Nutrition/Obesity Flashcards
Discuss the normal absorption of fat
In adults, 94% of dietary fat is absorbed
- Emulsification
- lipids need to be solubilised in aqueous environment ie suspended in water (emulsion) to expose large surface area to lipolytic enzymes
- emulsification begins in UGI tract w mastication & gastric mixing –> fat droplets released are coated w ingested phospholipids to form a stable emulsion
- additional phospholipids from bile added once emulsion reaches duo
- Fat hydrolysis
- begins in stomach by actions of lingual lipase (50% hydrolysis in adults), then pancreatic lipase (w colipase) in duo
- FFAs released by lipolysis in stomach contributes to stimulation of secretion of panc lipase & colipase
- also entry of gastric hydrogen ions into duo stimulates release of secretin which enhances panc bicarb secretion –> increases pH to ~6.5 which is optimal for fat digestion (hence ZES for example inhibits fat absorption)
- bile salts further enhance fat solubilisation –> emulsion of microscopic micelles which also optimises action of panc enzymes
- dietary & biliary phospholipids & cholesterol are further hydrolysed by phospholipase A2 & pancreatic cholesterol estase
- begins in stomach by actions of lingual lipase (50% hydrolysis in adults), then pancreatic lipase (w colipase) in duo
- now have complex soup of lipolytic products + other lipids + fat soluble vitamins whihc are mixed w bile salts –> small aggregates (micelles) or larger aggregates (liposomes)
- allows 2-monoglycerides & FAs to be absorbed across apical membrane of enterocyte (not just passive, also protein-mediated transport processes)
- most dietary lipids absorbed in prox 2/3 of jejunum
- Bile salts remain in intestinal lumen –> TI where they are actively resorbed, enter portal circulation then are resecreted into bile (enterohepatic circulation)
- Once within villus absorptive cells –> FAs transported to smooth ER –> triglycerides resynthesised
- Triglycerides, cholesterol esters, phospholipid & apoprotein B48 form aggregate –> transferred to Golgi for further processing into fully mature chylomicron
- Chylomicron binds to basolateral membrane & is transported to intestinal lymphatics to enter general circulation
Describe the ideal composition of TPN
NB: Total energy requirement is ~25-35kcal/kg/day
In a surgically ill patient increased to ~2500kcal/day
- ~55% of calories given as CHO (14% dextrose soln)
- Too little and gluconeogenesis kicks in
- ~35% of calories given as lipid emulsion
- use a higher proportion in COPD paitents to reduce CO2 production
- ~15% of calories given as protein (aa solution)
- Daily requirement is ~0.8-1.0g/kg/day
- Septic patients may require more (~double)
- Also need:
- 15mmol linoleic and arachidonic acid per week
- Vitamins; B12, Vitamin-K, Folate, Zinc
Describe the complications of TPN
- Blood/serum related
- Hyperglycaemia
- IGT common
- Responds well to Insulin
- Electrolyte disturbance
- Massive shifts in starvation esp Phosphate
- Hyperglycaemia
- Hepatic dysfunction
- mild transaminitis and steatosis
- most cases self-limiting
- Respiratory dysfunction
- CO2 retention if too much CHO
- Respiratory quotient increases
- Line related
- PTX during insertion
- Line sepsis
- Line breakage
- Line thrombosis
Outline your approach to assessment of nutrition.
- Complete history and exam
- Anthropometric measurements
- BMI <18
- Weight change of 5%-10% in last 6 months
- Skin fold thickness (triceps most common but better if use multiple sites, but subject to intra- and inter-observer variability, limiting clinical use)
- Bioelectrical impedence (less reliable in pts w oedema & electrolyte shifts)
- Biochemical measurements
- Albumin (t1/2 of 21 days so may not fall for several weeks)
- acts as a negative marker of the acute-phase response & so is lowered in malignancy, trauma & sepsis even in presence of adequate intake
- so should not be used as assessment of nutritional STATE tho low concs point to increased nutritional RISK assoc w underlying disease
- Other serum proteins: transferrin (t1/2 of 7 days), pre albumin (t1/2 of 2 days)
- but serum concs of these proteins also altered in stress, sepsis & cancer so also not useful
- Anaemia
- Albumin (t1/2 of 21 days so may not fall for several weeks)
- Functional assessment
- Grip strength
- Validated screening
- Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool
- 5 steps:
- BMI - >20 = 0, 18.5-20 = 1, <18.5 = 2
- note % Unplanned weight loss in previous 3-6mo (<5% = 0, 5-10% = 1, >10% = 2)
- establish ‘acute disease effect’ (severity) & give this a numerical score (if pt acutely ill & there is, or will be, no nutritional intake for >5 days = 2)
- add scores (total) from steps 1,2,3 together to get overall risk of malnutrition
- make decision re what to do depending on score
- 0 = low risk - repeat screening process at future time
- 1 = medium risk - monitor oral intake for 3 days; if doesn’t improve dietitian rv
- ≥2 = high risk - refer to dietician to try increase nutritional intake & should be policies in place for nutritional support given to these pts
- 5 steps:
- Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool
Name the three most important amino acids during times of starvation.
- Alanine - for hepatic gluconeogenesis
- Glutamate - fuel for enterocytes, hepatocytes, and white blood cells
- Aspartate - for maintaining renal acid-base balance.
What is immune-modulating nutrition?
Which patients have been shown to benefit from immune-modulating nutrition?
Nutrition enriched with arginine, nucleotides, and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Patients with mild sepsis (APACHE II <15)
- Patient with intra-abdominal cancer about to undergo surgery (5-7 days prior)
- Patients with ARDS.
Interestingly, contra-indicated in patients with severe sepsis.
What are the causes of fat malabsorption?
- SB disease/resection
- resection of >100cm of TI –> severe impairment of enterohepatic circulation of bile salts such that liver’s ability to upregulate de novo bile acid synthesis = inadequate to meet normal physiological needs for bile production –> fat malabsorption
- NB loss of shorter segments of TI can still result in chronic diarrhoea even though may not result in fat malabsorption; bile acids that aren’t absorbed in SB may stimulate water & electrolyte secretion in colon (cholerrheic diarrhoea)
- Bile salt binders (cholestyramine) can improve bile acid diarrhoea but may worsen diarrhoea from fat malabsorption (by increasing it)
- deconjugation of bile acids by bacteria defunctionalises the bile acids
- Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
- chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, CF
- inactivation of pancreatic lipase by acidification of duodenal contents
- Disorders of bile acid metabolism
- inadequate synthesis (cirrhosis)
- inadequate secretion of bile salts (cholestasis)
How are carbohydrates normally absorbed?
- starch, sucrose & lactose = most abundant digestible carbs in human diet; must be broken down into monosaccharides prior to absorption
- some plant polysaccharides eg cellulose can’t be digested in SB lumen, though are fermented to a degree in the colon
- Digestion of starch (amylose & amylopectin)
- both salivary & pancreatic amylase contribute to their digestion –> oligo- and disaccharides
- Oligo- and disaccharides (eg sucrose, lactose) are degraded by brush border enzymes (primarily disaccharidases –> monosaccharides)
- These are absorbed by either active or passive transport
- Carbs that aren’t digested & absorbed in SB –> bacterial degradation in colon
- terminal phase of bacterial carb degradation = fermentation –> formation of SCFAs + CO2 + hydrogen + methane
- excessive bacterial fermentation = reason for acidic stools, abdominal distension & flatulence in pts w various forms of carb malabsorption
- SCFAs = available as an energy source as are efficiently absorbed from colon - allows body to recover a portion of the potential energy contained within indigestible food fibre & other undigested carbs
What are some causes of carbohydrate malabsorption?
- deficiency in pancreatic amylase
- decreased disaccharidase activity in SB epithelium (eg lactase or sucrose-isomaltase deficiency)
- decreased absorptive intestinal surface area (eg celiac disease)
- unabsorbable carbs (eg sorbitol)
How is protein usually absorbed?
- Digestion begins in stomach by action of gastric pepsins, which are released as proenzymes (pepsinogen 1 and 2) and undergo autoactivation at low pH
- amino acids released from gastric digestion play a role in releasing CCK from duo & jejunal endocrine epithelial cells; CCK critical for stimulating release of panc enzymes responsible for digestion of all 3 macronutrients
- In duo, several pancreatic proteases act together to digest proteins –> amino acids or dipeptides + tripeptides
- pancreatic enzymes also secreted as inactive proenzymes
- bile salts trigger enterokinase to be released from duo; this converts trypsinogen –> trypsin
- trypsin then catalyses conversion of all other panc proteases to active forms as well as auto-catalysing activation of additional trypsinogen
- pancreatic enzymes also secreted as inactive proenzymes
- Amino acids, dipeptides or tripeptides can be absorbed through highly efficient sodium-dependent amino acid co-transporters at brush border membrane
- passive but called secondary active transport since energy is indirectly provided by Na-K ATPase pump
What are the causes of protein malabsorption?
- impaired pancreatic bicarb and protease secretion and/or activity (eg chronic panc or cystic fibrosis)
- generalised reduction of intestinal absorptive surface
Discuss the absorption of vitamins and minerals
Proximal half of SB = predominant site for absorption of most vitamins & minerals, with notable exceptions:
- Vit B12 = absorbed by a specific ILEAL receptor that recognises the B12-IF complex; >100cm distal ileal resection will –> clinically signif vit B12 deficiency
- Bile acids also absorbed in TI
- Magnesium = primarily absorbed in distal SB & colon
- malabsorption of Mg amplified by excess FAs in intestine of pts w untreated fat malabsorption; these bind to divalent cations eg Ca & Mg creating soaps
- Calcium = upper SB
- Iron = throughout SB esp duo
- Iodine = prox SB
- Folate = prox SB
- Zinc = prox SB (lesser extent ileum & LB)
- Copper = stomach & upper SB
- Fluoride = stomach & SB
- Chromium, selenium, manganese = SB
How are minerals classified?
Macrominerals = need >100mg/day eg Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, PO4
Trace elements = need 1-100mg/day eg copper, fluoride, iodine, manganese, zinc
Ultratrace elements = need <1mg/day eg chromium, selenium
What is the pathogenesis of obesity?
Multifactorial metabolic disorder involving gene and environmental factors along with dysfunction of the gut-brain-endocrine axis and the adipocyte-brain-endocrine axis
- familial predisposition - specific genes include FTO gene
- monogenetic causes rare - MC4R gene, POMT gene, leptin, ghrelin, neuropeptide Y
- gene-environment interactions - epigenetic changes
- gut microbiome - plays essential role in metabolism & the immune system; altered microbiome predisposes host to obesity & glucose intolerance
- dysregulation of hormonal control of satiety & appetite; ghrelin is secreted by gastric fundal cells and stimulates teh release of various neuropeptides form the hypotohalamus which creates an orexigenic state
- GBE axis fundamental for energy homeostasis
- enteroendocrine cells sense luminal factors & screte gut hormones eg GLP1 which feed back via endocrine, paracrine, vagal & spinal efferent mechanisms to the hypothalamus
- activation of metabolic control centres in hindbrain & hypothalamus to control energy homeostasis
- adipose tissue consists of both brown (non-shivering thermogenesis) & white fat
- increase in fat mass assoc w obesity –> adipocyte dysfunction - adiposopathy/’sick fat’
- white fat stores cholesterol & triglycerides and acts as an endocrine & immune organ
- white adipocytes produce immune factors eg leptin, adiponectin (has antiinflammatory & antidiabetic properties), growth factors, adipocytokines (eg IL6, TNF), enzymes eg aromatase & 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
- these contribute to inflammation & have significant effect on obesity-related comorbidities
What is the rationale for bariatric surgery?
Medical therapy for severe obesity has limited short-term success and almost non-existent long-term success.
Multiple long-term folow-up trials comparing those who underwent bariatric surgery with those who didn’t have shown decreased mortality long-term after bariatric surgery
- Swedish Obese Subjects study was first prospective controlled trial to provide long-term data; weight loss at 20yrs of 18% vs -1%, reduced morbidity, overall mortality, cancer deaths, MI, first-time CV events
- other studies have also shown improvements in diabetes, OSA, dysplipidaemia & HTN
- multiple RCTs have confirmed superiority of bariatric surgery over medical management
Very cost effective (costs fully recovered within 2yrs)
Low M&M
What are the mechanisms of action of bariatric surgery?
Main mechanisms are 1) reduced food intake, 2) malaabsorption and 3) alterations in the enteroencephalic and enteroinsular axis (altered food preferences & food reward and increased energy expenditure)
- Calorie restriction and malabsorption alone don’t fully explain metabolic effects; mechanisms seem to extend beyond magnitude of weight loss alone to include effects on CNS regulation of appetite & metabolism and improvements in insulin secretion & sensitivity
Enterocephalic endocrine axis: anatomic changes after bariatric surgery reduce pre-meal hunger and increase satiety; various components of GBE axis can explain this
- decreased postprandial secretion of ghrelin & thereby reduced hunger signals
- increased satiety via higher levels of peptide YY and GLP-1
- peptide YY secreted by L-cells throughout small & large bowel in response to presence of nutrients in lumen of distal gut & has anorexigenic effect
- both of these hormones possibly have some effect on food preferences seen after LSG & RYGB; less fixation on energy-dense foods
- ghrelin reduced more by LSG than RYGB; peptide YY is increased by RYGB and unchanged by LSG
- metabolic surgery can increase number of gut peptide expressing EECs and therefore postprandial gut peptide secretion (eg PPY, GLP1)
- also, higher nutrient concs in distal segments & fast delivery to distal ileum post RYGB stimulates EECs to release these satiety hormones; and post sleeve, faster gastric emptying –> increased satiety hormones
Enteroinsular endocrine axis:
- improved insulin-action, beta-cell function & modulative effect of gut hormones in this axis play a role in T2DM remission
- GLP-1 = major player - released by L-cells in distal GI tract & levels increase in response to nutrients in distal midgut/hindgut
- in obese people, there is a delay in postprandial release of GLP-1 & overall reduced levels
- GLP-1 has anorexigenic effect secondary to delayed gastric emptying but more predominant action on enteroinsular axis; stimulates insulin secretion, increases insulin sensitivity of pancreatic cells & inhibits glucagon secretion
- elevated in response to both RYGB & LSG, more so in RYGB
What are the criteria for bariatric surgery
- BMI >40
- or BMI >35 with associated comorbidities
- consider if BMI 30-35 with diabetes which can’t be adequately controlled with medical management particularly if other cardiovascular risk factors
- failed non-surgical attempts at weight loss for >2yrs
- understanding of and motivated for surgery
- accepts longterm follow-up
- nonsmoker for >6mo
- psychiatrically stable, no brain injury/Prader Willi
- no alcohol/drug use
- weight >200kg or BMI >55
- steroid-dependent disease
- Crohn’s disease
- abdominal radiotherapy
- history of malignancy (other than low risk eg cutaneous SCC)
- major medical problems eg portal hypertension
- age = controversial; in adolescents recommended after major growth spurt; roughly <65-70
What is the role of weight loss and optifast prior to bariatric surgery?
- used to give weight loss targets; now know this may predict the pt’s biological ability to lose weight but may not predict outcome after surgery - preop psych factors don’t predict long-term weight loss outcomes
- weight loss of ≥5% can reduce operative time & potentially operative risk by making surgery technically easier though this doesn’t necessarily equate to reduced complications
- BMI >55 is one of leading causes for complications & death after RYGB so desirable for this group to lose weight
- most will prescribe 1-4wks of pre-op low-calorie liquid diet to hel preduce stiffness & size of liver - easier to retract, better exposure of GOJ
Preparation for bariatric surgery
- MDT input
- optimise comorbidities
- optifast to make liver more compliant +/- weight loss target (less used now)
- nutrition screen - iron studies, B12/folate, vits A,B,C,D
- advise against pregnancy for 12mo afterward bc inc risk fetal nutrition
- stop oestrogen therapy preop due to DVT risk
Deciding which bariatric operation
- all operations improve diabetes control; trend towards RYGB being superior to sleeve & band at 1yr & by 2yrs, superior durability in diabetes control
- RYGB superior to sleeves by 1yr for HTN resolution
- RYGB superior by 2yrs for dyslipidaemia
- RYGB superior to sleeve for resolution of OSA in short term
- RYGB may be preferred for people w Barrett’s, severe/complicated GORD or bile reflux
- hiatus hernia alone doesn’t preclude bariatric surgery - repair hiatus & proceed w whichever operation
- RYGB may be preferred for BMI >50
- sleeve may be preferred for pts w iron deficiency anaemia, SB Crohn’s, ?severe arthritis requiring NSAIDs
Advantages of sleeve include technically simpler, lower complications?, pylorus preserved (avoidance of dumping), less hernias & malabsorption, can convert later, still get diabetes remisison in >25%
Steps for lap RYGB
Gastric pouch <30mL, roux limb 100cm (150cm if super-obese), BP limb 80-100cm (150cmm if super obese)
34Fr orogastric tube. Stack at pt’s left shoulder. Modified Lloyd Davies, slight head up.
Pouch first approach.
- Optical entry with 12mm port LUQ (0 degree scope). Further ports.
- Liver retraction, assess oesophageal hiatus, mobilise hiatal fat pad & take down angel of His
- at 5cm distal to GOJ, dissect lesser curve fat from gastric wall to create tunnel to lesser sac
- use blue 45mm GIA to staple stomach perpendicular to lesser curve; then staple vertically to angle of His with 1-2 blue 60mm - gastric pouch <30mL
- lift transverse colon superiorly +/- split greater omentum if bulky, find DJ flexure & measure SB 50-100cm
- lift SB loop over transverse colon to gastric pouch & make a small access hole in antimesenteric border of the loop; insert cartridge of a 20mm blue stapler in here & into a corresponding access hole in the most dependent part of the gastric pouch staple line (usu at junction of 1st & 2nd staple lines)
- close access hole with 1 or 2 layers of absorbable suture round a 34Fr orogastric tube
- once GJ formed, divide SB loop w a linear stapler proximal (ie BP limb side) to GJ
- anastomose BP limb to Roux limb 100-150cm distal to GJ with a 45mm linear stapler
- close stapler access hole w absorbable suture
- close mesenteric windows with non-absorbable suture
Expected outcomes for bariatric procedures
- RYGB 60-85%
- SG 55-80%
- SAGB70-85%
- BPD 79%
- Band 50-60%
- RYGB: diabetes >50%, HTN 40%, GORD >90%
- Sleeve: diabetes remission 25%
Complications of RYGB
- mortality 0.1-0.3%
- leak 1% (usu GJ)
- VTE 0.23% if prophylaxis (most common cause of death)
- SBO 4% lifetime incidence (adhesions 50%, internal hernia 30%, anastomotic stricture/kinking at JJ (13%)
- closing mesenteric defects leads to quarter the incidence of internal hernia associated BO, adds 4mins to op time
- also can get gastric remnant syndrome
- stomal/anastomotic stenosis 6% (usu GJ, balloon dilate or refashion; JJ refashion)
- marginal ulcer 2-10% (near GJ)
- gastrogastric fistula 1-2% (–> marginal ulcer or weight gain)
- early dumping syndrome up to 50% when high levels simple carbs
- late dumping syndrome 1-2%
- iron & B12 deficiency; also calcium, thiamine, folate
- iron def 15-40%, IDA 20% - bypass duo & prox jej
- vit B12 def 15-20% but rarely causes anaemia - delayed mixing w IF
- (significant) late regain up to 20%
What are the two types of dumping syndrome after RYGB?
- Early dumping syndrome
- occurs in up to 50% when high levels of simple carbs ingested
- rapid onset usu within 15mins
- result of rapid emptying of food into SB & bc of hyperosmolality of food, rapid fluid shifts from plasma into bowel –> hypotension & SNS response
- colicky abdo pain, diarrhoea, nausea, tachycardia
- avoid foods high in simple sugar content & replace w diet consisting of high fibre, complex carb & protein-rich foods + small frequent meals + separate solids from liquids by 30mins
- usu self limiting & resolves within 2-3mo
- Late dumping syndrome/reactive hypoglycaemia
- 1-2%
- usu 1-3hrs after ingestion of carb-rich meal, typically months to yrs after surgery
- neuroglycopenic sx (dizziness, fatigue, diaphoresis, weakness) assoc w low serum glucose levels
- exact aetiology uncertain but prob includes combo of late dumping, beta cell hyperfunction & an exaggerated incretin response
- dx can be confirmed by oral glucose tolerance test
- same mx as above, low carb, agents like diazoxide, acarbose, octreotide usu successful