Oral Exam Flashcards
Types of service provided Class A-E
1-ATC service with or without surveillance
2- UK FIS (traffic or basic) to participating VFR flights within E
3- Alerting service
Types of service provided Class F
2- Alerting Service
Types of service provided Class G
1- UK FIS (DS, PS, TS or BS)
2- Alerting service
Within CAS, when does an approach control provide an ATC service to an aircraft?
1) Arriving aircraft released from Area control until it is transferred to aerodrome control
2) A/C arriving from OCAS until they are transferred to aerodrome control
3) Departing A/C taken from aerodrome control until
a) the are transferred to area control
b) they are clear of CAS
4) Overflying A/C
OCAS, when does an approach control unit provide an ATC service to an aircraft?
1) Arriving A/C until they are handed to ADI control
2) Departing a/c are taken from ADI control until they no longer want a service or are 10minutes away from aerodrome
3) Overflying a/c until they no longer want a service or are 10 minutes away from aerodrome
Do a/c inside an ATZ have to comply with instructions from ATC ?
What T/I is passed in Class C?
VFR on other VFR flights
What T/I is passed Class D?
What T/I is passed Class E?
as far as practicable
VFR on IFR and VFR
What information do approach provide aerodrome with?
1) data on relevant flights, type (IFR/VFR) level and ETA of arriving aircraft
2) the order of transfer
3) delay times for IFR departing a/c and reasons
What information do approach provide area with on IFR flights?
1) Lowest level available at the hold
2) average time interval between approaches
3) Revision of EAT issued by area when approach calculates a variation of 5 minutes or more
4) arrival times over holding points if they vary by 3 minutes or more
5) missed approaches when co-ordination is required
6) departure times of A/C
7) information relating to overdue a/c
What is coordinated between approach and aerodrome?
1) Arriving a/c, landing clearance if required
2) Arriving a/c which are to be cleared to visual holding points
3) A/c routeing through the traffic circuit
When can Approach transfer control of an IFR flight making a visual approach to Aerodrome?
1) When a/c is number 1 or when a/c are on final and have been provided with appropriate
2) A/c in traffic circuit
3) A/c approaching visually below all cloud when aerodrome vis 10km or more.
When can aerodrome issue instructions that would reduce separation to arriving A/C?
When the A/C is operating with visual reference to the ground
What are the met limits to give a VFR clearance?
5km and/or 1500ft cloud ceiling
Except Police, HLE, SAR, power, pipe and rail track inspection flights
How long is an ATIS?
Should not exceed 30 seconds
When can a pilot perform a visual approach?
1) Reported cloud ceiling is at or above the beginning of the initial approach segment OR
2) Pilot reports at any time after commencing the approach that the vis will permit a visual
approach and landing
When should a controller not clear an A/C for a visual approach?
When the RVR is less than 800m
What messages are passed to A/C holding for weather improvement?
To first A/C “no traffic delay determined”
To subsequent A/C “ Delay not determined (x) A/C holding for weather improvement”
When the need arises to divert an A/C due to weather what action is taken?
1) Hold A/C in the vicinity
2) Contact ACC watch supervisor
3) Obtain Clearance instructions for A/C
4) Pass diversion message to A/C
5) If required pass Alternate weather report
6) Advise operating company
After a diverted A/C has landed an arrival signal shall be sent to?
1) The aerodrome of departure
2) The point of first intended landing
3) The ACCs serving the route
4) LTCC route charges section
What shall an ATC clearance to a departing A/C contain?
1) Turn after T/O
2) Track to make good before turning on to a desired heading
3) Initial level to fly
4) Time, point, and /or rate at which changes of level are made
What service is provided within CAS?
Radar control service
What service is provided OCAS?
Procedural, Deconfliction, Traffic, Basic
What type of things can an approach control unit provide?
1) SRA
2) Vectoring and sequencing to a final approach aid
3) Flightpath monitoring
4) ATS surveillance service to departing A/C
5) ATS surveillance service to transiting aircraft
When can an approach controller take control of an inbound aircraft?
1) when it has been transferred to him by the approach controller
2) when it has been subject to a radar release from area
When do you have to pass weather to an A/C?
As early as practicable unless the information has already been passed by approach or the pilot has
received it through ATIS
Any changes are to be passed
When is position information passed to a pilot, when inbound?
On each leg of the radar circuit.
At least once if coming straight in for a final approach
What information is given to A/C commencing vectoring to final approach?
1) Type of final approach
2) Runway
3) procedure to follow in the event of radio failure if not already published
What additional information is given to an SRA ?
1) angle of glide path
2) the termination range
When should A/C be established on the final approach track?
If a pilot is to be taken through the final approach track what should be done?
Pilot must be informed
What is typically the closing heading for an ILS?
40 degrees offset.
Mats part 2 may use closing headings which are less
What is the latest a clearance to land should be passed?
What conditions apply to an SRA terminating at 2 miles?
1) Advisory heights and ranges passed every mile
2) Pilot should be instructed to check his minimum descent height one mile before advisory heights
are discontinued
3) Advisory heights shall be discontinued at the one above the highest OCH
What conditions apply to an SRA terminating at less than 2 miles?
1) Advisory heights and ranges shall be passed at each half mile
2) Transmission shall not be interrupted for intervals of more than 5 seconds within 4 miles
3) Minimum descent height check at 2 miles
4) Advisory heights shall be discontinued at the one above the highest OCH or at 1 mile whichever
is sooner
5) The controller shall have no other responsibilities
When should an A/C be instructed to carry out a missed approach?
1) Approach or Aerodrome instruct it
2) When no landing clearance is received before 2 miles
3) When the A/C is dangerously positioned
When should an A/C be advised to carry out a missed approach?
1) If it reaches a position from which it appears that a successful approach cannot be completed
2) If it is not visible on the situation display for any significant interval within the last 2 miles
3) The position or identification of the A/C is in doubt during any portion of the final approach
When is RVR used?
When the met report gives vis less than 1500m
What are the two types of RVR?
IRVR and Human observer method
What are the increments of RVR reporting?
0-400m in 25 metre steps
400-800m in 50 metre steps
800-1500m in 100 metre steps
What is the duration of IRVR reporting?
1) when met report shows vis less 1500m
2) Whenever the IRVR display indicating an RVR value equal to or less than the maximum for that
3) Whenever shallow fog is reported and during the period for which it is forecast
When is the IRVR system deemed unserviceable?
When the stop end is the only transmissometer available
What is the frequency of human RVR checks?
Half hourly or where there is light traffic 15 minutes before ETA
Which A/C are told about RVR?
Arriving A/C until they have landed
Departing A/C until they have taken off
What is the speed limit below FL100?
Where does this speed limit not apply?
1) A and B
2) IFR C
3) VFR C when exempted by the unit and mats part 2
4) Class D when exempted by unit and in mats part 2
5) test flights
6) A/C in flying displays approved by CAA
7) A/C subject to written permission from CAA
8) State A/C
Day VFR rules (At and Above FL100 -B-G)
1500m Horizontal
1000ft Vertical
8km Vis
By Day VFR rules
(Below FL100, above 3000ft AMSL or above 1000ft
terrain whichever is higher)
1500m Horizontal
1000ft Vertical
5km Vis
What are the weather limits for a SVFR clearance?
Fixed Wing 1500m Vis and 600ft Ceiling
Heli 800m and 600ft Ceiling
Who is separated?
1) All in class A
2) IFR in C,D and E
3) IFR and VFR in C
4) IFR and SVFR
5) SVFR except where reductions are authorised by CAA
When can separation be increased?
1) When pilot wants
2) When controller wants
3) When CAA wants
When can separation be reduced in the vicinity of aerodromes?
1) When the controller can continuously see both OR
2) both pilots can see each other OR
3) One A/C is following another and can maintain own sep
When else can separation be reduced
When SAR Is escorting other A/C
What happens when there is a loss of separation?
1) Regain minima
2) Pass ETI
How is essential traffic Information passed?
1) Direction
2) Type
3) Cruising level of conflicting A/C and ETA
4) Any alternative clearance
When can a controller authorise a VMC climb?
1) If in D-G at or below FL100
2) Daytime
3) VMC
4) Pilots agree
5) ETI is passed