Issues 36-39 Flashcards
- The ever-growing demand for electronic devices means increased energy needed to run the devices
-These have negative by-products such as greenhouse gases which affect climate change
Unequal access
Not everyone has access to IT systems and the internet
- There is a distinct divide between access in countries in the developing and developed world
- Many schools and colleges make resources available online. Students who do not have computer access at home may be disadvantaged in their learning
Online behaviour
Netiquette describes acceptable behavior on the internet. It attempts to solve problems such as:
-The perception of the internet as an impersonal and anonymous place to communicate, leading to unacceptable behavior online
- Trolling and cyberbullying on social networking sties, which also affect people’s offline lives
Globalization describes the process of countries becoming increasingly interconnected, particularly the increase in trade, transport and communications
- IT systems have played a key role in facilitating this process
- Despite obvious benefits, Globalization has also caused or exacerbated problems such as job outsourcing, disease spreading, environmental damage and terrorism
Freedom of speech
Some users of sites, such as social networking, blogs, vlogs and forums, express views that many people find offensive
- Many sites set rules for the content added by users and for user behavior, and close down accounts, groups and pages that are in breach of these rules
-Some users feel this is form of censorship and violation of their freedom of speech
Acceptable use
Many companies have acceptable use policies that define how employees can use IT systems, such as websites and email while at work
Health and safety
HaS issues associated with IT systems include the risk of repetitive strain injury (RSI), eye and back problems
Employees have a moral responsibility to carry out risk assessments and provide suitable equipment and working conditions for employees
Illegally downloading movies, TV shows, music and software has become more prevalent with the growth of IT systems and services such as bit torrents and online streaming. Likewise the availability of images on the internet increases the risk of people infringing copyright in their work
These practices threaten the livelihood of the people who produce these works, and those who sell and distribute
Protection of data
Organizations and individuals have an ethical responsibility to protect the data of other people that they are using, strong and transmitting
Privacy can be compromised by IT systems. Many of us use social networking sites, blogs, online messaging, email and a wide variety of other services to share large parts of our lives online. The growth of services such as location aware targeted advertising and software, blurs the lines between our online and offline worlds
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
- Protects the rights of creators of original pieces of work. This prevents others distributing this work without the copyright holder’s permission
-Breach of the act incurs penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment and unlimited fines