Organic compound may contain this elements:
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur (CHONPS)
• Generally can be detected by heating
• The evolution of combustible gasses or charring of both indicate the presence of ____
The formation of H2O is detected by the appearance of droplets on the cooler part of the ignition tube or by its effect on anhydrous copper sulfate, the latter changing to the blue CuSO4• 5H2O.
4 Unique Properties of Carbon
(1)Tetravalent, (2) Catenation : self linking from long chain,(3) Non-ionic compound formation, (4) Covalent bond formation
4 Properties of Hydrogen
(1) Standard Temperature, (2) Standard Pressure,
(3) Non-toxic,Non-metallic, Odorless, Tasteless, Colorless (4) Highly Combustible Diatomic Gas (H2)
• The most common test in Oxygen involves the use of____
• paper that has been soaked in a solution of complex ferric hexathio cyanato ferriate.
Ferrox Paper
is used in elemental analysis for the qualitative determination of the presence of foreign elements, namely halogens, nitrogen, and sulphur, in an organic compound.
It was developed by J.L.Lassaigne.
Lassaigne (Sodium Fusion) Test
Properties Of Oxygen
Standard Pressure, Colorless, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas (O2), Member of the chalcogen group, Highly reactive nonmetallic element; Slightly soluble in water; Poor Conductor of heat and electricity
• Colorless, odorless, tasteless, and mostly inert diatomic gas at standard conditions
• usedto make fertilisers, nitric acid, nylon, dyes and explosives.
Properties of Nitrogen
• Ca(OH)2
• “Slaked lime” “Hydrated lime”
• Colorless rhombic, trigonal crystals or white powder; odorless; Slightly butter alkaline taste
• slightly soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, soluble in glyvol
Calcium Hydroxide, Saturated
Ba(OH)2 or BaH2O2
• White powder or colorless monoclinic crystals; Odorless; Insoluble in acetone.
• Use as Plastic additive and fuel additive.
Barium Hydroxide
• “Blue stone”
• rhombic crystals; pleasant
odor; Very soluble in hot water but soluble in cold water.
• Elemental use in copper deficiency; mgt of cramps, disturbances of renal function, peripheral, rheumatic dse.
Anhydrous Copper Sulfate
• an inorganic compound; used as a precursor in manycopper-containing products such as wood preservatives and ceramics
•may be found in over-the-counter vitamin-mineral supplements.
• poses potential health and environmental concern due to toxic and mutagenic particles
generating reactive oxygen species.
Copper Oxide
• “Natrium”
• Silvery soft metal that becomes grayish upon exposure to air. Very reactive metal; cubic structure,light, soft, ductile, malleable
• Excellent electrical conductivity
Sodium Metal
• “Sugar of lead” “Plumbous acetate”
• White to gray crystalline solid. • Denser thanwater.
• Contact may irritate skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
• May be toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption.
• Used in dyes, waterproofing, insecticides,
antifouling paints, hair dyes and many
other processes
Lead Acetate, 10% Sol’n