OralHisto Prelims Exam Lec Flashcards
what week is fetal period
4-12th week
median tongue bud
tuberculum impar
as the zygote travels down the ______ it undergoes?
- oviduct
- cleavage without increasing its size
what branchial arch:
4th branchial arch
inner cell mass arises into
the inner cell mass differentiates into the?
bilaminar germ disc
triangular median swelling
tuberculum impar
specialized type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, creating 4 haploid cells, each genetically distinct from the parent cell
inner cell mass
stacked bilateral swellings of tissue inferior to the stomodeum
pharyngeal arches
when cells realign themselves to form a fluid-filled hollow ball, it is called?
(a cavity)
most facial structures develops through
the lateral nasal processes forms the?
ala of the nose
the pharyngeal arches is covered by?
indicates the fusion of the palatal shelves
median palatine raphe
sperm binding
sperm glycosyltransferases and ZP3 receptors on Zona Pellucida
what is the temporary structure that separates the stomodeum from the primitive pharynx
oropharyngeal membrane
a process of cell duplication or reproduction during which one cell gives rise to 2 genetically identical daughter cells
vertebra, ribs, rib cage
forms within each side of the arch
Meckel’s cartilage
facial development includes the formations of:
primitive mouth (stomodeum)
mandibular arch
maxillary process
frontonasal process
the mandibular arch gives rise to?
lower face (including lower lip)
mandibular teeth
muscles of mastication
when the median nasal processes fuse together externally, it forms the?
root to apex of the nose
tubercle of the upper lip
inverted v-shaped groove that marks the fusion of the body and base of the tongue
sulcus terminalis
action of 1 group of cells on another that leads to the establishment of the developmental pathway in the responding tissue
the frontonasal process gives rise to?
upper face
nose bridge
primary palate
nasal septum
medial nasal process
the intermaxillary segment gives rise to:
premaxillary part of the maxilla (incisors)
primary palate
fertilization occurs in?
the ampulla of the uterine tube
what happens to the zona pellucida prior to implantation
becomes stretched, thinned out and gradually disappears
true or false:
most processes are formed from mesenchyme provided by the neural crest cells
bilaminar germ disc
epiblast (ectoderm)
hypoblast (endoderm)
series of mesodermal thickenings appear on the lateral wall
buccopharyngeal membrane
change in identical embryonic cells to become distinct structurally and functionally
what structure is prominent in the cephalic end
buccopharyngeal membrane
outer part of the nasal pits
lateral nasal processes
on what week does palatal development start
5th week
what separates the primitive pharynx from the stomodeum
buccopharyngeal membrane
what creates the new embryonic layer mesoderm
distal tongue buds
lateral lingual swellings
before the trophoblast begins to implant the blastocyst into the uterine endometrium, it differentiates into?
rounded areas of specialized, thickened ectoderm found at the location of the developing special sense organs
when the embryo consists of 16-32 cells it is called?
develops from independent swellings located internally on the floor of the primitive pharynx
first 8 weeks
embryonic period
the first event in the development of the face (4th week prenatal)
disintegration of the membrane
attainment of adult function and size due to proliferation, differentiation, and morphogenesis
zygote >
what week does the primitive mouth increase in depth and enlarges
4th week
a transient structure that marks the start of gastrulation
primitive streak
gives rise to the primary palate
intermaxillary segment
this indicates where the mandible is formed by fusion of right and left mandibular processes
mandibular symphysis
musculature of the back ribs and limbs
initially located between these adjacent swellings due to proliferation, differentiation and morphogenesis
development of specific tissue structures or differing forms due to embryonic cell migration or proliferation and inductive interactions
a central band of cells that extends the length of the embryo
neural plate
base of tongue branchial arch
2, 3, 4th B.A.
the stomodeum is limited in depth by the?
oropharyngeal membrane
body of tongue branchial arch
1st B.A.
forms dermis of the back
when is the start of secondary palate formation
6th week
the primitive streak consists of:
primitive groove
primitive node
primitive pit
mesoderm divides into paired bodies called?
the future mandible is formed from?
mandibular processes that fuse to form the mandibular arch
when does the face and other tissues start to form
4th week (embryonic period)
serves as a partial separation between the developing oral cavity and nasal cavity
primary palate
dorsal cavity between ectoderm and trophoblastic layers lined by mesenchyme
amniotic cavity
refers to the folding process in vertebrate embryos
bulge of tissue in the upper facial area
frontonasal process
when placodes submerge, they form a depression in the center of each placode and becomes?
nasal pit (future nasal cavity)
a thick loosely reticular layer of cellular material that is secreted between Heusers membrane and the cytotrophoblast
extraembryonic reticulum
2 bulges of tissue that appear inferior to the primitive mouth
mandibular process
immediately posterior to the fused anterior swellings
the membrane that covers the fetal side of the placenta
ventral cavity lined by the primitive mesenchyme on the outside and the endodermal layer
yolk sac
the mandibular arch is also considered as?
1st branchial arch
what develops during the embryonic period
3 primary germ layers:
what branchial arch:
3rd branchial arch
the part where upper lip and lower lip meet
labial commissure
the study of developmental stages that occur during prenatal period
the primitive pharynx is caudal to the?
involved in the formation of maxillary incisors, primary palate, and nasal septum
intermaxillary segment
location of the future anus / terminal end of the digestive tract
cloacal membrane
where is growth initially most rapid
upper face (to keep up with the development of the brain)
cleavage subdivides the large zygote into many smaller daughter cells called
those who form the wall of the blastocyst retain their membranes and constitute the?
transmits septal growth ‘pull&thrust’ to facial bones as it expands its vertical length
nasal septum
five secondary brain vesicles
outer cell mass
what process results in the formation of the neural tube
placodes that are located anterior of the frontonasal process
nasal placodes
cells from the hypoblast begin to migrate to the embryonic pole, beneath the cytotrophoblast;
former blastocyst cavity
Heusers membrane
what does the 2 medial nasal processes form when they fuse internally
intermaxillary segment
a series of rapid mitotic
(without cell growth)
refers to the number of copies of each unique double-stranded DNA molecule in the nucleus
n number
develops on each side of the tuberculum impar
lateral lingual swellings
cephalic end is?
caudal end is?
the pharyngeal arches is lined by?
this process occurs during week 3 of human development
somites differentiates into:
what is it called when most of the cartilage disappears as the mandible is formed
intramembranous ossification
what develops from the interactions of the trophoblast layer and endometrial tissue
the cranial boundary of the stomodeum
frontonasal process
dorsal segments of the paraxial mesoderm which gives rise to skeletal muscle, the vertebral column and parts of the dermis
forehead ceases to grow at what age
adjacent swellings on each side of the stomodeum following the increased growth of the mandibular arch
maxillary processes
what branchial arches forms the tongue
1-4 branchial arches
secondary palate gives rise to:
posterior 2/3 of the hard palate
soft palate
the process of union of gametes
blastula >
inner cell mass
stages of development
- fertilization
- cleavage
- gastrulation
- organogenesis
- maturation
this process is at the most cephalic end of the embryo
frontonasal process
how many pairs of pharyngeal arches
the neural tube gives rise to?
spinal cord
superficial demarcation of the line of fusion of the 2 lateral lingual swellings
median lingual sulcus
hypoblast characteristics
flat, polyhedral
mature sperm cell parts
- acrosome
- head (nucleus)
- connecting piece (mitochondria)
- tail
fusion of both maxillary processes externally
upper lip
controlled cellular growth & accumulation of byproducts
what branchial arch:
foramen cecum
2nd branchial arch
a shallow depression in the posterior dorsal midline of the tongue that is the remnant of the more cranial part of the embryonic duct from which the thyroid gland develops
foramen cecum
development of organs
epiblast characteristics
tall columnar
the primitive pharynx is cranial most part of the?
3 consecutive stages of the palatal development
- formation of the primary palate
- formation of the secondary palate
- completion of the final palate
what structure is prominent in the caudal end
cloacal membrane
main cell in neurolation
neural crest cells
initially located fishlike on each side of the frontonasal process
lens placodes
button-like that later develop into olfactory epithelium
nasal placodes
inner cell mass >
this process will form the midface, sides of upper lip, cheeks, secondary palate, posterior part of the maxilla, canine, posterior teeth, and associated tissue
maxillary processes
2 crescent-shaped swellings located between the nasal pits
median nasal process
trophoblast arises into?
invagination of epiblast cells
what is the produce of the union of sperm and ovum (gametes)
(mononucleated cell)
a prenatal organ that joins the pregnant female and the developing embryo
the mandibular process consists of:
mesenchyme (neural crest cells)
stages of implantation
- hatching
- apposition
- adhesion
- invasion
seen at the midline surface of mature bony mandible
mandibular symphysis
some proliferating trophoblast cells lose their membranes and forms what?
what does the pharyngeal arches support
primitive pharynx
it provides an embryo with nourishment
yolk sac