OPP COMAT Flashcards
Anterior rotated innominate produces a ____ leg.
Shoe lifts are needed if the discrepancy is more than …
10 - 12 mm (0.4 - 0.5 inches)
In short leg syn, surgery is need if the discrepancy in more than …
5 cm (~2 inches)
Position of lumbar, sacrum, innominate in short leg syn.
Lumber – R toward, SB awaySacrum – Lower on affected sideInnominate – Rotated anterior on affected side
Increase heel/shoe lifts by ___ every ___
3 mm, 14 days
When to correct the entire discrepancy for short leg syn.
Acute injury/trauma
When to correct the 0.5 - 0.75 discrepancy for short leg syn
Chronic short leg/anatomic short leg
Pt w/ abdominal surgery, avoid this OMT.
Pedal pump
Most common scoliosis curve
Dexo, mid-upper thoracic
Paravertebral humping occurs d/t …
Spinal rotation
Pt walks bent over, leg abducted and ext rotated. Muscle involved is …
Psoas major
Prostate chapman point located at …
Lateral IT band
Gallbladder chapman point located at …
6th ICS on right, T6 TP on right
Upper lung chapman point located at …
3rd ICS on right
Pt has sphenoid and occipital bones inferior on the left and superior on the right. The left temporal bone and parietal bones appear to be in external rotation. Dx?
L SB Rotation
Axis of cranial SB rotation is …
Two vertical, one AP
Sacral axis is ___ seated flexion test
PE shows positive seated flexion test on the right, sacral sulcus is deep on the left, left ILA is anterior. No spring.
R/L torsion
Seated flexion test left, the left sacral base anterior and the left ILA posterior
L UL Flexion
Seated flexion test right, right sacral base anterior and left ILA posterior. The spring test negative.
L/L Torsion
Seated flexion test right, right sacral base anterior and right ILA `posterior.
R UL Flexion
Seated flexion test left, the left sacral base anterior and right ILA posterior. The spring test negative.
R/R Torsion
4 Rules of sacrum
1) SB of L5 and axis = same side.2) Sacrum rotates opposite L5.3) The seated flexion test must be positive for the diagnosis of sacral torsion.4) The seated flexion test will be positive opposite the axis.
Roaring tinnitus and TMJ, Cranial dysfunction …
Ext rotation of temporal bone
Buzzing tinnitus and TMJ, Cranial dysfunction …
Int rotation of temporal bone
Menses associated cramping, OPP Tx…
Sacral inhibition
Med for cramping associated w/ menses …
Nerve affected in an L3-L4 herniation
Name the reflexes
C5 – BicepC6 – Bicep/BrachioradialisC7 – TricepL4 – PatellarL5 – DorsiflexS1 – Plantar flexion
Pt w/ liver dz has low back pain, med Rx?
L4 controls …
Patellar reflex, medial lower leg dermatome, heel waking, foot inversion
Muscle Energy uses ______ force
Hawkin’s sign indicates ….
AC Joint Impingement, Supraspinatus Tear
Jobe’s test indicates …
Supraspinatus Tear (AKA Empty Can Test)
Speed’s sign indicates …
Bicep tendon stability in the bicipital groove
Yergason test indicates …
Bicep tendon stability in the bicipital groove
Ober test indicates …
IT Band stability
Thomas test indicates …
Hip Flexor stability (Rectus Femoris, IT Band, Illiopsoas)
Thompson test indicates …
Achilles Tendon stability (AKA Simmond test)
McMurray test indicates …
Knee meniscus
McBurney sign indicates …
Murphy sign indicates …
Gallbladder Dz
Dropped navicular affects the ___ arch.
Medial Longitudinal
Dropped cuboid affects the ___ arch.
Lateral Longitudinal
The cranium seems narrow, the paired cranial bones are … and the occipital is …
Internally RotatedDescended
Sx include migraine HA, photophobia, n and v, what is the cranial dysfunction.
BERT Head – SBS descended, Paired Bones Internally rotated, cranium narrowed/elongated.
Left Sphenoid high, right occiput low,
Right Torsion
Pt with pancreatitis will have tenderness at … and …
T5-9 b/l and the celiac ganglion
Intestinal Peristais
Hiss plantar whip fixes …
dropped cuboid
Locke Technique fixes …
1st metatarsal dorsal glide
Pt has adducted/internally rotated arm, cant externally rotate. Cotacoid process is prominent and anterior shoulder is flat. All nerves intact. Dx?
Post shoulder dislocation
Pt has pneumonia, in order to decrease goblet cell production the OPP technique to use is …
Suboccipital release
Type II mech…
FLex or Extend, SB/R same side, One Segment
Cervical HVLA setup
Flex, NEVER EXTEND CERVICALSIf using a rotational force, SB indirect
Medial wing scap, muscle paralyzed is …
Serratus Anterior, LTN
Lateral wing Scap, muscle paralyzed is …
Trapezius, Spinal Accessory Nerve
Torsion is named for …
the higher sphenoid wing
Morton’s Foot (Toe) is ..
Long 2nd digit/Short 1st Digit/Foot Pronation/Callus and 2nd and 3rd Digit/Fxn Short Leg
If the dysfunction is on the right of the sacrum treat the …
What muscle is involved in patellarfemoral syndrome
Vastus Medialis
Travell’s Trigger point is located on the … and corresponds to …
The anterior tenderpoint of T5 is located at…
Midline sternum, 1 inch superior to the xiphosternal jxn
7 stages of Spencer
Ext, Flex, Circ w/ comp, circle w/ tract, ABduct, IR, Pump
Medial Pterygoid TP
posterior surface of the ascending ramus of the mandible about 2 centimeters above the angle of the mandible
Sphenoid/occiput extended, sacrum is …
ant and inf (nutated)
PE findings in Short Leg Syn
Ipsilateral spine convex, ant rot innominate, inferior sacrumContralateral pelvic shift, internal rot leg w/ foot pronation
Toe walking, lateral leg dermatome, Achilles reflex
Sims position
AKA lateral recumbentlie on aside, lower leg straight, upper hip/knee flexed
Schmorl’s nodes =
Scheuermann Kyphosis
App treatment useful in cases of sinusitis and TMJ.
sphenopalatine ganglion inhibition
FPR steps
Neutral position»_space; apply compression of torsional force» take indirect»_space; hold 3-5 sec
Pt falls and has a tense inguinal ligament, PE will shore …
Superior pubis
Pt has pain while chewing, popping in ear, teeth grinding. What cranial bone is to blame
Temporal (TMJ)
Physical examination reveals the chin deviates to the left when opening the jaw. This is most likely due to asymmetric tone of which of the following muscles?
lateral pterygoid muscle
Tx for many elbow
Flex at elbow w/ supination
Tenderpoint halfway between the inferior lateral angle of the sacrum and the greater trochanter
Tx for piriformis TP
Prone Flex, ABduct, External rotation
Ant L5 TP Tx
Supine F-SARA
Ant L5 TP location
1 cm lateral to the pubic symphysis on the superior ramus
Feature should be used to calculate the total height of the heel lift?
Sacral Unleveling
Iliacus TP Tx
Supine, b/l flex hips and thighs, external rotation thigh
activation of the related A-δ fibers
Morley Activation
law explains that the bone structure will remodel
laws of neurophysiology
Law pertains to the forces exerted against the walls of a structure from the inside.
Most appropriate position for occipital TP
Stimulation of … effectively enhances the expulsion of secretions.
sphenopalatine ganglion
First line Tx for incontinence
Posterior TP position
Horner Syn
Ptosis, Unilateral perspiring, pupil reaction
Somatic Dysfxn associated w/ Horner Syn
Elevated 1st Rib
Path of deep/superficial perineal nerve
Deep = Anterior/DorsiflexionSuperficial = Lateral/Eversion
organ that is innervated by the C1-2 parasympathetic pathway
Kidney and proximal ureter
Anterior TP Tx
F Rt Sa
Muscle associated w/ ribs for ME
Rib 1 = Anterior/Middle ScaleneRib 2 = Posterior Scalene Rib 3-5 = Pec MinorRib 6-9 = Serratus AnteriorRib 10-11 = Lat DorsiRib 12 = Quad Lumborum