Operational decisions Flashcards
What are the examples of operational objectives?
1) Quality
2) Flexibility - reacting to customers wants
3) Improving speed of response and flexibility
4) Adding value
5) Meeting environmental standards
What is added value and how do you calculate it?
Added value is increasing the difference between cost of raw materials and selling price
= Sales revenue - costs of bought goods + services
How can added value be achieved?
Increasing selling price or reducing the cost of raw materials
Internal influences on Operational objectives?
1) Nature of the product
2) Availability of resources
3) Overall objective e.g if environment based it is likely to focus on this
4) Other departments - the decisions made in finance and marketing will effect what production team can do
External influences on operational objectives?
1) Demand for product - make sure output isn’t higher than demand
2) New tech - often need to adapt to make most of new technologies
3) Competitors performance - many firms set targets in response to rivals actions
What are the 5 common methods of production?
1) Job production
2) Flow production
3) Batch production
4) Cell production
5) Lean Production
What is job production?
Production of one off items by skilled workers
What is flow production?
Mass production on a continuous production line with division of labour
What is Batch production?
Production of small bathes of identical products
What is cell production?
Production is divided into sets of tasks, each completed by a workgroup
What is lean production?
Production that aims to keep waste to a minimum
What is capacity?
The max output an organisation can produce at a given period
What is capacity utilisation?
How much capacity a business is using
How do you calculate CU?
Output ÷ Capacity x100
Why is 90% CU better than 100%?
1) May be hard to keep quality high if capacity is 100%
2) May have to turn away customers as it can’t increase output further
3) No downtime fro machines so any breakdowns will lead to delays
4) No margin for error - stress for managers
5) Cant temporarily increase demand in times of seasonal fluctuations
How can a firm increase its capacity to meet output with demand?
1) Buying more machines
2) Increase staff levels either long term or short terms through part time or temporary staff
3) Increase productivity by motivating staff
4) In times of seasonal demand they may subcontract work
What is under utilisation?
Low capacity utilisation and it is inefficeint as it means a business isn’t making use of the machines and facilities