Attitudes towards Ethnic Minorities Flashcards
What was the term used for foreign workers in the FRG?
Guest Workers’ underlining the German attitude to them; their stay was believed to be ‘temporary’
What was the initial reaction recived by guest workers from the German Trade Unions?
At first, they feared that with their influx the overall wages of workers would be reduced and existing workers would be replaced as they would accept to work in poorer conditions.
How did the government respond?
They granted non-german workers the same wages as the Germans and agreed to give preference to poetential German employees when hiring
What was the Federal Office for Labour Recruitment for?
Established in Nuremburg in order to manage workers in countries West Germany had recuritment treaties with. Those who applied for work had to take a pysical exam; sign a one year contract for a particular job which they could not leave; live in accomodation near the factories/work sites which were outside towns cutting them out of the community.
How many Germans switched from industrial and agricultural jobs to white collar jobs from 1961-1973?
3 million
What jobs did the guest workers recieve?
Rather than taking work from the Germans, they took jobs Germans were happy to leave. From 1960-1964 the amount of guest workers increased from 270,000 to 1 million.
How much did the female work force increase from 1960-1973?
Female employment went from 43,000 - over 700,000 mainly in industries such as electronics and hospitality.
Who gave support to the guest workers?
Majority came from church organisations such as the catholic organisation Cartias and the protestant organisation Diakonisches Werk
How did tension increase between the Germans and the guest workers?
The amount of guest workers increased, some brought their fmilies and hoped to settle in the country. However, Trade Unions were not helpful about long term assimilation, some right-winged groups remained hostile, especially when they began demonstrating for better working conditions.
The 1966 recession
Increased the level of hostility to guest workers, especially thoughts who did not attempt to intergrate. Many landlords refused to take tenants, confining the guest workers into the poorest areas.
In November 1973
The government stopped hiring and banned permits for families of workers already in the country. The number of guest workers fell to just under 2 million. Despite this many did not leave
The government gave guest workers’ children the same benefits as other children as they were now unemployed.
The ban on guest workers was removed and workers started coming in again.
Who did Helmut Schmidt appoint in 1978?
The first Federal Commissioner for Foreigners’ Affiars who promoted guest workers rights and intergration into the community. But a clear set of rules was established for unrestricted residence but not citizenship.
Who was the Foreign Minister in 1922 and what happened to him?
Walter Rathenau was assassinated in June 1922. His death lead to anti-semitic organisations being banned
What fraction of Jews in the Weimar republic were married to non Jews by
1/3 or 33% of Jews
Who were the Germans People Offensive and Defensive
An anti-semtic organisation with 17,000 members who some later joined the Nazi’s
What were Gypsy’s made to carry around with them?
Made to carry id cards in Bavaria.
Attitudes towards Jewish people
Hated them for not paying taxes and not giving back into the economy
During the occupation of the Ruhr the French army had a black army which resulted into 500 mixed raced children which were labelled as “Germany’s Shame”
1st Jan 1934
Nazi’s introduced a compulsary ‘sterlization’ program which included: the disabled, unfit, Jewish, Black etc. 5000 of them died.
When were the Nuremburg race laws?
What was the ‘Night of the broken glass’?
9th November 1938 260 synafofues were burnt down. 20,000 Jews were arrested. 450,000 Jews were immigrated out of cities but had to pay substantial travel tax