Operational Environment Flashcards
what is an operational environment
a composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander
what are trends that affect operational environment?
politics, economics, globalization, urbanization, and failed or falling states affect operational environment.
what is a hybrd threat?
A hybrid threat is the diverse and dynamic combination of regular forces, irregular forces, terrorist forces, and/or criminal elements unified to achieve mutually benefiting effects.
what threats are a fundaments part of any operational environment?
individuals, or groups of individuals (can be organized or not)
Paramilitary or military forces
National Alliances
What is a threat?
A threat is any combination of actors, entities, or forces that have the capability and intent to harm US forces, national interests, or the homeland.
What is an Enemy
An enemy is a party identicied as hostile against which the use of force is autherized
what is an adversay
an adversary is a party acknowledged as potentially hostile to a friendly party and against which the use of for may be envisaged.
what is neutral
neutral is a party identified as neither supporting nor opposing friendly or enemy forces
What is a friend?
a friend is an ally
What are the operational variables
Political, Military, Economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, and time
What are mission variables?
Mission, enemy, (terrain and weather), (troops and support availability), time available and civil considerations
what are operational vairables based off ADRP 5-0
Political military ecomnomic social information infrastructure
physical enviorment
also know as PMESII-PT
What are the Political Variables
Attitude toward the US
Centers of political power
Type of government
Government effectiveness and legitimacy
Influential political groups
International relationships
what are military variables
Military forces Government paramilitary forces Non-state paramilitary forces Unarmed combatants Nonmilitary armed combatants Military functions
what are economic variables?
Economic diversity Employment status Economic activity Illegal economic activity Banking and finance
What are social Variables?
Demographic mix Social volatility Educational level Ethnic diversity Religious diversity Population movement Common languages Human rights Centers of social power Basic cultural norms and values
what does information do?
information describes the nature, scope, characteristics, and eccefts of individuals, orginizations, and systems that collect process disseminate or act on information
what is infrastructure?
infrastucture is composed of basic facilities services andinstalations needed for the funtiontioning of a community or society.
what is the physical enviornment
physical environment includes the geography and man made structures as well as the climate and weather in the area of opperations
what is time?
time describes the timing and duration of activities events or conditions within an operational enviornment as well as the timing and duration percieved by various actors in the operational environment.
What is MDMP?
Military Decision making process
what is IPB
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
how does war happen?
War can result from the failure of states to resolve ther disputes by diplomatic means.
What are the prinicples of war?
Objective offensive mass economy of force maneuver unity of command security surprise simplicity
What are some challenges of OE?
Evolving threats
Joint and Multinational Environment
Geopolitical Situation
Health of the command
What are the three operational domains?