Mixed Subject Flashcards
Odd Ratio =
ad/bc (“X”)
The risk of Dz second to exposure
Asterixis is …
Flapping Tremor
Fetor Hepaticus is …
“breath of the dead”a sweet musty fecal order of the breath associated w/ Liver Dz.
Trendeleburg sign is associated w/ damage to this nerve
Superior Gluteal
Dactylitis is …
inflammation of the digits associated w/ SCD, Athropathy and TB
Dx a cardiac tamponade w/ …
Transthoracic Echocardiogram
Pt w/ no risk factors and Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency concurrent w/ Liver Dz or COPD will have this abnormal lab.
Decreased Albumin
Pt w/ elevated Serum CK and Pulmonary Edema indicates this condition.
Acute and Chronic Renal Failure
Pt w/ Dyspnea and elevated BNP will have this condition.
Cardiac Failure, MI, Etc…
Pt w/ Dyspnea, Systolic Ejection Murmur, normal Pulmonary exam. Next lab to check…
CBC for Anemia
Febrile Pt w/ consolidations on CXR and Dyspnea will have this abnormal lab.
Elevated WBC
Straight Leg Test indicates …
Sciatic Nerve/Disc Herniation
Seated Flexion Test and ASIS Compression indicates …
Sacroilliac Dysfxn
Standing Flexion Test indicates …
Illiocsacral Dysfxn
Asthma Pulmonary Fxn tests will indicate ..
Decreased FEV, FEV/FVC
Increased DLCO
“Morning After Pill” contains … and is effective if taken w/n …
Progestin Only
72 hrs of sex
Tx for Benzo OD
Tx for APAP OD
Tx for Heparin OD
Tx for Lead Toxicity
Edetate Calcium Disodium
Tx for Mercury or Lead Toxicity
Pt Chest pain that radiates to jaw and had MI w/n last ten days, to r/o reinfarct use…
Pt w/ abd pain out of proportion to physical. Barium Enema indicates thickened mucosal fold. Hx of Malignancy, Infection, Pancreatitis, OCP, Portal HTN.
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia second to Venous Thrombosis
Pt w/ abd pain out of proportion to physical. Hx of Heart/Arterial Pathology/Procedure.
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia second to Arterial Thrombosis
IV Strepokinase, Papaverineif during Angiography
Pt has resistant MDD, next step in pharm
Atypical Antipsychotics, Non-SSRI Antidepressant
Pt has Post-Partum Hemorrhage. Amenorrhea, anorexia and inability to breast feed occur d/t …
Decreased TSH (all Ant. Pit hormones decreased)
Sheehan Syn.
ST elevation in II, III, AVF. Infarct at …
ST elevation in I, AVL, v5, v6. Infarct at …
ST depression in v1, v2, v3. Infarct at …
Posterior (suspected, confirm w/ posterior EKG and elevations at v7, v8, v9)
ST elevation in v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6. Infarct at …
Lead and heart position
I - Lateral II - Inferior III - Inferior AVR - NONE AVL - Lateral AVF - Inferior v1 - Septal v2 - Septal v3 - Anterior v4 - Anterior v5 - Lateral v6 - Lateral
Alcoholic Pt has Ataxia, Confusion, and Eye dysfxn. Smear shows target cellsMost likely Dx is …
Wernicke Encephalopathy
Difference b/t Wernicke and Korsakoff is
Korsakoff is chronic dementia w/ confabulations
Pt w/ urinary frequency and painless hematuria. Dx w/
Cytoscopy and Bx
Pt is prev vaca w/ rabies and is bite by a bat, Tx …
Irrigate wound + 2x Rabies vacc
Pt is bite by a bat, Tx …
Irrigate wound + 4x Rabies vacc + Rabies Ig
Baby cant feed, use OMM to Tx …
Occipital Condyles
Cardiac tamponade is a form of this type of shock
FFP + Urgent Plasma Exchange
Pt w/ elevated LDH, decreased haptoglobin, bloody diarrhea.
Ask Infant presents w/ bright red blood in stool, most likely Dx.
Meckel Diverticulum
Dx w/ Nuc Tec-99 Scan.
Pt presents w/ multi Cancers and has Fam Hx w/ Mult Cancers, suspect…
Lynch Syn (HNCC)
4 things done by angiotensin II
CNS»_space; Thirst
Posterior Pituitary»_space; ADH»_space; Reabsorb Water and Urea
Alpha-1»_space; Vasoconstriction of renal afferent and efferent
Zona Glomerular»_space; Release ALD»_space; Pull Water in»_space; Increase Preload»_space; Atria release ANP»_space; Blocks cGMP»_space; Dialates renal afferent»_space; Increase GFR, drops two waters
Other ways to describe ‘Dehydration’
Gaisbock Syn
Stress Polycythemia
Plasma Volume Loss
The main difference between Polycythemia Vera and Essential Polycythemia.
Essential Polycythemia PLTs >600,000
Retroperitoneal Organs
SAD PUCKER S = Suprarenal (adrenal) glands. A = Aorta/Inferior Vena Cava. D = Duodenum (second and third segments) P = Pancreas. U = Ureters. C = Colon (ascending and descending only) K = Kidneys. E = Esophagus. R = Rectum.
When to use CT or MRI
Squishy = MRI ( EXCEPT if retroperitoneal, then CT) Hard = CT
ACTH activates …
Beta-Lipotropin»_space; MSH/Endophins
What lab determines liver failure?
PT-INR + Albumin < 3
Sertoli cells are activated by … and produce …
Inhibin B
Leydig Cells are activated by … and produce …
This is a stalker of water
ADH causes …
water to be reabsorbed
Traits of a Lipid Drug
Taken 1-2/day
High VOD
High Toxicity
Proccessed by the liver
Sx examples of ‘Chronic’ Dz.
What Dx Test(s)?
Weakness/Dyspnea or Tachy/Dyspnea
Get a UA and CXR
Rapid cells regenerate ….
every 5-7 days
Second messenger of anabolism
Tyrosine Kinase
1 Cz of death
Heart Failure
EPO Induced by: Blocked by: Target: MOA: Messenger:
Induced by: Hypoxia Blocked by: Oxygen Target: Bone Marrow MOA: RBC Production Messenger: TK
You have Hgb, but need Hct
Ferrous Iron symbol
Pt has Hct >55%, Dx…
Next Step…
Check EPO
Pt Labs: EPO Inc, RBC Inc, WBC Inc, PLTs Inc
Polycythemia Vera or Essential Thrombocythemia
look at PLTS, >600K = ET
Tx for Essential Thrombocythemia
NS, ASA, Ane
Common Cz of Polycythemia
Wilms Tumor
Effects of aldosterone
Increase basolateral Na/K exchange
Zones/Hormones of Adrenal gland
Glomerulus»_space; Ang II»_space; ALD
Fasiculata»_space; ACTH»_space; Cortisol
Reticulanis»_space; ACTH»_space; Androgen
Medulla»_space; Catecholomines
Most common Renal mass
Most common primary renal tumor in adults/children
Adults: RCC (adenoma)
Children: Wilms
ALD Induced by: Blocked by: Target: MOA: Messenger:
Induced by: Low BP/HypoNa/HypoVol/HyperK Blocked by: HyperVol Target: Kidney >> DCT/CD MOA: Stimulate basolateral Na/K Messenger: None
Conn Syn Path
Too much ALD
- HypoK
- HyperNa
- HyperVol (HTN)
- Met Alkalosis
1 Cz of Adrenal insufficency in world/US
How to tell the differece b/t adrenal insuff d/t TB or steroids
Steroids will still allow other adrenal Fxn»_space; will NOT bronze
Adrenal Steroid path
Cholesterol»_space; Pregnolone»_space; Progesterone»_space;Zone Dependant Hormone
Deficiency of:
11 Hydroxylase …
17 Hydroxylase …
21 Hydroxylase …
11 – HTN (High ALD-like, low Renin)/Virilization/HypoK
17 – HTN (High ALD)/No Virilization/HypoK
21 – HypoTN/Virilization/HyperK
Cortisol Induced by: Blocked by: Target: MOA: Messenger:
Induced by: Low Sugar Blocked by: High Sugar Target: Anywhere it wants MOA: Upregulates ALL receptors Messenger: none
Addison’s Path
Too little Cortisol
Cushing’s Syndrome Path
Too Much Cortisol (M+M)
- Moonface
- Truncal obesity
- Purple striae
- Buffalo hump
Pt w/ HTN, HypoK.
Labs show Low Renin + Low ALD
2nd HyperALD
- Diuretic Use
- Renin Tumor
- Malig HTN
- Renovascular HTN
Pt w/ HTN, HypoK.
Labs show Low Renin + High ALD
Primary Hyper ALD
- ALD Tumor
- Deoxycorticosterone Tumor
- b/l Adrenal hyperplasia
Pt w/ HTN, HypoK.
Labs show High Renin + High ALD
Non-ALD Cz
- Cushing Syn
- Exogenous Mineralocorticoids
Major adverse effect of PTU/Methimazole
Antithyroid med, 1st trimester
Side effects include …
Hepatic Failure, ANCA Vasculitis
Pt is a smoker w/ high Ca and low Phos
Dx and Abnl lab …
Lung SCC
Increased PTH-like protein
Decreased PTH
Increased Calcitonin occurs in this cancer
Medullary Thyroid
1»_space; Pituitary/Pancreas/Parathyroid
2a»_space; Medullary/Pheo/Parathyroid
2b»_space; Medullary/Pheo/Mucosal Neuroma Marfan
Labs of Ca, Phosphate, PTH in aPt w/ CKD
Ca – Low
Phos – High
PTH – High
Pt develops esophagitis following Hyperthyroid Tx
Stop the Drug, CBC w/ Diff
Pt w/ hypoglycemia + c-peptide >0.5
Beta-Cell Tumor (Insulinoma)
Pt w/ hypoglycemia + c-peptide 0.2-0.5
Sulfonylurea Use
Pt w/ HTN, HypoK
Dx Test
Renin + ALD
Carcinoid Syndrome
Pt w/ recent stressful event develops Tach, HTN, Arrhythmia, AMS, Lid Lag, Seizure, Fever
Thyroid Storm
Thyroid panel + propranolol
High CK indicates
Damage to heart, kidney or muscle
Primary Adrenal Insufficiency labs
ALD/Cortisol Low
Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency labs
ACTH/Cortisol Low
ALD nl
Correct Calcium Equation
Ca + 0.8 x (4-Albumin)
Dx of HyperCa Path
Retest Ca, Correct Ca»_space; PTH Low?
PTH Low (Independent)»_space; Measure PTHrP/25-Vit D/1-25 Vit D»_space; DDx = Malignancy, Immobilization, Vit D Toxic, Granulomatous Dz, Thyrotoxicosis, Vit A Toxic
PTH nl/High (Dependent)»_space; Cz is Primary/Tertiary HyperThyroid, Li, or Fam Hypo/HyperCa
RAIU >40%, DDx
Graves – Symmetrical
Toxic Goiter – Asymmetric
Toxic Node
Antithyroid Peroxidase Ab indicate
Pt presents w/ Watery Diarrhea, Flushing, Pancreatic Tumor. Dx
Monitor DKA w/ this lab
Anion Gap
Pt has proximal muscle weakness and HyperThyrois Sx
Chronic HyperThyroid Myopathy
Neuroimaging shows cortical volume loss and enlarged ventricles. Pt most likely has this behavior disorder
Pt has a traumatic experience but is not ready to talk. Next step is to …
educate Pt on the range of reactions to trauma
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for depression and difficulty w/ relationships.
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for pain disorders or physical Sx
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for substance abuse or bad habits
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for high fxn pt w/ personality disorder, Tx the subconcious
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for Borderline Personality Disorder.
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for lower fxn pt w/ psychosis or crisis
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for Depression
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for GAD
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for Eating Disorder
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for PTSD
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for Panic Disorder
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for OCD
This type of psychotherapy is indicated for Negative Thought Pattern
Liver levels to suggest alcoholic liver disease
Risk for C. Diff
> 65 yo
Abx use
Gastric Acid Suppression
Elevated Alk Phos indicates
extrahepatic, biliary tree
New IDA in elderly pt, next step is
Colonoscopy and endoscopy
Pulmonary nodular infiltrate with vegetation, IV drug user. Most likely Dx is
Infectious endocarditis d/t Staph Aureus