Catholic Christianity: Sources of Wisdom and Authority Flashcards
To help learn the content from the sources of wisdom and authority part of the Catholic Christianity section.
What do Catholics believe about inspiration and revelation from the Bible?
- Catholics believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
- God inspired people to write the Bible - not everything is historically or literally accurate.
- Catholics must determine what is true and what is a metaphor.
- All Christians should be guided by the teachings of the Bible.
What are the two main parts of the Bible?
- The Old Testament
- The New Testament
What can be found in the Old Testament?
- The laws (Torah) - The first five books of the OT. They tell the story of how the Jewish people became God’s chosen race and how they were told to live.
- Historical books
- Wisdom
- Prophets
What can be found in the New Testament?
- It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles.
- The Gospels
- The Acts of the Apostles
- The Letters
- The Book of Revelation
What are the Origins of the Bible?
- It took about 350 years for the books in the Bible to be accepted as authentic records of Christian belief.
- For a book to be accepted in the NT it had to:
a. be accepted by all Christians
b. the work had to go back to the apostles
c. have an early written date
d. agree with other Christian beliefs.
What do Other Christians (Creationists/Funamentalists) believe about the Bible?
- It is the literal word of God.
- Everything is factually correct.
- The Holy Spirit gave the Bible and no one should question anything in it because it comes from God.
- Where there appear to be contradictions this is because people do not have enough understanding yet.
What do Catholics believe about the Bible and the story of Genesis?
- Genesis is a myth.
- Lots of stories in the Bible are metaphors (they have hidden meanings)
- Genesis is not literally true, although it has great truths.
- It shows us that God is omnipotent and the creator.
What do Jews believe about the Torah?
- The Torah is the first 5 books of the OT and are the holiest and most important part of scripture for Jews.
- Orthodox Jews believe that the Torah was given to Moses by God and must be taken literally.
- Reform Jews say that the Torah doesn’t need to be taken literally and sometimes the rules have to be adapted for modern life.
What is the Magisterium?
- It means ‘teaching authority’
- The Pope and the bishops safeguard the Church’s teaching on behalf of everyone.
- It is their responsibility to ensure the teaching of Jesus is protected
- They make decisions and statements about faith and morality for the Catholic community – they can comment on things previously not mentioned in the Bible.
- Catholics believe they are guided by the Holy Spirit.
- As the Pope is guided by the Holy Spirit, Catholics believe he is infallible.
What is Ordinary Magisterium?
- The everyday teaching of the Church.
- Bishops preach homilies and write letters to their diocese giving them instructions.
- The Pope may write a letter called an encyclical. Such as Laudato Si.
What is Extraordinary Magisterium?
- These are times when the teaching authority of the Church is used.
- This is rare.
- It can be split into two ways:
1. Conciliar
2. Pontifical
What is Pontifical Magisterium?
- The Pope under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is infallible when speaking ex cathedra.
- This is when the Pope’s declare what the Church now thinks – it is rarely used.
- It was most recently used to announce the Immaculate Conception and the assumption of Mary.
What is Conciliar Magesterium?
- This is when the Pope calls together all he bishops to settle a problem or explore new questions facing the church.
- There have been 21 councils.
- The last council was Vatican II in the 60s.
What is the job of Parish priests?
- Charged with the emotional and spiritual care of an area
- They lead daily Mass and provide sacraments
What is the job of Bishops?
- They are responsible for a diocese and all the priests, deacons and the laity within it.
- They also give the sacrament of Holy Orders.
What is the job of Archbishops?
- More senior than bishops
- In charge of an archdiocese
What is the job of Cardinals?
- A college of bishops each of whom is nominated by the Pope.
- They elect future Popes.
What is the job of The Pope?
- Bishop of Rome
- Source of guidance for Catholics
- Appoints new bishops
- Leads the worldwide Church
- Successor of St Peter.
What is apostolic succession?
The belief that tradition from the apostles has been handed down in the Church through the Pope and bishops. This gives them authority.
What is the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
- It is a book of approved Catholic teachings
- Catholics use the CCC to help inform their faith and understanding.
What is Vatican II?
- This was a council to discuss how Catholicism needed to meet the challenges of the modern world. It took place between 1962-1965.
What were the 4 key documents of Vatican II?
- Gaudium et Spes (the church in the modern world)
- Dei Verbum (the mass/liturgy)
- Sacrosanctum Concilium ( the word of God)
- Lumen Gentium ( the constitution of the church)
What did Gaudium et spes say?
- It is about Catholic Social Teachings
- Encouraged Catholics to response to poverty
- Encouraged people of faith to engage with the world.
What did Sacrosanctum concilium say?
- Changes to the churches official worship.
- Latin mass changed to mass in the local language.
- The altar was moved so that the priest could be seen and faced his congregation.
What did Dei Verbum say?
- Sets out how important the Bible is
- Encouraged Catholics to use the Bible as part of their prayers.
What did Lumen gentium say?
- It means ‘light of the peoples’
- Encouraged the ordinary people to take a more active role to serve Jesus and the world.
What are some of the main changes brought about by Vatican II?
- Mass was changed to the local language
- Ordinary people were encouraged to read and be Eucharistic ministers.
- More women were involved
- Open to dialogue with people from other faiths.
What do Catholics mean by the Church as the body of Christ?
The body of Christ means that when Jesus went into heaven this was not the end of his work on earth, he still lives on through his followers and the Church.
Why is the Church as the body of Christ is important for Catholics?
- Catholics should continue on Jesus physical work, giving help and teach,
- Each person just like a different part of a body is used for the good of the whole body but has a different function.
What are the ‘four marks’ of the Church as named in The Creed?
- One
- Holy
- Catholic
- Apostolic
- ‘I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church’
What does the ‘one’ mean in the ‘four marks’ of the Church as in the Nicene Creed?
- The Church is one - it is united in the Body of Jesus Christ.
- It is because of its source The Trinity - three people in one body/God.
What does the ‘holy’ mean in the ‘four marks’ of the Church as in the Nicene Creed?
- The Church is holy.
- Jesus is the source of all holiness.
- Jesus makes the church holy and its followers holy through prayer, worship and good works.
What does the ‘Catholic’ mean in the ‘four marks’ of the Church as in the Nicene Creed?
- Catholic means ‘universal’
- It has the task of reaching out to everyone with Jesus’ word - the Church is for everyone.
What does the ‘apostolic’ mean in the ‘four marks’ of the Church as in the Nicene Creed?
- Jesus founded the Church and gave the authority to his apostles.
- Peter was the first Pope - Gods representative on earth.
- The faith was taught and handed on and continued by the apostles and is so today in everyone - the modern apostles.
Why is Mary important to Catholics?
- She was chosen to be the human mother of God.
- She is described as Mary the Mother of God.
- Without Mary there would be no Jesus
- She is given the special title ‘Our Lady’
- All Catholic churches will have a statue of her and there is a special devotion to her.
How is Mary a model for the Church?
- Model of Faith - She had total faith in God and her Son. She said yes without question.
- Mary as a model of how to be a disciple - She was a true disciple. She spent her whole life dedicated to Jesus. We should serve God like this.
- Mary as an example of dedication. - She is an example of self-giving. She did not hold back, but gave her whole life to God.
What do we mean by ‘the Church is the body of Christ’?
- Jesus lives on through his followers and in the Church which is his body on earth.
- Each person within the Church has a different talent that they can use for the good of the Church in the same way that each part of a body has a different function.
- Christians become part of the Catholic Church and therefore the body of Christ through baptism.
- At the Eucharist they receive the body of Christ. They share in the body and are strengthened.
What is the conscience?
- St Thomas Aquinas says it is ‘the mind of human beings making moral decisions’
- Catholics have their obligation to follow their conscience.
- Their conscience is informed by the Bible and the Church.
- If people followed their conscience more often there would be far less moral evil in the world.
- Catholics have the ability to discover natural law through their conscience.
What is Natural Law?
A key part of Catholic teaching
What are the parts of Natural Law?
- Preserve human life
- To reproduce
- To educate
- To live in society
- To worship God
What are sources of ethical decision making for Catholics?
- Conscience
- Scripture and tradition
- Magisterium
What is a virtue?
- Moral excellence
- Virtue ethics are focused on the role of the individual’s character and their virtues.
- What do peoples actions tell us about their moral character?
Why is Jesus a good source of moral authority?
- Jesus had a love for others - ‘love your neighbour’ ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’
- Jesus told people to forgive. ‘forgive them for they know not what they do’
- Jesus came to serve - He laid down his life for humanity.
- Social Justice - Jesus came to spread the good news to the poor.