Ophthalmic Examination Flashcards
Examination Setting
- Quiet dark room
- Magnification
- Optivisor , loupes, otoscope
- Finoff transilluminator
- Schirmer tear test strips
- Fluorescein dye/eyewash
- Direct ophthalmoscope
- Indirect lens
- 28, 20 Diopter
- Proparacaine (anesthetic)
- Tropicamide (mydriatic)
- Examination table
- Important to steady the head
- Less is often more!!! (especially in cats)
- To sedate or not to sedate?
- Miosis/mydriasis
- Third eyelid protrusion/ventral globe rotation
- Decrease tear production and alter IOP
how far should light be
Bright focal light held an arm’s length distance
Menace Response
- Stimulus: Motion
- Receptor: Retina
- Afferent: Optic nerve (II)
- Efferent: Facial nerve (VII)
- Effector: Orbicularis oculi
- Response: Blink
- Keys to remember
- Cover opposite eye
- Don’t touch facial hairs
- Learned response (~4 months+)
optic pathway
Pupillary Light Reflex (PLR)
- Stimulus: Light
- Receptor: Retina
- Afferent: Optic nerve (II)
- Efferent: Oculomotor (III)
- Effector: Iris sphincter muscle
- Response: Pupillary constriction
- Direct PLR
- Indirect or consensual PLR
“indirect left to right” = light shining in left eye
PLR Pathway
- Optic nerve to chiasm
- Optic tract
- ~20% of fibers to pretectal nuclei
- Decussation (majority of fibers)
- Parasympathetic nuclei of the oculormotor nerve (CN III)
- Parasympathetic fibers of CN III synapse in ciliary ganglion
- Short posterior ciliary nerves terminate in the iris sphincter
- Constriction of stimulated eye= direct PLR
- Constriction in contralateral, unstimulated eye=indirect or consensual PLR
- PLR ≠ Vision
- Fibers for PLR branch off optic tract before LGN
- Animals blind from cortical disease can have normal PLRs
- Eyes with negative PLRs can be visual
3 synapses: 1) pretectal nucleus, 2) edinger westphal nucleus, 3) ciliary ganglion
Palpebral/corneal Reflexes
- Stimulus: Touch
- Receptor: Skin/cornea
- Afferent: Trigeminal nerve (V)
- Efferent: Facial nerve (VII)
- Effector: Orbicularis oculi
- Response: Blink
Dazzle Reflex
- Stimulus: Bright light
- Receptor: Retina
- Afferent: Optic nerve (II)
- Interneuron: CNS/subcortical
- Efferent: Facial nerve (VII)
- Effector: Orbicularis oculi muscle
- Response: Blink
- Especially useful when fundus can not be visualized
- Hyphema , severe corneal disease, cataracts
- No need to test if menace response is positive!!!!
only use if think they are blind!
does not involve visual cortex
Examination of Orbit
- Assess orbital symmetry
- Palpation
- Globe and TEL position
- Retropulsion of globe
- Oral examination
- Pytergopalatine fossa caudal to last upper molar
- Orbital disease
- Pain on opening mouth
- Inability to open mouth
only if think there is orbital disease
Adnexal Examination
Examine upper and lower eyelids
- General: palpebral fissure size, skin condition, discharge, blepharospasm
- Lid apposition and closure
- Incomplete = lagophthalmos
- Facial hairs contacting eye?
- Nasal fold or medial canthal trichiasis
- Eyelid masses
- Eyelid lacerations
- Eyelids rolling in (entropion)
- Eyelids rolling out (ectropion)
- Examine lid margins and underside of lids
- Distichia , ectopic cilia, impacted meibomian glands
Nictitans Examination
- Retropulse globe
- Examine for mass, scrolled cartilage, prolapsed gland
- Examine behind third eyelid for foreign bodies
- Apply topical anesthetic, grasp with a forceps and evert or pull forward with cotton tipped swab
Conjunctiva and Sclera Exam
color of cornea → why
Examination of Anterior Chamber
should be completely black (shouldn’t notice it)
Examination of Iris/Pupil
Examination of the Lens
Posterior Segment Exam
Culture and Sensitivity
Schirmer Tear Test (STT)
Fluorescein Stain
- Corneal ulcer
- Jones test
- Tear film break up time
- Seidel test
Corneal Ulcer
Jones Test
- Evaluates patency of nasolacrimal system
- Apply fluorescein stain to ocular surface rinse
- Hold nose down and examine nostrils
- Examine oral cavity
- Normal passage < 5 min
Tear Film Break-Up Time
- Tear quality assessment
- Moisten strip with saline and apply to cornea
- Do NOT rinse
- Blink eyelids
- Hold lids open and monitor for “dry spots”
- Normal tear break up time >20 seconds
Seidel Test
- Aqueous humor leakage
- Corneal lacerations
- Ruptured ulcers
- Surgical incisions
- Apply fluorescein
- Do NOT rinse
- If leaking aqueous humor will create a “river”
- Measures intraocular pressure
- Normal 15-25 mmHg
- Applanation
- Tono-Pen®
- Induction impact
- Tonovet ®
- Measures force required to flatten corneal surface
- Fast and easy to use
Nasolacrimal Flush
- Topical anesthetic
- Cannulate superior puncta with flexible catheter or canula attached to syringe
- Flush saline from superior to inferior puncta, then occlude inferior puncta with digital pressure and flush into the nasal cavity