Ophthalmoscopy and Visual Fields Flashcards
What are the 4 parts of the optic nerve?
Where in the skull is the optic canal located?
The greater wing of the sphenoid bone
What is the optic nerve also known as?
What are the three things to pay attention to when describing the optic nerve when doing an ophthalmoscopy?
Contour (borders of the disc)
Cup (bright centre of disc)
Describe the normal appearance of the optic nerve?
Clear and well defined borders
Orange-pink colour with a pale centre
Cup to disc ratio should be roughly 0.3
What conditions can cause abnormal contours of the optic nerve?
Disc swelling (e.g. papilloedema) Optic disc drusen
What conditions can cause an abnormal colour of the optic nerve?
Advanced glaucoma
Optic neuritis
Ischaemic optic neuropathy
Compressive lesion
What condition can cause a large cup?
Which are darker on fundoscopy, veins or arteries?
What is the cup?
The centre of the optic disc that is devoid of neuroretinal tissue
What is the most common cause of a unilateral swollen disc?
Vascular - e.g. infarcion
What are causes of a swollen disc?
Disc drusen
What is papilloedema?
A swollen nerve in the context of raised ICP
What is disc drusen?
Swollen disc due to a collection of material in the optic nerve
What are the causes of a pale disc?
Compromised circulation
Drugs (e.g. ethambutol)
Nutritional problems (e.g. B12, folate)