Opposition to Gvmnt Flashcards
What was the election turnout in the Reichstag election in Dec 1924?
What sections of society mainly supported the coalition parties?
Middle-class business people, Catholics and the professional classes
Name 3 pro-constitution parties
Name 3 anti-constitution parties
KPD, USPD and Nazis
What was the percentage of votes for pro-constitution parties in Reichstag election at Dec 1924?
What was the percentage of votes for anti-constitution parties in Rechstag election at Dec 1924?
What was the increase in the number of seats for the SPD between 1924 and 1928 ?
In 1931, what percentage of the population owned a radio?
Over 70%
Name one way Nazis rewarded mothers
1931 Medals of honour for having more than 4 children
Name one way Nazis rewarded workers
Strengh through Joy trips
What section of society benefitted from the Nazis banning of the KPD and trade unions?
Wealthy industrialists.
What was the name of the chant that people were cheering in response to Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor?
Sieg Heil (Hail victory)
How did the Nazis create support during the war?
Charities and Murder squads
Why was it hard for the Nazis to gain support from the ordinary people during the war?
Bad living conditions as a result of Allied bombings
Name one way the Nazis showed anti-semitic propaganda?
Jews living in poor conditions in Ghettos.
In the first Nuremberg trial on 18 October 1945, of the 22 defendants, how many were sentenced to death?
How many people were arrested by the end of 1946?
What de-Nazification measures were taken in education?
Banned Nazi schoolbooks, films etc, and teachers were vetted to weed out Nazis at universities.
What fraction of US opinion polls thought that de-Nazification was necessary?
Between half and two-thirds
How many ex-Nazi scientists and doctors avoided prosecution by agreeing to work for the USA?
What was the phrase used to describe the desire to move on and avoid looking too closely at the past?
“Year Zero”
In 1961, what fraction of the University of Frankfurt believed in the future of democracy?
One third
What section of society were against “year zero” because they wanted to know more about their family history?
Young people growing up in the FRG
What was the turnout in the Bundestag election in 1949?
What was the turnout in the Bundestag election in 1972?
What did the Allensbach Institute (research institution) show about public attitudes towards the Bundestag
People who believed the Bundestag represented the public interest doubled between 1951 and 1964
what did the Allensbach Institute (research institution) show about public attitudes towards a monarchy?
People who believed that a monarchy should be restored fell from one-third to one-tenth.
In the 1960s, what law did people demonstrate against that restricted democracy and civil liberties of the Basic Law?
Emergency Law
What repressive regimes in other countries did people demonstrate against in support of democracy?
The military junta that ruled Greece after 1967
Why did some people oppose Ostopolitik.
Because it may mean establishing relations with the repressive communist regime of the USSR.