OPM’s 500 & 600 Flashcards
Minutes for each staff meeting will be sent to each station. File copies are kept at PSC. Stations may dispose of old minutes after ______.
Station may dispose of old monthly reports after____.
2 weeks
2 months
Who is the custodian of the city’s public records?
The city clerk
The federal government implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in?
A central component of HIPAA is the security of ____.
Protected health information
The HIPAA legislation requires a privacy officer to be selected and serve as the point of contact for patient complaints, subpoenas and record request. Who is the privacy officer for sunrise fire rescue?
The administrative officer
City telephones shall not be utilized for any personal activities between the hours of _____.
0800-1700 hours
Identity theft means?
A fraud committed or attempted using the identifying information of another person without authority
Identifying information means?
Any name or number that may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a specific person
General orders are ____ policies that are not intended to change. Items included in a this category are those of the highest priority.
General orders will be formally reviewed _____ for updates. This review process will be accomplished by the labor management/OPM committee
Every year
Administrative bulletins are ______ in nature. Included in this category are short term announcements, classes, street closings, etc
The need to document all emergency and non-emergency runs made by sunrise fire rescue is important. To accomplish this goal what reports are used to document the activities of various personnel responding to the incident?
- NFIRS ( national fire incident reporting system
- Sunrise fire rescue EMS report
What are the NFIRS 1, 2, 3, 5, 7?
NFIRS 1 (basic module)
NFIRS 2 & 3 ( Fire and structure fire module)
NFIRS 5 (Fire service casualty module)
NFIRS 7 (Hazmat)
On multi-unit responses, the _______ is responsible for coordinating the overall detailed narrative of the incident.
Officer in command of the incident
A completed PCR must be transmitted to the receiving facility within ____ hours of the time the incident was originally dispatched.
24 hours
The fire chiefs association of Broward county officially adopted the incident command procedure when?
Spring of 1996
The incident command system procedure were designed to meet the requirements of NFPA_____.
Under the incident command system (ICS) the ultimate control and direction of all emergency response resources falls under a single individual, the _______, except where a ______ is established
The incident commander
Unified command
It is recommended that the person ultimately taking command at an incident is a ______ or other qualified individual, highly trained and skilled in the incident command system
Chief officer
The number of subordinates one supervisor can manage effectively is?
Span of control
In emergency situations, the accepted limit is 5
After the incident commander 4 sections can be developed, what are they? What do they do?
- Operations : all activities directed toward hazard and control
- Planning : collection, evaluation, and dissemination of information
- Logistic : provided support needs to the incident
- Finance/administration : responsible for all costs incurred at the incident
In addition to the primary 4 sections, the incident command staff may include?
- Safety officer
- Public information officer
- Liaison officer
- Incident commander aide
The command sequence is a standardized sequential thought process, which enables the incident commander to analyze situations, identify problems, and implement solutions on basic skills and knowledge. The command sequence consists of 4 parts?
- Incident priorities
- Size up
- Goals and objectives
- Tactical operations
What are the incident priorities in IMS?
- Life safety (always first priority)
- Incident stabilization
- Property conservation
What are the goals and objectives in IMS?
The application of information gathered in size up to determine the desired result of the operation. Goals considered in relation to incident priorities are listed as follow:
It is essential that all cooperating agencies understand and utilize a standard terminology for ?
Organizational functions
Resource elements
_____ is the location at which primary support personnel activities are performed. It will house all equipment and personnel support operations. The logistics section may be located here and normally this area will not relocate.
Incident base
The ____ is established by the operations section officer for temporary location of available resources on short notice
Can be anywhere
Staging area
Unified command structure could also be used to bring together different functional departments within a single jurisdiction. The implementation of the action plan will be done under the direction of a single individual _______ who is normally drawn from the agency having the greatest jurisdictional involvement.
The operational section officer
Temporary locations where helicopters can land and take off are _____. Locations where helicopters are staged for possible actions are known as?
Landing zones
What are task forces?
Any combination of resources with common communications and a leader.
What are strike teams?
Are a set number of resources of the same kind and type, which have an establish minimum number of personnel.
Divisions are assigned to specific ___ areas
Groups will be identified by?
The functions they perform (salvage group, triage group, etc)
When are branches formed in the IMS?
As the span of control begins to become complex, or the incident has 2 or more distinctly different operations (fire suppression, medical, hazmat, etc)
What is a fast attack situation?
Situations that require immediate action to stabilize and require the company officers assistance and direct involvement in the attack
These situations include:
1. Offensive fire attack (marginal situations)
2. Critical life situations which must be achieved in a compressed time
3. Any incident where the safety and welfare of firefighters is a major concern
What is defensive attack mode?
This mode is utilized when conditions or hazards preclude direct entry into the hazard zone
Signals to all responding units that complex operations will be involved
what is nothing showing mode?
Situations that require investigation by initial arriving company while other units stage.
What is command mode?
Certain incidents by virtue of their size, complexity, or potential for rapid escalation, require immediate, strong, direct, overall command.
Command can be transferred by radio, but should be done as ______ briefing which includes current situation, current unit placements, assignments and a review of the tactical worksheet
Face to face
It may be advantageous to have the officer being relieved of command remain with the new incident commander, in the role of ____ or _____, since the initial action plan was established by this officer
IC aid or operations section officer
The formal process for transfer of command shall be used both as the emergency escalates and in the _____ phase as situations are brought under control.
What is level I staging?
Level one staging occurs automatically during the initial stages of an incident unless directed otherwise by the incident commander.
Ex: 1 block away
2nd due engine by the hydrant
At this level, there is no staging officer
What is level II staging?
A more formalized and organized staging procedure. A formal staging area is designated. A staging officer is assigned. Usually located in large open area such as a parking lot or field and may be several blocks from the incident.
Incident commander is activated when?
Any situation requiring two or more units
A member of the general staff, organizes initial incident control activities and subsequent implementation of the incident action plan. Who?
Operation section officer
Member of the operational staff that controls and coordinates the activities of groups/divisions operating in a specific geographic or functional area. Who?
Branch director
To supervise the operations of up to 5 resources within a specific geographical area or with a specific function. Who?
Division/group supervisor
To ensure that all personnel at the scene are operating in as safe a manner as possible, consistent with all current standard and practices. Who?
Safety officer
At a hazmat incident who must the safety officer be?
A hazmat technician
A member of the command staff and is to function as a point of contact for agency representatives from other fire agencies, police, public works, private sector agencies, etc. Who?
Liaison officer
Coordinates the preparation of the incident action plan.
Planning section officer
Coordinates all extraneous cost incurred relative to the incident. Included are personnel, overtime, equipment, special services and emergency purchase orders. Who?
Finance/Administrative officer
Provides for facilities, services, equipment, and supplies including unit move ups or mutual aid coverage for stripped areas due to incident magnitude to support incident operations. Who?
Logistic section officer
Manages the apparatus and crews in a manner that will help prevent congestion at the incident scene and create a resource pool for the operations section. Who?
Staging area manager
During an emergency evacuation of members during an incident, the incident commander will do what?
The IC will announce “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” and have the dispatch center sound the radio alert tone and state, “ALL PERSONNEL EVACUATE THE BUILDING OR AREA IMMEDIATELY”. This shall be repeated 2 times
When the order to evacuate is given, all available and appropriately equipped units in the immediate vicinity will blow air horns intermediately (one second on, one second off) for?
30 seconds
A mini pumper is called?
Vehicle or trailer other than crash truck with minimum 50 gallon foam is called?
A articulating platform device is called?
Heavy, medium, or light rescue, or personnel carrier is called?
Class A pumper with 55-70 foot aerial/ water tower is called?
SCBA refill truck is called?
Apparatus with minimum of 1500 gallons on-board water is called?
Foam tanker with minimum 1000 gallons of foam is called?
Airport crash truck with foam is called?
Upon deployment, the RIT shall notify command of the specific_____ they take into the structure.
And shall secure a lifeline to the outside of the structure and remain together at all times
In general the depth of a trench is greater than the width, but the width of a trench is no greater than _____ feet.
15 feet
Category I and II hazardous material incidents should be initially investigated by the first responders and assessed for the need and assistance by a regional response team. If needed, the first responder should request?
1 regional response team
Category III and IV hazardous materials incidents recommend the automatic response of?
2 regional hazardous materials response teams
When responding to a confirmed active confine space incident the automatic response of ________ is recommended.
2 regional response teams
Consideration should be given to the need for a dedicated hazardous materials response team for the purpose of atmospheric monitoring (same for trench)
Non-technical evacuations that are less than _____ degrees inclination should be first evaluated by the first responders. If assistance is needed, ______ should be requested.
40 degrees
1 regional response team
Technical evacuation that are greater than ____ degrees inclination or on such rough terrain that the evacuation requires specific technical rescue training recommends the automatic response of ?
40 degrees
2 regional response teams
When responding to a suspected structural collapse incident, the response of ______ is recommended.
1 regional response team
When responding to an active structural collapse incident, or when on scene and a structural collapse occurs the response of _______ is recommended.
2 response teams
Rescue operations mode in water rescue incidents is identified as such if there is a chance to save a human life. Generally the time frame for a rescue is identified as submersion time up to _____.
1 hour
1 regional response team if assistance needed
Recovery operation mode in water rescue incident is identified as such when there is no significant chance to save a life. The time frame for a recovery is identified as submersion time greater than.
1 hour
A personnel accountability report will be required for the following situations?
- Any report of a missing or trapped firefighter
- Any change from offensive to defensive operations
- Any sudden hazardous events at the incident
- By all crews reporting an “all clear”
- At each 30 minute interval of elapsed incident time
- At a report of “fire under control”
When will an individuals name be turned upside down in an incident involving ICS?
When an individual is no longer in the hazard zone
What are the command staff?
- Safety officer
- Liaison officer
- IC aide
- Public information officer
What are the 4 sections in the ICS? General staff
- Operation section
- Planning section
- Logistics section
- Finance/ administration section
What are the titles for ICS positions?
- Incident commander (command)
- Command staff (officers)
- General staff (section officer)
- Branch (director)
- Division or group (supervisor)
- Strike team/ task force (leaders)
- Staging area (officer)
Digital imaging devices, including those that are part of a personal cellular phone (e.g. camera phone) may not be used while on duty except with permission of the _____
Fire chief or his designee
Any images, whether taken with department or personal imaging devices, may only be added to the city website by the ______
The city webmaster
All such images then become the property of the city upon posting by the city
If the patient is physically or mentally unable to sign, a representative may sign on behalf of the patient. The claim may be signed by?
- A representative
- Legal representative
- Relative
- Friend
- Representative of an institution
- A governmental agency
Provides comprehensive leadership and direction to the response effort. The position is the focal point of all facets of operation within the incident command system
Responsible for all incident response activities including the development and implementation of strategic decision and utilization of extended resources
Incident commander
Encompasses the majority of incident mitigation activities. This includes all tasks-oriented resources participating at the scene. Organizes initial incident control activities and subsequent implementation of the incident action plan
Operation section officer
Activated usually in large scale incidents where multiple units are operating and the use of division/groups does not maintain an adequate span of control, usually no more than 5 units per group/division
Controls and coordinates the activities of groups/divisions operating in a specific geographic or functional area
Maintains information flow to the operational section officer concerning specific needs and mitigation process
Branch director
Supervises the operations of up to five resources within a specific geographical area or with a specific function
Division/ group supervisor
Activated any time personnel will be operating in any type of hazardous atmosphere, or high risk operations, or potentially dangerous situation
Ensure that all personnel at the scene are operating in as safe a manner as possible, consistent with all current standards and practices
Safety officer
Is the focal point of the official release of information to the media. This is the contact person for the media representatives, and this person should release all incident information.
Member of the command staff and establishes and maintains a media gathering area, schedules regular media release and briefings, and provides post incident media briefings. To ensure the release of accurate information shall remain abreast of current incident information, operations, and status
Public information officer
A member of the command staff and is to function as a point of contact for agency representatives from other fire agencies, police, public works, private sector agencies, etc
Should be from the agency with jurisdictional authority and will coordinate and maintain interagency communication and cooperation
Liaison officer
Provides for the rehabilitation and medical observation of personnel working at the scene of an incident
Obtains fluids, ice, food, shelter, and other materials that may assist fire rescue or other personnel in the performance of their duty. Monitors medical conditions of personnel utilizing the rehab area and ensures medical care is provided
Rehabilitation Officer
All personnel who have been sent to rehab and have expended 2 bottles of air or more shall?
Have their vital signs evaluated
Activated when the incident has reached a size where the IC cannot effectively forecast the future action plan due to the incident size, or time constraints on the IC or incident complexity
Coordinates the preparation of an incident action plan. Apprises command of potential operational impacts and maintains alternative strategies for potential and possible incident development. Serves as the “clearing house” for information
Provides vital information such as weather data, environmental data, special equipment needs, available water supply, etc
Planning section officer
Coordinates all extraneous costs incurred relative to the incident. Included are personnel, overtime, equipment, special services and emergency purchase orders
Tracks the use of reserve personnel and internal resources for overtime costs; all costs and documentation relative to line of duty injuries, damage and/other destroyed equipment
Finance / administrative officer
Provides for the facilities, services, equipment, and supplies including unit move ups or mutual aid coverage for stripped areas due to incident magnitude to support incident operations
Secures and maintains adequate communications to support the incident. If purchases need to be made, coordinate with finance section will provide for the personal service needs of all personnel operating at the incident
Logistics section officer
Manages the apparatus and crews in a manner that will help prevent congestion at the incident scene and create a resource pool for the operations section
Located and maintains an area that allows for the effective retrieval of personnel and equipment; maintains a sufficient pool of these resources to support developing operations
Staging officer
PHI include information of persons ____ or ____
Living or dead
The central component of HIPAA is?
The security of PHI
Completed patient reports must be stored where?
In the station file cabinet (top drawer) until retrieved on station rounds
As a “creditor” with “covered accounts” under the red flag rule, sunrise fire rescue is required to?
- Periodically identify covered accounts
- Establish a written identity theft prevention program
- Administer the identity theft prevention program
A continuing relationship established by a person with the sunrise fire rescue department to obtain services for personal, family, household or business purposes and includes an extension of credit, such as the purchase or service involving a deferred payment
An account that sunrise fire rescue offers or maintains, primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, that involves or is designed to permit multiple payments or transactions; and any other account for which there is a reasonably foreseeable risk to individuals or to the safety and soundness of sunrise fire rescue identity theft, including financial, operational, compliance, reputation, or litigation risk
Covered accounts
In the event that an identity theft breech involving 500 or more persons, sunrise fire rescue will review Florida statutes 501.171 to determine if reporting must be done within _____
10 days
The identity theft program should be updated ?
By someone designated by the fire chief
All new personnel shall undergo identity theft program training during orientation. Documentation of the training shall be maintained for?
At least 4 years
The computerized records management system (FireRMS) is used to document _____ incidents electronically
The ICS organizational structure develops in a _____ based on the kind and size of an incident
Modular fashion
The command sequence is a standardized thought process, which enables the incident commander to _______, ______ and _______ based on basic skills and knowledge
- Analyze situations
- Identify problems
- Implement solutions
Involves gathering information about an incident, evaluating the information, and determining how a specific incident should be handled
Size up
Specific actions carried out to accomplish goals and objectives. Can be considered to be the solutions to the problems
Tactical operations
The planning function Is performed at _____ and normally the field communication center would be established at this location
The command post
The command post may be co-located with ______ if communication requirements can be met
Incident base
The operation officer will assign a _____ to each staging area.
Staging area officer
In a multi jurisdictional incident, when key officials from each jurisdiction contribute to the process
Unified command
The apparatus, the personnel required to properly utilize it and the communications is considered?
Single resource
What is the primary reason for using divisions and groups?
Safety of personnel and maintaining span of control
Rapid intervention teams shall stage where?
At the command post
At large complexes several RIT teams may be staged near the various divisions for more expedient deployment
The initial incident commander shall remain in command until?
Command is transferred or passed or until the incident is stabilized or terminated
The size up report should include
- Unit designation
- A brief description of the incident situation
- Obvious conditions
- Brief description of action taken
- Declaration of strategy
- Any obvious safety concerns
- Assumption, identification and location of command
- Request or release of resources as required
Identification and location of command shall be?
By geographical location or well known landmark
Unit numbered command shall not be used
Ex: Engine 72 will be nob hill rd command
Single company incident such as trash fire, vehicle fire, etc., may only require?
The company or unit to acknowledge their arrival on scene and ability to handle call without additional resources
Ex: E72 and R72 arrival on scene of a dumpster fire with no exposure, E72 can handle
Command is only transferred when?
When the outlined transfer of command process has been completed
When fast attack intervention is critical, utilization of the portable radio will permit the company officers involvement in the attack without neglecting command responsibilities. The fast attack mode should not last more than a few minutes and will end with one of the following?
- Situation is stabilized
- Situation not stabilized and company officer must withdraw to the exterior and establish a command post
- Command is transferred to another ranking officer
The _____ to a unit that is not on scene creates a gap in the command process and compromises incident management
Passing of command
Level II staging areas can be identified simply as _____ when only 1 staging area has been designated. When 2 or more staging areas are used they can be identified by ____ or ____
By function or location
(Ex: EMS staging, Fire staging, west staging, K-Mart staging)
All personnel who have been sent to rehab and have expanded ____ bottles of air or more shall have their vital signs evaluated
2 bottles
Personnel shall be encouraged to drink a sufficient quantity of water for ?
For every air bottle expended
In a big incident who prepares the written incident action plan? And provides for a demobilization and incident termination plan?
Planning section officer
Deemed necessary by the IC to assist with maintaining paperwork and/or communications at the command post
To provide administrative and operational assistance. Highly responsible position that requires a thorough knowledge of department operating procedures, strategy and tactics, and general command terminology
Responsible for site control and security of command post, providing resource information, tracking command activities, assisting with liaison and press activities, providing technical support and advice to the IC. During early stages may be responsible for personnel accountability
Incident commander aide
Recommended staffing for
Incident commander aid
Finance/administration section
Logistic section
Operational section
Planning section
Branch director
Staging officer
- Safety: any appointed by command; preferably a captain; NFPA 1521
- Liaison: any qualified individual assigned by command
- Incident commander aid: any qualified individual assigned by command
- PIO: any individual appointed by command
- Finance/administration section: any qualified or trained individual appointed by command (may be a civilian)
- Logistic section: ranking officer appointed by command
- Operation section: available ranking officer
- Planning section: available chief officer appointed by command
- Branch director: available ranking officer
- Division/group: company officer and higher
- Staging officer
- Rehabilitation officer: any medically trained person
During emergency evacuation procedure, all unnecessary operations shall be suspended when?
If any personnel cannot be accounted for
All resources shall be devoted to locate the missing personnel
Command shall notify the dispatch center when all personnel have been accounted for. If personnel are missing, no report will be announced over the radio as to personnel status. All communications shall be done?
Face to face or over telephone
Personnel can commence interior firefighting operation prior to RIT placement if?
The fire is in the incipient stage, or the rescue of trapped occupants is necessary
Upon being notified that a fire fighter is lost, missing, or trapped, the incident commander shall?
- Have dispatch initiate the emergency alert tone and clear the radio channel of all radio traffic
- Deploy RIT if conditions permit
- Attempts to ascertain the location/condition of the endangered crew
- If necessary, switch normal fire ground communication to another channel
- Immediately assign a secondary back up RIT
Command shall continue to staff RIT throughout the mitigation phase until the possibility of danger to working crews has been?
The following procedure shall be utilized in the event of an emergency activation if a P.A.S.S. device while operating on scene
- Notification should be over the air transmission that a P.A.S.S device has been activated
- Command shall activate emergency radio traffic procedure and attempt to contact the unit affected or division supervisor for verbal confirmation of downed emergency worker
- Division supervisor shall try to physically locate the audible alarm and determine which unit of person is unaccounted for (perform roll call)
- If roll call unsuccessful, command shall request a full role call
- After 2 verbal or radio attempts, contact command and activate search and rescue/ RIT to locate and remove
- If the supervisor is the one down, assign the closest supervisor or safety to take charge
- IC will notify dispatch and all personnel when emergency condition has been corrected and normal ops are to resume
- Dispatch shall repeat that message
The primary method of requesting mutual aid is the
MARS circuit
In the Broward county trunk radio system, system 12 has been assigned?
Mutual aid system
Within system 12, talk group “A” has been designated the mutual aid calling channel. Talk groups “B” through “O” are available for assignment as tactical channels / talk groups during an incident
Requesting agencies may use several methods to notify Broward county communications of a mutual aid response. These methods of notification include
- MARS circuit (primary)
- Radio (either mutual aid channel 12 A or regular dispatch channel)
- 7 digit telephone
Field units shall make all of their mutual aid requests through?
Their regular dispatch center
The special operations response guideline in the common ICS procedure has been adopted by?
The fire chiefs association of Broward county
Any response to emergencies requiring specialized equipment and personnel trained to effectively mitigate emergencies involving hazardous materials, confined space and technical rescue, and dive emergencies
Special operations
Any incident involving the leak, fire, or spill of any radioactive, chemical, or biological substance
Hazardous material incident
Those areas that are not intended for continual occupancy, have limited means of egress, and have potential for physical, chemical or atmospheric engulfment
Confined space
Any rescue operation in a narrow excavation made below the surface of the earth. In general, the depth is greater than the width, but the width of a trench is no greater than 15 feet
Trench rescue incident
Failure that generally occurs as a result of a natural occurrences such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, or other unusual weather phenomenons, fire or explosion, engineering errors, and other human factors including malicious damage and terrorist incidents
Structural collapse
The final consideration for each mission determining whether the risks involved merit the benefit
Risk/benefit factor
Incident such as structure fires resulting in loss of structural integrity should consider the need for _______ prior to performing fire cause and origin, evidence collection or other investigations within the structure or hazard zone
1 regional response team for the purpose of shoring and securing the integrity of the structure
The ______ will be defined as any area that requires an SCBA, or in which a firefighter is at risk of becoming lost, trapped, or injured by the environment or structure
Hazard zone
Accountability involves a ____ commitment to work within the safety system at an incident
A minimum crew size will be considered?
2 members and a radio
The passport tag will be stored?
On the collar of each member bunker coat, helmet or other similar location
Passport tag color
-Chief officers: white
-Company officers: red
-Firefighter/paramedics/drivers/others: yellow
Status boards will be carried by?
The battalion chief, the duty officer, or other designated supervisors
What rules must be followed for the accountability system to function properly?
- Passports never enter the hazard zone
- Passport must be maintained at the command vehicle during large or complex operations
- Passport must reflect only personnel presently in the hazard zone
Implementation of the passport system will occur at any incident that requires?
The use of SCBA
For single company incidents, the passports will remain where? And who assumes accountability responsibilities?
Will remain on the apparatus dash
The driver/operator will assume accountability
For any reports of missing firefighters, command must request?
The next greater alarm assignment
How many PIOs in a unified command incident?
Only 1 to avoid confusion
The accountability officer may be
A driver, a division/group officer, or a designated accountability officer, depending on the nature, type, and complexity of the incident