Opinion, Possibility, Doubt Flashcards
Accepter que
To accept
S’attendre à ce que
To expect
Chercher … qui
To look for
Détester que
To hate
Douter que
(Not subjunctive in negative)
To doubt that
Il est convenable que
It is proper/fitting that
Il est douteux que
(Not subjunctive in negative)
It is doubtful that
Il est faux que
It is false that
Il est impossible que
It is impossible that
Il est improbable que
It is improbable that
Il est juste que
It is right/fair that
Il est possible que
It is possible that
Il est peu probable que
It is improbable that
Il n’est pas certain que
It is not certain that
Il n’est pas clair que
It is not clear that
Il n’est pas évident que
It is not obvious that
Il n’est pas exact que
It is not correct that
Il n’est pas probable que
It is improbable that
Il n’est pas sûr que
It is not certain that
Il n’est pas vrai que
It is not true that
Il semble que
It seems that
Il se peut que
It may be that
Le fait que
The fact that
Nier que
Followed by ne in negative
To deny that
Refuser que
To refuse
Supposer que
To suppose/hypothesise