Oral Question/Response Outlines Flashcards


MDR Response

  • The Mileage Death Rate is a metric used by public and legislature to determine our effectiveness. MDR calculates number of deaths per 100 million miles traveled. Latest number 2021 is 1.26. Lowest of .84 in 2010. 2.5 in 80’s.
  • There is Much public speculation for the rise in MDR. some think distracted driving, while others indicate COVID had a negative impact for recent continued increase. We had a 300% increase in 100mph speed cites in Visalia, which certainly had an impact.

-The great thing is the Department has a clear roadmap for success, and as an assistant chief, it is my responsibility to ensure the commands in my sector are pursuing our strategic plan vision. Our strategic plan vision is To be a trusted Leader in Law Enforcement, ensuring California is the safest place to live, work and travel. It’s specific to Strategic Plan Goal 1 - Protect Life and Property,
Objective 1 - Reduce fatal and serious injury crashes.
Performance measure - Reduce fatal by 5 percent compared 2015/17

  • Strategic Highway Safety Plan (2020-2024) includes focus areas for Department to assist in reducing fatalities (Aging and young drivers, commercial vehicles, distracted drivers, unlicensed drivers, emergency response, emerging technologies, motorcyclists, occupant protection, and impaired driving, and work zones
  • I’ve been a captain for ten years and with eight of these years as a field worked as a field captain and as covid became more of a known commodity, I started working toward improving our commands program 10 stats in April of 2021 and we’ve witnessed excellent results in recent times. Double to Triple digit gains in enforcement and a reduction of 10% Reduction of lives lost this year.
  • As an assistant chief, I will be proactively engaged with my commanders to reduce the MDR by utilizing the strategies found to be most beneficial to me as an Area commander, specifically following the departments Start Plan. I will be engaged, ensure I communicate my Chief’s vision and keep the Chief apprised of our sectors efforts, I will collaborate with my sector chiefs on the matter for best practices and making this a standing focus at our DACCs , communicate with the commanders in my sector and provide clear expectations in line with our Strategic Plan, utilizing Program 10 stats…recognize positive efforts by the commanders, and provide constructive criticism, mentoring, and or training when necessary.
  • Before our sector meetings, I would ask the commanders to locate problem areas within the command, utilizing SWITRS, the A/I officer, and beat offer input utilizing technology is a good start. Use this information for identifying problem areas, making beat deployment adjustments, and discussing trend analysis with the commander. Collective engagement with sector commanders to solve problems together.
  • Accomplish success through the five E’s of Highway safety:
  • Engineering - Ensure close relationship with county roads and Caltrains. Documenting High crash locations where engineering/signal, or lighting to could be an issue.
  • Enforcement - Restraint compliance is probably one of the biggest factors for reducing MDR 47% if all fatales unrestrained my command had a ###% increase last year in restraint enforcement. Review Program 10 with the commanders.

I can tell you supervisory engagement and accountability is huge here. Communicate the need to troops to focus on Speed, DUI, restraint, Distracted Driving, commercial, and other PCF. Utilizing 15 day comments and accurate 100 form evaluations addressing strat plan support. Ensure Sergeant Ride-Along and beat accountability is stressed.
Joint enforcement task force with my sectors. DUI task force, appropriate grants usage, Radar Trailer, Utilize FSP/TMC.

  • Education - another big one. Commanders and PIOs. Key contact, Problem Solving with the Community…Partnering with MADD….engaging in aggressive social media campaign, educate, advertise and use Dept programs Start Smart, Every 15 minutes, Sober Grad, safety fairs, El Protector, SAFE Unit, Car Seat (60% installed wrong)- Recruit
  • Emerging Technology - seek out technology to prevent, identify and respond to crashes
  • Emergency Medical Response - Focus on providing high quality medical care at the scene. Training, use of Air Ops
  • I will reinforce and support the commanders at their local Staff meeting and training days, follow-up, continued review of Program 10s and Strat Plan and Key Contact Reports, and make adjustments when needed and utilize 22.1 inspections for compliance and effectiveness
  • engagement is key…Getting back to the basic and ensuring staff has tools, training, supervision, and leadership for success.
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Recruitment Response

  • Recruiting good people and retention of these employees is always a priority of the Department. It’s essential to Dept. growth, assists in achieving the commissioners goal and our Strategic Plan goals. Strategic Plan Goal 3 - Invest in our People deals directly with recruiting the most qualified workforce from all segments of society.
  • We are facing several challenges with recruiting. We are down approximately 800 to 1000 uniformed officers and our professional staffing is down as well. Specifically our CVIS, motor carrier, maintenance worker, and dispatcher. We are competing with other agencies for applicants the same applicant pool. Also, approximately 20 percent of the Dept could retire, so retention is important and proactively planning for retirement.
  • The great news is we are the finest law enforcement agency in the Nation. We have an outstanding Reputation, hire outstanding people, provide world class law enforcement cadet training, have flexibility to work anywhere in the state, have excellent pay and benefits, and a multitude of specialized assignments. We have people who don’t apply because they don’t think they are “good enough” for the CHP. We want to change that perception and get those individuals. The Department was able to secure a BCP for 2.1 million annually for three years to advertise our Join the CHP 1000 recruitment campaign to hire 1000 officers in two years. We have advertised in 3 states and are seeing great results. Our academy is equipped to accommodate 900 per year and we are current staffing classes of 120 cadets every 10 weeks.
    -Retired Commissioner Stanley created the CHP’s Workforce Plan 2020-2024, the WP is a continual process used to align the needs and priorities of the CHP with those of the workforce. Focused on Moderniizng our approach, streamlining the process and targeting our youth with a tailored message. (Lowering T-score minor adjustments to PAT to grab more applicants)
    -Our Department’s recruitment focus has moved from Simply Recruiting focus to a Applicant Development focusing on Four Pillars:
    1) Engage (build relationships) (2) Encourage (mentor and guide applicants through the process) (3) Educate (Be a resource for applicants) (4) Esprit de Corps: Build Loyalty
  • The responsibility to administer recruiting is at the division level. I’m certainly familiar with these challenges as I was the Captain of Central Division Special Services Unit from March 2013 until March 2015. Both recruitment and backgrounds were under my command. I’ll apply what I learned during this time, and will utilize these principles as an assistant chief.
  • Communication is key - Division Commanders recruitment vision, provide input and engagement, maintaining communication with the chief and collaborating with the other assistant chief and recruitment commander.
    - Engage in selecting and recruiting Division Recruiters and Background Investigators and ensured staffed with solid employees and excellent supervision. Looking to receive 85 to 100 recommends per month and are currently in a pilot resting phase with Gunshoe to complete backgrounds. If this outsourcing works, we can reduce background staffing and return officers to the field to assist with staffing levels and increasing in view patrol.
    - Work toward improving Division Show rate through engagement with applicant through applicant preparedness events (Division Captain had a tutor come in for explorers and higher pass rate. Coastal Division piloted monthly testing and achieved 40%
    - Division’s Applicant Preparation Programs, areas can contribute too,.
    - Critically review recruitment reports, strat plan reports, to assure it aligns and maintain accountability.
    - Commanders to report recruitment efforts on Strat plan for accountability.
    - Get the word out. DACC’s, Sector Meetings, area training/staff meeting
  • Ensure commanders do the following:
    • have a thriving Explorer Post as our strategic plan performance measure is to increase explorer programs by 10%. Explorers account for 7% of academy classes but have a higher graduation/success rate.
    • Utilize Social Media to reach more of society - Join the 1,000 Recruitment Campaign. showcase all the things we do, K-9, motors, Air Ops, mounted and bike patrol, boat patrol, retail task force, highway violence task forces, drug task forces, gang task forces, protective services, homicide and violent crime investigators, CHP secret service for GPD. Repost Recruitments Videos
    • Recruit your partner (command staff supporting/engaged - RTO reminder - recognize innovation), Wallet Cards, Bumper Stickers, Community Engagement at all levels, use every opportunity as a recruitment effort.
    • Commands doing Ride-Alongs great recruitment tool.
    • Traditional methods: Job Fairs, Military, Colleges, Engage our Youth…High Schools, Explorers, OUR PIO is on High School law enforcement program board. Engage with Youth , career days. Gave tour of CHP academy….Huge! I am on Board of Junior College Criminal Justice Program. Use every opportunity to recruit. Other Officers note their efforts.
    • Key Contacts - Recruitment opportunities. Community Service, coaching sports, church, community centers, diversity in community - Recruitment Opportunities…..Key Contacts Recruitment Opportunities.
    • Training to PIO, recruiters present at command training days, and others to develop.
  • Continue to reassess best practices and reward innovative efforts.
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Command Failure….Exercise with some bad program 10s.

  • Look at stats of all command and gather any other information on the commanders in my sector. Years of experience, review of personnel folders, conversation with the chief and fellow assistant chiefs.
  • Pull past Chapter 34’s, strategic plan reports, key contact reports, previous program 10’s, occupational safety, 121D’s.
  • Will have quarterly sector meetings to reinforce Chief’s and Commissioner’s vision. Open line of communication, expectations, sharing of information. Address questions, comments concerns.
  • Identify my strong commanders and those who need development. Multiple benefits, succession planning, and development. Both for the leader and the one in need of training.
  • Meet one on one with the Commanders to get to know them personally and develop a rapport with each to build trust, open communication.
  • Visit each command. Specific to this commander prep conversation of Program 10’s. Want to discuss.
  • Site visits talk with staff, observe building from the eyes of a citizen.
  • Discuss concern about program 10’s and any other items I’ve found. Ask commander to pull some random 100 forms for review. Review a few sergeants 112’s. Best and quickest indicator on what the Commander is allowing. Are the honest and fair evaluations following 10.10 or are they accepting poor performance. Not addressed. Discussion as to why and how.
  • Check schedule for staffing and deployment specifically supervisors. Are supervisory ride alongs being conducted. What is the AI completion rate. These will give me an idea as to how to assist…training and inexperience or not engaged?
  • Discuss ideas for improvement. Offer to attend next staff meeting for messaging and training day. Consistent messaging and expectations, sergeants accountable in the field, find our people doing things right and praise. Constructive criticism and progressive discipline/training for those who aren’t doing their jobs.
  • Supervisors can assign restraint, speed, DUI patrol when extra units working
  • Focus on PCF violations
  • Use of Grant for DUI roving and check point.
  • Brief check of ETRS and Evidence Room check to see if commander signed in.
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Leadership/Command Accountability-Failure


Leadership is key to an effective command and achieving the goals of the Department. When commanders are not engaged and out of touch, failures are inevitable. It is very difficult for leaders of a command to have an impact without accountability and support.

Leadership encompasses gaining the trust of those you lead, teamwork, personnel development, and communication within the command. Leaders are accountable to ensure the success of the mission and our Management Philosophies speak of this. Public Responsibility to anticipate the needs of those we serve. Personnel Development and Command accountability.

Morale is an indicator for the health of a command and low morale, procedural problems, and policy violations all indicate a problem that needs immediate attention.

The results of not recognizing and addressing leadership and accountability issues can be devastating and is counterproductive to the mission and foals of the department. Some of the consequences are:
- Higher Absenteeism. - Lower Productivity. - Employee Turnover. - Increased citizens complaints
- Negative Media Attention - Distrust between Management and Rank and File
- Loss of Public Confidence. - Civil Liability

I will be engaged and provide leadership through 4 traits of creating a successful command:
1. Open Communication (Approachable, trust, open door policy)
2. Develop Personnel with honest evaluations
3. Hold Employees Accountable (To Dept Goals and Praise efforts)
4. Consistency in decisions and standards

Strategic Plan provides direction and a roadmap for success. Strat plan goals are affected by ineffective leadership.
1- Protect Life and Property…backbone of what we do…we fail to save lives
2 - Enhance Public Trust through Superior Service. Reputation is made or broken here.
3 - Invest in our People - We fail as leaders when we are not engaged and taking care of our biggest asset.

I will take immediate steps toward assisting the commander to improve performance and improve command operations to create a healthy command:

Pre - Research Issues
- Talk with Chief to get expectations and advice on issues in the Command
- Talk with fellow Sector Chiefs to seek advice on how they have handled similar issues
- Review Commanders performance evaluations and any past Chapter 34 inspections
- Meet with the commander regularly to gain trust and encourage positive relations
- Hold sector meetings to encourage sharing of information and best practices. Give a chance to identify my strong commanders and those needing development. Also meet one on one with commanders regularly
- Attend Staff Meetings to reinforce expectations/training days
- Meet with CAHP district rep to enlist buy in
- Provide support and equipment to accomplish the mission

- I am responsible for what happens in my sector…Begin by setting example and modeling professional behavior/management practices
- Ensure expectations are clearly communicated during quarterly sector meetings and at DACC and one on ones
- I will attend training days, staff meetings, briefings, and other events to have conversations with the troops to evaluate command and build trust
- I will implement an open door policy to be approachable and accessible to commanders, Ensure commanders and I communicate openly, honestly, and most important, positively.
- I will get out of the office and engage, visit commanders and commands to get to know people. Develop informal lines of communication and seek input and listen to concerns
- Not to undermine the commander, but to assist efforts
- I will discuss employee relations, and management philosophies contained in our G.O.’s
- I will mentor, coach, and provide training to commanders to increase their competencies.
- I will monitor my commander’s leadership style and ensure they are appropriately delegating and providing resources to succeed. Not allow micromanaging.
- I will encourage commanders to look for the good in people “Find people doing things right” and recognize/praise and also ensure we are holding people accountable, accurately evaluating everyone and providing constructive criticism, progressive discipline, and or training as necessary.
- Work with commanders and mentor them to ensure they understand their role:
- Encourage them to know employee’s and show genuine interest in them and families. This includes a good relationship with the Area Rep and several informal leaders
- Always prevent EEO issues
- Ensure they impart the Departments Organizational Values in their decisions and model Management Philosopies
- Use EAP/Peer Support and other services for employees showing indicators that may need assistance.
- Ensure POBR is understood and upheld
- When at each facility, look at facility from the public perspective and correct appearance issues.
- Ensure equipment is serviceable and available for the troops.
- Look at the attitudes of employees and create professional interactions…How does staff answer phones?
- I will promote social activities and interact without talking shop….squad club? Training Day BBQ
- Throughout process keep Chief informed and seek input
EXTERNALLY - I will ensure commanders are furthering the Public Trust Initiative and developing relationships. I expect them to:
- Build relationships with allied agencies, stakeholders, schools, faith based groups, and community groups to build trust
- Commanders are attending community meetings and talk about what we do, showcase programs, offer support, and recruitment opportunities
- Use social media and traditional media to promote our accomplishments
- Send key contacts quarterly letters to showcase Command Success.

- I will use the inspection program to assess functions of the command and use information to determine focus/training/improvement strategies. Chapter 34 inspection…look at previous command assessment. Done every two years.
- I will critically review complaints and adverse actions for trends in addition to CHP 268’s, pursuit reports, and early alert system.
- I will analysis monthly program 10 stats from the commanders to evaluate productivity and effectiveness of Strat plan and MDR reduction efforts. Good management practice is to audit activity of one officer per sergeant each month
- Review Strat Plan reports and Key contact reports.
- Ensure command training program is meaningful, completed, and documented.

Indicators I look for: SCRAPES A
Staff meetings - held regularly and represented by all levels to increase communication and collaboration.
Commander work style
Reputation/history of area with adjacent commanders and relationship with division (public survey results)
Appearance of command (facility, equipment, personnel)
Personnel issue frequency (AA, complaint, Sick Leave, EEO)
Enforcement Levels (review reports)
Social Activities (active squad club)

Attitude (receptionist, morale, spirit de corps)

A poorly ran command can cause negative consequences in the media, embarrassment, higher civil liability, higher workers comp costs, distrust between management and rank and file, loss of public trust. This is unacceptable and I will be engage end ensure commanders are provided support needed.

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Successful Traits of an Assistant Chief

  1. Keep the Division Commander informed
    • Open lines also with subordinate commanders
    • Serve as a facilitator in developing lines of (tactful) communication between Chief, A/Chiefs, and subordinate commanders
    • Understand Chiefs expectations, and convert to commanders. Chief may have a different style…learn it.
  2. Develop Partnership with Commanders
    • Share is the responsibility for each command in sector
    • Team work and collaboration with other A/Chiefs teamwork - not divided by sector
    • A/Chiefs are considered part of the Area management team in sectors. Be flexible to work with commanders styles too
  3. Provide layer of objectivity
    • We are one step back…commanders may be too close to the issue to be objective
    • Be objective and honest in feedback in a non-judgmental manner
  4. Develop Lines of Informal Communication
    • Frequent visit to commands (training days, squad functions, staff meetings) Develop trusting relationships
    • Establish informal relationships in commands with employees and individuals outside the command structure.
  5. Impact the Work Environment in a Positive Way
    Should facilitate improvements to work in iron ent,,,equipment, facility improvements, training opportunities, assignments
  6. Personal Development
    • Continuing personal growth. Balance of personal and professional endeavors.
  7. Develop Subordinates
    • Use performance evaluation process to provide honest feedback and objective assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Expected to coach, mentor, and provide honest feedback in response to assessment.
    • Ensure commanders are providing honest feedback to their subordinates and continued development of their commanders
  8. Understand the Internal and External Politics Impacting Area/Section Operations
    • Assistant Chiefs must recognize political influences and provide objective guidance to commanders regarding potential political influences on operational decisions.
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CHP made approximately 2.5 million enforcement contacts in 2021, resulting in nearly 4k pursuits. Pursuits has always and will always be a Hot Topic/High Profile issue. This has been a question when I took my oral interview for cadet, sergeant, and for Captain test in December 2011.

Pursuits can generate national attention, and are High Risk/Low Frequency events. As managers we want to “avoid” risk and the tendency might be to abandon high risk venture, but we are in the policing profession and must keep our mission and strategic plan in mind. I’ve worked in the 1990’s in Fresno, when two of the larger agencies had a very limited or no pursuit policy and crime greatly increased…..operation Fresno came into effect. As a sergeant I was actively involved and supervised two rolling gun battles one officer involved shooting, one suicide, both dangerous felons. As a captain, I responded to the termination of a pursuit where one of my officers was shot, and luckily survived. I’ve had a lot of experience with all facets of the process and strongly believe in our Department’s stance and policies. Ultimately pursuits saves lives, less than .04% of pursuits end in a fatal crash with 6% injury crash, with most pursuits last less than a mile/minute. 28% terminated over two year period, with 46.5% apprehension without aircraft and over 80% apprehension with air support.

In light of influential individuals and or groups, and organizations who look to eliminate our authority to pursue, I credit our Department’s leadership for standing by our policies and people and believe four foundational issues spell out our success. But we all must play a role to ensure the continued support. The reason the Department has been so successful at maintaining an effect pursuit policy can be dividend in 4 sections:

  1. Policy, Recognition, Certification: CALEA Accredited. During our accreditation process, we consolidated our pursuit policy to one location and ensured all 12 standards for immunity as continued in section 17004.7VC were located in one manual.
    • Our policy meets or exceed POST standards in policy composition and training requirements.
    • Finally and probably most impressive, CHP pursuit policy is the IACP model policy for the entire nation to use.
      • We have clearly defined roles for each participant initiating pursuit, during pursuit, terminating pursuit, and following pursuit (notify/report/critique).
  2. Legislative approval: Our Special Reps does a great job fostering professional relationships…my dad was in the assembly and commented on how the CHP reps stood out amongst all state agencies. Responsive and Professional.
    • Accountability - Senate Bill 719 established CHP as statewide pursuit reporting agency. Compile stats and submit annual report to legislature. # of pursuits involved in collision which is injury/fatality also (uninvolved 3rd party stats). Paved the way for Legislative approval for Depts Pursuit policy.
    • As an assistant chief, its imperative I am actively involved in Key Contact as well as ensuring my sector is engaged at the command level. Keep our key contacts informed on the success and what the CHP is doing. Garner continued support.
  3. On-going Training and allied agency involvement: Quarterly training to officers and sergeant, annual pursuit attestation for all uniformed employees, srovt’s, Excellent Academy training (went through allied agency attest CHP is way better). Stress the risk vs reward standard and abort pursuits if dangerous too great. Both supervisors and pursuing officers.
    Ensure OIC trained, supervisor actively engaged in pursuit and supervisory/management team actively engaged in PRS review/MVARS, praise good behavior, constructive criticism and training (AA for poor). Supervisory Ride-Along, Relevant training, vehicle rodeo and active occupational safety program.
  4. Engagement at all Levels: As an assistant chief - actively engaged in messaging on pursuits. Starts with leadership and communication with my chief and assistant chiefs, discussions during DACCs, sector meetings, area visits, staff meetings, training days and briefings.
    • Will ensure tools they need.
    • Ensure commanders engaged and holding supervisors/officers accountable. Commanders meeting annually with allied agencies to discuss multi agency pursuits and our policies, SOP, communication and after action.
    • Commanders reviewing their SOP annually
    • Respond to threshold incidents Risk Management Administrator responsibilities.
    • Proper notification made GO 100.80
    • Critical review of PRS ensure timely and quarterly audits conducted. MVARS review. Open division discussion with corrective action/ liability or questionable pursuits.
      It’s imperative we adhere to our policies, continue with our training, exercise sound professional judgment, and maintain solid oversight and accountability to
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• Employee wellness is more important than ever. It has been a top priority for our Commissioners and one of the Commissioner’s 4 Goals contained within the Commissioners Vision, It is in line with our Organizational Values, and is directly referenced in our Strategic Plan – Goal 3 Invest in Our People – Objective 1 Enhance employee safety and wellness. This focus is more important than ever and assists with our recruitment efforts and with our retention efforts, since 20% of our Dept. is at retirement age
• Employee wellness to me focuses on Physical, mental, and occ safety/officer safety.
• I have prioritized employee wellness in my command and through my professional experience and training and will do so as an assistant chief by doing the following:
• Communicate my Chief’s vision on EW and keep Chief INFORMED on our efforts. Collaborate with a/chiefs ideas implementation. Consistent messaging at DACCs
• I will lead, communicate, and collaborate on all levels. Specifically modeling and demonstrating, Employee Wellness. Actions speak louder than words – Get to know and employees in the division office, develop professional relationships with commanders, staff, and District Rep. and encourage Commanders to engage on the same level with their staff and Area Rep. good resource for EW.
• During my sector meetings open communication of ideas and discuss expectations will focus on:
• PROGRAMS – Robust Division Occupational Safety Program. Commanders engaged and solid command occ safety. Soliciting feedback from employees on safety concerns and best practices.
o Remind staff of wellness app
o Remind staff of OESA resources – 9 programs (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, Critical Incident Response Teams, Cancer Survivor Support group, Employee Substance Abuse Program, Military Deployment Program, Survivor Outreach Program) including Wellness Program, Promote - EAP, Peer Support recruit good candidates.
o I will scrutinize 121D’s from the commands and ensure commanders and supervisors are engaged in injury illness case management and getting people back to full duty.
• PHYSICAL – Encourage Fitness Challenge, Health/Wellness – Delegate a Fitness guru in your area a Sergeant handles collective training challenges. This also serves as a great leadership development exercise, because succession planning is important too.
• MENTAL – Department modeled the importance at All Commanders – Stress Management and sleep management impacted me. Encourage commanders to provide presentations
• TRAINING – We need to provide training and education to everyone! I was a division training coordinator as an officer and a field sergeant for 7 ½ years and served as the training sergeant in all three commands. I will ensure every command in my sector has a high quality training program. Focusing on officers safety, Range, driving, Below the 100, quarterly policy and EEO training and professionalism. Ensure all is documents. Follow-up - Accountability 22.1 training audits.
• ID and develop future leaders, Coach and Mentor – Invest in Leadership training SLI, Command College, OIC training, special assignments and projects, Promo study groups, Upward mobility for professional staff. RECRUIT YOUR PARTNER best qualified workforce from all segments
• FOLLOWUP – Command visits support messaging at staff and training days, ensuring ride-along and supervisory accountability. As an assistant chief, my duty to attempt to get resources for the commands. Including equipment, facility, or fleet issues. Proactive in this area.
• Document and reward innovation commanders and encourage commanders to do same.
• By following these steps we are Demonstrating our commitment to the Department’s #1 Asset – OUR PEOPLE

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  • We need good people to accomplish our mission, strategic plan goals, and to achieve our vision.
  • Staffing is a real and relevant challenge given the fact we are nearly 1,000 officers short and have real shortages on the professional staffing side. The Department has an aggressive recruitment campaign and a commitment to ensuring road patrol staffing take a priority.
  • The bottom line is we need to maximize our in view patrol and we can certainly accomplish this task together by leading, communicating, and collaborating on this issue at all levels.
  • As an assistant chief, I will be proactive and engaged at the division level and with the commands in my sector.
  • Ensure I am supporting our Chiefs vision and providing input on this issue of staffing. I will collaborate with fellow a/chiefs, commanders.
  • Our Chief has made it a practice to critically evaluating the need to fill each Division position as it becomes available. In some instances re-allocate bodies within division to avoid impacting the road. I benefitted from this in Visalia. We were facing serious staffing challenges. The Chief provided an officer after one of our officers was shot in an officer involved shooting and is ultimately be retired.
  • Our Division currently is working a staffing allocation project for the commands. Taking a multitude of statistics from each command to determine fair staffing allocations.
  • I will review our monthly staffing reports to remain engaged with area needs and to assist with our staffing matrix.
  • BCP for professional staff to handle evidence, school bus/tow, any other identified spots. Similar to outsourcing Backgrounds to put more officers on the road.
  • Share division resources with Commands in need. MRE’s, Safe, Task Force, Air Ops.
  • Solicit commander input, share best practices idea at DACC
  • Reach out to informal leader commanders to work with commanders to discuss collectively and contacts in other divisions for ideas
  • During Sector meetings communication and collaboration is key. Our Department’s Management Philosophies are huge here tackling this issue. Specifically Command Accountability. Define expectations:
  • Annual review of special duty positions. Critical review when position opens as to whether to fill spots. Utilizing 22.1 inspections, specifically special duty.
  • supplement the road with special duty. (1 day a week on schedule)
  • Utilize Explorers and senior volunteers - professional staffing shortage.
  • Efficient use of grant OT for supplementation. Grant opportunities.
  • Commander need to critically look at shift deployments, beat alignments to maximize in view patrol, priorities (don’t over stack RDO’s on weekends or busy days), scheduling.
  • Commands should not be on AWW if facing staffing issues. 8 hour shift provides the most coverage.
  • I will scrutinize 121D’s and ensure Commander is actively engaged in Injury Illness Case management. We have approximately 200 uniformed staff on 4800 time. Sergeant attend appointments and get people back to the road.
  • Care for your fleet. Sometimes not enough cars. ASM local work, accountability. Care for cars.
  • Occ Safety and Employee Wellness is huge for staffing levels. A well trained, professional staff is less likely to get injured and or retire….retention is huge right now. Talked one officer into staying another year, because losing three.
  • I will make frequent Area visits. Follow-up and recognize positive efforts. Reinforce the message and solicit input.
  • I will send the message Help is on the way! Ensure the message from the commanders. It is imperative we recruit our partners. We want to ensure we have a work force representative of California’s diverse communities. Our academy is prepared to handle 120 every ten weeks and can accommodate 900 per year. We need to remain diligent and run lean at our division and special duty spots, during these times, maximizing our resources and our in view patrol until that time.
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