Operating and Flights Rules (602) Flashcards
Are you allowed to be reckless while operating a plan?
NO it could endanger someone or property
Do you have to be healthy to act as a flight crew?
- Yes, cant’ work suffering from fatigue or unfit
- Air operator can stop you if has reasons to believe
How long do you have to wait to fly after drinking alcohol?
12 hrs
If under influence of drugs or other impairments
Can’t act as crew member under any circumstance
Who can serve you alcohol and Can you bring your own alcohol?
Flight attended or Air Operator
Who’s must the passengers listen to?
Must listen to flight crew instructions
Every flight crew must listen to the PIC
Is smoking allowed in the aircraft?
No it isn’t allowed
Can’t unplugged smoke detecting devices
Rules for portable electronic devices?
- Can’t use it if it will mess up plane’s equipment
- Need permission from PIC to use it
What are the limitation to operating a plane?
Has to be operating limitation
Place cards, flight manual with air worthens
Prescribe by registry of an aircraft
no person operating an aircraft shall permit the fuelling of an aircraft while…
- engine is running
- passengers are on board
- embarking or disembarking
What do must you do to start an engine?
- A person to make sure the aircraft is controlled
- Steps taken to prevent movement of the aircraft
Steps to take to ground run the engine?
- A person to make sure the aircraft is controlled
- If no one is on the plane:
i) Steps taken to prevent movement of the aircraft
ii) The aircraft is no left unattended
What are Critical Surfaces?
- Wings
- Prop
- Control surfaces
- Rotors
- Stabilizers
- Any surface identified as critical in the flight manual (AFM)
What to do for Aircraft Icing?
Can’t take off if there is frost, ice or snow on critical surfaces
What if you are in conditions that could lead to snow or ice sticking to the airplane?
No taking off unless you as PIC, or your designate inspects for icing
The operator has a inspection program in accordance with the standards (622.11)
Can you take-off or land in a Overflight/Open Air Assemblies built-up areas?
- Can’t do it unless it’s at an airport, or in a manner that will not create a hazard
- Have to operate at an altitude that you can land you lose your engine, without creating a hazard
Exceptions to take-off or land in a Overflight/Open Air Assemblies built-up areas?
Event of an Emergency can land without creating a hazard to persons or properties
Can you take-off or land in a built-up area?
No, Has to be at an airport, aerodrome, or Military
Exceptions to take-off or land in a built-up area?
- To save a life
- Police Opeartions
- Conduct without creating a hazard to persons or properties
- The place is not set apart for the operation of aircraft
What is the Minimum Altitudes and Distances? (602.14)
- 1,000ft above the highest obstacle located within a horizontal distance of 2,000ft of that obstacle
- 500 feet from any person, vessel, vehicle or structure
- 2000ft: fur farms reindeer or caribou, parks, reserves and refuges
When overtaking another AC it must be done on?
The right
On final approach the _______ AC has the right of way
On final approach the ______ AC must give way
AC Converging (same direction at acute angle) aircraft on the ___________ has the right of way
AC Converging (same direction at acute angle) aircraft on the ___________ must give way
Reason to break Minimum Altitudes and Distances (602.15)
Police operations To save a life Fire fighting or Air ambulance Coast guard work National/Provincial work Flight training under supervision
Avoidance of Collision
Can’t operate an aircraft close to an aircraft that will cause a Collision
Requirements to Tow
the plane needs a tow hook and release control mechanism if not can’t tow
What are the Laws for dropping objects?
Can’t drop objects from plane that will cause damage to property, people.
Rules to Formation flight
Must be pre arrange in order to fly in formation.
who has the right of way where an aircraft on water has another on its right?
PIC of the aircraft with the other on it’s right shall give way
no person shall conduct a parachute descent from the aircraft…
- in or into controlled airspace or an air route
- over or into a built-up area or open-air assembly
Where/when are you NOT allowed to conduct aerobatic manoeuvres?
- over a built up area or open-air assembly
- vis less than 3 SM
- below 2000’ AGL
- any airspace requiring radio contact with ATS unless they are advised of the manoeuvres
- class A, B, C or class D control zones without prior coordination between ATC and PIC
no person operating an aircraft with a passenger on board shall conduct aerobatic manoeuvres unless…
- PIC has at least 10 hours dual aerobatic instruction or 20 aerobatic hours
- PIC has engaged at least 1 hour of aerobatics in the last 6 months
when are you allowed to dump fuel from an aircraft? 602.30 Commercial air law
- when its necessary to do so in order to ensure aviation safety
- measures are taken to minimize danger to human life and environment
what is the max speed when operating below 10,000’ ASL?
what is the max speed when operating below 3000’ AGL within 10NM of a controlled aerodrome?
when may an aircraft operated beyond the max speed limits?
- aircraft is operated in accordance with a special flight operations certificate/special aviation event
- minimum safe airspeed for the flight configuration is greater than the max airspeed
what is cruising altitude order based on?
when doing cruising altitude order begin?
3000’ AGL
when do cruising altitudes not apply, and to who?
- aerial survey or mapping
- PIC notifies ATC in advance
when operating in the altimeter-setting region, when do you set the altimeter?
- immediately before take off set to aerodrome setting or elevation
- set to nearest station along route
- immediately before descending set to destination setting
when operating in the standard pressure region, when do you set the altimeter?
- immediately before take off set to aerodrome setting or elevation
- set 29.92 before levelling off
- immediately before descending set destination setting
- if holding, set aerodrome setting immediately before descending below lowest FL the hold is conducted at
when may a person conduct a take off or landing at night at an aerodrome that isn’t lighted?
- flight doesn’t create a hazard to persons or property
- police operations
- saving human life
when may an aircraft operate less than the minimum altitudes and distances from obstacles/people, etc
below 1000’:
- police operation
- saving human life
- fire-fighting or air ambulance
- fisheries
- administration of national/provincial parks
- flight inspection
below 500’:
- aerial inspection
- aerial photography
- helicopter external loads
- flight training with an instructor
except where conducting a take off or landing, what is the minimum altitude and distance you can fly over built-up areas? (602.14)
-not lower than 1000’ above the highest obstacle within 2000’ horizontally
how high must you be from any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure? (602.14)
no less than 500’