OPP notes Flashcards
Midline bones (flex w/ inhalation)
Occiput Vomer Ethmoid Sphenoid Sacrum
Paired bones (ER w/ inhalation)
Flexion/Extension strains
2 transverse axes
Fingers towards feet/towards head
1 AP axis
L = L index finger superior (towel wringing)
Sidebending/rotation strains
2 vertical, 1 AP axis
L = L hands moves towards feet and gets fuller
Vertical strains
2 transverse axes (named by motion at base)
S = pinky fingers move superior, index move inferior
Lateral strains
2 vertical axes (named by motion at base)
L = index fingers R, pinkies L (parallelogram head)
Tinnitus (cranial)
Treat temporals
Anosmia (cranial)
Treat ethmoid
Temporal dysfunction can cause
CN X, XI, XII problems
Baby w/ sucking/swallowing problems (cranial)
Treat w/ decompression of occipital condyles
C/I to cranial
Bleed, fracture, trauma
Acute asthma attack
Absolute C/I to HVLA
Relative C/I to HVLA
Disk herniation
Scoliosis naming
Name for convex side of curve
Convex side = rib hump, prominent scapula
Cobb angle
Degree of scoliosis
5-15 = mild
20-45 = moderate
>50 = severe
Rib 1 exhalation treatment
Ant/middle scalene
Rib 2 exhalation treatment
Posterior scalene
Rib 3-5 exhalation treatment
Pec minor
Rib 6-10 exhalation treatment
Serratus anterior
Rib 11-12 exhalation treatment
Lat dorsi or Quad lumborum
Can’t walk on heels
L5 nerve root problem (L4-L5)
Can’t walk on toes
S1 nerve root problem (L5-S1)
Hip drop test vs Trendelenberg test
Lumbar sidebending vs gluteus medius weakness
Hip drop test
Shift weight, hip that drops less is side lumbar spine is sidebent towards
Trendelenburg test
Lift one foot; if other hip drops, weak gluteus medius
Posture plumb line
Posterior to apex of coronal suture Through external auditory meatus Through most cervical vertebrae Through shoulder joint Through most lumbar vertebrae Posterior to axis of hip joint Anterior to axis of knee joint Anterior to lateral malleolus
+Arm drop test
Rotator cuff injury
+Yergason’s test
Bicep tendonitis
+Speed’s test
Bicep tendonitis
TOS (anterior scalenes) (loss of radial pulse w/ rotation of head towards affected side)
+Empty can test
Rotator cuff injury
+Hyperabduction test
TOS (pec minor) (loss of radial pulse w/ abduction and external rotation of shoulder)
+Costoclavicular test
TOS (1st rib and clavicle) (loss of radial pulse w/ “military” posture of shoulders back)
C5 reflex
C6 reflex
C7 reflex
Tennis elbow
Lateral epicondylitis (pain w/ wrist extension)
Golfer’s elbow / Little leaguer’s elbow
Medial epicondylitis (pain w/ wrist flexion)
Ape hand
Median nerve injury
Claw hand
Median/ulnar nerve injury
Wrist drop
Radial nerve injury
Erb-Duchenne palsy
C5-6 nerve roots (upper brachial plexus lesion)
+Lachman test
+Drawer tests
+McMurray test
Medial meniscus
+Valgus/Varus tests
+Apley’s compression test
Meniscus (medial/lateral)
+Apley’s distraction test
+Patellar grind
Patello-femoral syndrome
Supination of foot
Inversion, plantar flexion, adduction
Posterior fibular head
Pronation of foot
Eversion, dorsiflexion, abduction
Anterior fibular head
ME rx posterior fibular head
Dorsiflex and evert foot
ME rx anterior fibular head
Plantar flex and invert foot
Fibular head dysfunction -> nerve?
Peroneal nerve impingement
Peroneal nerve impingement symptoms
Paresthesias on top of foot, ankle, outer lower leg
Pain gets worse with activity
Foot drop
Ankle sprain grades and ligaments
Grade I - Anterior talofibular
Grade II - ATF + calcaneofibular
Grade III - ATF + CF + PTF
Inversion sprain SDs
Tibia external rotation
Femur internal rotation
Posterior fibular head
Forward torsion of sacrum on side of sprain
Heart VS
Left T1-T5
Lungs VS
Esophagus VS
Stomach VS
Left T5-T9
Spleen/Pancreas VS
Left T7-T9
Liver/GB VS
Right T6/7-T9
Adrenals VS
Small intestine VS
Ovaries/Testes VS
Kidney VS
Uterus VS
Right colon VS
Right T10-T11
Left colon VS
Left T12-L2
Bladder/Ureters VS
Rectum/Sigmoid VS
Left L1-L2
Upper extremity VS
Lower extremity VS
Parasympathetic levels
CN III, VII, IX, X (to mid-transverse colon)
S2-S4 (below diaphragm, mid-transverse colon on)
Chapman’s point - middle ear
Top of mid-clavicle
Chapman’s point - sinuses
Bottom of mid-clavicle, top of 2nd rib
Chapman’s point - cerebellum
Tip of hook of scapula
Chapman’s point - retina, conjunctiva
Lateral upper humerus near biceps tendon origin
Chapman’s point - neck
Medial upper humerus (axilla)
Chapman’s point - pharynx
Bottom of clavicle at sternoclavicular junction
Chapman’s point - tonsils
Side of sternum btwn clavicle and 2nd rib
Chapman’s point - tongue
Lateral sternum at 2nd rib level
Chapman’s point - larynx
Sternum/2nd rib junction
Chapman’s point - esophagus, bronchus, thyroid, myocardium
Lateral sternum btwn rib 2-3
Chapman’s point - upper lung, upper limb
Lateral sternum btwn rib 3-4
Chapman’s point - lower lung
Lateral sternum btwn ribs 4-5
Chapman’s point - pylorus
Mid-sternum at rib 5 level
Chapman’s point - stomach (acidity)
L costochondral jxn btwn ribs 5-6
Chapman’s point - liver
R costochondral jxn btwn ribs 5-6 and 6-7
Chapman’s point - stomach (peristalsis)
L costochondral jxn btwn ribs 6-7
Chapman’s point - gallbladder
R costochondral jxn btwn ribs 6-7
Chapman’s point - spleen
L costochondral jxn btwn ribs 7-8
Chapman’s point - pancreas
R costochondral jxn btwn ribs 7-8
Chapman’s point - small intestine
Costochondral jxns btwn ribs 8-9, 9-10, 10-11
Chapman’s point - appendix
Tip of rib 12
Chapman’s point - adrenals
2 cm above, 1 cm lateral to umbilicus
Chapman’s point - kidneys
1 cm above, 1 cm lateral to umbilicus
Chapman’s point - bladder
Chapman’s point - intestine (peristalsis)
1 cm below ASIS
Chapman’s point - ovaries, urethra
Top of pubic symphysis
Chapman’s point - uterus
Superior edge of inferior pubic rami
Chapman’s point - rectum
Upper medial femur
Chapman’s point - broad ligament or prostate
IT band
Chapman’s point - colon
"Flipped" onto legs Ileocecal - upper R femur Ascending colon - middle R femur Transverse colon - lower R and L femurs Descending colon - middle L femur Sigmoid colon - upper L femur
Celiac ganglion
Under xiphoid process
Stomach, duodenum, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas
Superior mesenteric ganglion
Btwn xiphoid process and umbilicus
SI below duodenum, R colon, kidneys, adrenals
Inferior mesenteric ganglion
Above umbilicus
L colon, pelvis, rectum