OPM’s 300 Flashcards
All personnel shall follow the chain of command in dealing with day to day operations and department related activities. Department related activities include but are not limited to?
-clarification of policies and procedures
-work assignments
-request for info within the organization
-request for info outside of the organization that pertains to work
The chain of command communication process is intended to?
Implement the correct action and reduce potential of duplicated efforts
There are matters from time to time that may require a subordinate to reach outside of the chain of command process such as?
Harassment concerns, employee assistance programs, family medical leave issues, etc.
When is Kelly day bidding?
What is the minimum and maximum of personnel assigned to Kelly days?
Minimum of 5
Maximum of 7
Personnel in violation of the personal appearance policy will be given how long to comply?
Shift personnel 72 hours
Non-shift personnel 8 hours
What hair styles are not permitted?
Ragged or unkept, style extremes or unnatural hair coloring
The front of the hair may not extend?
Below eyebrows when naturally combed
The side hair may cover only what portion of the ear?
The portion above the center of the ear canal
Beards or facial hair shall be prohibited for members required to use SCBA. All lip-beards and goatees are prohibited. The face is to be clean shaven, except for ?
A acceptable mustache
Mustaches must be?
May be worn but shall not extend to?
Handlebar type mustaches are allowed as long as they are____, not____, and do not___.
Neatly trimmed
The seal of SCBA
Neatly trimmed, excessive, connect with sideburns
Sideburns may not extend?
Below the bottom of the ear canal
What jewelry is prohibited and what can be worn?
-Earrings are prohibited
-1 bracelet can be worn as long as it does not present a safety hazard
-necklace can be worn as long as it is inside shirt
Only 1 ring per hand
Fingernails shall be no longer than?
1/4 from the tip of the finger
Class A uniform
Long sleeve dress shirt
Black tie
Dress pants
Name tag
Collar ornaments
Dress hat
Black belt
Black shoes
Class b uniform
Short sleeve dress shirt
Uniform t shirt
Navy work pants
Name tag
Collar ornaments (if applicable)
Jacket (if applicable)
Black belt
Black shoes
Baseball cap (optional)
Class c uniform?
Uniform tee shirt
Navy work pants
Black belt
Black shoes
Baseball cap
Class d uniform?
Uniform t shirt
Black shoes
Baseball cap
What is the badge color per rank?
Below captain silver
Captain and above gold
Collar accessories (bugles) are to be worn by all personnel holding the rank of?
Lieutenant and above
Collar bugles are to be worn how?
Parallel to the point of the collar
When wearing a tie, the bugles straight up and down
What are the number of bugles to be worn per rank?
Lieutenant: 1
Captain: 2 uncrossed
Battalion chief: 2 crossed
Division chief: 3 crossed
Deputy chief: 4 crossed
Fire chief: 5 crossed
A service pin may be worn where?
In lieu of service related pin, a union pin or American flag can be substituted as long as?
What pin can be worn in addition to the one pin maximum?
1 service pin 1/2 inch above the center of your the name tag
It does not exceed 1 inch in size
A departmental commendation award
What times can jumpsuit be worn?
Between 2000 hours and 0800 hours
(While providing uniformity. All or none in the unit)
On-coming and off going employees are allotted a maximum of ___ prior to the commencement of their shift to wear their uniform.
1 hour
Disposition of any criminal charge which occurred on or off duty must be reported to the Chief within?
24 hours
Members must report to the fire chief any on or off duty arrests as well as any receipt of any traffic citation that may result in suspension or loss of driving privileges, within ____ of the incident.
24 hours
If asked, members of the SFRD must give their ?
Correct name and rank
Employees must have telephones, and must report any changes in telephone number or address to their immediate supervisor within?
24 hours of change
No contact by a member within 30 minutes after their scheduled duty shift will be considered?
Absent without leave
Members who call in, prior to ____ of their duty day, for the purpose of advising the battalion chief that they will be late will be charged with_____. And will be allowed to report to duty.
0800 hours
To inform all personnel of missing or damage equipment; changes in rules or regulations; changes of orders or procedures; new orders or directives; and to pass on any information essential to the efficient operation of the department, members of the SFRD shall utilized?
A formal line up
Personal phone calls may be made or received on phones designated for said use but shall be limited to?
No more than 10 minutes, and shall in no way interfere with the performance of the members duties
The fire station doors will be closed and secured at all times when the station is unattended and daily at?
2100 hours
Each fire station will be opened up each morning by no later than?
0730 hours
Members must be out of bed by no later than?
0700 hours each morning
Visitors will be allowed in station between?
And will not be allowed after that unless approved by?
1700 and 2100 hours
The fire chief
Grocery shopping will be allowed one time per shift for each station in zone. Out of zone needs approval from who? The shopping will be completed as soon as reasonable possible not to exceed?
Battalion chief
30 minutes
A court order, subpoena or other legal process directing or seeking statements from a member _____ require the approval from the fire chief for compliances, however, if it relates to on duty conduct notice, subpoena or legal process must be given to the fire chief or a battalion chief
Does not
It is operationally necessary to schedule _____ personnel per shift
35 personnel
Between both R92 and Q92 there should be a minimum of how many hazmat special operations team members?
4 between the 2 units
Annual leave vacation bidding for the upcoming calendar year will be submitted during?
Battalion chiefs will collect all vacation request and will approve or disapprove these bid requests by?
The first 2 weeks of November
December 1 of the bid year
All shift personnel are entitled to submit no more than ____ separate bids.
5 separate bids
Battalion chiefs may utilize personnel assigned to working out of class for the purpose of routine annual leave scheduling of time off. This shall be limited to the assignment of ___ working out of class classification per ___.
1 working out of class classification per rank
Shift personnel shall submit routine annual leave requests in ____ increments no less than ___ in advance of the requested shift
24 hour increments
72 hours in advance
Fire life safety may submit routine annual leave requests in no less than ____ increments. And when?
15 minutes increments
At least 1 work day prior to the date requested
The battalion chief or designee will schedule out of class personnel from existing current eligibility lists according to?
Ranking (highest score and or placement)
What is to be used as the initial mechanism for filling vacancies only when over time can be prevented by its use?
Working out of class
Overtime will be called at what time?
1700 and 2100 the night before
0700 and 0900 on the day of
What is considered scheduled leave?
-annual leave
-court appearance (department related)
-jury duty
What is considered unscheduled leave?
-emergency annual leave
-sick leave
Both emergency annual leave and sick leave must be submitted no later than?
0700 hours on the day of
Emergency annual leave may be taken in ____ increments.
15 minutes
What leaves could be considered scheduled and/or unscheduled depending on specific incidents?
Bereavement leave
Family medical leave
Any overtime stated on the daily time sheet up to and including 2 hours must be initiated by? (2 hours or less)
Station officer or battalion chief
Any overtime stated on the daily time sheet in excess of 2 hours must be accompanied by?
A completed overtime authorization form
For shifts occurring Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, these payroll forms are to be delivered to the administrative office by ____ on the following ____.
0900 hours on the following Monday
For holidays the next day at 0900 hours
Shift personnel earn ____ sick leave per year. Non shift personnel?
144 hours shift personnel
96 hour non-shift personnel
What is the chart of sick time use?
For shift personnel left / non shift right
Excellent 0-24 hours …… 0-16 (1-3)
Above average 25-72 (1-3 days)……… 17-48 (3-6)
Average 73-144 (3-6 days)…… 49-96 (6-12)
Needs improvement 145-192 (6-8 days)….. 97-136 (12-17)
Unsatisfactory 193 above ….. 137 above
What is the rating for emergency leave usage?
Excellent 0-3 times
Above average 4-5 times
Satisfactory 6-9 times
Needs improvement >-9 times
What specific organizational commitments need to successfully be met in a memorial service?
- Organization and coordination
- Effective communication between all
- Prevent overload on anyone
- To ensure moral and emotional support are provided to family and fire personnel
- Meet the requests and needs determined by the family
In a memorial service the fire departments responsibility does not include the duties of _____ but does include working closely with that entity to accomplish shared goals.
Funeral director
What 3 sections in the memorial service opm need to be reviewed for familiarity of the event
- Initial funeral preparations
- Funeral types and honors
- Responsibility and duty description
Who are the key personnel in a memorial service?
- Survivor action officer
- Family liaison officer
- Benevolent representative
- Procession officer
- Honor guard coordinator
What consideration will significantly reduce the amount of confusion, anxiety, and emotional trauma in the event tragedy strikes.
Chaplain/ clergy
Personnel information immediately made available
Funeral director contact
Fire department family awareness
What information should be made immediately available after a members death
- Complete name
- Next of kin
- Alternate next of kin
- Religion and/or church or place of worship affiliation
Who should notify the next of kin after the death of a fire service member?
The fire chief (in person whenever possible)
What are the levels of honors provided for the death of a fire service member
-Death “in line of duty”
-Death “on duty”
-Death “off duty”
-Death of a “retired fire fighter”
-Death of a “firefighter immediate family member”
-Death of a firefighter in the tri-county area
Flags will be lowered and inspected____ or ____if visible damage noted
Annually or sooner
When displaying the flags at stations with only 1 flag pole (stations 72 and 92), the United States flag shall be flown at the ___of the halyard.
Top of the halyard followed by the department flag
When displaying the flags at stations with 3 flag poles ( stations 39 and 59), the United States flag shall always be flown from?
The state flag shall always be flown?
The city flag will be flown?
The staff furthest to the viewer left, with department flag under it.
Directly to the right for the United States flag
To the right of the state flag
When displaying flags at 83 with 4 poles. How are the flags flown?
From the left of the viewer
United States
State flag
City flag
Department flag
Flag will be flown half staff under the following circumstances
- National fallen firefighter Memorial Day (first Sunday in October) (from 8am-8am)
- Memorial Day (last Monday in May) (From 8am-noon)
- May 15, peace officer Memorial Day (from 8am-8am) (unless it falls on the the 3rd Saturday in May)
- Upon death of principal figures of the US government
- By the governor executive order or the order of the fire chief
Flags will be flown half-staffed for a period of ____ from the death of the president or former president
30 days
The United States flag will be raised ____ and lowered ____.
Raised first
Lowered last
The purpose of light duty program is to utilized the skills of an employee who may be _____
Suffering from an injury, illness or other related conditions
The light duty program also can be utilized for _______ issues and other temporary assignments.
Performance related
Any individual assigned to light duty for a period of time greater than _____ must report to the training division prior to returning to their normal shift to remediate any missed training due to injury/illness or other related condition limitations.
3 months
It is the responsibility of any employee being treated for job related injury to notify the _______ immediately when he or she has been evaluated by a physician and has been released to light duty.
Administrative deputy chief
Non job related light duty assignments are subject to the approval of the fire chief and the personnel director. Employee requesting non job related light duty must be approved for_______.
FMLA (family and medical leave)
Due to medical confidentiality, the cause of the disability for non-occupational injuries should ____ be identified for light duty approval.
The determination for light duty assignment is based on?
- The type of jobs available
- The benefit to the department and the citizen of sunrise
The awards review board shall consist of the following members
- 1 staff representative
- 1 shift representative
- 1 member selected by the fire chief
A letter of commendation should be presented when?
Certificates and ribbons shall be presented at?
- as soon as practical
- at the annual awards presentation ceremony
When is the Maltese cross award given?
To be awarded posthumously to a SFRD member who loses his/her life in the performance of his/her duties under honorable circumstances
Which award is given to a SFRD member who voluntarily distinguished him/her by extraordinary heroism? The act must be in excess of normal demands with the firefighter being fully aware of the imminent threat to his/her personal and acted above and beyond risking his/her life in doing so.
Metal of honor
What award is given to a SFRD member for outstanding performance of a difficult task involving personal risk to the firefighter safety when, because of the firefighter actions, a serious injury or loss was prevented
Meritorious service award
A award given to a SFRD member for outstanding performance of duty under unusual or difficult conditions. The actions must involve the protection of life or property, unusual thoughtfulness, conscientiousness, and initiative but not limiting exposure to physical danger
Distinguish service award
What are unit citation / firefighter citations?
To be awarded to a unit or individual for performance as an efficient and valuable unit/firefighter to the department either in outstanding performances or general duties over extended periods of time, or for specific tasks
Progressive corrective action process will be utilized for dealing with job-related _______ that does not meet expected outcomes
Behavior / performances
What are the 3 steps in the corrective action process?
Formal administrative process
Infractions or problems should generally be resolved, if possible, at the _____ through the corrective action process.
Lowest level in the chain of command
_____should be the primary method to focus on corrective modification.
In corrective action process, some situations may require a plan to guide employee and supervisor through a more structured process, the ______ process.
A measure taken by a supervisor when necessary to improve or modify an employees performance. It is not considered disciplinary action. This should be the daily interaction between the subordinate and the supervisor to correct or modify a behavior.
A written plan to better guide the employee and supervisor through a more structured process. It is an informal process that is not considered discipline. This process is between subordinate, supervisor and battalion
To establish a corrective action written plan, the written plan will have several components. What are they?
-statement of the problem or issue that needs modification
-what actions need to be modified or changed to be successful
-a timeline
A timeline in a corrective action plan length needs to be determined so that employees and supervisors know there is an end. The timeline is decided by all parties and rarely exceed beyond____ days.
90 days
Failure to achieve the specific actions identified within agreed timeline in counseling process may lead to the _______ process.
Formal administrative process
If the battalion chief believes an employee is physically or mentally impaired, or the safety and well-being of on-duty personnel or the public is jeopardized to the point that the primary mission of the fire department could become compromised, the employee may be?
Immediately restricted from duty
In the corrective action process the formal process will adhere to the _______?
Firefighter bill of rights
What are the 3 steps in the formal process?
Informal inquiry “fact finding”
Formal investigation
Administrative proceeding “pre-determination”
Management is not required to inform the employee of his or her _______ rights; it is the employees responsibility to know and request
Weingarten rights (request for representation)
When the employee requests a union representative to be present management has 2 options?
- Stop the interview until the representative arrives
- Cancel the interview
Informal inquiry means?
A meeting by the fire chief or designee with a firefighter about whom an allegation of misconduct has come to the attention, the purpose of which the meeting is to mediate a complaint or discuss the facts to determine whether a formal investigation should commenced.
Formal investigation means?
The process of the investigation ordered by fire chief or designee for the purpose of gathering evidence of misconduct
Results from the formal investigation will either determine if there is insufficient evidence to charge the employee, or in fact charges are recommended. If charges are recommended, the item will proceed to ______.
The administrative proceeding.
A non-judicial hearing which may result in the recommendation, approval or order of disciplinary action including suspension or discharge of a firefighter is?
Administrative proceeding
All citizen complaints concerning the fire department or any of its employee will be investigated by _______ and a log of these complaints will be maintained for a period of _____ after final action.
Administrative deputy chief
1 year
Citizens complaining anonymously will be advised that?
We cannot react to anonymous complaints
Any individual, upon receipt of a complaint, whether in writing, phone call, on scene or in person, shall gather and forward the information to the _____ within ____ business days in written form either by e-mail or by memo and will be signed by the individual forwarding the information.
Administrative deputy fire chief
3 business days
What information should be obtained from the person making the complaint?
- Nature/description of the complaint
- Location of incident, date and time
- Names of employees or unit involved
- Contact phone number and address
- Name of complainant and any witness
Within ____ calendar days of notification of a complaint, notification will be sent to the complainant from the fire chief or his designee, acknowledging receipt of the complaint.
5 calendar days
The dive-rescue vehicle, in addition to a daily mechanical checkout, shall have its equipment checkout sheet completed every?
Completed checkout sheets should be routed to the _____ officer. Except for the hazmat and dive checkout which will be forwarded to the hazmat and dive coordinator
Logistic officer.
Any and all in-service apparatus equipped with a fire pump shall have the pump operated during the daily checkout procedure. The pump pressure shall be raised to approximately ____ PSI and the relief valve/pressure governor tested for operability daily.
150 psi
Any and all SFRD in service apparatus equipped with on board generators, portable generators, and hydraulic rescue tool power pack, shall have each started and operated daily, and where applicable, fuel levels checked. These equipment should be let run for ___?
3-5 minutes
What is schedule A & Schedule B?
Schedule A is cleaning out all compartments
Schedule B is back flushing the pump
All work orders will be entered into the “_____ “ which can be assessed on the sunrise fire department intranet page
Track it work order entry portal
Binders should be left on _____ upon entry into the city garage.
On driver seat
What are the daily weekly cleaning assignments?
Sunday: apparatus day
Monday: kitchen day
Tuesday: bathroom day
Wednesday: dormitory day
Thursday: lobby and office day
Friday: living area day
Saturday: apparatus bay day
In addition to the daily field days the department will incorporate bi annual cleaning policy which will occur during the months of ?
January and July
It is the responsibility of the _____ chief to perform routine inspections and insure compliance of maintenance of administrative facilities.
Support service division chief
During backing of a vehicle, if the driver loses sight of the spotter, he/she shall ____ the vehicle until they are back in his/her sight
While backing of a vehicle, at night a spotter shall use ___ to help the driver see them, the spotter shall also wear a ____ or ____.
Traffic vest or bunker coat
All traffic incidents involving emergency response apparatus must be immediately reported to?
On duty battalion chief
The ______ shall be responsible for all non emergency unit movement when that movement occurs across district boundaries.
On duty battalion chief
Fire hose testing and maintenance is in accordance with NFPA?
All city of sunrise fire rescue firefighting hose shall be inspected and service tested within ____ days prior to being placed in service for the first time and at least ______ thereafter.
90 days
Fire hose on apparatus shall be rotated _____.
Twice yearly
Battalion chief of logistic will assign hose testing and rotation schedules to each shift battalion chief prior to ____ of each year.
February 15
Shift battalion chiefs will monitor hose testing program to ensure it is completed before _____.
End of March
The second rotation of hose will occur during the month of?
Each length of hose to be tested simultaneously shall be of the same service test pressure and shall not exceed?
300 feet
When hose testing the pressure shall be raised slowly at a rate not greater than ____ psi per second until the service pressure is attained and then maintained. The stabilization period shall be not less than _____ minute per 100 ft of hose in the test layout.
15 psi
1 minute
The hose inspecting personnel shall walk the test layout at a distance no closer than _____ ft to the left side of the nearest hose line in the test layout.
15 feet
If a hose test layout does not hold the service test pressure for the ____ duration, the service test shall be terminated and the lengths of hose that leaked shall have failed the test.
5 minutes
The _____ is considered the best training officer, since he/she knows the crews and monitors proficiency or identifies deficiencies during emergency events and training evolutions.
Station officer
What are the training company officers are required to log into online training platform daily? And which one weekly?
- Daily PPE and SCBA checkout and familiarization
- Area familiarization
- Daily vehicle and equipment inspection
- Drive on roadway
- Daily officer exchange of information
- Weekly preventative maintenance
When do station bidding occur?
In October during odd number years
Whenever possible there should be a minimum of ___ divers at 92 on shift
2 divers
All non operational bids should be approved by?
The fire chief
Skill based training systems that is closely mirrored to NFPA for all recognized job classification, company officer, and multi-company operations
Performance objectives
Additional performance objectives are established based on sunrise fire rescue equipment/procedures
An individual self paced learning modules of selected topics used for all recognized job classifications and specialty training
Online training
Time and goals during training are established by?
National fire protection association
National institute of standards and technology
The operation division outlines the training to be completed for each year and is issued to the station level ______
________ is considered the the best training officer, since he/she knows the crews and monitors proficiency or identifies deficiencies during emergency events and training evolutions
Station officer
All EMS training will be conducted under the approval of?
The medical director / training division to ensure quality assurance / improvement prior to implementation of new equipment / procedure
Facilitated training is supported by the?
Operations division
Officers are encouraged to coach personnel and make corrections during training. Should additional remediation be necessary, follow opms 302.00 corrective action. All remediation should be documented. Officers are to make a “plan” to include ?
-Statement of problem
-Corrections needed to satisfy objective
The ____ personnel shall develop daily training objectives, monthly training objectives, quarterly training objectives, and provide materials necessary to complete these objectives
The training division
_____ are responsible for ensuring that the company officers assigned to their shift are completing the quarterly training objectives in a timely manner. Ensure the company level training does not drastically affect the operational readiness of the shift
Shift commander
____ are responsible for completing the training assigned to all personnel. Responsible for delivering the training, ensuring completion and completing all necessary paperwork/records associated with the training
Company officers
Each station has a compliment of current firefighting and EMS texts. Headquarters has a larger library of resources. The majority of training division resources can be utilized by shift commander and company officers to enhance training. Officers should attempt to call at least _____ in advance when in need of these materials
1 shift in advance
The ______ assists officers at all levels to achieve their primary function of accomplishing the departments vision and mission while caring for personnel and property in their scope of responsibility
Chain of command
The grooming of individual members must be consistent with?
With the conditions under which they are employed
Uniforms are to be clean and pressed and are subject to daily inspection by LT, Captain, & Battalion chief. A more comprehensive inspection will be held during?
Quarterly station inspections
White socks may be worn only when?
During approved training or physical fitness training periods
The position of EMS shift supervisor shall be approved by?
The fire chief
Annual leave request should be submitted in ___ hours increments only
24 hours
In the event overtime is 8 hours or less, the battalion chief may utilize______ prior to using the software staffing
Hold over personnel
When requesting the use of emergency leave, personnel must advise in the comment section
Who in the household is sick and the reason that other potential caregivers are unable to provide the care
Unexcused emergency annual leave, at or above____ occurrences or the _____ hours, or that shows a pattern or is excessive or misuse may be subject to disciplinary action
9 occurrences
72 hours
In the memorial service opm,
Who assumes the position of survivor action officer?
And what is his/her principal concern?
The fire chief (or appoint someone to act as his representative)
Ongoing welfare of the next of kin
A pumper is used to carry a coffin when?
Line of duty death only
The procession officer in the memorial primary responsibility is?
Coordinating the funeral procession from the funeral home to the church to then finally the cemetery
Attend meeting to determine
1. Name of funeral home
2. Name of church
3. Name of cementary
4. Tentative time schedule
5. Will it involve walking?
In a memorial service who is responsible for being the liaison with cementery staff
The honor guard coordinator
In the event that a flag gets damaged it will be?
Lowered, folded and forwarded to the logistics division
Flags are raised______
Flags are lowered ______
Raised briskly
Lowered slowly and ceremoniously
Non job related light duty assignments are subject to the approval of ?
The fire chief and the personnel director
Employees requesting non job related light duty must be approved for?
Request for light duty must be in _____ to the fire chief and be accompanied by certification of health care provider form completed by their treating physician stating _____, ______, and _____
In writing
-projecting length of disability
-work restrictions
-physical limitations
Progressive corrective action process will be utilized for ?
Dealing with job related behavior/ performance that does not meet expected outcomes
Employees Weingarten rights only when?
During investigatory interviews
An investigatory interview occurs when?
When a supervisor questions an employee to obtain information which could be used as a basis for discipline or asks an employee to defend his or her actions
As a result of the administrative proceed, the fire chief will issue a ?
Discharge of discipline to the employee
The discharge of discipline is based on?
And in general progressive in nature
Schedule B cleaning will be performed on rescue vehicles when?
After every contact with a known communicable disease patient
Once the daily station report has been completed, the flow of paperwork will be as follows:
The top 2 pages will be removed and rounded to the public safety complex
The bottom hard stock copy, furnished with 3 hole punch, will be placed in a 3 ring binder at the station and will act as the station log book
The battalion chief will separate the pages and forward page 1 to payroll processing. The 2nd page will be reviewed by battalion chief and left for the next battalion chief to review
All of the binders with station paperwork will be ?
Purged annually and archived at the public safety complex
Fire hose testing is in accordance with what NFPA?
NFPA 1962
All new hose placed in service after October 1, 1998 shall be marked with an inventory control number engraved into the female coupling of all threaded hose. The inventory control number shall consist of the following component
First 2 digits: year of purchase
Third digit: size of hose rounded to the lowest inch
Last 3 digits: a sequential, 3 digit ID number for the length of hose purchased in that year
Uniform will be replaced by the city on a as needed basis by ______ request
All AWOL documentation will be forwarded to _____ for investigation and processing
Operations division chief
The ultimate objective of every member will be the voluntary compliance with department standards in addition to
The moral obligation to perform their duties to the best of their ability
_____ personnel are responsible for the enforcement of all department directives
Supervisory personnel
_____ is the foundation of training
Coaching that requires additional effort should be documented in
FRMS as training
Who’s responsible for insuring target time for turnout is met?
Battalion chiefs