OPTIMAL NUTRITION and Pinggang Pinoy Flashcards
It serves to maintain normal organ function and to preserve body energy stores to guarantee survival during times of shortage of food. Especially total body protein content is an important determinant of survival.
Optimal Nutrition
10 Tips for combining good nutrition and physical activity
- Maximize with nutrient-packed foods
- Energize with grains
- Power up with protein
- Mix it up with plant protein foods
- Vary your fruits and vegetables
- Don’t forget dairy
- Balance your meals
- Drink water
- Know how much to eat
- Reach your goals
It is a food guide using a food plate model
to show the recommended proportion by
food groups in every meal, intended
specifically for healthy Filipinos
Pinggang Pinoy
Choose whole grains such as brown
rice, corn, whole wheat bread, and
oatmeal. They contain more fiber and
nutrients than refined grains and are
linked to lower risk of heart diseases,
diabetes, and other health problems.
Eat fish, shellfish, lean meat, eggs, and dried beans and nuts needed for the
growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues. Include fatty fish such as tuna
and sardines to provide essential fatty acids that help protect against heart
diseases. Consume calcium - rich foods like milk, dilis, and small shrimps for
strong bones and teeth.
Fruits and vegetables are packed with
vitamins, minerals and fiber needed for
the regulation of body processes.
Don’t forget to drink lots of water every
day for adequate hydration. Limit intake
of sugary-sweetened drinks to reduce
the risk of obesity and tooth decay.
Don’t forget to drink lots of water every
day for adequate hydration. Limit intake
of sugary-sweetened drinks to reduce
the risk of obesity and tooth decay.
Exercise regularly (at least 30 minutes a day).
Exercises such as walking, running, swimming,
dancing, and cycling would help you burn fat
and increase muscle weight.