refers to transference of compound(s) from a solid or liquid into a different solvent or phase.
by shaking the solution or suspension of the organic compound with a solvent in which the compound is soluble and which is immiscible with the liquid containing the compound.
water → shake → inorganic impurities
Common Method of Extraction
> The law concerns the quantitative partitioning of a substance between two immiscible solvents at a given temperature.
> A substance will distribute or divide itself between the two solvents so that the ratio of the concentration in one solvent to the concentration in the second solvent is constant
Principles of Extraction
In this technique, the coarse or powdered plant materials are soaked in solvent (water, oil, or alcohol) for longer time
> Hexenedioic Acid
An acidulant in baking powders, it avoids the undesirable hygroscopicpropertiesof tartaric acid.
An acidulant and flavoring agent. it is characterized as stable, nonhygroscopic, and slightly soluble, with a water
1% Aq. Sol’n of Adipic Acid
•“Benzene carboxylic acid” or “Phenyl formic acid”
•Topical antifungal medication and insect repellant, preservative to prevent growth of microbes to keep food safe.
•Not safely given to babies because it may cause jaundice; no specific antidote, only treat the symptoms.
Benzoic Acid
> “Gentian Violet” “Basic Violet” or “Hexamethylpararosaniline chloride”
Blue,aniline-derived dye with antifungal and antimitotic properties.
Dark green powder or greenish, glistening pieces with metallic luster
0.1 % Aq. Sol’n of Crystal Violet
> “Lilo” “Phthalin”
White or yellowish-white minute, triclinic crystals, often twinned
Use as cathartic or laxative ; Acid - Base indicator and Reagents.
> “1-Pentanol” “Amyl alcohol”
Colorless liquid, slightly soluble in water and easily soluble in organic solvents; strong smell and sharp burning taste.
Pure is non-toxic; impure is toxic
Use as Food additives and flavoring agents; anti-freezing agent.
N- Amyl Alcohol
> NaOh
“Caustic Soda”, Sodium Hydrate”, Soda Lye”, White Caustic”
Strong base
Sodium Hydroxide
> NaCl
“Table salt” “Solar salt” “Halite” “Sea salt:
Use as a diluent and delivery system for intermittent intravenous administration of compatible drug additives
Food spice and flavorant
Sodium Chloride
> C4H10O
Used as anesthetic
clear colorless liquid with an sweetish odor
less dense than water and slightly soluble in water
Used as a solvent to make other chemicals.