Operations JB Flashcards
Describe the technique of submandibular sialoadenectomy
Think about the structures at risk when:
- Approaching the gland (marginal mandibular and cervical nerves)
- On the surface of the gland (FA, FV)
- Deep to the gland (LN, CN XII, Rannine veins)
- Mark out the palpable lesion. Locate incision to avoid the marginal mandibular and cervical branches of the facial nerve; skin crease 4cm below the inferior border of the mandible.
- Develop flaps; for benign disease lift the SMG fascia with the platysma by suturing together. This ensures protection of the thread-like marginal mandibular.
- Capsular dissection of the SMG off the anterior and posterior bellies of digastric; facial artery and vein and intimately assoiciated with gland so take separately above and below.
- Dissect the posterior pole by retracting SMG anteriorly with Babcock’s.
- Dissect the inferior aspect; identify and preserve the hypoglossal nerve.
- Dissect the gland supero-anteriorly taking care to identify and preserve the lingual nerve. Pedicalise the gland on the duct and then suture-ligate duct with 3-0 PDS.
- Layered absorbable closure over 6Fr drain.
Describe your technique of thyroglossal cyst excision.
The procedural steps involve:
- incision and access
- identification of the cyst and duct; the extent of the duct from the foramen caecum to the pyramidal lobe must be resected.
- hyoid bone identified, muscles separated and central portion resected
- closure.
There is a signficant risk of malignancy (10%) in older people
A transverse skin crease incision is made over the location of the cyst. Skin and platysma flaps are created. The median raphe between the strap muscles of the anterior neck is identified and opened — the cyst is located beneath the median raphe.
The strap muscles are retracted laterally to allow dissection of the cyst and the thyroglossal duct down to the pyramidal lobe, which if present is resected, up to the level of the hyoid bone.
Muscles attached to the centre of the hyoid bone are separated and the hyoid is skeletonised out to the lesser cornu.
The hyoid is then transacted with bone-cutters medial to the lesser cornu. The hyoid, grasped with an Allis, then acts as a handle, which when gently retracted can aid dissection of the tract toward the base of the tongue.
Placing a finger transoral to palpate the tongue base and push the foramen cecum toward the operative field can facilitate this dissection although usually retraction on the body of the hyoid if properly mobilized will accomplish the same thing. This dissection passes though the central portions of the mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles and the foramen caecum is resected. This last part is not as important as a patent connection to the foramen caecum is unlikely.
The opening in the mouth is closed with absorbable sutures and the geniohyoid and mylohoid muscles are re-approximated with absorbable sutures with superficial bites to avoid hypoglossal nerve injury.
A 10Fr Blake’s drain is placed, exiting the right side of the wound. The median raphe is re-approximated with absorbable sutures. The platysma is closed with absorbable sutures and the skin is closed with an absorbable subcuticular suture.
Describe how you would perform an emergency fasciotomy for the leg.
- 2 incisions used to release 4 compartments
- Anterolateral incision:
- Longitudinal incision two finger-breadths lateral to the crest of the tibia from the tibial tuberosity to the ankle
- Incise the fascia covering Tib ant. and extend this fascial incision longitudinally.
- Undermine the skin to reach intermuscular septum (marked by perforators in swollen leg) and release peroneus fascia
- Medial incision:
- Longitudinal incision one thumb-breadth medial to medial edge tibia
- Preserve GSV and saphenous nerve where possible
- Incise fascia at medial tibial shelf
- Seperate soleus from tibia thus decompressing deep compartment
Alternatively, in an emergency, removing the middle half of the fibula releases all 4 compartments.
Describe how to perform a femoral embolectomy.
- Vertical longitudinal incision over the artery
- Dissect down to sheath and incise longitudinally
- The femoral vein lies medially and must be protected
- The nerve lies laterally and is a plane deeper; excessive retraction is avoided to minimise neuropraxia
- Dissect 2-4cm length of the femoral artery; pass a Lahey around it gently and sling it proximally
- Use the sling to retract and identify profunda femoris
- Dissect profunda and sling this
- Take care to avoid profunda vein
- Make an arteriotomy with an 11-blade
- Extend with Pott’s scissors transversely
- Pass a 4Fr embolectomy catheter proximally; inflate and withdraw
- Control the anticipated bleeding with an assistant holding the sling
- Repeat until clear
- Instil Hep-Saline and clamp proximal vessel
- Repeat procedure distally
- Fill vessels with Hep-Saline and close the arteriotomy directly with 5.0 prolene
Describe your operative management of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Permissive hypotension is advocated for patients with a clinical diagnosis of rAAA to maintain an alert patient and systolic blood pressure >70mm Hg is acceptable.
- Immediate transfer to the operating room for patients considered to be surgical candidates
- Supine crucifix position. Skin prep onto the patient while awake. Scrub team ready prior to induction of anaesthesia.
- Maximum access midline incision.
- If actively bleeding; immediate supra-coeliac control via the lesser omentum; blunt dissection on either side of the aorta as it passes between the diaphragmatic crura.
- If haematoma not actively bleeding then obtain supra-renal control; pack the small bowel to the right, lift the transverse colon, mobilise the duodenum to the right, and retract the LRV superiorly. Bluntly dissect either side of the aorta above the renal arteries and apply clamp.
- Get distal control; clamp to distal aorta.
- Talk to anaesthetists; catch up on blood loss.
- Open aneurysm and T the top and bottom; insert self retainer and oversew lumbar back bleeders.
- Insert a Dacron/PTFE tube graft soaked in antibiotic
- 3-0 Prolene double-armed round taper
- Parachute in top-back wall; in-to-out aorta and out-to-in on graft.
- Test proximal then sew in distal. Consider embolectomy to iliacs. Flush distally. Complete graft.
- Notify anaesthetics of release of clamps.
- Consider laparostomy closure to prevent ACS and consider fasciotomies to lower limbs.
Discuss your technique of above-knee amputation.
- Most commonly performed for failure of a BKA in the setting of ischaemia and/or diabetic foot sepsis.
- Supine position. Roll under thigh. I mark out a fish-mouth-incision with equal anterior and posterior flaps that are two thirds the diameter of the thigh.
- The corners of the flaps are at the level of the femoral amputation.
- I divide the skin and fascia with diathermy. I then divide the muscle; anterior, then medial, by dissecting with Roberts then cutting down onto the Roberts clamps.
- Anteromedially I identify the femoral artery and vein/s in the adductor canal and suture ligate then proximally tie the vessels with 1-0 prolene.
- I then free muscle and periostium off the femur circumferentially and place a large pack through the defect behind the femur. I use an oscillating saw with water for irrigation to transect the femur. Bone wax for haemostasis if needed.
- The sciatic nerve is identified between the adductor magnus and biceps femoris muscles. The nerve is placed on a gentle traction, ligated proximately with PDS with a long tail, sharply divided, and allowed to retract. The popliteal vessels may need to be taken here separately.
- The posterior muscle group is taken. I irrigate the stump and then check haemostasis. I use a finger to sweep adjacent to the sciatic nerve to make space for the nerve catheter which is placed through skin medially and laid against the nerve in the tunnel created earlier.
- The periosteal flaps are closed over the femur. I place a suction drain beneath the muscular closure. The fascia overlying the muscles is closed to envelop the distal femur.
- I close the skin with 3-0 Nylon vertical mattress sutures.
Describe your technique for below-knee-amputation.
Most commonly performed amputation. Because the blood supply is much better on the posterior and medial aspects of the leg than on the anterior or anterolateral sides, transtibial amputation techniques for the ischemic limb are characterized by skin flaps that favor the posterior and medial side of the leg.
- The level of tibial transection is marked out a hands-breadth below the tibial tuberosity . Skin flaps are marked out; short (1-2cm) anterior flap with a long (1cm longer than diameter of leg) posterior flap.
- Sharp division of skin and subcutaneous tissue anteriorly to two thirds of the way down on each side. Incision then taken distally to marked point and completed posteriorly.
- I divide the anterior compartment with diathermy, down to the interosseous membrane, taking care to ligate the anterior tibial vessels.
- I then elevate the periostium of the tibia and dissect around it and pass a medium pack through the defect and transect using an oscillating saw. I divide the fibula 1cm proximal to this. I then bevel the anterior edge of the tibia.
- I then divide tibialis posterior and identify the posterior tibial artery, nerve, and vein/s. The vessels are suture ligated and the nerve is tied, divided, and allowed to retract.
- Soleus and gastrochnemius are divided distally to create a longer myocutaneous flap posteriorly.
- I wash the wound and then place a drain deep to the muscles. Myofascial closure is performed with 2-0 vicryl. The skin is closed with 3-0 Nylon vertical mattress sutures.
Describe how you do an emergency thoracotomy.
- Sharp incision in the 4th intercostal space; below nipple, parasternal to mid-axilla
- Open chest cavity with heavy scissors
- Insert rib-spreaders with handles downward-facing
- Can extend across sternum to contralateral 3rd ICS
- Don’t forget the internal thoracic artery
- Mobilize lung by incising inferior pulmonary ligament
- If bleeding catastrophic - twist hilum
- Find the bleeders and stop them; optimize workspace
- Open pericardium with a pinch anterior to phrenic nerve
Describe how you perform an FNA of a breast lession
- Verbal consent
- Prepare slides and “cyto-fix” spray
- 23G needle on a 10ml syringe
- Clean the area with an alcohol swab
- Trap the lesion between index and middle finger non-dominant hand
- Warn patient and insert needle into mass
- Several passes (~5-10) whilst drawing back on syringe, should feel the needle enter/exit the lesion
- Release suction and then withdraw needle from skin
- Immediate pressure; ask patient to apply for 5 minutes
- Switch syringe to one with plunger drawn back and apply material onto pre-prepared slide
- Carefully place second slide onto first and use the parallel pull-apart technique to create two ovoid smears; apply cyto-fix to both
How do you perform a core biopsy of a breast lesion?
- Verbal consent
- Prepare lab form and pot with formalin
- Use USS guidance + IR when feasible
- Ensure the patient is not on anti-coagulants
- Mark out lump, LA with 5ml of 1% lignocaine with adrenaline
- Prepare area and trolley with sterile gloves etc
- Demonstrate to the patient the sound the gun makes
- 11-blade scalpel to make skin incision
- Introduce core-biospy needle into the incision and advance towards lesion
- Fire gun; inner needle then surrounding sheath fire into mass
- Withdraw and ask assistant to scrape tissue out of groove
- Repeat until 3-5 good cores (sink to bottom) are taken from different directions
- Pressure to 5 minutes.
Describe your technique of hook-wire localised excision of a breast lesion.
Wire placed day of surgery by radiology, diagrams from interventionlist noting location of lesion (depth, dimensions), distance of wire tip from skin surface, distance of wire into breast and then into lesion, where tip is in relation to lesion. Diagrams stuck onto OT wall visible to surgeon during procedure. Complete pathology forms and notify radiology when specimen is ready.
- Supine position, remove padding round wire
- Prep & drape care not to dislodge
- Mark curvilinear incision over area or periareolar if feasible
- Incise, & raise flaps with diathermy
- Identify & control wire on underside of flap
- Deliver wire back through the skin
- Littlewood to grasp wire & tissue
- WLE using wire as guidance
- Minimum of 5mm margins; sharp dissection with scissors
- Specimen should be orientated and marked
- Mark specimen with sutures & clips
- Long lateral (3 clips)
- Medial medium (2 clips)
- Short superior (1 clip)
- Loop anterior
- Specimen for X-ray
- Confirm haemostasis
- Close with 3-0 monocryl
- Wake patient when X-ray confirmed
Describe how you perform a mastectomy
- Patient supine, arm free draped and abducted to 80º
- Penny-Farthing incision with smaller circle medially
- Skin sharply incised and (covered) diathermy used to develop plane and flaps, which are taken down to chest wall. Retraction/elevation of flaps with Littlewoods on dermis. Retraction is key.
- Upper limit is usually 2-3cm below clavicle. Place dry pack.
- Lower limit is to the IMF, which should be preserved if reconstruction is planned. Place dry pack.
- Lateral limit is lateral edge of pectoralis major.
- Lift breast off underlying fascia
- Obtain haemostasis
- Performed axillary surgery if planned
- Two-layer closure over 1-2 closed suction drains (12Fr Blakes) using interupted 3-0 monocryl at the dermal layer and 4-0 monocryl subcuticular continuous for the skin.
Describe how you perform sentinel node biopsy
- (Warn anaesthetist when injecting blue-dye)
- Pre-operative localisation with both technitium-99 and 3ml of 1% of Isosulfan Blue Dye for intra-operative localisation; inject blue dye into sub-lateral areolar complex/sub-dermis after positioning and massage for 5 min (go scrub)
- Chlorhexidine skin prep and U/square drape the arm
- Mark the maximum signal intensity detected by Gamma probe
- Incise skin 1cm infeior to hair-bearing area of axilla
- Develop skin flaps
- Incise the clavi-pectoral fascia and open the axilla
- Find the blue lymphatic; trace it to find the lymph node/s and dissect them free. Use a Babcock’s to delver the lymph node packet. If the direction of dissection is unclear then use the Gamma probe
- Check the counts; both of the node and background (which must be <10% of the SLN count)
- Obtain haemostasis and perform two layer closure with 3-0 then 4-0 monocryl
Describe how you perform an axillary node dissection for breast cancer
- Supine position, arm abducted to 80º and free-draped.
- Use either the lateral portion of the mastectomy incision or use a curvilinear skin incision just below the hairline of the axilla
- Find pec major and lat dorsi
- Raise a superior flap superficial to the clavipectoral fascia
- Incise the clavipectoral fascia medially and dissect pec major and inter-pectoral packet then pec minor up towards the axillary vein; preserve medial pectoral pedicle just lateral to pec minor; dissect pec minor off the chest wall to maximise the exposure of the axillary vein and levels II and III
- Dissect LD and continue superiorly towards axillary vein
- Incise the intervening clavipecctoral fascia between medial and lateral margins then identify axillary vein running transversely; use peanut dissection to dissect vein and tributaries; all fatty tissue and lymph nodes under the vein are swept downwards
- Find thoracodoral vessels and nerve and take down the superolateral corner of the dissection where these vessels meet the axillary vein
- Trace thoracodorsal bundle inferiorly until artery branches into two/at level of angular veins draining into thoracodorsal vein
- Find subscapularis and trace it medially, tunneling bluntly in the avascular plane anterior to subscapularis, to reach the cest wall
- Find the long thoracic nerve medially and meet up with plane in front of subscapularis
- Encircle the axilla and excise it (ensure neuromuscular blockade has worn off)
- Haemostasis, 12Fr Blakes drain(s), two-layered closure with monocryl
Describe how you would perform a Hadfield’s procedure
- Patient positioned supine with arm out at 80°
- Chlorhexidine skin preparation and square draping
- Periareolar incision 2/5ths the circumference of the nipple
- The nipple complex is dissected free of surrounding fat; this is continued around the entire complex and scissors are used to bluntly find this plane behind the ductal complex as it enters the nipple
- Once circumferentially dissected an artery clamp is placed across the distal nipply complex, ensuring that no inversion of the nipple is caught
- A scalpel is used to sharply incise between the clamp and the nipple, bleeding is seen on the undersurface of the nipple.
- Once detached the nipple is retracted and a 3-5cm deep conical excision of the ductal system is excised.
- To prevent nipple retraction a purse-string sutures is placed to close the conical defect. Alternatively the nipple can be re-sited after de-epithlialisation superiorly.
- Layered closure is performed
How do you perform single duct excision for nipple discharge/papilloma?
- Identify the candidate duct pre-operatively
- Supine position
- Chlorhexidine skin prep and perforated drape
- Place probe into duct
- Use a circumperiareolar incision and identify the duct with the probe within; ligate the distal aspect of the duct near the nipple and excise a conical cylinder of tissue for 3cm around duct - send for histology
- Obtain haemostasis and close with 4-0 monocryl.
Describe your technique of superficial parotidectomy
- Patient positioned head up (until EJV collpases) and head turned away from side of surgery; patient lies near the surgeon’s side of the table
- Protect the auditory opening with vaseline-gauze
- Ask the anaesthetist to maintain hypotension if possible and avoid long-acting muscle relaxants
- Loupe magnification is used
- Use a sinusoidal access incision; pre-auricular to below ear-lobe then back to mastoid then down, at least 2.5cm below ramus of mandible
- Incise skin, fat, and SMAS/platysma
- Anterior and posterior flaps are developed immediately deep to SMAS and platysma respectively. Posteriorly, the greater auricular nerve is identified and protected. Anteriorly, the SMAS is lifted off parotid fascia.
- Release the posterior portion of the gland from the cartilaginous external auditory canal; use Kelly’s retractor for retraction of gland. Create plane with artery forceps and use bipolar for haemostasis.
- Fibres of posterior belly digastric should be visible, dissect this belly.
- The parotid remains attached posteriorly by a thick band of Lore’s fascia containing the artery of the stylomastoid foramen and the accompanying venous plexus. These structures will need to be carefully divided to identify the 3 principal landmarks to the facial nerve:
- The triangular process of the external auditory canal cartilage “tragal pointer”
- Nerve 5-10mm deep and inferior
- The posterior belly of the digastric muscle
- Nerve ~10mm superior and medial to PBD origin
- The tympanomastoid suture.
- Nerve foramen is 10mm inferior to this
- The triangular process of the external auditory canal cartilage “tragal pointer”
- Once nerve is identified; A McCabe facial nerve dissector is used to lift tissue off the nerve and its branches and the bridges between divided with bipolar. Watch for the retromandibular vein tributaries which have a variable relationship within the gland. The gland is reflected forward in this manner; maintain a broad front
- Anteriorly, the nerve dives away over masseter and the superficial layer may be divided with impunity from the anterior border, always checking the back edge of the gland for the plane of dissection.
- In this way, the parotid duct will be pedicled and this is ligated with an absorbable suture.
- Haemostasis is obtained with blood pressure normalised
- A 12Fr closed suction drain is placed parallel to PBD and the wound is closed in layers.
Describe how you perform a thyroidectomy
- Patient supine, 1000ml saline bag between scapulae, head on head-ring, table 10° head up and head extended with chin outward pointing
- Skin crease incision marked, usually two finger-breadths above jugular notch in a skin crease, as wide as needed
- Local anaesthetic infiltrated, save some for SCM block
- Knife through skin, protected tip diathermy to divide fat and platysma.
- Superior sub-platysmal flap raised to thyroid cartilage, inferior flap to sternal notch. Two Joll’s retractors placed
- Divide the midline raphe with diathermy to thyroid capsule for the length of the wound
- Use Allis clamps then Kelly’s retractors to lift strap muscles and establish the plane on the capsule of the thyroid gland. Dissect and ligate the middle thyroid vein. Get beyond the equator of the lobe so the carotid sheath structures are identified
- Dissect the upper pole; start medially and establish the plane between medial surface of thyroid and underlying cricothyroid. Use a Dietrich right angle to dissect on lobe and take the vessels with a ligasure
- Look for ESLN on the superior lobe; 50% are Cernea IIa, relatively more are IIb if Goitre is large
- Once the upper lobe has been summited, reflect forward and start to look for para IV on the back of the lobe, preserve this and its blood supply
- Move to inferior pole and mobilise in a similar manner, be aware that para III is more variable.
- Switch sides to dissect around RLN; have the assistant retract the thyroid anteromedially gently with a gauze; use Dietrich right angle to part tissues and identify nerve in T-O groove. Once found, part the tissue superfical to it.
- With the nerve in view, continue mobilising thyroid off the trachea to the midline. Place surgicel and swab and move to other side
- Check all parathyroids
- Check haemostasis with Valsalva, close midline raphe, place local in SCM fascia under vision
- Close wound in layers with monocryl
- Check calcium and PTH 6 hours after surgery
How do you prepare for total thyroidectomy for a large MNG?
- Risks of bleeding, damage to nerves, and damage to parathyroids are higher; discuss with with patient
- Obtain cross sectional imaging to assess degree of retrosternal extension and relationship to brachiocephalic veins etc.
- If massive, enlist the help of a senior surgeon and/or cardiothoracic services; have a sternotomy kit available in theatre.
- Most large goitres will be delivered with blunt dissection and finger retraction if the equator is above the thoracic inlet.
What are some key points to note during 4-gland exploration for parathyroid adenomata?
- ~85% of the population have 4 glands
- ~13% have 5 glands
- ~3% have 3 glands
- The capsule of the parathyroids moves independently of the thyroid capsule and they are -burnt-butter in colour.
- Always check Calcium and PTH post op and twice daily when abnormal
Parathyroid IV / Superior Parathyroid
- In >80% of patients they are located above and lateral to the intersection of the RLN and ITA
- In ~15% of patients they are behind the superior pole
Parathyroid III / Inferior Parathyroid
- In 45% of patients they are behind the inferior pole
- In 25% of patients they are in the thyrothymic ligament
- In 17% they are anterolateral to the inferior pole of the thyroid
- In 6% they are just below and lateral to the intersection of ITA and RLN
Describe minimal access parathyroidectomy
- Pre-localisation is mandatory
- A small laterally based incision is made and platysma divided
- A tissue plane is created between strap muscles and the SCM
- Omohyoid may require division for better exposure
- The gland is identified and capsular excision performed.
Describe how a laparoscopic left adrenalectomy is performed
- Position the patient on a beanbag in the lateral decubitus position and flex the table to widen the space between hypochondrium and iliac crest
- Three 10mm ports are used; the first port is placed in the MCL and is used for the camera, the other 2 ports are spaced on either side of the camera port. Occasionally a 4th port is used to retract the spleen and colon.
- Perform a diagnostic laparoscopy
- Mobilise the splenic flexure of the colon so it drops medially. Mobilise the splenophrenic and spleno-renal ligaments so that the spleen falls medially. Identify the inferior phrenic vein.
- Open Gerota’s fascia over the superior pole of the left kidney and continue this up towards the diaphragm; the adrenal should come into view
- Dissect the gland off the superior pole of the kidney laterally and continue this inferiorly and then medially where the renal vein enters the hilum; identify the adrenal vein and dissect it
- Secure the adrenal vein with a vascular stapler and transect it
- Dissect the adrenal off the posterior abdominal wall and place into an endocatch bag
- Obtain haemostasis then close in layers.
Describe how to perform a laparoscopic right adrenalectomy
- Position the patient on a beanbag in the lateral decubitus position and flex the table to widen the space between hypochondrium and iliac crest
- Four 10mm ports are used; the most medial port is just lateral to the xiphoid, the most lateral port is in the MAL between the 12th rib and iliac crest; the first port placed is the one 2nd from the midline, via an open approach.
- Perform a diagnostic laparoscopy
- Use a fan retractor through the sub-xiphoid port to retract the liver medially
- Divide the right triangular ligament with a Harmonic scalpel and continue this superiorly; be wary of the right hepatic vein
- Incise Gerota’s over the superior pole of the kidney and extent this up towards the peritoneal reflection of the liver, divide the underlying fat and retract laterally
- Identify the renal vein inferiorly and the IVC medially, using the Harmonic, dissect the fat off the IVC inferior to superior, identifying the right adrenal vein
- Dissect this clearly and secure it with a vascular stapler
- Use the lateral stump to retract and peel the adrenal off the posterior abdominal wall laterally; watch out for the adrenal arteries in this tissue
- Inferiorly, identify the superior renal pole and retract the adrenal superiorly and dissect; again watch for arteries
- Free the adrenal and place into an endocatch bag and remove. Obtain haemostasis. Layered closure.
Describe how to perform an open adrenalectomy
- Supine position with a break in the table to widen the distance between hypochondrium and iliac crests
- Extended subcostal incision crossing the midline
- Omnitract retractor then exploratory laparotomy
- I expose the left adrenal by dividing the left lienorenal and lienocolic ligaments and retracting the splenic flexure downwards and spleen and pancreas medially
- I expose the right adrenal by retracting the hepatic flexure of the colon downwards and performing a Kocher’s manoeuvre to mobilise the duodenum. I then divide the right triangular ligament and retract the liver medially exposing its bare area. This provides access to the IVC for proximal and distal slings in cases involving a large tumour.
- The adrenal veins are secured and the gland is resected from its bed and sent for histology.
- Haemostasis is obtained and layered closure is performed.