Optional: St Mark's Gospel Flashcards
To help learn the content from St Mark's Gospels for the optional modules.
What does Messiah mean?
‘Anointed one’
What did the Jews think the Messiah would be?
The Messiah would be a religious leader sent from God who would free the Jewish people.
What did Jesus mean by Messiah?
A humble leader sent from God
What does Jesus as Messiah show us about Jesus?
Jesus knew that the Jews had been waiting a long time for the Messiah and that it would be difficult for them to accept that He had arrived.
What is the Son of Man?
The title connected with the Messiah used in Daniel in the Old Testament
Who is the Son of Man?
- A title that Jesus used.
- It suggests the humanity of Jesus
- Also suggests the cosmic divinity of Jesus
- The Son of Man is used in Mark’s gospel - Jesus is being revealed as someone who is human but is also divine.
What is the significance of the Messiah and the Son of Man for Christians today?
- The title the Son of Man shows Christians today that Jesus is a mighty ruler sent from God
- It shows them that Jesus was a divine leader sent with the mission of salvation.
Who was John the Baptist?
- Jesus’ cousin
- A preacher who began preaching before Jesus did
- He called people to repent and offered baptism as a way to forgive their sins.
How did John the Baptist live?
- He lived a simple life
- He wore clothes made of camels hair
- He ate wild honey and locusts.
What happened at Jesus’ baptism in Mark?
- Jesus was baptised by John in the River Jordan
- The spirit descended on Jesus like a dove - this is a sign of the Holy Spirit
- A voice from heaven says ‘you are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased’
- The voice is God the Father.
- It is a rare time when the Trinity are present together.
- His baptism is like a coronation of Jesus as Messiah.
Why is Jesus’ baptism important for Christians today?
- It shows Jesus’ divine origin and his divine command
- It is one of only a few passages where there is reference to the presence of all parts of the Trinity
- It is an indication of Jesus’ willingness to take on the sins of all humanity as he is sinless and so would not have needed a baptism
- It gives an example for Christians to follow - they should also be baptised.
What is a nature miracle?
A miracle where the usual order of life is changed by the activity of God.
Can you give some examples of nature miracles from Mark’s gospel?
- Jesus calms the storm
- The feeding of the 5000
- Jesus walks on water
What happen during Jesus calming the storm?
- Jesus and the disciples were travelling across the lake of Galilee one night.
- Jesus was asleep as the storm raged
- Jesus was awakened by the disciples
- Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea ‘be still’
- The storm calmed.
What can we learn from Jesus calming the storm?
- Jesus is God - he was able to control the storm, bring peace to chaos
- Symbolic of creation when God had power over all
- Early Christians could take strength from this miracle. Jesus was caring.
What happened during the feeding of the 5000?
- Jesus and his disciples fed 5000 people
- They only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
- There were still basketfuls left when they were done
- There were 12 baskets
What can we learn from Jesus feeding the 5000?
- The 12 baskets represent the number of the tribes of Israel
- Jesus breaks and blesses the bread during this miracle, this is repeated at the Last Supper.
- The fact that there were basketfuls left over suggests we can rely on God when we are in need
- The basketfuls of food can also be a metaphor for the word of God - even when shared among Jesus followers there is still plenty left for others.
What happens when Jesus walks on the water?
- Jesus walks across the Sea of Galilee to his disciples who are caught in a storm unable to row to shore
- Jesus walks across the Sea as if he were walking on a path, he does not sink
What can we learn from Jesus walking on the water?
- It shows the divine nature of Jesus
- Jesus shows he has command of nature
- The disciples despite witnessing events still struggle to understand what they are witnessing in Jesus
Why are nature miracles important for Christians today?
- They show how Jesus is both human and divine
- They encourage Christians to keep faith in difficult times and to trust God
- They show that the Kingdom of God is among them through Jesus
- They are a sign of the Kingdom to come
What would non-religious people say about the nature miracles?
- They could be scientifically explained
- It could be a coincidence
- Just because the answer is not always clear does not mean that we automatically assume that Jesus is divine
What are healing miracles?
Acts of God which return people to full physical, mental or spiritual health.
Can you give some examples of healing miracles in marks gospel?
- The healing of legion (The healing of a possessed man)
- The raising of Jairus’ daughter
What happens during The healing of legion (The healing of a posesssed man)?
- Jesus encounters a man violently possessed by the demons of Legion
- The man was always crying out and hurting himself
- Jesus approached him and ordered Legion out
- The demon recognises Jesus for who he is ‘what have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?’
- Jesus drove out the demons into a herd of pigs, they drown themselves in the sea.
What can we learn from The healing of legion (The healing of a posesssed man)?
- It is significant that the demon recognises Jesus when the disciples still do not understand
- The event took place in a non-Jewish area, despite the probability that the man was not a Jew - Jesus helped anyway.
- Jesus has the power to remove evil
- It brings people out from the darkness and into the light of faith
What happens in the raising of Jairus’ daughter?
- A leader of the synagogue asks Jesus to cure his ill daughter
- On the way Jesus encounters a woman who has bled for 12 years (woman with a haemorrhage) - it is likely that this was disordered menstrual bleeding
- As Jesus continues to the little girl, Jairus’ daughter passes away
- Jesus says to Jairus ‘Do not fear, only believe’
- Jairus’ daughter rises from death.
What can we learn from the raising of Jairus’ daugher?
- A menstruating woman was seen as unclean - Jesus was not angry with her for touching his cloak - Jesus overturns the purity laws and helps those with faith
- Jesus’ divine power - the woman only touched his cloak and was cured
- Jesus has power over death
- It prepares us for the resurrection of Jesus - Jesus’ ultimate example
Why are healing miracles important for people today?
- Jesus has the power to defeat evil and death
- Jesus’ power is bound to the faith of the individual
- The Kingdom of God is present in Jesus
- No matter how difficult things might seem, through faith in Jesus there is the possibility of healing and renewal.
What happened at Caesarea Philippi (Peter’s confession)?
- Jesus took his disciples near to the city of Caesarea Philippi and asked his disciples who the people following him thought he was.
- Some said John the Baptist, others Elijah or one of the prophets
- He then asked who they thought he was
- Peter said ‘You are the Christ’
What can we learn from Caesarea Philippi (Peter’s confession)?
- It shows the mystery surrounding Jesus.
- It is the first time one of the disciples recognises or uses such a title for Jesus (The Christ)
How does Caesarea Philippi (Peter’s confession) help us realise Jesus’ purpose?
- Peter’s confession prompts Jesus to teach his disciples that the Son of Man had to suffer and die.
- He also told them on the 3rd day after his death he would rise from the dead
- Jesus revealed his true purpose - a sacrifice for the salvation of humanity
What is the Messianic secret?
The idea of keeping Jesus’ identity as the Messiah a secret.
What does St Mark’s gospel tell us about the Messianic secret?
- Wilhelm Wrede thought that St Mark’s gospel contained an explanation for why Jesus was not recognised as the Messiah during his life
- Wrede says that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah and that the early Christians believed he was BECAUSE he had never claimed to be.
What do most schoalrs think of Wrede’s thoughts on the Messianic secret?
- They reject it
- They recognise the secret as a genuine feature of Mark’s gospel.
- There are many instructions in the gospel when Jesus asks people to keep his status a secret
- After he brings Jairus’ daughter back from the dead he asks her parents not to tell anyone
- After Peter’s confession he asks the disciples to tell no one about him
What happens at the transfiguration?
- Jesus took Peter, James and John to a high mountain where they were alone
- At this point Jesus transfigured before them - his garments became a glistening white
- Moses and Elijah appeared also
- The disciples were afraid
- A cloud appears and says ‘This is my beloved son listen to him’
- Jesus then asks the disciples not to tell anyone what they have seen.
What can we learn from the transfiguration?
- Jesus’ white clothes represent his divine purity
- Moses represents the law and Elijah represents the prophets - They both are there to say that Jesus was the fulfilment of God’s purpose in the Old Testament.
What is the significance of the transfiguration today?
- The voice from heaven shows that Jesus has the authority to speak for God the Father as he is the Son of God
- Jesus is not a break from the Old Testament - he is the fulfilment of it
What might atheists say about the story of the transfiguration and how would Catholics respond?
- It provides no proof that Jesus is the Messiah or divine
- It is wish-fulfilment
- There is no evidence
- Catholics would say the fact that it was witnessed by 3 people increase the likelihood it happened
What happened at the healing of the paralysed man?
- Four men arrive to where Jesus is preaching carrying a paralysed man
- They wanted Jesus to heal him but couldn’t get anywhere near him
- They climbed onto the roof and lowered him in on a stretcher
- Jesus healed the man ‘My son, your sins are forgiven’
- The teachers of the law were angry as only God could forgive sins
- Jesus said that the Son of Man had the authority to forgive sins.
What did Jesus say about observing the Sabbath in Mark?
- The Sabbath is a special holy day that should be given to God.
- Work should not be done on the Sabbath.
- Jesus’ disciples picked grain to eat on the Sabbath- the Pharisees said that they were acting unlawfully.
- Jesus essentially said that he had been there at the creation of the laws with God so he has the ability to forgive sins and rewrite the Sabbath laws
What happened when Jesus went to the temple and was annoyed?
- Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and went to the temple and drove out those who were changing money
- Jesus said that they had turned the ‘house of prayer for all the nations’ into a ‘den of robbers’
Why was it contraversial for Jesus to overturn the tables in the temple?
Jesus challenged the power of the Sadducees and Pharisees
What is the significance of the conflict seen between Jesus and the Pharisees/Sadducees?
- Jess wanted to challenge those in power who were failing to live to the highest standards
- The narrow keeping of the Jewish laws meant there was no concern for helping people in need - this was not acceptable for Jesus
- Jesus tried to keep in mind key ideas of Christianity through his actions - love God and love your neighbour
What is the narrarive of Mark’s Gospel?
- It is an account of Jesus’ adult life
- The first half talks about the ministry of Jesus (miracles, preaching and moving around)
- The second half focuses on Jesus as Messiah and Jesus coming to the end of his life and the suffering he must endure.
What happened at the Last Supper?
- The 12 and Jesus were all together eating.
- Jesus took the bread and wine and blessed them. He broke the bread and said ‘This is my body.’ He took the cup and said This is my blood which is poured for many
- Jesus later revealed that He knew one of them would betray him and that Peter would deny knowing him in the next few hours
What can we learn from the Last Supper?
- ‘Poured out for many’ - this means that Jesus’ sacrifice would restore the covenant between God and his people.
- His blood would be shed for many.
What happened when Jesus was praying in Gethsemane?
- Jesus took Peter, James and John to pray
- Jesus prayed to God to change his plan and asked for God to remove the cup away from him (The cup of suffering)
- Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake with him, but none could and they left Jesus alone with his troubles
- Jesus was betrayed by Judas’ kiss.
- He was abandoned by his disciples in his time of need.
What can we learn from Jesus praying in the garden?
- It emphasises the solitary path Jesus endured as the Messiah
- Jesus was alone
- His disciples abandoned him
Why was Jesus arrested?
- The Sadducees wanted him dead as they saw his attack on the temple as a threat to their religious authority and wealth
- Supporters of Roman rule saw his popularity as a potential political threat
- The Pharisees were religiously conservative - Jesus breaking the Jewish law would’ve been seen as an offence to God
What happened at the trial of Jesus before the high priests?
- Jesus was tried at the High Priest’s house.
- The high priest asked if he was the Messiah - Jesus said he was
- The council thought this was blasphemous and condemned him to death and sent him to the Romans.
Jesus said ‘I am’ when asks - Jesus claims equality with God as God used this phrase when talking to Moses at the burning bush (I am who I am)
What happened at the trial of Jesus before Pontias Pilate?
- Blasphemy was not a criminal offence, but treason was.
- Pilate was told that Jesus said he was a king - so a threat to Caesar
- Mark’s gospel suggests that Pilate did not believe this and he tried to get Jesus released under an old tradition
- The crowd instead chose Barabbas to be released instead
Why is it interesting that Jesus admits he is the Messiah during his trial before the High Priest?
- Mark’s Gospel is the only Gospel where this happens
- In the other 3 he gives a more vague answer - he says ‘you have said so’
What is ‘The Passion’?
- In Christianity ‘passion’ means suffering
- It describes the final suffering of Jesus as he was taken to Golgotha, crucified, and died, then rose from the dead.
What happened at Jesus’ crucifixion?
- Jesus was crucified at Golgotha (The place of the skull) between two criminals
- The accusation against him said ‘the king of the Jews’
- Crucifixion was a painful and shameful method of execution
What happened in the moment that Jesus died on the cross?
- ‘The curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom’
- The centurion in charge of Jesus said ‘Truly this man was the Son of God’
- The female followers of Jesus and Joseph or Arimathea arranged for his body to be taken down and buried
What is the significance of the curtain tearing in two upon Jesus’ death?
- The curtain sealed the ‘Holy of Holies’ from all but the high priest
- The tearing of the curtain is an open invitation to all to enter God’s presence - something which was previously reserved for the high priest.
What happened at Jesus resurrection?
- On Sunday morning Mary Magdalene, Mary (James’ mother) and Salome went to anoint Jesus’ body.
- The stone had been rolled away
- A young man was standing there who said Jesus had risen from the dead (an angel)
- They flee from the tomb and say nothing because they are afraid
What differences are there between Mark’s gospel and other stories of the ressurection?
- There is one angel not two
- In other gospels the women go and tell the disciples
- In Luke and John a disciple goes to the tomb
What is the purpose of Jesus’ life?
- So he could redeem humanity
- Jesus death and resurrection saves people from sin and brings them to the Kingdom of God
- God in the form of Jesus had to be sacrificed to defeat death
- So he could redeem humanity
- Jesus death and resurrection saves people from sin and brings them to the Kingdom of God
- God in the form of Jesus had to be sacrificed to defeat death
- Jesus established the Kingdom of God
- Through the resurrection people understood that Jesus was God
What is the significance of he events of Jesus’ last week for Christians today?
- Jesus’ death and resurrection was the revelation of truth that: Jesus was Messiah, What Jesus said was true, Jesus was the right path to follow
- They believe they will be saved from sin by the grace of God.
What symbols are used throughout the last week of Jesus’ life?
- The bread and wine - communion - the sacrifice of Jesus is remembered
- The cross - Hope of salvation
- Empty tomb - Death is not the end - resurrection of the dead at the end of time
- Acts of sacrifice - Jesus is love, we should act in a loving way too.
What happened at the call of the disciples?
- Jesus called four fishermen ‘come with me and I will make you become fishers of men’
- All four left their livelihoods and families and answered Jesus without hesitation
- Jesus called Levi the tax collector
What can we learn from the calling of the disciples?
- They answered Jesus’ call without hesitation - so should we
- God called Levi who was disliked because he was a tax collector:
1. The Kingdom of God is open to all who believe in Jesus
2. Jesus was preaching a different message to that which was given out by Jewish leaders of the time
What is the relevance of The call of the disciples to Christians today?
- We can learn from the disciples and follow Jesus without question
- We may be asked to give things up - we should do that
- Those who are rejected can be reformed
- Jesus calls everyone to serve the Kingdom - there is no discrimination
What can we learn from when Jesus sent out the twelve disciples?
- They were given no bag - Jesus did not want money
- They had no money - They needed to put faith in God not money
- Disciples should accept hospitality from those who offer it
- Washing dirt from their feet where they were not welcome - This shows that rejecting Jesus and his message brings judgement
- They should have a simple lifestyle
What is the sending out of the 12?
- Jesus sent his disciples out the share the message of Jesus
- It was a co-ordinated effort to begin to announce that the Kingdom of God had arrived
- They were asked to get people to repent, heal the sick and they were given the power to cast out demons
What is the meaning of the sending out of the 12 for Christians today?
- Christians can share in the authority to heal people and to confront evil just as the disciples did
- The work of the Church is to continue to communicate Jesus’ message
- Catholics should evangelise and spread the good news
What is a parable?
- Stories Jesus told with a hidden meaning
- Often explains ideas about the Kingdom of God
What is the parable of the tenants?
- A man rents his vineyards to tenants (renters)
- When he sends servants to collect a share of the harvest they are attacked or killed by the tenants
- The man sends his son, who is also killed
- Jesus then explains that the owner will take the vineyard from the tenants and destroy them.
- The vineyard will be given to others
What does the parable of the tenants mean?
- The servants are the prophets
- The owner is God
- The son is Jesus
- The tenants are the religious leaders of Israel
- Jesus is saying that Israel should accept the kingdom that is offered to them. If they reject it, then it will be taken from them and given to non-Jews
What was the cost of discipleship?
- Jesus could be seen as someone dangerous to associate with, as by speaking out against the religious leaders he made many enemies.
- The disciples risks arrest and punishment
What does the cost of discipleship teach us today?
Jesus calls us to accept his message and stand up for our belief
What happens in the parable of the sower?
- A man sows seed in a field
- Some seed fell along the path and the birds ate it
- Some seed fell on rocky ground and then died because it couldn’t root
- Some seed fell into thorns and then the thorns grew and killed it
- Some seeds fall onto good soil and made good grain
What does the parable of the sower mean?
- Seed along the path eaten by the birds (People who hear the message but don’t listen)
- Seed on rocky ground and then dies (People who respond at first but then aren’t committed so their faith dies.
- Seed into thorns and then the thorns grew and killed it (People whose faith is killed by the pressures of the world)
- Seeds fall onto soil and made good grain (People who hear and respond to the gospel)
What does the parable of the sower tell us about the Kingdom of God?
- Some people stayed behind after the parable of the sower to ask what it meant.
- These people are the ‘insiders’ who were ‘Given the secret of the kingdom of God’
What can we learn from the parable of the sower?
- Jesus is the sower - The messenger of God
- He offers the seed to everyone
- The seed is good but we are responsible for the soil - we hear the message, it is up to us to understand and do something with it.
What is the story of the Rich man?
- A rich man asked Jesus what he must do to get into heaven
- Jesus listed some commandments he must follow
- Jesus old him to go and sell what he had, give it to the poor and follow Jesus
- Jesus told his disciples that relying on riches will prevent them entering heaven
- Only God can offer salvation
- People should not be complacent but they should make sacrifices
What can Christians learn from the story of the rich man?
- We all will have a barrier to the Kingdom - this mans was his riches, others may be their anger
- We should concentrate on doing good actions
- We must be prepared to make sacrifices for our faith
What happens when the spirit is cast out of the boy?
- Jesus is mobbed by a crowd
- A man says there is a spirit in his son and that he asked the disciples to cast it out but they could not
- Jesus asks the ‘faithless generation’ how long he is to be with them and tells the man to bring his son to him (It is not known who Jesus is referring to)
- The father says ‘if you can do anything’ - showing a lack of faith
- Jesus casts the unclean spirit from the boy
Who could Jesus have been talking about when he casts the spirit from the boy and he says ‘faithless generation’?
- The father of the boy - he pleads if Jesus can do something. Suggesting lack of faith in Jesus’ ability
- The disciples were given the power by Jesus to cast out spirits but they couldn’t - They had a lack of faith
- The wider Jewish community
- The scribes
What does the story of Jesus casting the spirit out of the boy show Christians today?
- If people want to see miracles then faith, fasting and prayer are essential
- There is no force so powerful or evil that Jesus cannot defeat it - gives Christians hope in the face of difficulties
What was the cost of the disciples following their command to serve?
- The fishermen and the tax collectors gave up their businesses to follow Jesus
- The disciples became travellers giving up friends and family that were important to them
- They had to give up money and possessions
- They would face persecution and suffering
What was the price of service for James and John?
- James and John asked for a reward when the kingdom of God came
- Jesus challenged them and said that they did not know what they were asking
- He warned them to be careful by asking whether they could deal with the suffering he was about to endure
- They said they could
- Jesus acknowledged their willingness to sacrifice
- This foretold that James and John would both suffer on their road to the kingdom of God.
Why do James and John ask for a reward in the Kingdom of God?
- They thought the Kingdom would be something on earth
- They thought Jesus would be a King on earth and wield earthly power
- They were ambitious - They remained seduced by the idea of power
- They didn’t understand that Jesus came to serve not lead
What does James and John’s request of a reward tell us?
- The disciples were ignorant to the Kingdom of God and the sacrifice Jesus would make
- They were influenced by the idea of the Jewish messiah which was different to Jesus.
What happened to James and John?
- James was the first of the disciples to be martyred (Murdered by King Herod)
- John was exiled and was the last of the disciple to die
What does Jesus say discipleship truly means?
- Serving, not being served
- The Son of Man was characterised by selflessness and service
- The disciples should be the same
What is the meaning of serving, not being served for Christians today?
- The call to serve is influenced by Catholic Social Teaching
- It may involve giving our lives in service of the poor or oppressed
- Giving money or possessions to help others
- It is about serving others first as a way to show love to God
- Nothing we do should be to seek prestige, status or acclaim
What happened between Jesus and the Greek woman?
- A Greek woman approached Jesus to help her possessed daughter
- Jesus replies ‘Let the children be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs’
- She doesn’t disagree with this, instead she says that even dogs under the table eat children’s crumbs.
- Jesus then heals her daughter
- Jesus was impressed by the woman’s faith
What does Jesus mean by ‘Let the children be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s bead and give it to the dogs’?
- By children Jesus means the Jews
- The dogs represent the non-Jews
- Jesus could have been testing her faith
- Jesus could have been dismissing her as a non-Jew.
What happened at the anointing atBethany?
- Jesus was at the house of his friend Simon
- A woman came and poured a jar of expensive ointment over his head
- Some people were angry that she had wasted the expensive ointment as the money could have been given to the poor
- Jesus reacted differently - she had done a beautiful thing for him. Anointed his body before burying
- Jesus said they would always have the poor with them, but not always have him.
What can we learn from the anointing of Bethany?
- She carried out the action purely for the benefit of Jesus. Anointing the Messiah
- She showed Jesus love.
- She is anointing Jesus before his death as his body cannot be anointed on the Friday evening due to the Sabbath day. (The woman doesn’t know Jesus will die)
What two key events were women witness to?
- The crucifixion
- The resurrection
How do women witness two key events in Jesus life?
- It is the women who witness Jesus’ death not his disciples
- Both Marys go with Jesus’ body to his tomb
- The women return on the Sunday to anoint his body
- The resurrection is a crucial moment in Christianity and yet it was not witnessed by those closest to him
- The women who witnessed his death also witness his resurrection
- They are asked to tell the disciples - share the good news and gospel
What does the importance of women in Jesus’ ministry teach us today?
- It shows that we need to trust God no matter where we are on the social ladder
- We should act out of love and compassion as the woman who anointed Jesus did
- The women who witnessed Jesus’ death and resurrection are examples of courage for us.
How could it be difficult to be a disciple today?
- People follow other religions
- People follow no religion at all
- Many people are hostile towards religion
Who is Dietrich Bonhoeffer?
- A German, Christian write and leader
- He spoke out against the Nazi regime
- When Hitler took over the church to which Bonhoeffer belonged he defied the laws that said Hitler’s book should be placed next to the Bible
- He refused to take an oath to support Hitler
What did Bonhoeffer say about discipleship in his book ‘The Cost of Discipleship’
- He said people should not take for granted the love of God
- People should seek to be transformed by the love of God
- He said people did not understand the cost of being a disciple
- ‘When Christ calls a man, he bids him to die’
What happened to Bonhoffer?
- He was imprisoned for helping Jews escape from persecution as well as trying to recruit allies
- He was executed in April 1945 for being linked to a plot to assassinate Hitler
- He had felt compelled to make a stand in the name of Jesus against evil
What can people learn from Bonhoeffer about discipleship?
- People should stand firm in the face of opposition
- They should speak out about what is evil
- You may have to be willing to die for what you believe in
Who is Mother Teresa?
- A Catholic nun born in Albania
- She started as a teacher then felt that God was calling her to work with the poor in India
- She founded a Charity called the Missionaries of Charity
What did Mother Teresa do?
- She would go out onto the streets of Calcutta feeding and trying to care for the poor
- They set up shelters to care for the dying
- She said each person who was dying should be treated as if they were Jesus himself
What does Mother Teresa tell us about discipleship?
- It can mean the devotion of an entire life in the name of Jesus
- We should act to positively help those in need
- Being a disciple is not easy