OB/GYN COMAT Flashcards
If fluids are given to a mom w/ chorioamnionitis, she may develop __________
Pulmonary Edema
Maternal CO will increase up to ____ d/t HR and SV
Maternal SVR is ______ than PVR
95% of pregnant women will have _______
systolic murmur
Uncontrolled DM mothers have an increased chance of having a child w/ ______, ______ and _______ deformaties.
Midline, Cardiac, CNS
Most effective screen test for Trisomy 21:
Cell Free DNA
___ g of protein is recommended during pregnancy
6 defects associated w/ valproic acid
- Spina bifida
- Atrial septal defect
- Cleft palate
- Hypospadias
- Polydactyly
- Craniosynostosis
Woman presents for labor w/ no complication, next step?
PmHx, Targeted PE
Late fetal decelerations are d/t
Uteroplacental insufficiency
PPV is used on a neonate, place the head in the
Sniff position
Supress breast milk by
binding, ice, NSAIDs
1 RF for developing postpartum depression
Hx of Depression
Who needs to be treated in a case of BV
just mom
Cancer tx that is least likely to be recommended in a pregnant cancer pt.
Mom BMI is elevated, most likely complication to develop is
Rq for pre-eclampsia
> 20 wksHTNProteinuriaEdema
Pre-eclampsia + Bleeding =
Placental abruption
RF for preeclampsia
- Age
- Multiple Gestations
- History of chronic high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease or organ transplant.
- First pregnancy.
- Obesity, particularly with Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater.
- Previous history of preeclampsia.
Mom is Dx w/ hemolytic Dz, severity indicated by measuring _____ in the amniotic fluid
MOA of Mg Sulfate as a tocolytic
Competes w/ Ca into cells
Amniocentesis shows low glucose, Cz?
Amnion Fluid infection
Pt w/ nl appearing anatomy and repeated pregnancy loss. First r/o …
Intra uterine abnormality (Septate Uterus)
____ myxomas may interfere w/ carrying a child to term
Pt presents w/ high grade squamous intraepithelial cytology but negative colposcopy. Next step?
Bx by Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
Continuous Fetal Heart monitor decreases the chance of ….
Neonatal Seizures
Pt w/ high Hcg, heavy cycles, pelvic pressure, vomiting.Consider …
Molar Pregnancy
45 yo pt has cycle day 3 FSH > 30. Why can’t she conceive?
Late maternal age and low follicle availability.
Define the types of incontinence:OverflowStressUrgeMixedFunctional
Overflow – can’t fully empty (>200mL), weak detrusor muscle, obstruction
Stress – leak during valsalva maneuvers
Urge – Hyper/Overactive bladder
Mixed – Urge + StressFunctional – can’t get to the bathroom
Twin A Vertex + Twin B BreechBirth Plan?
Twin A VD
Twin B Reposition VD or CS
Twin A Breech + Twin B BreechBirth Plan?
C-section for both
Twin A Breech + Twin B VertexBirth Plan?
C-Section for both
Neonates born w/ IUGR are at risk for…
- Cesarean delivery
- Hypoxia
- Meconium aspiration
- Hypoglycemia
- Polycythemia
- Hyperviscosity
- Motor and neurological disabilities
RF of Fibroids
Early Menarche
Woman presents w/ pelvic pain, mass in the uterus, inability to get pregnant, and menorrhagia…Dx?
Pt found to have granulose tumor. It is excised. What other screen should be done?
Uterine sampling
Pt presents w/ uncontrolled, untreated PID. Peritoneal signs present. Pregnancy is R/O. Medical Tx initiated. Next step is …
emergent laparotomy d/t probable ovarian abscess.
Pt presents w/ Dysmenorrhea, Dyspareunia, Dyschezia, and Depression…Dx?
Pt w/ ovarian insufficiency refuses Tx. She is at risk for…
Osteoporosis and osteopenia
Klinefelter Syn Characteristics
Gynecomastia Atrophied Testes
Low Testosterone
High FSH, LH, Estrogen
Pt in 3rd trimester presents w/ painless bleeding following intercourse…Dx?
Placenta Previa – Placenta is covering the cervical os.
Dx w/ U/S
Risks for osteoporosis
Age Low weight Lots of fractures Alcohol Calcium low Corticosteroids Estrogen low Smoking Sedentary
Tx to prevent osteoporosis
Vit D and Calcium
Pt <30 presents w/ a breast mass…Next Step?
Tx for chorioamnioitis
Gent + Amp (or Clind for PCN allergy)
Pt in 3rd trimester w/ RUQ Abd pain, HA and nausea, Neg for Protein in UA…Dx?
Pts 21-30 yo w/ no abnl paps. When to repeat pap?50-65 yo?
q 3yq 5y + HPV
Define dystocia
abnormalities in labor and delivery
Sexually active women < 24yo need an annual screen for …
HIV, Gon, Chlam
Tx for mastitis…
PO Abx + continue breastfeeding.
Pt presents w/ abnl menses, obesity, acne, male hair growth…Dx?
How much Folic Acid is recommend for women w/ prev birth afflicted w/ NTD
4000 micrograms/day
Pt has a Hx of HSV and is in labor. When do you do a C-section?
Hx of disease plus…Present lesions or Prodromal Sx
Pt can’t get pregnant d/t PID. If a child is desired, recommend …
in vitro fertillization
Breast screening starts at age …
IUGR is suspected. Fetal percentile is <10%. To assess fetal well being perform a …
Umbilical artery doppler
NST is negative. Next Step?
Biophysical Profile
Biophysical Profile determines …
fetal hypoxia by Amniotic Fluid Level, movement, tone, breathing, NST in late 2nd/3rd trimester
Fetal anemia is suspected. R/o w/
MCA Doppler
Non-reactive NST =
2 accelerations in 20 min
Breast abnormality in pts greater that 30…next step?
Dx Mammogram
Androgen insensitivity presents as …
46 XY Phenotypic Female w/ breasts and a blind vaginaNo uterus, ovaries, or pubic hair
Kallman presents as …
Congenital hypogonad hypogonadism that can’t smell, low sex hormones and absent GnRH
(MRKH Syn) Mullerian agenesis presents as …
46 XX Female w/ blind vagina and no uterusOvaries are present!
Pt has uterine atony. Hx includes asthma and HTN. No response to Oxytocin. Next Step?
Misoprostol rectally
Carboprost (15 met PGF2) contradiction is
Methylergonovine (Ergot) contradiction is …
HTN of any kind
Congenital Varicella Syn presents as …
IUGRCicatricial scarring rashLimb HypoplasiaChoriretinitis
Mono/Di/Mono twinning occurs b/t days….
4 and 8
Conjoined twins occur b/t days …
13 +
Mono/Mono/Mono twins occur b/t days …
8 and 12
Di/Di/Di Twins occur b/t days …
0-1. Two eggs are needed
Di/Di/Mono Twins occur b/t days …
Tx for precocious puberty
GnRH Agonist Leuprolide or Goserelin
Most common cause of SAB in first trimester
Chromosome abnl
Nl blood loss in a vag delivery …C/S…
Bleeding in a menopause pt. Next Step?
Endometrial Bx
Age range for Pap smear
21-65 yo
Pt has an average risk of colon cancer, when do you screen?
50 yo q 10y
Pregancy can be seen via u/s if beta hcg is above ….
_____ contraception reduces gyn Ca
What is the order of Sexual Development in girls?Boys?
Girl: Boob, Hair, Growth Spurt, PeriodBoys: Balls, Voice, Penis, Hair, Growth Spurt
Define False Labor
Contractions that do not cause cervical change
Define Chronic HTN
Repeated BP above 140/90 before 20 wks gestation and <300mg protein in a 24hr urine
Define Gestational HTN
Repeated BP above 140/90 after 20 wks gestation and <300mg protein in a 24hr urine
Pt presents w/ vague GI complaints. PE shows adnexal fullness and nodularity in the cup-de-sac. Positive abdominal ascites…Dx?
Ovarian Cancer
Define Primary Amenorrhea
No cycle by 16 yo
First test for primary amenorrhea?
Urine Hcg
Pt at 16 wk gestation presents w/ mild persistent asthma that is unresponsive to albuterol. Rx…
Budesonide, LDCS
What structures, if inflamed, can cz dyschezia?
Rectal Serosa (Endometriosis)Cardinal Ligament (Rectocele/Uterine Inversion)
Define Bisacromial Diameter
Widest distance b/t fetal shoulders
Define True Conjugate
Sacral promontory to superior pubic symphysis
Define Obstetric Conjugate
Entry into the pelvic inlet/true pelvis.Shortest AP distance in the pelvis. From sacral promontory to mid pubic symphysisDiagonal Conjugate - 1(or2)cm = Obstetric Conjugate
Define Diagonal Conjugate
ONLY CONJUGATE THAT CANBE MEASUREDSacral promontory to Inferior pubic symphysis
Define Interspinous Diameter
Distance b/t the ischial spines.Shortest transvers distanceUsed as demarcation for station zero
Pt has endometrial hyperplasia and a complex adnexal mass. Irregular vag bleeding. Dx?
Granulosa tumor secreting excessive estradiol.
Ovarian mass that has a calcified appearance on CT
Teratoma – contain all 3 germ layers. Benign
Pt presents w/ Virilization. Testosterone is elevated, DHEA-S is nl. Ovarian mass present… Dx?
Sertoli-Leydig tumor that secretes androgens
Nest of transitional epithelium w/n fibrous stroma.Small and solid
Brenner Tumor
Dx modality for fibroids is …
transvaginal ultrasound
Tx for ectopic pregnancy that has not ruptured.
What is levnorgestrel?
Plan b – use 24 to 72 hr post coitus.No effect on current pregnancy
Whats misoprostol?
PGE1 Analog – induce contractions. Often used in combination w/ MTX, but not on ectopic pregnancies
InfectionSmokingSubstance abuse Uterine abnormalityAge <18 >40Low Social economical statusHx of PROM/abortion
Use for clobetasol propionate
Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus
Define Cervical cerclage
Purse string suture to help retain pregnancy.Removed at 36 wks
Indication for a cervical cerclage
Pt has multiple SAB prior to 20wks d/t painless cervical dialation
Pt has a history of spontaneous preterm birth. She curently pregnant, net step?
Progesterone b/t 16 and 36 wks
What population should not get estrogen containing contraception?
Pts >35 yo + smoker
Pt has had STI w/n the last 3 mo, what contraception is she ineligible for?
What is a sonohystogram?
The uterus is filled w/ saline and ultrasound is used to detect uterine pathology
What is uterine synechiae?
Asherman syndrome, characterized by the formation of intrauterine adhesions, which are usually sequela from injury to the endometrium, and is often associated with infertility.
Pregnant mom has poorly controlled diabetes, what three things are happening to baby?
Pt presents w/ LSIL, next step?
> 25 yo = Colposcopy21-24 yo = Repeat pap in 12 months
Define Autonomy
Allowing pt to make decisions of care received
Define Non-malefience
Do no harm to the pt intentionally
Define Justice
All pts have equal access to treatment unless clinically indicated
Define Beneficence
Risk versus benefit.
Kleihaur-Betke Test is for…
Unexplained fetal demise to r/o fetomaternal hemorrhageTest for fetal blood in maternal blood
IUGR is strongly associated w/
First line for depression in pregnancy2nd?3rd?
SSRI, Sertaline2nd – Bupropion, Venlafaxine3rd – Tricyclic
How often should a neonate eat?
4wo should eat … x/day
8w0 should eat … x/day
Any deliver <34 wks should receive …
Bethamethasone for fetal lung maturity
Define Missed SAB
<20 wksClosed CervixASx – no bleeding”Don’t ‘feel’ preggo anymore
Define Inevitable SAB
Open CervixBleedingNo POC delivered
Define Complete SAB
Closed CervixContracted UterusBleedingAll POC delivered
Define Incomplete SAB
Open CervixBleedingPartial POC delivered
Define Threatened SAB
Closed CervixBleeding Fetus still viable
Asthma in pregnancy increases the risk of …
perinatal mortality and SAB
Pt at <37 wks is in labor. Bethamethasone is given, what lab is increased?
Pt that had Cs 3 yo ago has pain at the lateral edge of the incision which is well healed. Pain is burning/sharp and reproducible in clinic. Dx?
Ilioinguinal/hypogastric nerve entrapment
Clomiphene and Metformin are used in OB to Tx…
infertility d/t PCOS
First line Dx for placenta previa
Tansvaginal ultrasound
COPC are given to tx endometriosis, as such …. will resolve
Pt is violent w/ partner, next step is to …
refer to Mental Health
Most common cz of irregular bleeding in adolescence is …
failed production by corpus luteum
Dx test for Rh Alloimmunization
Indirect coombs
Most common complication w/ forced delivery is …
Perineal laceration
The combo screen is done at … and includes …
11-14 wkPAPP-A, HCG, Nuchal Translucency U/S
Quad screen includes …
EstrodiolInhibin AAFPHcg
Late 3rd trimester woman presents w/ b/l yellow d/c from her nipples. This is d/t …
distention of the lumens by accumulating secretary material
Septic AB is tx w/…
Fluid, Clinda, Dilate and evacuate
Preggo is exposed to varicella, tx w/ …
Varicella IG
Prenatal test for CMV is done by…
CMV PCR via amniocentesis
First line tx for urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse?
Kegal Exercises
Pt at 38 wks presents w/ PROM, first step is …
give Gent and Amp
Postpartum hemorrhage + Uterus is Firm, Dx is …
Retained placenta
Tx: D+C, Hysterectomy, Track Hcg
Postpartum hemorrhage + Uterus is Boggy, Dx is …
Uterine Atony
Tx: Massage»_space; Oxy»_space; Surgery
Postpartum hemorrhage + Uterus is Absent, Dx is …
Uterine inversion
Tx: Put it back»_space; Tocolytics»_space; Tococlonics
Postpartum hemorrhage + Uterus is Normal, Dx is …
Tx: Sutures
HBs-Ag +HBe-Ag +Anti- HBs -IgM Anti- HBc +IgG Anti- HBc -Dx?
Acute Hep B Infection
Sx: Anorexia, Nausea, Jaundice, RUQ Pain
HBs-Ag +HBe-Ag -Anti- HBs -IgM Anti- HBc -IgG Anti- HBc +Dx?
Chronic Hep B Infection
HBs-Ag -HBe-Ag -Anti- HBs +IgM Anti- HBc -IgG Anti- HBc -Dx?
Hep B Immunity from Vaccination
HBs-Ag -HBe-Ag -Anti- HBs +IgM Anti- HBc -IgG Anti- HBc +Dx?
Hep B Immunity from Infection
HBs-Ag + means …
active infection
Anti HBs + means …
HBs-Ag+, Anti-HBc IgG + means …
Chronic Infection
HBe-Ag is only present in the … stage
Surgical patient presents w/ tachycardia, dyspnea, wheezing, bronchospasm, flushing …Dx?
Pt is having an allergic reaction, most often d/t latex and iodine.
Most likely complication of amniocentesis is …
Preggo pt has condyloma acuminata, tx w/ …
Trichloroacetic Acid
Preggo has HPV, Trichloroacetic Acid has failed, tx w/ …
Biggest risk in post-date delivery …
Macrosomia is defined as a birth weight …
> 4500g (9lb 15oz)
Evaluation of endometriosis includes …
Clnc Sx»_space; Pelvic U/S»_space; Laparoscopy
DEXA. scan occurs at …
g/day growth at 15 weeks
g/day growth at 20 weeks
g/day growth b/t 20-32 weeks
g/day growth after 32 weeks
RF for Primary Dysmenorrhea
SmokingNulliparityHeavy MensesDepression
Level of FSH, LH and Estrogen in a pt w/ hyperprolatinemis
All decreased
Define PMDD
PMS + Socioeconomic Dysfunction
Tx for urge incontinence
Anticholinergic/Muscarinic Antagonist – darifenacin, tolteroldine, oxybutynin
Cz of Non-painful bleeding in the 3rd trimester
Placenta previaVasa Previa
When to give MTX for Ectopic Pregnancy
- HCG <80002. No Heart Tones3. No Folate4. Fetus <3cm
Pt 33 wks pregnant is involved in a MVA and begins premature labor. What sx, if present, is contradictory to use of tocolytics?
Pt has a molar pregnancy, what screen do you want>
Pt is DM-1, how will baby be affected?
Small and hypoglycemic
This drug given during labor is associated w/ a decrease in intracranial hemorrhage
Pt displays mullein agenesis, be sure to also check
The kidneys for abnormalities
Simple breast cyst w/ pain, Tx?
When examining a assault case, … is key`
photographic evidence
1st and 2nd choice in initial treatment of hypovolemic shock
- Packed RBC2. Lact Ringers/NS
Mass in vagina, needs reduction in order to defecate.Posterior wall deficit
Anterior wall deficit, urinary retention, kinked ureter.
Vag apex bulge
Appearance (Color)Pulse (HR)Grimace (Relex)Activity (Muscle Tone)Respiration (Breathing)
When examining a assault case, … is key?
photographic evidence
What med should be offered to a rape victim?
Abx for STIAnti-Viral for HIV
Amorphic calcifications wo localization of a discreet mass is found on mammogram. Dx?
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
CO in multiple pregnancy is increased 20%, as such prevalence of … is higher in these pts
FNA of Breast mass returns bloody fluid, next step?
Excisional Bx to r/o Ca
Immunizations for a preggo HIV pt
Hep AHep BTdapPneumococcalIM Flu
Effect of maternal HTN on fetus?
Define post operative fever
Fever w/n 48 of surgery, most likely not infectious. Expectant Management recommended
Placental abruption may lead to … if the pt is not treated.
What medication should be given to a Turner pt
Conj Estrogen
Preggo has uncomplicated UTI, Rx?
if complicated…
What OB condition carry Hx as the largest RF?
HPV testing starts at …
30 yo
Elective CS can occur after …
39 wks
What is elevated in an asx post menopause woman
pt presents w/ post partum fever, hypotension, multi-organ involvement, purulent dc, rash, necrosis…Dx?
GAS Infection
Toxo infection while preggo, Rx?
How much weight to gain if BMI>3025-2918.5-24<18.5
> 30 – 11-20
25-29 – 15-25
18.5-24 – 25-35
<18.5 – 28-40
Pre-Eclampsia is cz by … after … wks
Placental hypoperfusion 18