Catholic Christianity: Practices Flashcards
To help learn the content from the practices part of the Catholic Christianity section.
What is a Sacrament?
- An outward sign of an inward grace.
- Catholics believe while Jesus was on earth everything he did was a visible sign of God’s love.
- We can connect with this through the Sacraments.
How do the Sacraments help us experience God?
- They experience Gods nourishing, forgiving, healing and strengthening power in a special way.
- It helps them build their relationship with God and become more like Jesus.
What are the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church?
- Baptism
- Penance / Reconciliation / Confession
- Holy Communion/Eucharist
- Confirmation
- Holy Orders
- Marriage
- Anointing of the Sick
What is Baptism?
- It is the first step in the lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship
- water is poured on the baby’s head and the priest says:
- ‘I baptise you in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit’
What is the meaning and significance of baptism?
- The person baptised becomes part of the family of God.
- Baptism takes away original sin and gives new life with the Holy Sprit
- Gods loving forgiveness is present for the one who is baptised
What is confirmation?
- The person chooses to continue their faith
- Confirmation is done when Catholics are older.
- It is usually given by the bishop
- The bishop lays his hands on the persons head and anoints them with oil
What is the meaning and significance of confirmation?
- It completes the sacrament of baptism
- It gives the strength to follow Jesus and become more involved in the mission he left to the church.
- God is present through the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit given to Catholics.
What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit received through Confirmation?
- Wisdom
- Understanding
- Knowledge
- Fortitude/Courage
- Counsel
- Piety
- Fear of the Lord
What is Eucharist/Holy Communion?
- At the last supper Jesus took bread and wine and asked his followers to re-enact the meal when they come together.
- Catholics receive the bread and wine at mass.
What is the meaning and significance of Eucharist/Holy Communion?
- It is both a sacrifice and a meal
- They believe in the real presence of Jesus who died for our sins.
- They receive his body and blood and are fed spiritually.
What is Reconciliation/Penance/Confession?
- The person confesses their sins.
- The priest forgives their sins from God.
- ‘I absolve you of your sins in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit’
What is meaning and significance of Reconciliation/Penance/Confession?
- By expressing sorrow for their sins, Catholics experience God’s forgiveness and healing.
- Their relationship with God and their unity as a church is made whole again.
What is the Anointing of the Sick?
The individual is anointment with an oil (symbol of strength) and received the laying-on of the hands from a priest.
What is the meaning and significance of the Anointing of the Sick?
- It unifies the persons suffering with Jesus and brings forgiveness of sins
- It brings strength in illness, comfort from suffering and prepares people close to death to meet God.
What are Holy Orders?
- The bishop will lay his hands on the person and anoint him with oil.
- He will serve the community and bring about the salvation of others.
What is the meaning and significance of Holy Orders?
- Men are ordained as priests, deacons or bishops.
- Priests serve as spiritual leaders
- They act in the place of Christ on earth.
- God’s presence is known through them.
What is marriage?
- The couple are joined together in the eyes of God.
- They say vows and swap wedding rings.
What is the meaning and significance of marriage?
- A baptised man and woman are united as a sign of the unity between Jesus and his Church.
- God is present through the couples lifelong love and commitment to each other.
Why is the mass important to Catholics?
- It is where they gather to recall the last supper
- It is the source of Christian life.
- They are unified with God.
- It re-enacts the sacrifice of Christ on the cross
- We are spiritually fed through the body and blood.
When do Catholics believe Christ is present in the mass?
- In the bread and wine - Jesus’ body and blood.
- In the readings - Jesus is the word of God.
- In each of the believers gathered together.
- In the priest- Christ works through them.
What is liturgical worship?
The structured public service of worship followed in churches by Catholic Christians.
What happens at the start of a Catholic mass?
It begins with a gathering of the congregation to form the community around Christ.
Why is the sign of the cross made?
To show that people pray in God not just to God.
What does the priest wear and why does he wear this?
- The priest wears vestments that cover his ordinary clothes.
- They cover his own identity, showing that he is the presence of Christ among them.
What is the penitential rite?
The priest invites everyone, including himself, to think about their sins.
For forgiveness to be received, they need to know what needs to be forgiven.
When is the gloria sung?
On Sundays or on special feast days in order to praise God.
What is the ‘collect’ during mass?
A prayer said by the priest to offer all the prayers to the Father. It expresses the focus of Mass that day.
What happens during the Liturgy of the Word during mass?
- Readings from the Old/New Testaments
- The priest or deacon gives a homily
- The Nicene Creed is said
- Bidding prayers are said
What is a homily?
A commentary that follows the readings from the Bible. It explains the teaching and meaning of God’s word.
What are intercessions?
Prayers which request help or relief.
What happens during the liturgy of the Eucharist?
- The congregation meet with Christ.
- The bread and wine is brought to the altar.
- The priest says the Eucharistic prayer of thanksgiving asking God to send down the Holy Spirit.
- He asks God to transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
What is the communion rite?
- The priests and other ministers offer Jesus’ body and blood as food and drink to the people.
- This is Holy Communion sharing in and being nourished by the life of Christ.
What are the concluding rites?
The priest greets, blesses and then dismisses the people so that they use the grace received within mass to spread God’s love throughout the world.
What does consuming the body and blood of Jesus do for Catholics?
- Makes individual Catholics part of Jesus’ body (The Church)
- Makes Catholics part of one another
- Creates the Church (The Body of Christ)
What is Lumen Gentium?
A document produced after Vatican II which defined the nature of the role of the Church in the modern world.
It talked specifically about how the Eucharist brings Catholics together.
What does Lumen Gentium say about Communion?
We are taken up into communion with Him and with one another’
What do Catholics think about liturgical worship?
- There is no higher good than God therefore praising and thanking him for life is an important thing to do.
- The structured ceremonies contain signs and symbols which link back to Apostolic Tradition and the teachings of the Bible and Magisterium
- Liturgical tradition is a key part of Catholicism.
What do other Christian denominations think about liturgical worship?
- They believe formal liturgy can restrict of inhibit a Christian’s connection to God.
- Spontaneous involvement from the congregation is encouraged.
Why do Catholics have funerals?
- Catholics believe that death is not the end.
- As Christians, they look forward to eternal life with God in heaven.
- At a funeral, the mourners pray for the person who has died, entrusting them to the love of God.
- God listens to their prayers and will be merciful towards the departed person.
- The service is also a celebration of a life. The mourners look back over the dead person’s life and thank God for the good times they enjoyed.
What happens with the coffin during a Catholic funeral?
- A Catholic funeral usually takes place as part of a requiem mass.
- Requiem means ‘rest’ in Latin and reflects the fact that Catholics are praying that the person who has died is now at peace with God.
- The coffin may be brought into church the night before the funeral. The coffin is sprinkled with holy water as a reminder of the person’s baptism and the promise of sharing in Jesus’ resurrection.
- The coffin is usually put near the altar. The priest places a book of the gospels and the crucifix on it. The gospels = the person’s life dedicated to the teachings of Jesus and the crucifix = we will share in Jesus’ victory over death.
What happens during the Catholic funeral rite?
- Mass is celebrated with readings and prayers focused on the hope of eternal life.
- The homily normally includes a tribute to the person who has died.
- The priest will focus on the belief that those who trust in God will have eternal life.
- The funeral ends with burial or cremation.
- The funeral is usually followed by a reception at the family’s home or another location where food and drink are served.
Why do Catholics pray for the dead?
- They ask God to welcome the deceased into his presence so they can have eternal life in heaven.
- A Catholic might ask a priest to offer a Mass for a relative or friend who has died. The person’s name is usually mentioned during the Eucharistic prayer.
What is the importance of Prayer?
- ‘Raising the mind and heart to God’
- This is how Catholics communicate with God.
- Catholics can pray on their own (private) or as a congregation (public)
- Catholics can use formulaic prayers. These are prayers which are set and have been passed down. E.G the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
- Or they might make up their own prayer. This is extempore prayer. These are spontaneous prayers.
What is the Lords Prayer?
- Jesus taught it to his disciples.
- It is a model for prayer because it contains Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication (ACTS)
What do the prayer types ACTS stand for?
- Adoration: It means worship. Catholics praise God for what he has done.
- Confession: Telling God what you have done wrong and asking for forgiveness.
- Thanksgiving: Being thankful to God.
- Supplication: Praying for your own needs and the needs of others.
When do Cathoics pray?
- Before important moments
- At all times ‘Pray constantly’ (St Paul)
- At particular moments which are set aside
What is formal prayer?
- Prayer using formula and words from Church Tradition
- E.G. The Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary etc.
What is extempore prayer?
Prayer which is informal using a person’s own words without planning or preparation.
What do Catholics think about praying in private?
- Matthew says prayer should not be done for show, but should be heartfelt and something which seeks a deeper relationship with God.
- ‘Go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret’
What is popular piety?
- A form of devotion.
- It refers to forms of worship or prayer that are inspired by culture rather than the liturgical worship of the church E.G the rosary.
What is the rosary?
- Series of beads used by Catholics to help them concentrate during prayers.
- It consists of: 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys and 1 Glory Be.
- They think about a mystery during each sequence (called a decade)
- There are 4 mysteries.
Why pray the rosary?
- It helps Catholics reflect on the important events of the life of Jesus and Mary.
- It helps Catholics think more deeply
- They can reflect on Jesus’ suffering and understand that God knows our suffering as he endured it as Jesus and as a suffering father.
What are the Stations of the Cross?
- A series of prayers that honour the Passion and death of Christ.
- The 14 stations are often on the walls of a Catholic Church.
What does each Station of the Cross usually have and what happens at the stations?
- A wooden cross and images representing the scene being recalled.
- At each station a reflection on the suffering of Christ at that scene is made, sometimes with a reading or vocal prayers.
- People then move to the next station.
What is the nature and significance of the Stations of the Cross?
- They might be used on a Catholic Church on Fridays (especially during Lent) and more so on Good Friday
- It is a way of imitating Christs suffering without having to go to Jerusalem.
- They provide particular focus during Holy Week, some Anglican, Methodist and Lutheran Churches also have them for this reason.
What is Eucharistic Adoration?
- Where the Blessed Sacrament itself is adored and worshipped.
- Catholics adore the consecrated host and they believe Christ is truly present in the bread and wine once it has been consecrated.
What is the nature and significance of Eucharistic adoration?
- It is a way of focusing people in prayer in the parish.
- It can be used as a way of thanking God for something, or how to pray to God in times of emergency or disaster.
- Vatican II recommended Catholics genuflect on one knee before the Eucharist.
What is a pilgrimage?
- A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place.
- Many Catholics still go on pilgrimages.
- Catholic Church recognises sites of pilgrimage as among the most appropriate places for prayer.
Why do people go on pilgrimage?
- To help strengthen their faith
- To pray for something special or the sick.
- To become closer to God and to thank God.
- To share the experience and their faith with others.
What is the significance of people visiting the Holy Land?
- Places in the Holy Land are connected to Jesus.
- People could visit where Jesus was born, crucified and was resurrected.
- It allows people to pray at the sites and better understand the gospels.
What is the significance of people visiting places connected to Mary?
- These places are linked to places where Mary is believed to have appeared.
- Pilgrims feel a close connection to her in these sites.
- E.G. Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal or Knock in Ireland.
What is the significance of people visiting places connected to the apostles?
- It shows that they went around the world spreading the gospel.
- Vatican City is built over the tomb of St Peter
- St James’ relics were taken to Spain.
What is Lourdes and why do people go there?
- A popular shrine to Mary set up where a girl called Bernadette had visions of Mary.
- Mary told Bernadette to dig for a spring - the spring is supposed to have healing qualities and many pilgrims bathe there.
- Thousands of pilgrims go to pray at the grotto.
- Lots of young people go and help the sick and disabled pilgrims which can be a life changing experience.
What is Catholic Social Teaching?
A set of principles about building a just and fair society.
What does Catholic Social Teaching say about Human Dignity?
- At the heart of CST is human dignity.
- Catholics believe that we were created imago dei and that each life is sacred.
- This links to Jesus’ teaching ‘love our neighbour’
- Catholics take strong position on issues connected with the beginning and ending of life.
- This belief has a huge impact on how people support people with disabilities, how they address inequality and their approach to civil rights.
What does Catholic Social Teaching say about the Common Good?
- The church promotes the idea of the common good.
- This means seeking the conditions in society that promote the fulfilment of all people, both as individuals and as groups.
- In order for people to flourish and reach their potential, society needs to promote respect for human rights and the dignity of each person.
- We also need to promote peace and security within society.
What do CAFOD do?
- They are the major Catholic agency working for world development.
- It tries to live out the Church’s mission on a global scale.
- It tries to help those in need and promotes long-term development so people can support themselves.
- It has a disaster fund to aid people after natural disasters and also refugees.
- 5% of CAFOD’s budget is spent on educating people about the need for development in poorer countries.
- It tries to end poverty.
Who are CAFOD?
- Catholic Agency for Overseas Development.
- They are supported by the Catholics of England and Wales.
What does Catholic Social Teaching say about justice, peace and reconciliation?
- Peace and reconciliation are at the heart of the gospel.
- It condemns the arms trade and supports those who refuse to take up arms on grounds of conscience.
- It looks towards the kingdom of God and tries to find ways to create lasting peace in the world.
- A peace that is experienced and learnt about from a relationship with God.
What do SVP do?
- Visit and help care for families who are finding it difficult to organise their family or home.
- Help the lonely, bereaved or housebound.
- Visits to sick people.
- Shopping, decorating, gardening, filling in official forms and making sure people receive their benefits.
- Organise children’s camps for children from poor or troubled homes.
- Organising stores for unwanted furniture which can help the homeless.
Who are St Vincent De Paul (SVP)?
They are an organisation of Catholics who try to help those in need around the UK.
What is social justice?
The desire to achieve a just and fair society where everyone has access to the same basic things to live and can look forward to equal opportunities.
What are the 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching?
- Sacredness of Life
- Call to family, community and participation
- Human Rights
- Preferential option for the poor
- Dignity of work and the rights of workers
- Solidarity with all people as one global family
- Stewardship
What do Catholics believe about evangelisation?
- We should make ‘disciples of all nations’
- We are called to continue the work of announcing the gospel.
- Evangelisation does not mean forcing people to convert.
- It is about sharing and living out the message.
What does Pope Francis say about evangelisation?
- He wrote a letter called Evangelii Gaudium
- It is about our mission to evangelise in the modern world.
- To share the gospel is to show love and care for the weak, vulnerable and poor.
- Parishes should be welcoming places.
- Catholics should be looking for new ways to spread the gospel.
What are the three main ways we can evangelise?
- Locally
- Nationally
- Globally
How can we evangelise locally?
- The basic message of God’s love is passed on through mass, sacraments, Bible study, charitable works, social events etc.
- A Catholic might choose a career like teaching, medicine or caring which demonstrates Gods love for the world
- Being married and raising children in the faith.
How can we evangelise nationally?
- The Bishops conference helps Catholics know how to share the gospel.
- You could attend national events and conferenced such as ‘the flame’ which is hosted every two years.
How can we evangelise globally?
- The Pope visits countries
- World Youth Days
- Twitter, YouTube and Instagram