Opthalmology Flashcards
Viral conjunctivitis - features, mx.
Watery discharge, preauricular lymphadenopathy, follicular pattern of conjunctiva. Cold compress, lubricants, worse day 5-6 then slowly resolves.
Allergic conjunctivitis - features, management.
Cobblestoning on conjunctiva. Avoid rubbing, avoid lenses. Use cool compress, refrigerated fake tears. 1stline antihistamine (zyrtec drop, for 6+), patanol mast cell stabiliser 3+, eyezep - azelastine does both 4+
Features and management of gonococcal + chalmydial conjunctivitis. Risks.
G: acute copious discharge. Take PCR swab, STAT cefotaxime IV/IM + azith, opthal emergency, seen in neonates. C: Azith 1g oral STAT, face washing and treating household contacts.
Fx and Mx of periorbital + orbital cellulitis.
Fever, pain and swelling alone - oral fluclox (keflex or clinda if allergy), ensure improving 48hr. If sinusitis use augmentin. If proptosis, diplopia or painful eye movements risk orbital - CT, IV abx (cefotaxime), blood cultures.
What are 6 history questions in someone presenting with a red eye?
Vision affected, photophobia, trauma, contact lenses, discharge, foreign body sensation (grittiness likely viral/allergic/dry).
Acute angle closure glaucoma - 5 features, 5 mx
Severe pain, nausea/vomiting, see halos around lights, mix-dilated poorly reactive pupil, cloudy cornea. Emergency opthal, lie flat, NBM, IV morph/ondansetron, no eye patch.
Opthal will do eye drops like timolol
What are 4 possible causes of transient vision loss? What tests are considered?
Ischaemia from cartoid disease, giant cell arteritis - headache, retinal vasospasm in young pt, migraine -bilateral w aura. If >50, do ESR + CRP, carotid U/S and opthal review. Consider MRI, cardiac workup.
Chalazion and stye - cause, appearance, management. DDx.
C: meibomian cyst/clogged gland. Not tender. Warm compress, eyelid hygiene, gentle massage, improve in 1mo. Stye/hordeolum - infection of gland of Zeiss or meibomian. Warm compress. Abx only if cellulitis. DDx: BCC.
Cataract - cause, RF, symptoms, mx.
Lens opacity. Age, smoking, alcohol, sunlight exposure, diabetes ?steroids. Painless, bluriness, halos around lights, fading colours, worse at night. Low risk surgery under local when symptoms bothersome.
What are some causes of flashes + floaters (both + separate)? 2 differentials
Posterior vitreous detachment, retinal detachment, retinal tear, posterior uveitis. Flash only: retinitis. Float: vitreous haemorrhage, PVD. DDx: migraine, occipital lobe pathology.
How does a retinal detachment present? RF? DDx?
Painless vision loss, recent flash/float. RF: trauma/surgery, age >50, Fhx, near sightedness. Other painless loss: vitreous haemorrhage, central artery/vein occlusion, temporal arteritis, optic neuritis.
Open angle glaucoma - risk factors, findings.
Age, Fhx, OSA, diabetes, HTN, vasospam/migraines. Can be asx. Cupping of optic disc - increased size/ratio of cup to disc and vessels pushed out.
Open angle glaucoma - treatment options (3) w examples, SE. SE of eye drops.
Prostagland analogue 1st latanoprost - hypertrichosis, pigmentation skin/iris. Beta: timolol - bronchoconstrict, bradyarrythmia, hypotension. Use in morning. Alpha agonist: brimonidine - conjunctivitis. Preservatives can cause chronic red gritty eyes
Macular degeneration - sx, RF, mx.
Painless bilatera visual loss - central scotoma, distorted lines. RF: Smoking, HTN, Fhx, northern europe. Omega 3 fatty acids, eye vitamin supplement, support groups, amsler grid at home. Can be dry or wet, wet use anti-vegf. Chronic disease.
What are the fundoscopic features of hypertensive + diabetic retinopathy? Retinal vein and artery occlusions.
HTN: silver wiring, AV nipping, haemorrhage. DM: cotton wool spots, exudates, neovascularisation, haemorrhage. Vein: sunset storm (brnach or central). Artery: pale retina, cherry red spot.
What are the differentials for diplopia?
Mono: cataract/astigmatism. Binocular: cranial nerve palsy (from aneurysm/tumour ICP), myasthenia gravis, thyroid eye disease, tumour, trauma.
What signs of an orbital fracture need immediate referral? How are they managed in the interim?
Proptosis (blood behind), tear shaped pupil - globe rupture, RAPD, painful/limited eye movements, hyphaema, compartment syndrome - tight orbit. No nose blowing 2 weeks, icepack 2hrly for first 2 days, no air travel 2 weeks, CT and surgery.
Dacrocytitis - presentation, mx.
Watery eye then painful swelling from obstructed drain system. Analgesia, warm compress, use keflex if infected.
Exam features of optic neuritis - 5.
Usually monocular. Central scotoma, loss of colour vision, RAPD, normal fundoscopy or disc swell/blur.
How does uveitis present? Mx
Painful red eye, photophobia, bluriness over days. Pupil constricted, cells in anterior chamber, redness all the way to iris. Urgent opthal review in 48hr.
Features of anterior and posterior blepharitis. Assoc conditions. Mx for both and separate.
Eyelid inflammation - ant shows scaly debris, swelling of lid margin. Post: cloudy secretion, chalazion. Mx: warm compress 2-5min then gentle scrub w baby shampoo. Ant: chlorsig ointment. Posterior: doxycycline.
Features and management of pingueculum and pterygium
Pingueculum: yellow/white from limbus (some space before cornea), benign from sun exposure. Won’t affect cornea. Pterygium - grows from medial side, wedge shaped film, remove if going over cornea.
Episcleritis vs scleritis
Epi: local inflammation over one part of sclera - congested vessel, mild discomfort, no visual change. Reassure. Scleritis: much more inflammation, pain severe and photophobia.
Fx and mx of HSV keratitis + photokeratitis
Dendritic ulcer, topical aciclovir, see opthal within 1 day for depth. Photo from UV - welding, pain 6-12hr post exposure; exposed nerve endings - punctate widespread uptake on staining. Self resolve 1-3 days, topical abx and oral analgesia, no patch.
Bacterial keratitis - fx, cause, mx.
Painful red eye w photophobia, swelling, blurriness. 95% associated w contact lenses. Ophtal ED - abx to treat avoid ulceration and vision loss.
How is hyphaema managed? Risk
Eye shield, bed rest w head at 30 degrees, dilate pupil, control pain and nausea, opthal review within 1-2 days. Risk of glaucoma.
What is the natural history of retinitis pigmentosa? Cause?
Night blindness as a child, visual field narrowing, blind by adolescence. Genetic - melanin cells move superficially and affect rods and cones.
How are eye chemical injuries managed?
Local anaesthetic, irrigate with 1L normal saline - 15 minutes. Wait 5 mins then check pH, aim for 6.5-8.5. Opthal review.