Oral hygiene Flashcards
Which three things should you do when teaching oral hygiene techniques?
- Sit at the same level as the patient (sit next to them)
- Have good eye contact
- When demonstrating on a model make sure the patient can see what you are demonstrating
How often should you change a manual tooth brush?
Every 2-3 months
What is the best manual handbrush to use?
Small headed medium nylon
(smaller makes access to difficult areas easier)
Which area is most often missed for right handers?
n.b. this is opposite for left handers
Lower right lingual area
(best to teach them to start from here)
How long should you brush each quadrant for?
30 seconds
How long should you brush each surface (e.g. linguals) of each quadrant for?
10 seconds
What is the bass technique?
Angle bristles towards gingival margin at 45 degrees
Keep parallel to gingivae
Use small circles to distrub plaque & move onto next tooth
What is the modified Bass technique?
Rolling the brush head towards te occlusal surface following the bass technique
What is the scrub technique?
Similar to the Bass tecnique but short scrub action instead of circular movement
= recommended in scientific basis of dental education
Are longer or shorter scrubs/circles better?
What is Fone’s technique?
Close teeth (in occlusion)
And move in large circles over buccal surfaces
Scrub the remaining surfaces
n.b. as manual dexteruty improves (e.g. start handwriting this should be modified to bass) and as permanent teeth erupt
Up to which age should children be supervised when brushing?
Age 7
What are the two types of electric toothbrush?
- Oscillating rotating
- Sonic
Which is better…
Rechargeable electric toothbrush or battery powered electric toothbrush? and why?
Electric toothbrush
As batteries run down the toothbrush will become less effective
Which angle to the tooth should an electric toothbrush be held?
45 degrees