GYN infections (5 stars esp STDs) Flashcards
Clue cells
Bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella vaginalis)
Greenish frothy vaginal discharge
Pseudohyphae + budding yeast on KOH prep
Candida albicans
Strawberry cervix + foul smelling vaginal discharge
Fishy odor of KOH prep
Bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella vaginalis)
“Cottage-cheese” thick, white vaginal discharge
Candida albicans
Vaginal pH >4.5 (high)
Bacterial vaginosis or Trichomonas
Motile organisms on KOH prep
Treatment bacterial vaginosis
Treatment trichomonas vaginalis
Metronidazole + sexual partner
Treatment candida vaginitis
Topical -azole or oral fluconazole
Generalized macular rash + fever + hypotension + desquamation of palms and soles
Toxic shock syndrome
Treatment TSS
Clindamycin or penicillinase-resistant B-lactam + vancomycin for MRSA
UTI or cervicitis + no organisms on gram stain/culture
Chlamydia (intracellular)
Thayer-Martin culture
Neisseria gonorrhea