Oral Ulceration Flashcards
What can cause ulceration on the mucosa?
- Trauma
- Immunological
- Carcinoma
- Infections
- Gastroinstestinal
What immunological reactions can cause ulceration?
- Aphthous ulcers
- Lichen planus
- Lupus
- Vesiculo-bullous
- Erythema multiforme
What gastrointestinal reactions can cause ulcerations?
- Chron’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
What are the Key features of Oral ulceration History?
- Where
- Size and shape
- Blister or ulcer
- How long for
- Recurrent (Same site, different site)
- Painful
What are the key points you need to consider when examining an ulcer?
- Margins - Flat? Raised? Rolled?
- Base - Soft? Hard? Firm?
- Surrounding tissue - Inflamed? Normal?
- Systemic illness?
What trauma can cause a single episode oral ulceration?
- Denture
- Appliance
- Sharp tooth or restoration edge
What does this picture show?
- 1st episode of recurrent oral ulceration
What does this picture show?
- Primary Viral infection producing ulceration
- Most common virus Coxsackie and Herpes virus
What does this picture show?
- Oral squamos cell carcinoma
What are some examples of Recurrent Oral Ulceration?
- Aphthous ulceration (can be minor/major/herpetiform)
- Lichen planus
- Vesiculobullous lesions
- Recurrent viral lesions - HSV/VZV
- Trauma
- Systemic disease i.e. Chrohns
What type of Ulcers can Chrohns disease pts present with and why?
- Aphthous type ulcers due to haematinic deficiency and are oval in shape
- Chrohns specific ulcers
What type of ulcers does this picture show?
- Describe them
- Chrohns specific ulcers
- Linear fissure pattern of ulcers at the depth of the sulcus
- Can persist for months and require intralesional steroids to help
What are the findings with traumatic ulceration?
- Common
- Usually single episode but can be recurrent if cause is not removed
- Normal or abnormal epithelium
- Remove cause and should heal in about 2 weeks
What would you do if the traumatic ulceration has not healed in 2 weeks after removing the cause?
- Biopsy to ensure not an early malignancy
What has caused this traumatic ulceration?
- Chemical burn on the lip mucosa
What has caused this type of traumatic ulceration?
- LA administration in child which has caused them to bite and chew on the mucosa
What are recurrent herpetic lesions?
- Ulceration limited to one nerve group/branch
- Herpes simplex or herpes zoster
When recurrent herpetic lesions occur on the hard palate what are the findings?
- Occur in same place
- Pt aware of prodrome and vesiculation which bursts
- Pain suggestes Herpes Zoster not simplex
What is the txt of recurrent herpetic lesions?
- Aciclover 5%
- Apply up to 4 times a day on affected lesion as soon as symptoms start
What is the generak rule for Ulcerations?
- Recurrent self-healing ulcers affecting exclusively the non-keratinised mucosa are most likely aphthae ulcers
- Recurrent ulcers affecting keratinised ulcers tend to be viral
- Traumatic ulcers tend to occur in areas of teeth or denture