Emotions And Feelings Flashcards
What is the meaning of ‘adorer que’?
to love that
What does ‘aimer que’ translate to?
to like that
Translate ‘apprécier que’.
to appreciate that
What does ‘avoir honte que’ mean?
to be ashamed that
What is the translation of ‘avoir peur que’?
to be afraid that
What does ‘craindre que’ mean?
to fear that
What does ‘déplorer que’ translate to?
to deplore that
What is the meaning of ‘détester que’?
to hate that
What does ‘être content que’ mean?
to be happy that
Translate ‘être désolé que’.
to be sorry that
What does ‘être étonné que’ mean?
to be amazed that
What is the translation of ‘être inquiet/inquiète que’?
to be worried that
What does ‘être surpris que’ mean?
to be surprised that
Translate ‘être triste que’.
to be sad that
What does ‘il est bizarre que’ mean?
it is odd that