Operations Management Flashcards
What is operations?
Area of the business that is responsible for production of goods and services.
What is operations management?
All the activities in which managers engage to produce goods services.
What are some operations management strategies for:
- increasing productivity
- market share
- competitiveness
- Purchase faster and less prone to error equipment
- make a website / increase number of stores
- higher standards (reject defective products early in the production)
What is efficiency and effectiveness?
Efficiency is using resources well. Maximum output from input of resources.
Effectiveness is how often you are able to achieve your goals. Ability to meet your goals
What are the elements of operations?
- Input of resources as time, workers, materials…
- process as teaching, production lines (conversion happens)
- Output of resources as products or services
How does technological developments help business operations?
Faster production, higher efficiency and less need for labor so cheaper production.
How does website development help operations?
- Through a website a business can determine demands for different products and based on that information adjust their production and inventory supplies.
- Websites can also improve communication between customers and the business and therefore can improve efficiency
How does Automation and CAM help operations?
Increase efficiency and productivity while decreasing expenses due to wages
What is Materials management?
Involves making sure materials are properly stored, and making sure enough are available when needed to produce.
What are 4 material management strategies?
looking at past data to predict future
Master production schedule
exact plan of what, when, how with how much material will you produce?
Materials requirement planning
list of materials needed to produce the amount you need to make
Just in time
only the exact amount of inputs arrives only when they are needed to save on storage costs, less waste. But mistakes and delivery delays can be very costly.
What is quality control?
Checking product or service at different stages to ensure it meets the design requirements and has all the aspects needed that it is supposed to at that stage.
Quality assurance
Meeting a set standard in production
What is Total quality management TQM and its 3 principles?
All stakeholders of the organization involved in the production aim to do their best
3 principles
- Continuous improvement
- Customer focus
- employee empowerment
What is waste minimisation?
Process of reducing amount of resources that do not add value to the product or is not promised for in the services thus reducing cost, production time and increasing efficiency and effectiveness.
What is Lean Management approach.
An approach used to improve quality and reduce waste.
Different types of waste?
- Over production
- Waiting
- Non-utilised talent
- transportation
- Inventory
- motion
- extra processing
- defects
What are some management skills
decision making
What is employee transition issues and how the business can help
issues during finding an new job
business can give flexible hours for their interviews
classes to update resume and tach interview skills
training programs
What are entitlement issues in dismissal
they are what the employee is legally owed by the business
-redundancy payouts
must be paid
management styles