Ops Manual Flashcards
Can Cargo be carried on a unoccupied seat or stretcher?
Yes, if the total weight does not exceed 77kg and is restrained by a approved restraint system, must not obstruct emergency exit. Passenger safety harness is not a approved restraint system
RFDS Aircraft shall not be started for any purpose within these distances
5 metres of an sealed building
15m of a exposed public area
8m of a unsealsed building (below 5700kg MTOW)
15m of a unsealed buliding (above 5700kg MTOW)
8m of another aircraft.
You must attached a copy of the Aviation Risk Matrix if the ARM score is above?
The take off phase is deemed to end at how many feet above the runway?
Who can perform a Daily Aircraft Inspection?
Pilot in command who are type rated for the aircraft type and have a RFDS Mainteance Authority and a LAME licensed in either the airframe of engine category
If control locks are not fitted, the aircraft must be inspected by a LAME if the wind speed exceeds what?
For RNP2 routes not shown on Australian charts, the area to be considered for LSALT should be what?
5 nautical mile within an area surrounding and including the departure point, the destination and each side of track
VFR alternate minima?
Cloud more then scattered below 1500ft, visibility less then 8km, aerodrome forecast not available or is provisional
Is a strip run required for Day Operations
No requirement
At night can you waive a strip run?
For high priority cases yes, in consultation with the other crew, DTO and SSM, for lessor priority taskings a alternate aerodrome may be required.
Take off Minima?
-0 feet and 800 metres visibility
-0 feet and 550m if,
-runway has illuminated runway lighting and spacing not in excess of 60m
-secondary power supply with a switchover of 1 second or less
-if non controlled aerodrome has to by day where the carriage or radio is mandatory
How to judge distance for take off during the day in reduced visibility
runways 18m wide or greater have centreline markings 30 metres long and 30 metres apart making 60 metres from one marking to the start of the next.
-Therefore 10 markings = 600m
Stabilized Approach criteria are?
No later then 500ft
-Landing gear down
By no later then 300ft
-Flaps set for landing
-Aircraft aligned with the runway for straight in runways
-Aligned +-15 degrees for a circling approach
-Airspeed VREF + 20 and VREF -0
-Less then 1000 feet per mintue descent rate
-Power settings no less then 220ft pounds
At 50ft
-Stabilised at VREF, +10, -0
-Positioned to make a normal landing in the touchdown zone
What is contingency fuel?
Contingency Fuel is calculated at either the greater of 10% of the fuel required for take-off, climb, cruise and descent or 5 minutes at the aircraft holding speed at 1500 feet above the aerdrome elevation. This includes fuel for flight to an alternate if required.
Fixed reserve fuel is?
Fixed reserve is an amount of fuel expressed as a period of time (30 minutes) holding at 1500 feet above the runway. RFDS carries and additional 10 minutes for added safety. Making 40 minutes in total
Additional Fuel is?
Must be carried to cover loss of pressurisation, engine failure, proceed to a alternate, fly for 15 minutes at holding speed at 1500 feet above the runway,
In addition for RFDS operations 30 minutes of fuel is to be carried when reliant on a responsible person to mitigate PAL failure.
Weather forecasts required?
-Aerodrome forecast for the desination and if required an alternate
One of the following
-Flight forecast
-SIGWX above 10000feet
-Wind and temp
Fore a flight to a aerodrome without a Instrument approach the minimum is a GAF
Responsibilities of DHOFO
a key function of planning and reviewing aviation governance systems that promote safety and quality
specifically maintaining oversight of the compliance duties of the aviation administration team
* maintain CASR 61,141,142 and check pilot flying currency as applicable and qualifications on at least
one RFDS fleet aircraft type
* contribute to the quality programmes which support and maintain accreditation
* undertake professional development to maintain core aviation skills and foster standards in accordance
with best practice
* actively promote aviation safety and risk management through
− overseeing the maintenance of the master reference library of the aviation discipline documents
and manuals required for safe conduct of operations
− overseeing the management and maintenance of aviation flight and crew duty records and
recencies/authorities, including DAMP, Cabin Safety, ASIC registration etc. (via Air Maestro and
other systems)
− managing and assessing aviation threats and hazards identified by systems and personnel to
facilitate safety outcomes
− managing and maintaining compliance in accordance with CASA safety requirements and the
− reviewing and analysing aviation hazard/incident/safety reporting
− completing internal reporting requirements
− developing and maintaining records management framework (including EFB) ensuring they
comply with RFDS internal systems and ISO9001
− reviewing and analysing regulatory/legislative compliance
− overseeing and managing the procurement and dissemination of electronic data for navigation
and Flight Management Systems (FMS) for the aircraft fleet (includes weight and balance and
flight planning systems and control)
− providing advice for the carriage of specialist med
Chapter one is?
chapter 2 is?
Organisation and Responsibilities
Chapter 3 is
Operational Control
Chapter 4 is?
Safety management System
Chapter 5 is?
Crew Composition
Chapter 6 is?
Qualification Requirements
Chapter 7 is?
Crew Health Requirements
Chapter 8 is?
Operating Procedures
Chapter 9 is
Dangerous Goods
Chapter 10 is
Chaper 11 is
Handling of Accidents and Occurrences
Chapter 12 is
rules of the air
Immediately reportable matters are defined as what?
-Aircraft accident
-Serious aircraft incident
-Loss of separation standard
-Declaration of PAN PAN or Mayday
-Serious property damage incident
Routine Reportable Matters include what?
Aircraft incident
When key personnel cannot carry out responsibilities
if there is not another person authorised to carry out the responsibilities for all or part of the period—24 hours after the operator becomes aware of the matter; or
(b) if there is another person authorised to carry out the responsibilities for all or part of the period—3 days after the operator becomes aware of the matter.
Can a person in custody be carried on board?
Persons in custody may be carried with the approval of the HOFO or Delegate (DHOFO, MLO, DMLO or DTO)
on a flight provided there is a medical need. A police or prison officer escort is to be provided and normal
custodial procedures are to be followed
Retention records are written where
Part 119 and Operations manual chapter 2
Additional Fuel is defined as?
additional (supplementary) fuel must be carried to cover:
loss of pressurisation
engine failure
at the critical point along a route and be able to:
proceed to an alternate aerodrome for the flight and:
fly for 15 minutes at the holding speed, for the aeroplane, at 1500 feet above the aerodrome elevation and
make an approach and landing.
In addition, for RFDS operations, additional fuel will also be carried for aerodromes with standby power and
reliant on responsible persons to mitigate PAL failure where ATC is not in operation.
Pilots reliant on ‘a responsible person’, as a contingency for PAL failure, at an aerodrome with standby power
available, but without ATC in operation and in lieu of an alternate, will carry 30 minutes contingency fuel
calculated at the low-level holding fuel flow applicable to the aircraft type.
A “Responsibile person” is defined as?
The RFDS considers a responsible person to be:
* A person that is trained and has knowledge on how to operate the aerodrome lighting system in the
event of a PAL failure
* A person who has the necessary access to aerodrome lighting equipment
* Someone who is available to be called out in a timely manner to activate the aerodrome lighting
whenever required