Operating Online 21-24 Flashcards
Cloud storage
A method of storage on remote servers, rather than on the user’s local computer or in an organization’s own data center
Cloud Computing
Software is stored on remote servers and accessed by users via their browser
Personal Use (storage)
- Storing files such as photos and videos online, so they are synced and accessible on all the user’s devices
Professional Use (Storage)
- Storing off-site backups of business data, to allow recovery in case of loss of data
- Accessing business documents while working off-site
Personal Use (Computing)
Accessing graphic editing software, email and home office software on a variety of home computing device
Professional Use (Computing)
- Accessing office applications and email without having to install the software on all workstations
Online systems create security concerns as data is accessible over the internet potentially to hackers, and you have little control over security procedures.
There is a great range in the costs for online services. Many cloud storage services are free of charge to individual users up to a certain data limit
Ease of Use
Some online services are easier for non-technical users than others. Cloud storage systems often sync your data with your computer; allowing you to access your cloud files using the same interface as for your local file
Cloud software sometimes has fewer features than a locally installed version
Cloud based storage and software require internet connection in order to access the services
Social media
Used to share content and communicate with others
Let people regularly share information such as news and opinions
Created and maintained by online communities
A website where users can communicate by posting text messages
Instant messaging also lets users write short text messages but directly to a person or group of selected people
Audio files posted to the internet for downloadF
Also known as message board, a forum is a website used for online discussion where users can post messages and questions publicly for other users of the site to read and respond to