins compared to the medium & large arteries?
  1. What characteristics change as the vascular system divides into smaller branches down to capillaries. What characterizes medium & large veins compared to the medium & large arteries?

As the vascular system divides into smaller branches down to the capillaries, the total cross sectional area increases! This means that the velocity (which is highest in the aorta) decreases to its slowest velocity in the capillaries.

Also, Velocity = Q/A (Blood flow / cross sectional area)

Large arteries differ in the amount of elastin & smooth muscle. The large (elastic) arteries (such as the aorta, subclavian, common carotid, etc.) have the following:

>Tunica intima

>Internal elastic membrane

>Tunica media

>Tunica adventitia

Medium (muscular) arteries (brachial, ulnar, radial, coronary):

>TUnica intima

>internal elastic membrane

>Tunica media - MORE Smooth muscle, less elastic

> Tunica adventitia - thick layer of collagen, with less elastin

Medium veins - up to 10mm diameter

>Tunica media: smooth muscle

>Tunica adventitia (externa): thick CT (collagen and elastin)

Large veins (such as inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, etc.) - over 10 mm in diameter

>T. media: few smooth muscle layers

>Tunica adventitia: CT (collagen & elastin), longitudinal smooth muscle

as You can see in the graph below, veins are more compliant than arteries since they have less elastic and fibrous CT

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  1. Describe the main features of the three layers of the vascular wall.
  1. Describe the main features of the three layers of the vascular wall.

>Tunica Intima (internal layer): Endothelium, subendothelial layer of loose CT, Internal elastic membrane

>Tunica media (middle layer): Smooth muscle (plus elastic & reticular fibers, proteoglycans between SM cells), external elastic lamina

>Tunica externa (adventitia) (outer layer): Loos CT w/ collagen and elastin. Containes vasa vasorum and nervi vascularis (autonomics in larger arteries & veins.

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  1. What is so important about arterioles? What are their characteristic features?
  1. What is so important about arterioles? What are their characteristic features?

As small arteries divide into arterioles, they simplify their structure.

>Maintain smooth muscle, endothelium and basement membrane

>Lose internal and external elastic membranes

>Arterioles are PRIMARY REGULATORS! of blood pressure and flow

The arterioles have smooth muscle rings over elastic tissues.

Most blood pressure is created by back pressure of arterioles! Constriction of the smooth muscle is the primary determinant of what goes beyond that and to the capillaries.

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  1. What proportion of the blood is in the arterial (not heart, lungs) and venous systems?
  1. What proportion of the blood is in the arterial (not heart, lungs) and venous systems?

Blood is distributed unevenly in the circulatory system

  • Veins 64%
  • Arterial side 20%
  • Arteries 13%
  • Arterioles and capillaries 7%
  • Heart/pulmonary 16%
  • 2/3 of blood is in the venous system
  • Where the blood is depends on
  • Blood Flow
  • Vascular Resistance
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  1. What is the impact of increases in flow and resistance on blood pressure? Can you predict what happens to the blood pressure if you increase the flow and also reduce the resistance?
  1. What is the impact of increases in flow and resistance on blood pressure? Can you predict what happens to the blood pressure if you increase the flow and also reduce the resistance?

Blood Flow (which is the rate of fluid movement & is also the Cardiac Output) = Change in pressure / resistance

Q = P1-P2/R


P1-P2 (Change in Pressure) = Q x R

So… Increased flow and resistance will INCREASE the blood pressure.

If you increase the flow and reduce the resistance (since smaller arteries have higher resistance), this could either increase or decrease flow based on their relative differences since Change in Pressure = Q x R

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  1. What does Poiseuille have to say about the impact of changing the radius of a blood vessel on resistance and blood flow?
  1. What does Poiseuille have to say about the impact of changing the radius of a blood vessel on resistance and blood flow?

Poiseuille’s equation show that R ~ 1/r^4 (1/radius^4), which means that a super small decrease in arteriolar radius (vasoconstriction) causes significant increases in resistance, which reduces the flow or increases pressure difference.

EX: A tube with twice the radius yields 16 times the flow!

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  1. What impact would changing the number of dilated arterioles opening into capillary beds such as the GI system have on the velocity of blood flow in the capillaries? If you exercise right after you eat, what will happen to the blood velocity in the GI tract?
  1. What impact would changing the number of dilated arterioles opening into capillary beds such as the GI system have on the velocity of blood flow in the capillaries? If you exercise right after you eat, what will happen to the blood velocity in the GI tract?

Velocity is similar to blood flow, but very different.

Flow: Amt. of blood passing in a period of time (volume/sec)

Velocity is a function of flow and cross sectional area.

V = Q/A (flow/cross sectional area)

Sooo….Vasodilation of the arterioles opening into capillary beds such as the GI system will DECREASE velocity (and vice versa)

Sympathetic activity (such as exercise) directs blood to skeletal muscle and heart (B2 vasodilation) and away from internal organs (a1 vasoconstriction)

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  1. What contributes to the viscosity of blood? How would viscosity increase or decrease? How would a greater blood viscosity affect the velocity gradient in an artery? Why?
  1. What contributes to the viscosity of blood? How would viscosity increase or decrease? How would a greater blood viscosity affect the velocity gradient in an artery? Why?

Viscocity is the internal friction generated by the interaction between molecules and particles, and an increase in viscosity reduces flow → Q ~ 1/n (1/viscosity)

Velocity gradient is created by blood viscosity and friction from walls.

> A higher viscosity increases the velocity gradient (since along the central axis, velocity is maximal)

>A greater velocity gradient increases shear stress which alter vascular properties

>Excess rbc synthesis in response to hypxia (polycythemia) increase viscosity, impairing blood flow.





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  1. What are the conditions that could increase blood turbulence? Where are some sites that turbulence is more likely to occur?
  1. What are the conditions that could increase blood turbulence? Where are some sites that turbulence is more likely to occur?

Blood turbulence would be INCREASED with: high velocity, large vessel diameter, high fluid density, and low viscosity. Turbulence typically occurs in narrow, atherosclerotic vessels (high velocity), aortic arch (large diameter), bifucations (eg aorta).

Blood turbulence: cross currents flow in all directions, incresing resistance, dissipating energy, and reducing streamline flow. Excess transmural (lateral) pressure increases risk of rupture.

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  1. What is shear stress? How is it affected by changes in vessel radius and blood flow? How can it affect phenotypic expression of endothelial cells?
  1. What is shear stress? How is it affected by changes in vessel radius and blood flow? How can it affect phenotypic expression of endothelial cells?

Shear stress: Excess velocity of laminar flow produces shear stress (viscous drag) on endothelial cells

>Temporary shear stress can be compensated by vasodilation (autoregulation).

Shear stress: INCREASES with viscosity, flow and velocity

DECREASES with radius increase

Prolonged shear stress can damage blood vessels, and excess shear stress due to occlusion alters gene expression via cycoskeletal signaling.

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  1. How do the individual resistances of the organ systems add up to the total peripheral resistance?
  1. How do the individual resistances of the organ systems add up to the total peripheral resistance?

TPR = ChangeinP/Q = P aorta/CO

P(aorta) is esstimated by the MAP, which is defined below:


++Note: Flow is the cardiac output. The pressure gradient is:

ChangeinPressure = (Paorta - Pvena cava) >>>Pvena cava is small and thus eliminated!

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  1. If you change the resistance of an organ system vasculature, how does it impact: Local blood pressure? Total systemic blood pressure? Local blood flow? Blood flow in other organ systems?
  1. If you change the resistance of an organ system vasculature, how does it impact: Local blood pressure? Total systemic blood pressure? Local blood flow? Blood flow in other organ systems?

Changes in resistance impact local and global aspects of circulation differently!

>>>In a single organ, if the resistance increases, the local blood flow decreases, and the local pressure drop increases. INcrease in local pressure diverts blood to other organs. As blood flow increases in other organs, total flow still equals cardiac output. Enhanced pressure spreads out to the rest of the circulation, increasing the MAP.

Thus, an increase in one organ will: 1. Produce and increased in overal ChaingeinPressure, (MAP)

Decrease flow in the organ, but increase it in all other organs without changing the overall blood flow

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  1. How does the sympathetic nervous system regulate vascular resistance? What is the difference between stimulating α1 and β2 receptors on blood flow and resistance? How do these receptors affect shunting of blood between organ systems?
  1. How does the sympathetic nervous system regulate vascular resistance? What is the difference between stimulating α1 and β2 receptors on blood flow and resistance? How do these receptors affect shunting of blood between organ systems?

The sympathetic nervous system regulates vascular resistance through using NE and EPI, which cause constriction. Parasympathetic vasodilation is localized to a few structures, such as the cerebral and genital vessels.

>>Alpha and beta receptors both bind NE and EPI, but produce opposite responses.

A1 receptors - sympathetic stimulation with NE (neural) or EPI (hormonal) triggers vasoconstriction via IP3

B2 receptors - Epinephrine (hormonal) triggers vasodilation via cAMP.

Shunting of blood: Sympathetic activity (during exersie) directs blood to skeletal muscle and heart (B2 vasodilation) and away from the internal organs (a1 vasoconstriction).

>>However, most vasodilation in continuing muscle activity is due to build up of metabolites.

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  1. What are the major differences between regulation of local versus systemic circulation?
  1. What are the major differences between regulation of local versus systemic circulation?

Local regulation ensures adequate blood supply to individual organs, while central mechanisms maintain adequate MAP (blood pressure) for sufficient perfusion pressure to all organs). Blood flow through individual organs depends on resistance of organ’s vessels, while blood flow through the entire system depends on the TPR.

Also, local control (autoregulation) 1. maintains constant blood flow to an organ in response to changes in blood pressure, and 2. readjusts blood flow to an organ according to local changes in its metabolic activity. Local control also optimizes blood flow and O2 delivery in specific organs or muscles by using metabolites, myogenic and endothelial mechanisms.

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  1. What is autoregulation? What types are there in the vascular system? How does active hyperemia work? What are some metabolic vasodilators? Which organ systems are more dependent on metabolic vasodilators?
  1. What is autoregulation? What types are there in the vascular system? How does active hyperemia work? What are some metabolic vasodilators? Which organ systems are more dependent on metabolic vasodilators?

Local control, known as “autoregulation,” maintains the specific basal blood nutrient requirement that must be maintained homeostatically regardless of changes in the boy’s blood pressure (MAP) or the organ’s level of metabolic activity.

>>With autoregulation, flow is kept at a constant level by balance of dilation and constriction of vessels.

>>If pressure drops, blood vessels dilate to maintain flow

>>If pressure increases, blood vessels constrict to reduce blood flow

The mechanisms for autoregulation include the following:

Metabolic hyperemia



  1. Active hyperemia - increase in organ blood flow with increased physical or metabolic activity - increases vasodilation of arteries. Metabolic vasodilators are specific to organs and include:

Adenosine (Ado) - inhibits contraction via cAMP in coronary and possibly skeletal muscle arterioles

K+ and PO4 - dilate skeletal muscle vasculature

CO2, H+ dilate cerebral vasculature

  1. Myogenic autoregulation - vascular smooth muscle contracts in response to increased transmural pressure, and relaxes upon decreased pressure. Pressure activates cell pathways that increase both Ca ++ influx and Ca++ binding to myosin light chains. Myogenic responses minimize arterial pressure build up in legs and feet during standing.

Endothelial autoregulation - positive feedback of myogenic vasoconstriction balanced by local vasodilators: NO, prostacyclin, endothelin

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  1. What is myogenic autoregulation? Why can’t it provide homeostatic control of blood flow by itself?
  1. What is myogenic autoregulation? Why can’t it provide homeostatic control of blood flow by itself?

Myogenic autoregulation - vascular smooth muscle contracts in response to increased transmural pressure, and relaxes upon decreased pressure. Pressure activates cell pathways that increase both Ca ++ influx and Ca++ binding to myosin light chains. Myogenic responses minimize arterial pressure build up in legs and feet during standing.

>>Myogenic autoregulation can’t provide homeostatic control of blood flow by itself since metabolic autoregulation & endothelial autoregulation are needed to control blood flow in other regions.

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  1. What is NO and how is it generated? How does it regulate blood flow through a region? Describe two other vasodilators and how they work.
  1. What is NO and how is it generated? How does it regulate blood flow through a region? Describe two other vasodilators and how they work.

NO - nitric oxide, and it is synthesized from arginine via nitric oxide synthase, NOS. NO is generated in response to shear stress, and the following chemicals: Ach, ATP, hypoxia, histamine, bradykinin. NO diffuses from endothelial to smooth muscle cells to generate cGMP. cGMP inhibits Ca ++ actions on myosin light chain kinase, leading to its relaxation. Also, NO regulates proliferation of SM cells.

2 other vasodilators: 1. Prostaglandins (prostacyclin), PG

Similar stimuli generate PG, which uses cAMP to inhibit Ca ++ mediated smooth muscle contraction.

Adenosine (Ado) - A metabolic vasodilator that inhibits contraction via cAMP in coronary and possibly skeletal muscle arterioles

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  1. Describe endothelin in terms its stimulation and action. How do endothelin and NO change in hypertension?
  1. Describe endothelin in terms its stimulation and action. How do endothelin and NO change in hypertension?

Endothelin ET-1

>Vasoconstricts (IP3 & Ca++) and induces proliferation of smooth muscle cells

>Induced by vasoconstrictive and inflammatory substances

>Normal counterbalance to NO, but excess levels in disease

In hypertension, ET-1 is up regulated, while NO is down regulated. Endothelial cells hypertrophy and smooth muscles proliferate.

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  1. Why is the preferred location to measure blood pressure on the brachial artery?
  1. Why is the preferred location to measure blood pressure on the brachial artery?

The brachial artery is around the same height as the heart/aorta, making it the preferred location to measure BP when standing, sitting, or lying down. Since the body is a column of fluid and pressure within the fluid varies by height, we want to be consistent when measuring BP. If you measure BP on the leg while the patient is standing, the measurement will be higher than that of the aorta because a greater volume of fluid is pressing down on the lower extremities. However, if you measure on the leg while the patient is lying down flat it should match aortic pressure.

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  1. What is the difference among perfusion, transmural and gravity blood pressures?
  1. What is the difference among perfusion, transmural and gravity blood pressures?

Perfusion: pressure along vessel length

Transmural: pressure across vessel wall (what you measure)

ΔP across vessel wall

generates stress (σ) within wall (based on LaPlace’s equations T=PR and σ=T/h)
σ= PR / h

Tension (T) = Pressure (P) * Lumen Radius (R)

Stress (σ) = Tension (T) / Wall Thickness (h)

Vessels that produce little stress can tolerate high pressures

small diameter vessels (capillaries)

thick walled vessels (aorta)

aneurism? (can be caused by high BP)

Gravity: the body is a column of fluid, with higher pressures at the feet and lower pressures at the head.

Transmural pressure - literally trans mural or “across the wall”; the pressure difference between the inside and outside of a hollow structure in the body

Perfusion pressure - pressure force driving blood through the circulation of an organ; usually synonymous with the blood pressure in the artery supplying an organ or tissue

Transmural pressure varies according to velocity of flow; perfusion pressure does not

Velocity related to radius

Bernoulli’s principle

increased velocity decreases transmural pressure in constricted vessels

decreased velocity increases transmural pressure in expanded vessels such as aneurisms

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  1. In a typical manometer reading of blood pressure, what vascular events signal the level of systolic and diastolic pressures? What are Korotkow sounds and what causes them?
  1. In a typical manometer reading of blood pressure, what vascular events signal the level of systolic and diastolic pressures? What are Korotkow sounds and what causes them?

Korotkoff sounds - sounds made by the first spurts of blood escaping from a compressed artery (i.e. brachial artery) as the compression is slowly released; they are detected by stethoscope in the measurement of arterial pressure by sphygmomanometer and used as the indicator of peak systolic pressure.

Above systolic pressure, applied pressure occludes the brachial artery during both systole and diastole.

At systolic pressure, blood pressure just exceeds applied pressure and artery opens briefly (Korotkoff sounds are audible).

At diastolic pressure, the blood pressure exceeds applied pressure and artery remains open (sounds cease).

Blood pressure is the force that blood exerts against the vessel wall. During a normal cardiac cycle, blood pressure reaches a high point and a low point. The high point is referred to as systole and occurs when the ventricles of the heart contract, forcing blood into the aorta. The low point is referred to as diastole and occurs when the ventricles relax and minimal pressure is exerted against the vessel wall.

A normal blood pressure for a healthy adult ranges from 90 to 120 mm Hg systolic and from 60 to 80 mm Hg diastolic.

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  1. What is the difference between perfusion and transmural pressures? In a typical blood vessel, are they the same? Why?
  1. What is the difference between perfusion and transmural pressures? In a typical blood vessel, are they the same? Why?

(See #1)

Transmural pressure is the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of a structure. For example, the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the left ventricle, or the pressure difference between the inside and outside of a blood vessel.

Perfusion pressure on the other hand is the difference in pressure between two different sites in a system of tubes where fluid is flowing or has the potential to flow from one point to another. Perfusion pressure is also called the pressure head or the driving pressure. Perfusion pressure is equal to one transmural pressure minus a second transmural pressure; for example, one located at one point in a hydraulic system minus the transmural pressure at another point in a hydraulic system. Mean arterial (aortic) pressure minus mean venous pressure yields the perfusion pressure. It is largely responsible for the blood flowing through the systemic circulation from the aorta to the vena cavae.

Transmural Pressure

PT.M. = Pi - Po

where Po = pressure outside, Pi = pressure inside

Perfusion Pressure (pressure head, driving pressure)

Pp = PT.M.1 - PT.M.2 (The difference between two transmural pressures)

or E = IR (Ohm’s Law)

e.g. Pp = Pa - Pv

Where: Pa = mean arterial pressure, Pv = mean venous pressure

Perfusion pressure = Flow x Resistance (like, voltage (E) = current (I) x resistance (R))

(A) If any given flow of blood is forced through progressively smaller cross-sectional areas, the velocity of blood flow must increase. The Bernoulli principle states that increased flow of velocity reduces the lateral pressure of the flow stream exerted against the wall of the vessel.

The total energy of blood flow in a blood vessel is the sum of its potential energy (represented as pressure against the vascular wall) and its kinetic energy resulting from its velocity (KE = 1/2 mv^2). The total of potential and kinetic energy at any point in a system is constant. Consequently, any increase in one form of energy has to come at the expense of the other. In the figure above for example, as flow velocity increases lateral pressure must decrease to keep the total energy of the system constant.

Transmural pressure varies according to velocity of flow; perfusion pressure does not

Velocity related to radius

Bernoulli’s principle

increased velocity decreases transmural pressure in constricted vessels

decreased velocity increases transmural pressure in expanded vessels such as aneurisms

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  1. Why do arterioles have the biggest ΔP in the vascular system? What is its significance in regulation of blood flow in individual organ systems?
  1. Why do arterioles have the biggest ΔP in the vascular system? What is its significance in regulation of blood flow in individual organ systems?

Arterioles have the largest pressure gradient due to their high resistance. Pressure is high at arterial end of arterioles, and lower at capillary end. BP (& pulsation) diminishes with distance from the heart. Pressure in venules and veins is low with increased compliance.

In individual organ systems, oxygenated blood in the arteries goes down the pressure gradient to the capillaries where the organs are located.

Differences in resistances affect blood flow in the vascular system.

Blood flow through individual organs depends on the resistance of the organ’s vessels.

Blood flow through the entire system depends on total peripheral resistance

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  1. What is the mean arterial pressure, MAP? How does it differ from pulse pressure, PP?
  1. What is the mean arterial pressure, MAP? How does it differ from pulse pressure, PP?


pressure force during systole & diastole; provides three measures of BP:

Mean arterial pressure (MAP)

Pulse Pressue (PP) & compliance

Pulse waves

MAP - average pressure in cardiac cycle

MAP = Pd + (Ps - Pd)/3

Pulse Pressure and compliance

C = ChangeinV/ChangeinP = amt. filled/applied pressure


PP = difference between systolic and diastolic pressures = Ps - Pd

PP = SV/C = stroke volume/compliance

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  1. How does increasing the stroke volume affect the MAP and the PP?
  1. How does increasing the stroke volume affect the MAP and the PP?

MAP = Pd + (Ps - Pd)/3 = Pd + PP/3

PP = Ps - Pd = SV/C

Slope of volume-pressure curve changes with varying compliance (steeper slope = more elastic). Increasing SV in a tissue with a given compliance would cause a corresponding increase in systolic pressure, thus raising the pulse pressure.

Also note:

Decreased SV decreases PP amplitude

Aortic stenosis: low SV

Hypothyroidism: decreased heart contractility

P = Q x R


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  1. What is meant by vascular compliance and elasticity? How do these variables affect pulse pressure? How would atherosclerosis impact the pulse pressure?
  1. What is meant by vascular compliance and elasticity? How do these variables affect pulse pressure? How would atherosclerosis impact the pulse pressure?

compliance - (1) change in volume in a segment of blood vessel or vessels per unit of change in transmural pressure, or V/P; (2) capability of a region of the gut to adapt to an increased intraluminal volume.

elasticity - ability of a material when stretched to return to its unstretched position (e.g. a balloon). This property differs from plasticity (the capability of being stretched, but not returning to its unstretched position, e.g., putty).

Decreased compliance of arteries also increases PP

Increases arterial systolic pressure: elasticity normally absorbs and diminishes some of the pressure. Low compliance results in higher


Arterial rigidity/stiffening associated with atherosclerosis reduces compliance.

progresses with age and extrinsic influences

Several causes, but note

loss of elastin

increase cross-linking of collagen

In younger people, diastolic pressure is a better index of vascular resistance. In people over 60, PP is a better index of vascular compliance (level of atherosclerosis).

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  1. What are the wave components of the pulse wave and how do they reflect the compliance of blood vessels? How would decreased vascular compliance affect the perfusion of coronary arteries?
  1. What are the wave components of the pulse wave and how do they reflect the compliance of blood vessels? How would decreased vascular compliance affect the perfusion of coronary arteries?

Waveform of pulse pressure is also an index of vascular compliance (sum of the forward wave and reflected wave, separated by dicrotic notch).

Forward (incident) traveling wave generated by left ventricular contraction.

Reflected (rebound) wave returning from high resistance points , e.g. aortic and other vascular bifurcations (why pulse amplitudes increase in peripheral arteries)

Decreased compliance → less coronary artery perfusion in diastole (reflected wave is added to forward wave in systole)

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  1. How do pulse waves change with distance from the aorta? How do they change with age?
  1. How do pulse waves change with distance from the aorta? How do they change with age?

(See #10 - “Age and PP amplification”)

Decreased compliance with age changes the pulse waveform.

Decreased arterial compliance (increasing stiffness) increases velocity (see below) of both forward (incident) and reflected pulse waves

Reflected wave is added to the forward wave into systole

Increase systolic pressure amplitude (increase risk of stroke)

Less coronary artery perfusion in diastole.

>Also, a wave of distention travels to peripheral vessels, accelerating as it goes!

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  1. How do changes in levels of sympathetic activity and NO affect the pulse waveform?
  1. How do changes in levels of sympathetic activity and NO affect the pulse waveform?

Reduced compliance is due to:


>Reduction in dilatory response

Reduced sympathetic activity & nitric oxid cause vasodilation, which reduces amplitude and velocity of the reflected wave.

Increased sympathetic activity, decreased NO responsiveness to pulse pressure, and atherosclerosis cause vasoconstriction: Increase in amplitude and increase in velocity of the reflected wave

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  1. What are the ways that venous blood is returned to the heart particularly with regard to the effects of gravity?
  1. What are the ways that venous blood is returned to the heart particularly with regard to the effects of gravity?

Venous blood is propelled to the heart

Venoconstriction increases venous return to the heart for enhanced SV and CO

Contracting skeletal muscles (walking, running, etc.) overcome the effects of gravity by pushing blood up a staircase of valves increasing venous return and minimizing venous pressure in the lower extremity

Respiratory inhalation reduces intrathoracic pressure thus drawing blood up from the abdomen.

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  1. What do the cardiac function and the vascular function curves tell you? What is the significance of their intersection point?
  1. What do the cardiac function and the vascular function curves tell you? What is the significance of their intersection point?

Cardiac function curve = Frank-Starling:

CO is function of venous pressure (preload)

Vascular function curve = venous pressure is a function of CO.

Venous pressure drops with increasing CO; heart draws on incoming venous blood

CO is independent variable; axes reversed to compare with cardiac function.

Equilibrium point:

There can be only one value of CO and venous pressure.

System centers onto a single equilibrium point where the opposing actions of CO and venous pressure are equal and opposite, i.e. at their intersection point.

Homeostasis - cardiac and vascular mechanisms regulate venous pressure and CO to maintain homeostasis of CO and venous pressure, within normal oscillations of activity.

  1. How does increased cardiac contractility or venoconstriction affect the relationship of venous pressure to cardiac output?


  1. How does increased cardiac contractility or venoconstriction affect the relationship of venous pressure to cardiac output?

Contractility and vascular function:

Equilibrium points can move with changes in heart or vascular activity

Changing the curves resets the equilibrium point to a new level

Increasing heart contractility moves the cardiac curve upward.

Cardiac contractility alone would be expected to increase CO from point A to C.

But, venous pressure drops with increase in CO.

Vascular response to increase in CO will change equilibrium point to B.

At point B, CO is enhanced and venous pressure is reduced.

CO is balanced between the effects of cardiac and vascular changes.

Changes in vascular function reset equilibrium point for CO

Altering venous input into heart shifts equilibrium point for CO & PRA.

Venoconstriction or a drop in systemic vascular resistance increases venous flow (preload) into heart.

At the new intersection points (V1 & V2), CO & PRA are both set higher.

Venous pressure is higher for a given level of CO

Venoconstriction maintains CO when standing

Decreased vascular resistance permits more venous blood to enter heart.

  1. How does increased cardiac contractility or venoconstriction affect the relationship of venous pressure to cardiac output?
  1. How does increased cardiac contractility or venoconstriction affect the relationship of venous pressure to cardiac output?

Contractility and vascular function:

Equilibrium points can move with changes in heart or vascular activity

Changing the curves resets the equilibrium point to a new level

Increasing heart contractility moves the cardiac curve upward.

Cardiac contractility alone would be expected to increase CO from point A to C.

But, venous pressure drops with increase in CO.

Vascular response to increase in CO will change equilibrium point to B.

At point B, CO is enhanced and venous pressure is reduced.

CO is balanced between the effects of cardiac and vascular changes.

Changes in vascular function reset equilibrium point for CO

Altering venous input into heart shifts equilibrium point for CO & PRA.

Venoconstriction or a drop in systemic vascular resistance increases venous flow (preload) into heart.

At the new intersection points (V1 & V2), CO & PRA are both set higher.

Venous pressure is higher for a given level of CO

Venoconstriction maintains CO when standing

Decreased vascular resistance permits more venous blood to enter heart.

  1. How do changes in both contractility and venoconstriction affect the relationship of venous pressure to cardiac output?
  1. How do changes in both contractility and venoconstriction affect the relationship of venous pressure to cardiac output?

Combined effects of cardiac contractility and vascular changes during exercise:

Cardiac stimulation and increased venous input together produce significant increases of CO for relatively less preload.

At points B,C & D, note how CO is higher than normal, but at a relatively lower venous pressure.

Combining lower arterial blood pressure (or venoconstriction) with greater cardiac contractility, the heart becomes more efficient, i.e. it pumps more blood per amount of preload.

  1. Which structures determine how much of a capillary bed will be perfused?
  1. Which structures determine how much of a capillary bed will be perfused?

Capillary circulation:

Arterioles regulate both blood flow into capillaries and which capillaries are perfused.


precapillary sphincters control flow into capillaries

all capillaries perfused in heart

20-30% are perfused in intestine & skeletal muscle at rest, but increases w/ activity.

Capillaries are site of most gas and nutrient exchange:

Capillary densities: lungs (3500 cm^2/g); muscle (100 cm^2/g)

Pericytes can constrict capillaries

Venules drain capillaries into the venous system

Regulate back pressure into the capillaries

  1. Distinguish the three types of capillaries on the basis of: junctions between endothelial cells, transcytosis, types of molecules transported.
  1. Distinguish the three types of capillaries on the basis of: junctions between endothelial cells, transcytosis, types of molecules transported.

See this website:

Capillary type: Continuous (muscle, lungs, CNS, etc.)

Junctions between endothelial cells: Tight (occluding) junctions form the major passageway for water and small molecules in muscle, skin, lung, CT; no fenestrations, small intercellular clefts

Transcytosis: Small pinocytotic vesicles

Types of molecules transported: larger molecules

Capillary type: Fenestrated (endocrine glands, kidney, GI)

Fenestrations: gaps in the endothelial membranes filled in with a single membrane that permits passage of larger molecules

Junctions between endothelial cells: tight (occluding) junctions with fenestrations, small intercellular clefts

Transcytosis: Pinocytotic vesicles and channels w/ thin diaphragms through capillary wall (putatively are pinocytotic vessels as well)

Types of molecules transported: larger molecules

Capillary type: Sinusoid/Discontinuous (spleen, liver, bone marrow)

Junctions between endothelial cells: fewer tight junctions, no fenestrations but they have large intercellular clefts which permit some fluid exchange between the plasma and the tissue fluid by transfer between adjoining endothelial cells.

Transcytosis: None (diffusion through occluding junctions in intercellular clefts (pores)

Types of molecules transported: hydrophilic molecules

  1. What role does the RVLM have in regulating sympathetic activity and baseline blood pressure? How do changes in sympathetic activity generate vasoconstriction and vasodilation?
  1. What role does the RVLM have in regulating sympathetic activity and baseline blood pressure? How do changes in sympathetic activity generate vasoconstriction and vasodilation?


BRAIN STEM 1.Solitary Nucleus (NTS)

  • Receives baroreceptor afferents • Projects excitatory activity to:
  • Caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM) • Nucleus ambiguus (nAmb)

  1. Caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM) • Projects to RVLM
  2. Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla (RVLM) • Pacemaker for basal sympathetic activity • Projects to sympathetic preganglionic neurons in spinal cord.

ANS 4. Nucleus Ambiguus

• Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons that project to heart via vagus nerve (CN X)

  1. Sympathetic pathway • Preganglionic and postganglionic neurons to heart and blood vessels


How does the CNS reset the baroreflex to maintain different levels of blood pressure?

  • PVN of hypothalamus temporarily enhances sympathetic vasoconstriction or causes baroreceptors to become less sensitive to changes in blood pressure; chronic hypertension will do the same
  • Changing the sensitivity of baroreceptors to higher levels of blood pressure causes a rightward shift in the equilibrium point for baroreception , i.e. blood pressure is maintained homeostatically at a new higher level. (Very typical mechanism in systems regulation)
  • Resetting set point in chronic hypertension only aggravates an already inappropriate high blood pressure
  1. Compare smooth muscle cells to skeletal muscle fibers in terms of: cell size, number of nuclei, caveolae vs T-tubules, cytoskeleton (esp dense bodies)
  1. Compare smooth muscle cells to skeletal muscle fibers in terms of: cell size, number of nuclei, caveolae vs T-tubules, cytoskeleton (esp dense bodies)

Skeletal muscle fibers


tructure of muscle fibers[edit]

3D rendering of a skeletal muscle fiber.
Main article: Myocyte

Individual muscle fibers are formed during development from the fusion of several undifferentiated immature cells known as myoblasts into long, cylindrical, multi-nucleated cells. Differentiation into this state is primarily completed before birth with the cells continuing to grow in size there after. Skeletal muscle exhibits a distinctive banding pattern when viewed under the microscope due to the arrangement of cytoskeletal elements in the cytoplasm of the muscle fibers. The principal cytoplasmic proteins are myosin and actin (also known as “thick” and “thin” filaments, respectively) which are arranged in a repeating unit called a sarcomere. The interaction of myosin and actin is responsible for muscle contraction.

T tubules are the pathways for action potentials to signal the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium, causing a muscle contraction. Together, two terminal cisternae and a transverse tubule form a triad.[1]

Smooth muscle (SM) structure
• Bundled fusiform cells, 40-600 μm long, each with one nucleus
• Embryonic smooth cells do not fuse unlike skeletal muscle
• Capable of dividing (mitosis) to replace damaged or aging cells
• Synthesize basilar layer and extracellular matrix, including collagen
and elastin (endomysium)
• Caveolae: cell indentations similar to T-tubules


• •

Non-striated: Z-lines not aligned Dense bodies, equivalent to Z- lines, anchor actin and intermediate fibers to sarcolemma.

• Intermediate filaments link the dense bodies into a cytoskeletal network.

Thin filaments attach to dense bodies • Consist of actin and tropomyosin,

but no troponin (see below)

Thick filaments: myosin II, isomer for slower contraction

  1. Describe the extracellular matrix-basement membrane complex and their function in adhering smooth muscle tissue.
  1. Describe the extracellular matrix-basement membrane complex and their function in adhering smooth muscle tissue.

Intercellular SMC connections are made using dense bodies and reticular CT:

Intercellular dense bodies (attachment plaques) act as cell adhesion molecules, providing continuity of force transmission between cells, and linking actin cytoskeleton to membrane adhesion sites.

Reticular CT stroma/matrix permeates SM; collagen, elastic fibers and endomysium (produced by SMCs) bind to dense bodies, providing structural integrity to tissue

Thus, SM has properties of muscle, CT & epithelium.

  1. How do smooth muscle sarcomeres differ from those in skeletal muscle? How does sarcomere contraction impact the cells and the tissue?
  1. How do smooth muscle sarcomeres differ from those in skeletal muscle? How does sarcomere contraction impact the cells and the tissue?

SM “sarcomeres” are not aligned in Z-discs like skeletal muscle. In fact, SM does not have any traditional “sarcomeres”, as the term is related to striation and SM is not striated. SMCs are arranged in a checker-board pattern rather than end-to-end as in skeletal muscle. Dense bodies, connected to actin and myosin filaments, are arranged in a fish-net pattern around each SMC. When contracted, the actin and myosin overlap and pull on the dense bodies. Intermediate filaments transmit the force of contraction to the cell surface. As the dense bodies are pulled inward, regions of the cell membrane balloon out between them.

  1. Describe how Ca stimulates muscle contraction and how it differs from skeletal muscle. Describe the role of phosphate on the myosin light chain and its role in the latch phenomenon.
  1. Describe how Ca stimulates muscle contraction and how it differs from skeletal muscle. Describe the role of phosphate on the myosin light chain and its role in the latch phenomenon.

SMC sliding filament contraction:

***SM contraction does NOT use troponin!
***Light chain phosphate gives permission, ATP is motivation to contract.

In relaxed state (top picture), light chain is NOT phosphorylated and myosin head is NOT bound to actin chain (myosin head is bound to ADP and phosphate group).

Regulation by Ca++: MLCK (myosin light chain kinase) is responsible for phosphorylation of the myosin light chain. MLCK is activated when complexed with Ca++ and calmodulin. Thus, increasing Ca++ concentration activates MLCK, and decreasing Ca++ turns MLCK off.

Cross-bridge cycling:
***Myosin light chain must be phosphorylated for this to occur! Do not confuse w/ the other phosphate group!

Latch state: With MLCK activated, the light chain phosphate is bound to the myosin head, giving the Myosin-ADP-P head permission to bind to the actin filament.

Power stroke: As binding occurs, ADP & P are released and the cross-bridges bend.

Detachment: ATP comes in and binds the myosin head, hydrolyzing the cross-bridge; myosin head detaches from actin filament, resetting head.

As ATP is hydrolyzed by ATP-ase, it is converted back to ADP + P. If light chain phosphate is still attached, another cycle of contraction may proceed.

Deactivation: Myosin phosphatase removes light chain phosphates (reverse reaction of MLCK).

Latch state (similar to rigor) permits continuous contraction w/ minimal ATP use (goes around the circle very slowly). After continuous contraction actin-myosin cycling slows down as more light chain phosphates are removed by myosin phosphatase.


5.What are the two sources of Ca++ for contraction and how does this differe fom skeletal muscle?

  1. What are the two sources of Ca++ for contraction and how does this differe fom skeletal muscle?
  2. What are the two sources of Ca++ for contraction and how does this differ from skeletal muscle?

Smooth muscle can be activated in 2 ways:

SR release of Ca++

Entry of extracellular Ca++ (through L-type Ca channels)

In contrast, skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction relies solely on Ca++ release from the SR activated by an AP; L-type Ca channels that permit entry of extracellular Ca++ are used only to trigger further release from the SR (trigger calcium is for skeletal/cardiac only).

  1. Describe the mechanisms that release Ca from the SR including ligands, second messengers, sympathetic nervous system.
  1. Describe the mechanisms that release Ca from the SR including ligands, second messengers, sympathetic nervous system.


3 types of Ca channels in SMC’s:

Ligand-gated channels - opened by hormones/transmitters

ligands (NE, EPI, ACh, endothelin, etc) activate G-proteins → IP3 formation

Postganglionic autonomic neurons release transmitters as paracrines from varicosities

gap jxn’s help NE get to lower layers of cells

Voltage-gated channels - AP induces opening of channel; AP’s enter via gap jxn’s

Physically gated channels - stretching SM stimulates its own contraction by opening these channels


Agonist → receptor → G-protein → Phospholipase C → PIP2 to IP3 + DAG → IP3 releases Ca++ from SR

No AP is needed to release Ca++ from SR, only activation of the receptors.

Some SR release of Ca++ is triggered by entry of extracellular Ca++ as in cardiac muscle.

Note: the amount of Ca++ entry from extracellular space is sufficient to activate MLCK (unlike skeletal or cardiac).

Extracellular Ca++ source is necessary because SR cannot provide enough Ca++ during continuous contraction.

Regulation of SM contraction:
Ligand-gated channels:

IP3 stimulates Ca++ release from SR

Ligands (NE, EPI, ACh, endothelin, etc) activate G proteins → formation of IP3

IP3 releases Ca++ from SR (no AP needed); some SR release of Ca++ is triggered by entry of extracellular Ca++ as in cardiac muscle

NE stimulates

  1. Describe that mechanisms permitting entry of extracellular Ca including ligand gated channels, gap junctions, voltage gated channels. How are voltage gated channels activated?
  1. Describe that mechanisms permitting entry of extracellular Ca including ligand gated channels, gap junctions, voltage gated channels. How are voltage gated channels activated?

B. Extracellular Ca++ directly enters cell via three types of channels

Ca++ entry generates action potentials in contrast to the IP3 pathway

  1. Ligand-gated – opened by hormones or transmitters like norepinephrine
  2. Voltage-gated – opened by incoming ionic currents 3. Physically gated – opened by stretching muscle

• Note: the amount of Ca++ entry from the extracellular space is sufficient to activate MLCK, unlike skeletal or cardiac muscle where only SR Ca++ levels are sufficient and the extracellular Ca++ was used only to open SR channels

Extracellular source of Ca++ is necessary because SR cannot provide enough Ca++ during continuous contraction


  1. Ligand gated Ca++ channels are opened by hormones or neurotransmitters, eg. NE.

• Postganglionic autonomic neurons release transmitters as paracrines from varicosities


Ligand-gated Ca++ channels generate action potentials that can produce either phasic and tonic contractions

Sympathetic neurons release NE, plus ATP, NPY (neuropeptide Y)

Phasic contraction:

  • ATP ionotropically opens a Ca++ channel to produce brief APs
  • APs produce brief SM and often rhythmic contractions, eg. GI & UG systems.

Tonic contraction:

  • NE and NPY metabotropically trigger prolonged opening of the Ca++ channel and an extended AP
  • Prolonged Ca++ influx generates continuous contraction , eg. in GI sphincters, blood vessels & bronchial airways.
  1. Describe the role of physically gated channels in the myogenic response of SM.
  1. Describe the role of physically gated channels in the myogenic response of SM.

Myogenic Response

  1. Myogenic response of SM is the shortening/contraction of muscle fibers following an abrupt stretch of the arterial wall caused by an increase in blood pressure.
  • Physically gated Ca++ channels creates an AP & muscle contraction
  • Physically gated Na/Cl channels activate cell signaling that generates IP3 and Ca++ release from the SR
  • Note dual sources of Ca++
  1. How do beta receptors and NO relax smooth muscle? Explain the issue of how NE can both contract and relax smooth muscle.
  1. How do beta receptors and NO relax smooth muscle? Explain the issue of how NE can both contract and relax smooth muscle.

Smooth muscle relaxation occurs via several mechanisms, some involving second messengers:

  1. How do smooth muscle velocity-tension and length-tension dynamic differ from skeletal muscle?
  1. How do smooth muscle velocity-tension and length-tension dynamic differ from skeletal muscle?

Velocity - tension relationship

  • Smooth muscle contraction slower than either skeletal or cardiac muscle
  • SM myosin isomer has lower ATP-ase activity and hence contracts slower, much like type I, slow skeletal muscle
  • Oxidative phosphorylation is more important than anaerobic glycolysis.


Mechanical plasticity and length-tension relationship

  • Smooth muscle maintains tension at a wide range of lengths because of wide length tension curve
  • Wide range due transient remodeling of actin filaments.
  • Short term stretch induces polymerization of actin fibers and elongation of sarcomeres
  1. Describe the major issues of SM phenotypic plasticity in normal and abnormal functions.
  1. Describe the major issues of SM phenotypic plasticity in normal and abnormal functions.

Phenotypic plasticity

  • In hypertension, high tension of vascular wall triggers smooth muscle hypertrophy which reduces diameter of blood vessels.
  • Vascular injury following hypertrophy represses genes that normally maintain smooth muscle properties. Note the histone methylation and heterochromatin formation in the dedifferentiated state.
  • Smooth muscle forms CT matrix and loses contractility. Golgi apparatus and rough ER replace myofilaments, i.e. SM becomes CT
  1. The RVLM is continuously regulated by what two systems? What do these two systems do in regard to blood pressure control?
  1. The RVLM is continuously regulated by what two systems? What do these two systems do in regard to blood pressure control?

PVN nucleus of the hypothalamus regulates RVLM and the sensitivity of the baroreflex

  • Specific pathways from PVN to RVLM and spinal cord preganglionics
  • Subgroup of PVN neurons regulate control of heart, vascular system and kidney to establish baseline BP and HR activity for behavioral context

Internal control of PVN

  • In the PVN, GABA and NO inhibit pathways to RVLM, i.e. maintain moderate levels of sympathetic activity
  • In hypertension, decrease in inhibition by GABA and NO permits higher levels of sympathetic activity and BP
  1. What are the primary CNS regions that regulate the brain stem control of blood pressure baseline levels and reflexes?
  1. What are the primary CNS regions that regulate the brain stem control of blood pressure baseline levels and reflexes?


• Limbic (PFC, ACC, amygdala, etc) and various motor cortical regions generate

anticipatory, emotional or cognitive responses to environmental stresses or

threats which regulate the hypothalamic control of sympathetic activity and

baroreflex sensitivity

How does the CNS reset the baroreflex to maintain different levels of blood


• PVN of hypothalamus temporarily enhances sympathetic vasoconstriction or causes

baroreceptors to become less sensitive to changes in blood pressure; chronic

hypertension will do the same

• Changing the sensitivity of baroreceptors to higher levels of blood pressure causes a

rightward shift in the equilibrium point for baroreception , i.e. blood pressure is

maintained homeostatically at a new higher level. (Very typical mechanism in systems


• Resetting set point in chronic hypertension only aggravates an already inappropriate

high blood pressure

  1. Where is blood first made in the embryo?
  1. Where is blood first made in the embryo?

During gestation, the site of blood formation (hematopoiesis) changes from the yolk sac, to the liver and spleen and ends up in the bone marrow!

  1. What stages does angiogenesis go through to become a vascular system? What is the primary signaling factor involved?
  1. What stages does angiogenesis go through to become a vascular system? What is the primary signaling factor involved?

Vascular system begins in the yolk sac and the mesoderm in the 3rd week. Angiogenic clusters form vessels in:

>Yolk sac

>Cardiogenic area


Vasculogenesis (development of blood and vessels)

Hemangioblasts differentiate from mesenchyme and yolk sac cells via locally secreted FGF. They cluster into blood islands.

VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is secreted is secreted from the mesenchyme, generating capillaries which then consolidate into arteries and veins.

  1. Describe how folding of the embryo relates to the formation of the cardiac tube. When does the heart beat start? What is the Bulboventricular loop?
  1. Describe how folding of the embryo relates to the formation of the cardiac tube. When does the heart beat start? What is the Bulboventricular loop?

Head folding bends endocardial tubes, and the ventral (front) fusion produces the heart tube, and the dorsal (back) fusion) produces the aorta. The bulboventricular loop formation is formed by the twisting of the heart tube. Essentially, the bulboventricular root results since the bulbus cordis and ventricles grow faster than the other regions, forming the U shaped bulboventricular loop (the heart tube bent in on itself). The heart beat starts when the heart tubes fuse, @ 21-23 days. Flow begins the fourth week.

  1. What are the three venous systems involving the embryo? What do the vitelline veins become?
  1. What are the three venous systems involving the embryo? What do the vitelline veins become?

The following three venous systems are involved in the embryo:

Cardinal veins - drain the body

vitelline veins - drain yolk sac and become portal veins

Umbilical veins bring blood from the placenta

  1. What is the endocardial cushion and its role in development of the heart?
  1. What is the endocardial cushion and its role in development of the heart?

The endocardial cushions play a role in the partitioning of the heart chambers! The endocardial cushions originally project from the anterior and posterior walls, and then fuse. This fusion separates the atria from ventricles leaving the AV canals on either side, where the tricuspid and mitral valves develop. The cushions also form interatrial and interventricular septa.

  1. How does the atrial septum form and how does blood pass through it prenatally? What is meant by the term ‘foramen ovale’? What are the different atrial septal defects?
  1. How does the atrial septum form and how does blood pass through it prenatally? What is meant by the term ‘foramen ovale’? What are the different atrial septal defects?

The atrial septum first forms with the primary septum, which separates the atria, and then perforates to form secondary foramen. The secondary septum forms and covers the secondary foramen, and the foramen ovale (which is the opening in the second septum) is formed by a loose edge of the primary septum. Prenatally (before birth), blood flows from the R to the L atrium through the foramen ovale, and at birth the lungs function and there is pulmonary circulation. After birth, pulmonary pressure in the L atrium presses the primary septum against the secondary septum, closing it and forming the fossa ovalis.

Atrial septal defects:

>Probe patent forman ovale: Occurs in 25% of people, and is when there is imperfect adhesion between the primary & secondary septa (little if any symptoms…)

>Secundum type SD: Excessive resorption of primary septum or inadequate development of secondary septum leads to patent foramen ovale. This unfortunately permits blood flow from the L to the R, increasing the work of the heart. Alternatively, it permits blood flow from the R to the L, producing cyanosis (appearance of blue/purple skin due to low blood oxygen content)

  1. What does development of the aorticopulmonary septum produce? What is peculiar about its development?
  1. What does development of the aorticopulmonary septum produce? What is peculiar about its development?

The development of the aorticopulmonary septum equally divides the single bulbis cordis & truncus arteriosus (BC/TA) vessels into the aorta and pulmonary trunks. It’s peculiar that the septum is an extension of the endocardial cushion. The edges of the septum are also called bulbar ridges! Also, the semilunar valves form at the junction of TA and BC

  1. What are the two parts of the ventricular septum and how do their development relate to ventricular septal defects?
  1. What are the two parts of the ventricular septum and how do their development relate to ventricular septal defects?

The ventricular septum is made of two portions:

Muscular portion develops from the ventricular wall and separates the AV valves

Membranous portion is derived from the endocardial cushions and bulbar ridge

Ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are the most common heart defect! 25% of them occur in the membranous portion due to the complexity of fusing the bulbar ridge, endocardial cushion and muscular septum. This defect allows oxygenated blood from the L ventricle to flow across to the R ventricle. This can lead to pulmonary hypertension and eventually lead to blood flow from the R to the L and subsequent cyanosis (blue colored skin from de-oxygenated blood).

  1. What are the primary congenital errors in aorticopulmonary septum development and their impact on ventricular septal development and function?
  1. What are the primary congenital errors in aorticopulmonary septum development and their impact on ventricular septal development and function?

The primary congenital errors in aorticopulmonary septum are the following:

Persistent truncus arteriosus - no septum

Transposition of aorta and pulmonary trunk - no spiral

Unequal division of BC/TA - override

Pulmonary or aortic stenosis (aortic valve doesn’t open fully)

Unequal division of the BC/TA can lead to Tetralogy of Fallot (w/ 4 defects!). The pulmonary trunk is too narrow and the pulmonary valve stenosed, resulting in a hypertrophied R ventricle. The aorta opens from both ventricles. This leads to Ventricular septal defects, pulmonary stenosis, R ventricular hypertrophy, and overriding aorta. This accounts for 7-10 percent of all congenital cardiac malformations!

Ventricular septal defects - the superior part of the inter-ventricular septum fails to form; thus, blood mixes between the two ventricles, but because the L ventricle is stronger, more blood is shunted from L to R.

  1. What is the Tetralogy of Fallot and its relationship to aorticopulmonary septal development?
  1. What is the Tetralogy of Fallot and its relationship to aorticopulmonary septal development?

Unequal division of the BC/TA can lead to Tetralogy of Fallot (w/ 4 defects!). The pulmonary trunk is too narrow and the pulmonary valve stenosed (doesn’t open fully), resulting in a hypertrophied R ventricle. The aorta opens from both ventricles. This leads to Ventricular septal defects, pulmonary stenosis (blood flow from heart to lungs is delayed), R ventricular hypertrophy, and overriding aorta. This accounts for 7-10 percent of all congenital cardiac malformations!

  1. Describe the formation of the placenta and the fetal-maternal placental barrier. What is the cytotrophoblast? Syncytiotrophoblast?
  1. Describe the formation of the placenta and the fetal-maternal placental barrier. What is the cytotrophoblast? Syncytiotrophoblast?

Trophoblast differentiates into Syncytiotrophoblast.

The synytiotrophoblast is the epithelial covering of the highly vascular embryonic placental villi, which invades the wall of the uterus to establish nutrient circulation between the embryo and the mother.

The fetal-maternal placental barriers is formed by layers of:

>cytotrophoblast (inner layer of trophoblast)

>syncytiotrophoblast (gelatinous mass that expands into the endometrium)

>mesoderm around the fetal vessels

Normal placental transfer includes metabolic substances

>Potentially damaging substance that cross the barrier include: viruses (not bacteria), alcohol, dilantin, valproic acid, retinoic acid, androgens, antibiotics, etc

  1. What are the three embryonic vascular shunts and what are their roles prenatally? What happens to them postnatally? Why does the lower part of the embryonic body develop more slowly than the upper body?
  1. What are the three embryonic vascular shunts and what are their roles prenatally? What happens to them postnatally? Why does the lower part of the embryonic body develop more slowly than the upper body?

The three embryonic vascular shunts are the following:

Ductus venosus - diverts blood around the liver

foramen ovale - shunts blood from R to L atrium

Ductus arteriosus - shunts blood from pulmonary trunk to aorta, bypassing lungs


Ligamentum venosum in liver

Fossa ovalis in atrial septum

Ligamentum arteriosum between aorta and pulmonary trunk

The lower part of the embryonic body develops more slowly than the upper body because the ductus arteriosus shunts deoxygenated blood into the aorta, reducing oxygenated blood supply to the lower limb.

  1. Describe capillary Starling forces in terms of hydrostatic and oncotic pressures. What is meant by net filtration pressure? Net absorption pressure?
  1. Describe capillary Starling forces in terms of hydrostatic and oncotic pressures. What is meant by net filtration pressure? Net absorption pressure?


Osmotic pressure = pressure exerted by ions across cell membranes

Oncotic pressure = osmotic pressure exerted by proteins across epithelium

How capillary fluid leaves the arterial end and returns to the venous ends of capillaries:

Net Filtration Pressure (NFP): capillary hydrostatic pressure exceeds oncotic pressure

Net Absorption Pressure (NAP): capillary oncotic pressure exceeds hydrostatic pressure

Hydrostatic pressure diminishes along the length of the capillary dropping below the level of oncotic pressure.

  1. What does interstitial fluid contain and how does it hold normal and excess amounts of water?
  1. What does interstitial fluid contain and how does it hold normal and excess amounts of water?

Interstitial fluid is fluid extravasated from capillaries that fills the interstitium. It contains collagen fiber bundles, proteoglycans (98% hyaluronic acid) which form a gel through which water diffuses, and rivulets of free fluid (usually make up <1% of fluid, but in edema can expand to hold 50% of fluid).

  1. Describe how hypoxia engenders angiogenesis. Compare how VEGF operates in wound healing and in embryonic angiogenesis
  1. Describe how hypoxia engenders angiogenesis. Compare how VEGF operates in wound healing and in embryonic angiogenesis.

The number of capillaries matches the oxygen requirement of the tissues. Wounding, local irritants, infections, etc. produce temporary increases in capillary growth to provide metabolic requirements for repair process. Capillary growth is regulated by hypoxia (low O2) and signals secreted from local tissue cells. Hypoxia triggers intracellular activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 2 (HIF-1), a regulatory transcription factor. HIF-1 stimulates transcription of VEGF, which diffuses to nearby endothelial cells and activates angiogenesis in four steps: (1) proteases digest local basement membrane, (2) endothelial cells migrate through hole in basal lamina toward source of signal, (3) endothelial cells proliferate, and (4) cells form tubes and differentiate.

  1. What role does the RVLM have in regulating sympathetic activity and baseline blood pressure? How do changes in sympathetic activity generate vasoconstriction and vasodilation?
  1. What role does the RVLM have in regulating sympathetic activity and baseline blood pressure? How do changes in sympathetic activity generate vasoconstriction and vasodilation?

The RVLM is the primary regulator of the sympathetic nervous system, sending excitatory fibers (glutamatergic) to the sympathetic preganglionic neurons located in the intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord. Hence, when the baroreceptors are activated (by an increased blood pressure), the NTS activates the CVLM, which in turn inhibits the RVLM, thus decreasing the activity of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, leading to a relative decrease in blood pressure. Likewise, low blood pressure activates baroreceptors less and causes an increase in sympathetic tone via “disinhibition” (less inhibition, hence activation) of the RVLM. Cardiovascular targets of the sympathetic nervous system includes both blood vessels and the heart.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system have opposing effects on blood pressure. Sympathetic activation leads to an elevation of total peripheral resistance and cardiac output via increased contractility of the heart, heart rate, and arterial vasoconstriction, which tends to increase blood pressure. Conversely, parasympathetic activation leads to decreased cardiac output via decrease in heart rate, resulting in a tendency to lower blood pressure.

  1. What do lymphatic capillaries absorb and transport to lymph nodes? What conditions are necessary to adequately absorb lymph and transport it back to the venous system?
  1. What do lymphatic capillaries absorb and transport to lymph nodes? What conditions are necessary to adequately absorb lymph and transport it back to the venous system?

Lymphatics recover 10% of the fluid extravasated by capillaries (rest is recovered by capillaries). The excess interstitial fluid, small molecules and proteins are collectively called lymph. Lymphatic capillaries, adjacent to vascular capillaries, recover the lymph through gaps between lymphatic endothelial cells. Higher outside pressure and lower inside pressure in the lymphatic capillaries is needed for interstitial fluid to be absorbed. Flap valves prevent back-flow, while anchoring filaments prevent vessel collapse under high interstitial pressure. Sympathetic activity is also required for smooth muscle propulsion of lymph, which occurs in response to transmural pressure of incoming lymph. Lymph ultimately drains into the venous system, propelled by movements of muscle, respiration, and adjacent arteries.

  1. Describe the input and output of lymph and blood in the lymph gland. What cells dominate the nodules and germinal centers?
  1. Describe the input and output of lymph and blood in the lymph gland. What cells dominate the nodules and germinal centers?

Lymph nodes are bean-shaped glands surrounded by a dense CT capsule. The hilum is where the artery, vein, and efferent lymphatic vessel converge. Afferent lymphatic vessels enter the capsule of the lymph node from all directions, and enter the sinuses of the cortex which contains geminal centers and lymphatic nodules. It will continue to travel towards medullary sinus and the medulla of the deep cortex, and through the hilum.

Lymphocytes develop in bone marrow and in lymphatic tissues. They enter mainly from the “high endothelial veins” (HEV) and accumulate within primary nodules, them become activated and form secondary nodule. Lymphocytes respond to antigens presented by other cells and generate an immunological response. Lymphocytes either exit via veins or enter sinuses to remain in lymphatic system.

  1. Describe the lymph drainage system of the whole body and its asymmetry. Where are the concentrations of lymph nodes?
  1. Describe the lymph drainage system of the whole body and its asymmetry. Where are the concentrations of lymph nodes?

Lymph flows from the afferent lymphatic vessels to the sinuses of the lymph nodes, which drain into the efferent lymph vessel. While in the gland, the lymph fluid percolates through the parenchyma.

  1. The RVLM is continuously regulated by what two systems? What do these two systems do in regard to blood pressure control?
  1. The RVLM is continuously regulated by what two systems? What do these two systems do in regard to blood pressure control?

RVLM is regulated by the negative feedback system and feedforward control. Neg. feedback system only works when the blood pressure has already changed and the response occurs after the facts. There isa time delay. In feedforward control, a signal associated with the disturbance is sent to the controller (RVLM) to anticipate a change in state (BP) and create a pre-emptive compensatory response to the BP. This reduces oscillations of the vascular system and stabilizes its functions.

The RVLM is also regulated by the PVN nucleus of the hypothalamus. In the PVN, GABA and NO inhibit pathways to RVLM (ie maintain moderate levels of sympathetic activity). The limbic region also regulate hypothalamic control of sympathetic activity.

  1. How does changing the blood flow in one organ system impact the total peripheral resistance and blood pressure? How does the baroflex deal with this?
  1. How does changing the blood flow in one organ system impact the total peripheral resistance and blood pressure? How does the baroflex deal with this?

Keep in mind the following: Sympathetic activation leads to an elevation of total peripheral resistance and cardiac output via increased contractility of the heart, heart rate, and arterial vasoconstriction, which tends to increase blood pressure. Conversely, parasympathetic activation leads to decreased cardiac output via decrease in heart rate, resulting in a tendency to lower blood pressure.

Baroreceptors are present in the auricles of the heart and vena cavae, but the most sensitive baroreceptors are in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch. The carotid sinus baroreceptor axons travel within the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX); the aortic arch baroreceptor axons travel within the vagus nerve (CN X). Baroreceptor activity travels along these nerves directly into the central nervous system to contact neurons within the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in the brainstem. Baroreceptor information flows from these NTS neurons to both parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons within the brainstem.

With increased TPR & blood pressure - this activates the baroreceptors == The NTS neurons send excitatory fibers (glutamatergic) to the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM), activating the CVLM. The activated CVLM then sends inhibitory fibers (GABAergic) to the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), thus inhibiting the RVLM. The RVLM is the primary regulator of the sympathetic nervous system, sending excitatory fibers (glutamatergic) to the sympathetic preganglionic neurons located in the intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord. Hence, when the baroreceptors are activated (by an increased blood pressure), the NTS activates the CVLM, which in turn inhibits the RVLM, thus decreasing the activity of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, leading to a relative decrease in blood pressure. Likewise, low blood pressure activates baroreceptors less and causes an increase in sympathetic tone via “disinhibition” (less inhibition, hence activation) of the RVLM. Cardiovascular targets of the sympathetic nervous system includes both blood vessels and the heart.

  1. What are the basic features of the baroflex pathways? What and where are the baroreceptors? What roles do the solitary nucleus, CVLM and nucleus ambiguus have in the reflex?
  1. What are the basic features of the baroflex pathways? What and where are the baroreceptors? What roles do the solitary nucleus, CVLM and nucleus ambiguus have in the reflex?

Baroreceptors are present in the auricles of the heart and vena cavae, but the most sensitive baroreceptors are in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch. The carotid sinus baroreceptor axons travel within the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX); the aortic arch baroreceptor axons travel within the vagus nerve (CN X). Baroreceptor activity travels along these nerves directly into the central nervous system to contact neurons within the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in the brainstem. Baroreceptor information flows from these NTS neurons to both parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons within the brainstem.

With increased TPR & blood pressure - this activates the baroreceptors == The NTS neurons send excitatory fibers (glutamatergic) to the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM), activating the CVLM. The activated CVLM then sends inhibitory fibers (GABAergic) to the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), thus inhibiting the RVLM. The RVLM is the primary regulator of the sympathetic nervous system, sending excitatory fibers (glutamatergic) to the sympathetic preganglionic neurons located in the intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord. Hence, when the baroreceptors are activated (by an increased blood pressure), the NTS activates the CVLM, which in turn inhibits the RVLM, thus decreasing the activity of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, leading to a relative decrease in blood pressure. Likewise, low blood pressure activates baroreceptors less and causes an increase in sympathetic tone via “disinhibition” (less inhibition, hence activation) of the RVLM. Cardiovascular targets of the sympathetic nervous system includes both blood vessels and the heart.

  1. How is the parasympathetic system involved in baroflexes? Compare its function with the sympathetic system.
  1. How is the parasympathetic system involved in baroflexes? Compare its function with the sympathetic system.

>>>The Nucleus ambiguus in the autonomic nervous system are parasympathetic preganglionic neurons that project to the heart via vagus nerve CNX.

The end-result of baroreceptor activation is inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system have opposing effects on blood pressure. Sympathetic activation leads to an elevation of total peripheral resistance and cardiac output via increased contractility of the heart, heart rate, and arterial vasoconstriction, which tends to increase blood pressure. Conversely, parasympathetic activation leads to decreased cardiac output via decrease in heart rate, resulting in a tendency to lower blood pressure.

By coupling sympathetic inhibition and parasympathetic activation, the baroreflex maximizes blood pressure reduction. Sympathetic inhibition leads to a drop in peripheral resistance, while parasympathetic activation leads to a depressed heart rate (reflex bradycardia) and contractility. The combined effects will dramatically decrease blood pressure.

In a similar manner, sympathetic activation with parasympathetic inhibition allows the baroreflex to elevate blood pressure.

  1. Compare negative feedback and feedforward control of the baroflex. Why is producing an anticipatory baroreflex response beneficial to blood pressure control?
  1. Compare negative feedback and feedforward control of the baroflex. Why is producing an anticipatory baroreflex response beneficial to blood pressure control?

RVLM is regulated by the negative feedback system and feedforward control. Neg. feedback system only works when the blood pressure has already changed and the response occurs after the facts. There is a time delay. In feedforward control, a signal associated with the disturbance is sent to the controller (RVLM) to anticipate a change in state (BP) and create a pre-emptive compensatory response to the BP. This reduces oscillations of the vascular system and stabilizes its functions, and there is no delay!

  1. What sort of stimuli can lead to alterations in baroflex activity and sensitivity? What does it mean to shift the baroflex curve to the right?
  1. What sort of stimuli can lead to alterations in baroflex activity and sensitivity? What does it mean to shift the baroflex curve to the right?

Changing the sensitivity of baroreceptors to higher levels of blood pressure (so that they respond less readily to higher blood pressure) causes a rightward shift in the equilibrium point for baroreception. Blood pressure is maintained homeostatically at a higher level! Hypertension can cause baroreceptor sensitivity to shift in parallel, and hypertension can be caused by a decrease in inhibition by GABA and NO!

  1. How are baroflex changes manifest in exercise, ageing, hypertension, orthostatic hypotension?
  1. How are baroflex changes manifest in exercise, ageing, hypertension, orthostatic hypotension?

Exercise causes an increase in blood pressure by decreasing baroreflex sensitivity (baroreceptors will respond LESS to increased Blood pressure / MAP, stimulating sympathetic activity =)! This higher blood pressure improves performance while we are working out!

Ageing is unfortunately associated with diminished baroreflex sensitivity, which is due to carotid artery stiffness (which reduces the magnitude of the response). This may be due to age related reductions in cardiac parasympathetic tone.

Hypertension can cause baroreceptor sensitivity to shift in parallel (to a higher level of blood pressure), and hypertension can be caused by a decrease in inhibition by GABA and NO!

Also, orthostatic hypotension occurs acutely and transiently in fainting, carotid sinus hypersensitivity, and syncope associated with micturition and defecation.

  1. What is heart rate variability? What is sinus arrhythmia? How does HRV change from resting conditions to higher sympathetic activity?
  1. What is heart rate variability? What is sinus arrhythmia? How does HRV change from resting conditions to higher sympathetic activity?

Effect on heart rate variability[edit]

The baroreflex may be responsible for a part of the low-frequency component of heart rate variability, the so-called Mayer waves, at 0.1 Hz [Sleight, 1995].

Heart rate variability (HRV) is the physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats. It is measured by the variation in the beat-to-beat interval.

Decreased PSNS activity or increased SNS activity will result in reduced HRV. High frequency (HF) activity (0.15 to 0.40 Hz), especially, has been linked to PSNS activity. Activity in this range is associated with the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), a vagally mediated modulation of heart rate such that it increases during inspiration and decreases during expiration.

One of the most common arrhythmias is a sinus arrhythmia. It involves cyclic changes in the heart rate during breathing. It is very common in children and often found in young adults. Patients with sinus arrhythmia do not experience any cardiovascular symptoms.

The sinus node rate can change with inspiration/expiration, especially in younger people. The heart rate speeds up with inspiration (since it inhibits your vagal nerve) and decreases with expiration (stimulates your vagal nerve).