Opioids Flashcards
3 types of opioid receptors; are they coupled to inhibitory or stimulatory GPCR?
4 major effects of opioid receptor activation
- Stimulation of K+ efflux (hyperpolarization of cells)
- Reduced neurotransmission by inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and cAMP
- Inhibition of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (prevents vesicles from fusing, prevents NT release)
- Phosphorylation and internalization of OPRs (desensitization)
What are the normal functions of K+ channels and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and how do opioids alter their normal function?
- K channels – allow repolarization after action potential – opioids cause them to leak K+ out of cell
- VGCC (voltage-gated Ca2+ channels) – allow vesicles to fuse during an AP – opioids stop them from working
Does opioid receptor activation increase or decrease neurotransmitter release?
decreases it
4 major therapeutic uses for opioids
Treating substance use disorders
2 potent opioids recommended in the WHO (World Health Organization) analgesic ladder for moderate-severe pain:
morphine and fentanyl
2 less potent opioids recommended in the WHO analgesic ladder for mild-moderate pain:
codeine and tramadol
4 very short-acting opioids that are useful as surgical adjuncts
Sufentanil, alfentanil, remifentanil, fentanyl
Opioids produce analgesic effects via synergistic actions at what 3 levels of the nervous system?
supraspinal, spinal, peripheral
Which level is responsible for reducing the affective component of pain (perception and emotional response)?
Which level reduces excitability of spinal cord neurons?
Which level interferes directly with transduction (nociceptor ability to convert stimuli into electrical signals)?
Opioid Antitussant activity results from opioid effects on brain or lungs?
Brain - cough center in medulla
Name 1 opioid commonly used as an Antitussant
What are the 2 major effects of nearly all opioids on the GI tract?
reduce GI motility and inhibit GI secretions