Operational Protection in Diagnostic Radiology Flashcards
What in terms of overarching management may need to be considered for the use of mobile x-ray equipment (e.g. mini C-arm) outside of radiology management?
- Trust wide protocol for dealing with this situation.
- Trust approval required prior to purchase.
- A radiation safety committee should be in place.
- A mechanism should be in place to inform the trust (RPA/MPE).
- Short reports should be submitted annually to the radiation safety committee including details of personal dosimetry results, training, QA/servicing etc.
What in terms of IR(ME)R may need to be considered for the use of mobile x-ray equipment (e.g. mini C-arm) outside of radiology management?
- Trust IR(ME)R procedures must be followed.
- Stand alone procedures specific to the mini C-arm use may be required to complement the main trust wide document.
- Staff carrying out the role of referrer, practitioner and operator need to be identified and given appropriate training.
- Records of training should be kept and routine update training given.
- Advice should be sought from the MPE in terms of protocols and optimisation.
- The clinical evaluation and outcome of each exposure should be recorded.
- Suspected accidental or unintended exposure should be reported for investigation to the trust MPE/RPA via the RPS.
- Commissioning tests must be carried out and arrangements made for routine local and medical physics QA and equipment servicing.
- Commissioning and QA reports to be reviewed and recommendations followed up.
What in terms of IRR17 may need to be considered for the use of mobile x-ray equipment (e.g. mini C-arm) outside of radiology management?
- Radiation risk assessment and local rules to be drawn up in conjunction with the RPA. The RPA will advise on designation of work areas.
- An RPS must be identified and given appropriate training to ensure compliance with local rules.
- PPE and personal dosimetry should be arranged with advice from RPA. Routine checks of PPE and personal dosimetry records should be performed.
What may need to be considered in terms of dose constraints with loan equipment?
In this case, dose constraints should be scaled for the length of the equipment loan.
What should be considered when selecting occupancy factors and workload information for dose calculations and shielding/PPE requirements?
Be conservative with estimates. These factors will often change so it is best to be over cautious in the case of any future changes.
What may be considered instead of a very thick viewing window for a PET-CT room?
- Consider increasing dose constraint.
- Consider re-design (e.g. cameras and viewing screens instead of viewing window).
What are the five steps to a risk assessment?
- Identify hazards.
- Who might be harmed and how?
- Evaluate risks and precautions.
- Record (and implement) findings.
- Review and update.
What might be considered in terms of risk assessment when conducting medical physics tests on a new piece of equipment for which likely radiation doses to be received during testing are unknown?
- Staff could wear EPD on outside of leads during testing.
- Perform initial tests behind control panel and with mobile Pb shields if possible.
- Perform scatter dose measurements simultaneously with multiple survey meters.
- Attach dosemeter to tripod or similar rather than individual takin measurements directly.
- Assess nearby staff areas early on.