Expressions of Will - Orders, Advice, Desire Flashcards
Aimer mieux que
To like better
Commander que
To order that
Demander que
To ask (someone to do something)
Désirer que
To desire that
Donner l’ordre que
To order that
Empêcher que
To prevent
Éviter que
To avoid
Exiger que
To demand that
Il est à souhaiter que
It is to be hoped that
Il est essentiel que
It is essential that
Il est important que
It is important that
Il est naturel que
It is natural that
Il est nécessaire que
It is necessary that
Il est normal que
It is normal that
Il est temps que
It is time that
Il est urgent que
It is urgent that
Il faut que
It is necessary that
Il vaut mieux que
It is better that
Interdire que
To forbid that
S’opposer que
To oppose that
Ordonner que
To order that
Permettre que
To permit that
Préférer que
To prefer that
Proposer que
To propose that
Recommander que
To recommend
Souhaiter que
To wish that
Suggérer que
To suggest that
Tenir à ce que
To insist that
Vouloir que
To want that