Ophthalmology Flashcards
Blepharitis w/ intense itching, rubbing, rash or contact sensitivity; allergic rxn. Margins of eyelids are edematous and erythematous
Acute nonulcerative
Blepharitis that is crusty
Acute ulcerative: bacterial
Cause of spots or floaters
Benign vitreous opacities, posterior vitreous detachment w/risk of retinal damage, vitreous hemorrhage or posterior uveitis.
Double vision
Cause of Diplopia
Ocular misalignment: eye movement disorders (muscles) or cranial nerve palsies, orbital disease, orbital fracture.
Monocular diplopia- refractive error or lens opacities
Leading cause of blindness or vision loss
- Cataract
- Uncorrected refractive error
- Age related macular degeneration
Sx of Hordeolum
Redness of eyelid, swelling, pain, tearing, photophobia, foreign body
Types of Hordeolum
External; of the hair follicles
internal; of the meibomian gland
Pathophysiology of Hordeolum
Blocked sebaceous glands
Tx of Hordeolum
Warm compress for 5-10 min, 3-4 times daily. Drainage or Rx if does not respond to Tx
Difference between Hordeolum and Chalazion
Hordeolum: usually involves lashes and is painful
Chalazion: involves meibomian gland on lid, painless
What is a noninfectious obstruction of the meibomian gland?
Pathophysiology of Chalazion
Meibomian gland becomes blocked. Often chronic, usually painless, can follow internal hordeolum. Can be
Inflammation of the eyelid margins
Blepharitis: acute or chronic
Types of Blepharitis
Acute ulcerative (bacterial or virus), acute non ulcerative, chronic
Acute ulcerative: bacterial
Usually staphylococcal, affects eyelid margins at origins of lashes.
Chronic Blepharitis
Non-infectious inflammation of unknown cause. Often seen in patients with Rosacea , reoccurring hordeola or chalazia.
Itching and burning of eyelid margins, conjunctival irritation w/ lacrimation, photosensitivity, foreign body sensation. Dilated glands that may exude waxy, yellowish secretions. Can have greasy, but easily removed scales of eyelid margins.
Sx of Blepharitis
Dx of Blepharitis
Slit lamp exam
Tx of Blepharitis
Warm compress, cleaning w/ baby shampoo, gentle removal of scales.
Acute: antibiotic ointment