What drugs/treatments cause drug-related ulcers?
- Cytotoxic
- Radiotherapy
- Nicorandil (angina and does not respond to topical corticosteroids)
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: types + associations
- Major
- Minor (most common)
- Hepetiform (least common)
- RAS is a specific diagnosis and is not associated to systemic disease
- smoking related aphthous stomatitis
Characteristics of major RAS
- size: of >10mm
- shape: oval/irregular
- colour: grey base and indurated
- duration: 2week-3month with scarring
- Site: any (k/non-k) esp fauces
- Ulcer crop: up to 10
- Peak age: 1st decade
Characteristics of minor RAS
- size: <10mm
- shape: oval
- colour: grey base with erythematous edge
- duration: 1-2 weeks no scarring
- site: non-k esp buccal mucosa
- crop: 1-5
- peake age: 2nd decade
Characteristics of hepetiform RAS
- size: 0.5-3mm
- shape: round and may coalesce to irregular
- colour: yellow base with erythematous border
- duration: 1-2weeks no scarring
- site: non-k esp ventral tongue and FOM
- crop: 1-20
- peak onset: 3rd decade
How to manage ulcers (management= investigations + treatment)
-FBT, haematinics (b12, folate, ferritin), Liver function test
-accurate diagnosis
-eliminate aggravating factors (rough restoration)
-Control infection: topical antimicrobials/antibiotics eg. 2%tetracycline
-Control pain: 5% lignocaine ointment/ 0.15% benxydamine hydrochloride (dissolve in water)
-Control healing+symptoms: topical corticosteroid 500mcg soluble tablet in 20ml of water QDS up to 5 days
systemic corticosteroids 40mg prednisolone
-Anti-inflammation? NSAIDs
What immumnosuppresives do you give patient who do not respond to steroids?
Azathioprine (steroid sparing agent)
Erythema multiforme (aetiology, pathogenesis)
- unknown
- hypersensitivity to medications (sulfonamides, penicillin, barbiturates, phenytoin) and illnesses (90% EM have HSV or mycoplasma infection)
- skin lesions bc skin blood vessels and skin tissue damage
- Stevens-Johnsons syndrome- severe form effect multiple body areas +mucous membranes
Bechets disease is characterised by
- genital ulceration
- skin lesions
- eye lesions (uveitis)
What is erythema multiforme associated with
hypersensitivity to
- drugs-> sulfonamides, phenytoin, barbiturates, penicillin
- infections -> HIV/mycoplasma infection