Basic assessment Flashcards
What does BPE stand for?
Basic Periodontal Examination
What is the BPE used for?
A screening tool to determine if a patient has periodontal disease, where they have it and its severity
What is the name of the probe used for BPE?
Periodontal probe
What are the 2 types of periodontal assessment?
- Basic Periodontal examination (BPE)
- Full periodontal assessment
What is this instrument?
The WHO probe
Explain the features of a WHO probe:
- Ball end = 0.5mm diameter
- Coloured band = 3.5. - 5.5 mm
- Second band = 8.5 to 11.5 mm
What is the target probing force?
Should not exceed 20-25g weight (0.2-0.25 N)
= as hard as you have to press your finger nails for it to start to blanch
What is the purpose of the ball ended tip of the WHO probe?
Doesn’t hurt gum
Easier to detect calculus
How many points on each tooth are examined?
At least 6!
Mesial, distal & mid surfaces of both the lingual and buccal sides of the tooth
How do we explore the tnire extent of the pocket?
Walking the probe around gingival margin
At which angle should you aim the end of your probe?
Down the length of the root
How do we record the BPE score?
We write down the worst score in the sextant
Why do we not include the wisdom teeth in BPE charting?
The wisdom teeth not fully come through properly = lots of false pocketing
What are the different possible BPE scores?
What is a code 0 BPE scoring?
The coloured band is completely visible
= healthy gingiviae & no bleeding after gentle probing