Computed Tomography Flashcards
State the equation relating the incident and output x-ray intensity for an x-ray beam traversing a material of multiple different components.
ln(I_0/I) = int(mu).dx where I_0 is the input x-ray intensity, I the output x-ray intensity, int(mu).dx the integral of the attenuation coefficients and thicknesses of each component.
Explain the process of filtered back-projection image reconstruction.
- A large set of projection data is acquired.
- Each of these projections are back projected and combined to form an image of the object.
- To remove the 1/r blur created in this back projection process, each projection filtered prior to this process.
What is an advantage and disadvantage of iterative reconstruction over filtered back projection?
- Advantage: Has the potential to produce images with decreased noise and, therefore, lower dose is required.
- Disadvantage: Is computationally intensive.
Explain the process of iterative reconstruction.
- A large set of projection data is acquired.
- An initial guess is made at the image (often the filtered back projection).
- The forward projections of this initial guess are compared to the actual projections acquired.
- This initial guess at the raw data is then corrected to better match the actual projections.
- This process is iteratively repeated.
- Different algorithms can be used to determine the methods of comparison and correction. This is known as the reconstruction kernel.
How are Hounsfield units defined? What are the Hounsfield units of water, air and bone?
Hounsfield units are expressed relative to the linear attenuation coefficient of water by the following equation:
HU = ((mu_material - mu_water)/mu_water) x 1000.
HU_water = 0 as mu_material = mu_water.
HU_air = -1000 as mu_material = 0.
HU_bone = +300 to +2500 as mu_material is much larger due to the increased attenuation of bone.
How does a ‘first generation’ translate-rotate CT scanner work? How is a ‘second generation’ translate-rotate detector different? How is the now standard ‘third generation’ rotate-rotate scanner different?
- An X-ray tube and single detector perform successive translational acquisitions at multiple gantry angles.
- The ‘second generation’ scanner works by the same process but employs a bank of detectors. This means an increase amount of the patient is covered and, therefore, less translational acquisitions are required per gantry angle, decreasing the acquisition time required.
- In a ‘third generation’ scanner, the bank of detectors covers the whole patient, removing the need for multiple translational acquisitions per gantry angle. A fan shaped beam ensures the patient and all detectors are covered.
How does an electron beam CT scanner work? What are the advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional CT?
- Rotating scanner ring consists of target material.
- Electron gun directs electrons towards the rotating targets.
- X-rays are generated when the electrons interact with the targets.
- Advantage: No rotation of heavy tube required meaning the potential for faster rotation times (although this has been somewhat mitigated with modern technology).
- Disadvantage: Space constraint regarding the electron gun setup.
What level of filtration is typical of a modern CT scanner? Why is this less than it used to be?
- 6 mm Al.
- Ideally, a monoenergetic beam is required as CT essentially involves measuring attenuation and this is heavily dependent on energy. In older scanners, this meant heavy filtration was required. However, with modern computing power and reconstruction algorithms, this is no longer the case.
What is the reason for the bowtie filter? Why does a the bowtie filter need to be changed depending on the procedure?
- The bowtie shape results in increased attenuation of the beam towards the periphery. This reduces peripheral patient dose where there is less patient for the beam to pass through at the periphery. This, therefore, also ensures uniform noise across the patient cross section.
- The above points mean that the bowtie filter needs to be matched to the FOV (e.g. head or body).
What are the requirements of a CT detector? What type of material are modern detectors?
- Small to ensure good spatial resolution.
- High detection efficiency.
- Fast response with negligible afterglow.
- Wide dynamic range.
- Stable, noise-free response.
Modern detector are typically of solid state type.
What is the difference between single slice and multi slice CT scanning?
Single slice scanning involves a single detector element and a thin beam. Multi slice scanning uses multiple detector elements and a wider beam.
What is the difference between conventional axial/sequential CT scanning and modern helical/spiral scanning?
- In axial/sequential (also known as step-and-shoot) CT scanning, the couch moves the patient along the z-axis incrementally, pausing at each interval for a single rotation scan.
- In helical/spiral CT scanning, the couch constantly moves the patient while scanning. This makes for a quicker scanning process.
What is the nominal beam width in CT?
Nominal beam width = NT where N is the total number of slices (equivalent to the number of detectors in modern scanners) and T is the single slice thickness (equivalent to the detector thickness in modern scanners).
What is pitch in CT?
Pitch relates to how far the couch moves in relation to the rotation of the tube. It is defined as:
Pitch = Couch movement per rotation/Slice thickness OR
Pitch = Couch movement per rotation/Nominal beam width (this will mean a pitch of 1 results in tightly aligned spirals) OR
Helical pitch (often used by manufacturers) = Couch movement per rotation/Slice thickness (i.e. detector size).
What is a flying focal spot?
A two-position focal spot with rapid switching between each. This provides more projections through the patient and, therefore, more data to produce the final image. In this case, the beam width is half the nominal detector width.
What is the effect of increasing pitch on dose?
Assuming an equal nominal beam width, increasing the pitch will increase the couch speed per rotation. This will spread out the incident spiral of radiation and mean a lower radiation dose to the patient.
What is over-beaming in CT? How is this quantified numerically and monitored?
- Over-beaming arises from the penumbra of the x-ray beam caused by the finite size of the x-ray source. In CT, this radiation surpasses the edges of the detector bank and is, therefore, wasted (it contributes to patient dose but not the image).
- It is defined by the z-axis geometric efficiency:
z-axis geometric efficiency = Area under dose profile within active detectors/Area under total dose profile. This value must be displayed on the scanner if it is below 70%. It is also checked for all slice width combinations during commissioning.
What is over-ranging/over-scanning in CT? What can increase the level of over-ranging/over-scanning?
- Over-ranging refers to the fact that the actual irradiated scan range is larger than that nominally selected. This is due to the fact that image reconstruction algorithms for helical scans are based on interpolation.
- Increased pitch or a wider detector bank can increase the level of over-ranging/over-scanning.
What is automatic tube current modulation (ATCM)? How do ATCM algorithms vary by manufacturer?
- This is akin to an AEC in general radiography.
- Modulation in tube current is based on the attenuation characteristics of the patient. This information is usually obtained from the scanogram. Each rotation can also be used to determine attenuation characteristics and, therefore, required tube current for the next rotation
- The variations in tube current will depend on the reference value in the set protocol. Different algorithms are applied to control ATCM depending on manufacturer e.g.:
- Constant image noise will mean tube current is increased linearly with attenuation.
- A more variable image noise depending on patient size can be used to ensure larger patients are not overexposed.
What is a scanogram/topogram/scout view? What are they used for?
- Initial scan prior to the ‘main’ scan.
- No tube rotation is involved. The couch moves through the scanner while (typically) AP/PA and lateral views are acquired.
- Low dose compared to the ‘main’ CT scan.
- This helps ensure correct patient positioning.
- It also guides the automatic tube current modulation and automatic tube voltage modulation (if available) processes.
How does automatic tube voltage variation work?
- A kV appropriate to the patient is selected from scanogram data.
- This kV is maintained for the whole scan rather than varying like automatic tube current modulation.
- This is less common and only some scanners have this technique available.
What is superficial organ shielding? What is an issue associated with this?
- Superficial organs (e.g. breasts, eyes etc.) can be protected by reducing mA for certain angles of rotation.
- Using superficial organ shielding will likely mean automatic tube current modulation can not be performed at the same time.
Why might a larger beam width and faster rotation time be beneficial?
- It will speed up the scanning process reducing the chance of any motion artefacts e.g. the full heart could be scanned in one rotation.
- The faster scanning process will also increase patient throughput.
How is CTDI_air measured? What is the equation for CTDI_air? What corrections are required to for a CTDI_100 value?
- A pencil CT ionisation chamber which encompasses the whole beam (i.e. is partially irradiated) is used to measure the dose from a single slice rotation.
- CTDI_air is then calculated using the following equation:
CTDI_air = (1/s).int(D(x))dx where D(x) is the dose profile across the slice and s is the nominal slice width. - To determine a CTDI_100 value, a correction is required to account for the fact that the chamber is only partially irradiated. The correction factor is L/nt where L is the length of the chamber (100 mm), n is the number of slices and T is the slice width.
How is CTDI_w measured? What is the equation for CTDI_w?
- As with CTDI_air measurements, output measurements are taken with a pencil CT ionisation chamber. However, in this case, the chamber is positioned at different points within a Perspex head or body phantom (either at the centre or periphery) for measurements.
- The equation for CTDI_w is:
CTDI_w = 1/3 CTDI_w100,centre + 2/3 w100,periphery.
What is CTDI_vol? What is the equation for CTDI_vol? What happens to the value of CTDI_vol as pitch increases and why?
- CTDI_vol is a ‘patient related’ dose quantity. It gives an indication of radiation dose output, weighted to mimic a human dose profile distribution. It is the CTDI_w corrected for the pitch and mAs used for the scan.
- The equation to calculate CTDI_vol is:
CTDI_vol = CTDI_w/Pitch where Pitch = Couch movement per rotation/Nominal beam width. - As pitch increases, couch movement per rotation increases (assuming the same nominal beam width). This means the spirals or radiation are more spread out and, therefore, the dose and CTDI_vol are less.
What is dose length product (DLP)? What is the equation for DLP?
- DLP is another ‘patient related’ dose quantity. It can be used to monitor patient dose in CT, much like DAP in radiography.
- It can be calculated as:
DLP = CTDI_vol x Irradiated scan length
What are the issues associated with the concept of using CTDI for CT dosimetry?
- CTDI measurements are not clinically representative.
- For larger beam widths (> 40 mm), these measurements neglect the significant amount of scatter that is apparent. This means the periphery of the dose distribution resulting from scatter resides outside of the chamber and is not accounted for in the measurement.
How is CT dosimetry performed for wide beam scanners?
- CTDI_w is measured at a reference beam width (usually 20 mm).
- CTDI_air is then measured for the reference beam width and actual beam width to determine a correction factor for the CTDI_w measurement.
- CTDI_air is measured for the actual beam width by ‘stepping’ the chamber incrementally (every 10 cm, for example) through the entire dose distribution.
What factors affect spatial resolution in CT? How is spatial resolution in the x-y and z directions different for axial and helical scanning?
- Pixel size (i.e. matrix size and FOV).
- Reconstruction algorithms can improve resolution but increase noise.
- There is no major difference in spatial resolution in the x-y direction between axial and helical scanning.
- In the z direction, increasing pitch will reduce spatial resolution due to the lower number of spiral radiation ‘paths’ through the patient. This effect is less apparent for multi-slice scanners where the wider beam and increased number of detectors limit spatial resolution.
What factors affect noise in CT?
Quantum noise can be reduced by:
- Increasing mAs, kV or slice width and, therefore, the number of photons at the detector.
- Reducing pitch in multi-slice scanners. This is because slices are reconstructed from data interpolated from many detector measurements. This number of detector measurements and, therefore, the number of photons contributing to a slice will vary with pitch. Fewer will contribute for larger pitches. Note that pitch will not affect noise in single slice scanners. This is because slices are reconstructed from data interpolated between the two nearest parallel ray measurements. Therefore, it is simple a linear combination of two detector elements and is not affected by pitch.
List and explain some of the artefacts observed in CT. How can these artefacts be reduced?
- Motion artefacts: Arise due to patient movement (including cardiac motion, respiration etc.) during the scan. Black and white bands will be apparent if motion artefacts are present. It can mitigated by using; faster rotation times; a wider beam to reduce the number of rotations and, therefore, scan time required; and gating.
- Streak artefacts/photon starvation: Results from highly attenuating objects (e.g. metal implants) within the scan. Subsequent errors in the reconstruction process result. These artefacts can be corrected with metal correction algorithms.
- Beam hardening artefacts: Results from variations in CT numbers due to the fact beams harden as they pass through the patient. CT numbers will typically appear to be lower towards the centre of the image. These effects can be reduced with the use of bowtie filters and different reconstruction algorithms.
- Ring artefacts: Caused by detector malfunction. Results in rings visible on the image. Their position can indicate the location of the faulty detector for fix/replacement.
- Partial volume effects: Arises due to the finite size of voxels. CT number is averaged within these voxels meaning objects smaller than the voxel size can appear distorted.
What is CT fluoroscopy? What are the associated issues?
CT fluoroscopy uses repeated conventional CT scans or continuous rotation controlled by a foot pedal for interventional procedures (e.g. CT biopsies). Issues include high patient and staff doses.
What is gated CT imaging?
Gated CT imaging is used in cardiac or respiratory CT and involves linking the patient to an ECG or respiratory monitor. Acquisition is limited to points within cardiac or respiratory cycles that are of interest to reduce dose and motion artefacts. It should be noted that automatic tube current modulation is not always possible when using gating.
What is the difference between retrospective and prospective ECG gates reconstruction in cardiac CT?
- Retrospective: A helical scan with low pitch (i.e. overlapping spiral radiation paths) is performed. ECG data is then used to gate the data to select the relevant sections. ECG dose modulation is applied during the scan to reduce dose in phases that are not of interest.
- Prospective: Axial step-and-shoot acquisitions are triggered by the ECG data to acquire data only in the phases of interest (with slight ‘padding’ at either end to allow flexibility in reconstruction). This has the advantage of reduced patient dose.
What are CT angiography and CT perfusion?
A CT investigation of blood flow through blood vessels (angiography) or in the brain (perfusion) using a contrast medium injection. These investigations are likely to be conducted over multiple phases and, therefore, there is a potential for high skin dose.
What is dual energy CT?
In dual energy CT, either two tubes using different kV or one tube with rapid switching of kV is applied for the scan. This results in additional information to allow for the discrimination of different materials and contrast enhancement.
What differences are apparent for a radiotherapy treatment planning CT compared to a conventional diagnostic CT system?
- Hard, flat couch top to allow for reproducible patient positioning.
- Compatibility with immobilisation devices (i.e. fixations on couch top and additional space in bore).
- Lasers for patient positioning.
- Image quality essential for target delineation.
- Geometric accuracy required, including of the skin surface.
- HU to electron density mappings required for treatment dose calculations.
- Wider bore required for patient positioning and immobilisation.
- Additional QA to ensure geometric accuracy and CT number accuracy.
What is the effect of varying slice thickness and number of slices on radiation exposure in CT?
- Reconstructed slice thickness does not directly affect patient dose. However, thinner reconstructed slice thicknesses correspond to increased noise due to the fact less photons contribute to image formation. Therefore, mAs and/or kV would need to be increased to compensate for this, thus increasing patient dose.
- Increases the number of slices (i.e. detector rows) means a wider beam and fewer rotations are required to cover a given scan length (assuming constant pitch). This corresponds to less over-beaming and lower radiation dose.