Order and Disorder Flashcards
How many countries does the UN recognise?
A political authority qualifies as a sovereign country, according to Max Weber, if it has…
a monopoly on the legitimate use of force within its borders
The bedrock of world order, since the treaty of Westphalia is what?
2 points
Sovereign states (who control what goes on in their countries)
Respect for borders
What initiative goes against sovereignty, and allows other countries to intervene in a country’s affairs in situations of atrocities?
Responsibilty to Protect (2005)
When was R2P used?
By USA/NATO in Libya 2011
When can sovereignty be legitimatally violated?
Give 3 cases
- R2P (atrocities against its own people)
- Harbouring terrorists (like Afghanistan in 2001)
- If it attacks another country
Name two countries that are not unanimously accepted as their own country
- Taiwan (recognized by less than 2 dozen)
- Kosovo (not recognized by China, Russia, Serbia)
Name 3 different types of world power, and give an example of each.
- Hegemony (US after Cold War)
- Bipolar (Cold War)
- Multipolar (early to mid C19 Europe)
What Israel resolution was adopted by the UN in 1947?
Resolution 181
Which USA President recognized Israel on its founding?
Harry Truman
Describe main points of Resolution 181
2 points
- One Jewish state, one Arab, JLM = International
- Land: 56% Jewish, 42% Arab
Why might Res 181 be unfair? what’s the response?
- Arab population (1.4 m, was more than double the Jewish population)
- Rationale: to accommodate the increasing numbers of Jews who would immigrate there.
How many Jews have moved to Israel since its founding?
What is the population of Israel?
The birth rate in Israel is the highest in the OECD? What is it?
3 children per woman
What does Finlandization mean?
During the Cold War, the phrase “Finlandization” was in vogue, something that derived from Finland’s careful relationship with its much more powerful neighbor, the Soviet Union.
This concept is often used to describe situations where smaller countries make significant concessions in foreign policy to accommodate a more powerful neighbor, typically to maintain their sovereignty and avoid direct confrontation or annexation.
What rule is contained in Article 5 of NATO’s charter?
an attack on one is an attack on all
How much are NATO members expected to contribute to their defence budgets?
At least 2% of their GDP
(in reality most don’t do this)
What percentage of the world lives in free/democratic countries vs. the opposite? Give example countries of each
- 40% - free/democratic (India, USA,…)
- Third - opposite (China…)
- Rest - somewhere in between (Mexico, Philippines,…)
What is the concept of a “democratic peace”?
Democracies don’t attack each other (in reality this applies only to mature democracies)
When was the United Nations founded?
Describe the UN Security Council
- 15 seats
- 5 permanent, 10 rotating (2 years each)
- 5 have power of veto over the UN’s actions or endorsements
Give an example of a conflict in which the UN endorsed taking action
To fight against the 1990 Iraq invasion of Kuwait
Descibe some of the problems with the UN
Mention 3
- General Assembly has little influence or authority
- Security Council does not count Japan, Germany, India in its permanent members
- Hard for Security Council to acheive consensus