Operations Flashcards
How would you prepare for an operation?
Before entering theatre, I would ensure the patient had been appropriately consented and had been informed of the risks and benefits of the procedure and any alternatives with a focus on the patients priorities in line with the 2015 Montgomery ruling and the recent NICE guidelines on shared decision making.
I would make sure that a Team Brief and the WHO checklist had been completed.
Specific significant risks relevant to this situation would include risk of ……….
I would position the patient supine and level. I would make sure the patient was catheterised with large bore IV access inserted, with an arterial line and central access. I would ensure appropriate equipment was available including for this case
Retractors, Vessel sealers, Stapler (TLC 75, Eschelon Flex Blue/Gold/Green)
—Approach and why
‘I would adopt a minimally invasive approach’
How would you perform a stapled small bowel resection?
- I would exteriorise the bowel using a wound protector and inspect for a suitable transection point
- Signs of suitable viability to make that decision would include colour of the bowel, peristalsis and pulsation in the mesentery
- I would then ligate the mesentery in a shallow v shape with diathermy, clips and ties.
- I would use a linear stapler to excise the specimen by dividing both ends. In my practice that would normally be a TLC 75 with a blue cartridge
- I would then position the bowel in a side-side configuration and place an anchoring 3-0 PDS stitch at the far end of my proposed staple line
- I would then make enterotomies in both segments of bowel and create the anastomosis
- I would assess its patency, check for any excessive bleeding from the staple line and close the enterotomy with 3-0 PDS. I would then oversew the entire distal staple line with 3-0 PDS. I would then double check for flow and no obvious leaks, close the mesenteric defect with 2-0 vicryl and return the bowel to the abdomen
How would you perform a hand-sewn small bowel resection?
- I would exteriorise the bowel using a wound protector and inspect for a suitable transection point
- Signs of suitable viability to make that decision would include colour of the bowel, peristalsis and pulsation in the mesentery
- I would then ligate the mesentery in a shallow v shape with diathermy, clips and ties.
- I would apply soft and crushing bowel clamps and excise the specimen. I would control any excessive bleeding with cautious diathermy
- I would then position the bowel in a end-end configuration and perform a single-layer, interrupted, hand sewn anastomosis using 3-0 PDS
I would then double check for patency and no obvious leaks, close the mesenteric defect with 2-0 vicryl and return the bowel to the abdomen
How would you perform a right hemicolectomy?
My approach to this as a non-specialist would generally be with a mid-line laparotomy. I would ensure a linear stapler and energy device was available.
I would start by packing the small bowel to the left of the abdomen to expose the ileocolic pedicle.
I would mobilise the right colon from lateral to medial, taking care to identify and preserve both the right ureter and the duodenum. I continue dissection around the hepatic flexure dividing the gastrocolic ligament up to the point of transection
I would then divide the colonic mesentery starting by performing a high ligation of the ileocolic pedicle and then use the energy device to divide the rest of the mesentery to the point of division. I would ensure sufficient mobility of the small bowel to reach the transverse colon
I would then perform a stapled side-side anastomosis using the Barcelona technique with three firings of a linear stapler, usually a TLC 75 with blue cartridge. I would oversew the distal staple line with 3-0 PDS, close the mesenteric defect with 2-0 vicryl and return the colon to the abdomen
I would then washout the abdomen and if there was significant contamination I would leave a 30 french drain in the pelvis.
How would you close a laparotomy in an emergency setting?
Usually I would use at least 2 x 1 Loop PDS sutures
Making sure the suture length was at least 4 times the wound length.
I would then do a mass closure with 1cm bites at 1cm intervals
How would you close a laparotomy wound in the elective setting?
Usually I would use at least 2-0 PDS sutures in line with the 2015 STITCH trial
Making sure the suture length was at least 4 times the wound length.
I would then do a continuous small bite closure of 5mm intervals and 5mm width, ensuring only the aponeurosis was included
How would you perform a subtotal colectomy?
As a non-specialist, I would do this with a generous midline laparotomy and the patient supine.
I would ensure that a linear stapler and an energy device was available and place a retractor, either a Golligher or ideally an omnitract
I would start by packing the small bowel to the left of the abdomen and mobilising the right colon from lateral to medial along the white line of Toldt. I would then mobilise up past the hepatic flexure identify and preserving the right ureter and duodenum.
I would continue to mobilise the transverse colon by dividing the gastrocolic ligament. I would then pack the small bowel to the right and mobilise the left colon from lateral to medial and approach the splenic flexure from below
I would identify and preserve the left ureter, then I would divide the left colon with the linear stapler leaving a long rectal stump. I would ligate the colonic mesentery close to the bowel with the energy device and continue the dissection to a suitable part of terminal ileum that would reach the abdominal wall.
I would create an opening for the ileostomy using a cruciate fascial incision and muscle splitting technique, preferably in an area marked by the stoma nurses, in the RIF.
I would then was the abdomen, leave a drain in the pelvis and secure the rectal stump in the lower part of the laparotomy so that if it gives way there is a mucuos fistula. I would then formally close the rest of the laparotomy using a mass closure and mature an end ileostomy with 3-0 vicryl rapide of a length of at least 2.5cm above the skin.
How would you perform a Hartmanns procedure for perforated diverticular disease?
As a non-specialist, I would do this with a generous midline laparotomy and the patient supine.
I would ensure that a linear stapler and an energy device were available and place a retractor, either a Golligher or ideally an omnitract. I would inspect the abdomen for any abscess and drain this and inspect the bowel to ensure that it is safely resectable
Assuming this was the case, I would pack the small bowel to the RUQ and start mobilising the left colon. I would identify and preserve the left ureter and gonadal vessels and continue dissection anterior to gerotas fascia up to and including the splenic flexure to ensure I had enough length on the colon remaining.
I would divide the colon proximal to the pathology using the linear stapler and divide the mesentery close to the bowel using an energy device. I would then perform a distal division at the recto-sigmoid junction and perform a thorough washout and place a 30fr drain in the pelvis.
I would then create an opening for an end colostomy, preferably in an area marked by the stoma team, in the LIF, using a cruciate fascial incision and splitting the muscle.
I would close the abdomen using a mass closure and mature an end colostomy using 3-0 vicryl rapide.
How would you perform a CBD exploration?
I would start with a standard cholecystectomy setup, with 2 10mm and 2 5mm ports.
I would elevate the gallbladder cephalad and dissect out the cystohepatic triangle to gain a critical view. I would confirm the presence of choledocholithiasis by performing an on table cholangiogram. If this was confirmed I would first assess if a transcystic approach would be possible.
- only possible for distal stones <7mm (cannot retroflex)
If not then proceed to formal CBD exploration if CBD >8-10mm. Dissection of supra duodenal CBD bluntly and with scissors. Transverse incision made over duodenum, avoiding the arteries at 3/9 o/c and insertion of choledochoscope.
In my practice we use a single use ureteroscope for this. Then use a dormer basket to extract any stones, passing it through the ampulla to exclude ampullary stones. Make sure CBD/CHD clear of stones
Closure with interrupted 3-0 PDS transversely and leave a 20fr drain next to the choledochotomy. If no bile then remove at 48 hours
Complete cholecystectomy and washout
How would you perform a laparoscopic hernia repair?
In my practice I perform an extraperitoneal approach (TEP). I would not routinely give antibiotics in line with recent guidelines
I would position the patient supine and slightly trendelenberg and make a subumbilical incision down to the fascia. I would incise the rectus sheath on the side of the hernia and elevate the rectus muscle with a Lagenback retractor. I would insert a 10mm tracer and insufflate the exztraperitoneal space
I would then bluntly dissect a plane inferiorly to the public tubercle and laterally underneath the inferior epigastrics using the endoscope. I would then insert 2x5 mm ports into the midline and continue dissection widely to at least the ASIS laterally and across the pubic symphysis medially. I would take care with dissection in the triangle of doom, medially to the spermatic cord where the iliac vessels are located and the triangle of pain laterally
Any direct hernia I would reduce primarily and then inspect the spermatic cord. I would bluntly dissect any indirect sac from the spermatic cord and reduce it so that the entire peritoneal reflection is visualised. I would then place a shaped mesh ideally into the preperitoneal space ensuring that it crosses the midline, widely to the ASIS and the peritoneum is superior to it.
I do not routinely tack the mesh but if necessary I would place a medial tack and avoid tacking inferiorly. I would then hold the mesh in place and desufflate the abdomen.
How would you perform a midline incisional hernia repair?
I would ensure the patient had been prepared adequately preoperatively - weight loss, smoking cessation etc.
I would perform this with an open approach, however I am aware of lap and robotic techniques.
I would reopen the existing excision and excise the scar. I would identify the sac and reduce its contents. I would then clear the fascia back to the edges of the defect. I would open and excise the sac if not already done and widely clear the peritoneum of adhesions to identify any smaller defects.
If the defect was <2cm I would repair the defect with 1 Nylon - as suggested by recent consensus guidelines published in Annals of Surgery in 2017.
Otherwise I would open the rectus sheath bilaterally and dissect behind the rectus muscle to make a large plane for mesh placement. I would want at least 5cm overlap on each side, but practically I would dissect out as much rectus sheath as possible.
I would then close the posterior sheath with a loop 1 PDS and insert a large, synthetic , large pore, non-absorbable mesh into the retrorectus space. I would secure this with a few radially placed 2-0 Prolene sutures. I would then close the anterior sheath with 1 PDS and leave two redivac drains, one in the rectus sheath and on in the subcuticular space.
If the fascial defect was too big to close primarily I would perform a posterior component separation by incising the posterior rectus sheath at the lateral aspect of my retrorectus dissection and a transversus abdominus release by incising this along its medial attachment.
How would you perform a subtotal gastrectomy?
- Laparoscopic approach with 4 ports and liver retractor
- Dissection of greater omentum from transverse colon running from 1st short gastric to right gastroepiploic pedicle which is ligated with clips
- Division of posterior gastric adhesions including splenic artery nodes (11p)
- Division of gastrohepatic ligament and isolation/ligation of right gastric artery
- Mobilisation of 1st part of duodenum and division with a linear stapler
- Dissection of lymphatic tissue from CHA, coeliac axis and hepatoduodenal ligament (8/9/12)
- Left gastric artery then ligated at its origin (7)
- Dissection along lesser curve including pericardiac nodes
- Division of specimen 5cm proximal to tumour
- Reconstruction with roux-en-y technique
—- Division of jejunum at 50cm (BP Limb)
—-50cm further jejunum taken and anastomosis of BP limb to jejunum at this level with linear stapler and closure of enteroenterostomy
—-Antecolic, ante gastric Gastrojejunostomy created with linear stapler and closure of gastroenterostomy
—-Closure of mesenteric defects with permanent suture
—-Drain to duodenal stump
How is the oesophagus approached in the neck?
- Left side of neck with head extends and turned to right
- Incision on anterior border lower 1/2 of SCM
- SCM dissected free from sternohyoid to identify internal jugular vein
- Anterior Omohyoid belly identified and divided
- Middle thyroid vein ligated and deep cervical fascia opened
- Carotid sheath retracted laterally
- Blunt dissection onto oesophagus via NGT.
How would you perform an Ivor-Lewis Oesophagectomy?
Minimally invasive approach
—- Abdominal phase - 4 ports, liver retractor
- Mobilisation of greater omentum with careful preservation of gastroepiploic arcade and division of short gastrics above this to hiatus
- Partial Kocherisation of duodenum to mobilise pylorus to hiatus
- Dissection of lymphatic tissue and ligation of LGA at origin
- Mobilisation of lesser curve of stomach including lymph nodes and wide dissection hiatus
- Sling oesophagus with Jaques catheter and dissect up into mediastinum as far as possible including pleural strip
- Divide stomach 5cm distal to tumour creating tubularised conduit
- Suture divided specimen to conduit
- Feeding jejunostomy and close
—-Thoracic phase - 4 ports, single-lung ventilation, semi-prone right chest
- Continue pleural strip superiorly to azygos vein and divide between hemoloks
- Dissection of oesophagus including paraoesophagheal and carinal lymph nodes until free
- Ligate thoracic duct if identified
- Divide oesophagus proximally with linear stapler
- Open chest, extract specimen, prepare conduit
- Circular stapled anastomosis using Orville 25mm
- Passage of NGT past anastomosis and fixation at nose
- Gastrostomy excised with linear stapler and removed
- 2 x chest drain close
How would you perform a feeding jejunostomy?
If not part of another procedure, I would place 1 10mm and 2 5mm ports.
I would reflect the transverse colon cephalad to find the DJ flexure and identify a segment of proximal jejunum that will come to the anterior abdominal wall in the LUQ.
I would then loosely secure the jejunum to the abdominal wall using 3-0 monocryl on a straight passed through the abdominal wall and retrieved with an endoclose in 3 places . Then I would introduce a Freka type feeding tube without a balloon into the bowel passing distally about 15cm before securing at the skin and in a 4th place on the bowel.
I would start water infusion on extubation and follow the advice of a dietician on a suitable feeding regime
I would secure this at the skin then perform a 4th suture on the bowel
How would you perform a staging laparoscopy for OG cancer?
Usually with 2 5mm ports.
I would assess for any peritoneal or liverdisease or large pools of ascites. I do not routinely perform washings unless there is an obvious problem.
I would then look for a hiatus hernia and assess for tumour respectability - fixity to surrounding structures mainly along with lymphadenopathy outside the surgical field
I would also liaise with the anaesthetist about the patients stability for resectional surgery
How would you perform a wedge resection for GIST?
I would ensure the patient had been worked up appropriately and was aware that the operation could proceed to a major gastrectomy.
I would position the patient supine, split legs, reverse trendelenberg, 4 ports and a liver retractor
I would assess the tumour to make sure an adequate excision margin could be obtained with a wedge type resection, then I would divide the gastro-colic ligament and short gastrics with an energy device. I would then use a laparoscopic stapler with a reinforced green cartridge to excise the tumour with a 2cm margin.
I would perform an air leak test and ensure haemostasis, removing the specimen in a bag
How would you perform a sleeve gastrectomy?
I would ensure the patient had been through a bariatric MDT and was suitably prepared for surgery
I would position the patient supine, split legs, reverse trendelenberg, 4 ports and a liver retractor
I would divide the gastro-colic ligament and short gastrics with an energy device up to the gastro-oesophageal junction I would carefully ensure there was no hiatus hernia and repair if one was found. I would then use a laparoscopic stapler with a reinforced cartridges starting about 5cm from the pylorus to excise the sleeve of stomach. I would aim to maintain a 4cm remnant stomach, taking extra care around the incisura and the GOJ
I would perform an air leak test and ensure haemostasis, removing the specimen in a bag