Aircraft Equipment Requirements (605) Flashcards
What is the required equipment for a power-driven day VFR flight? (605.14)
Manifold pressure Oil Pressure Oil Temp Fuel Indicator Altimeter Compass Tachometer Airspeed Indicator Radios (where required) Coolant temp if liquid cooled
what is the required equipment for power-driven aircraft flying VFR OTT? v(605.15)
- all required power driven equipment
- sensitive altimeter
- means of preventing malfunction caused by icing for ASI
- HI
- AI
- turn & slip or TC
- radio nav equipment
- 2 way radio
what is the required equipment for power-driven night VFR flight? (605.16)
Fuses (50%) Attitude Indicator Turn & Bank Indicator Directional Gyro Altimeter (sensitive) Pitot static heat Instrument Lighting Landing Light (with Pax) Outside Air temp VSI
what are the additional night VFR requirements other than the power-driven equipment? (605.16)
- AI
- preventing malfunction caused by icing for ASI
- OAT gauge
when must the position lights and anti-collision lights be on? (605.17)
- while operating in the air or on the ground at night
- on water between sunset and sunrise
when may anti-collision lights be turned off? (605.17)
- PIC determines that because of operating conditions, having them off would be in the interests of aviation safety
when is a seat belt not required for every person on board? (605.22)
infants and balloons
when may an aircraft operate without each person on board having a seat/seat belt? (605.23)
- carried on a stretcher, incubator, etc
- parachuting
- required to work in the vicinity of an opening in the aircraft
when must the PIC direct all people on board the aircraft to fasten safety belts? (605.25)
- during ground movement
- during take off and landing
- PIC considers it necessary
where a flight has flight attendants and is expected to have greater than light turbulence, what must the PIC direct the FA to do? (605.25)
- discontinue duties relating to service
- secure cabin
- occupy a seat and fasten seat belt
when must the crew members be seated with their belts fastened? (605.27)
- take off and landing
- when PIC or in-charge says so
no operator shall permit the use of a child restraint system on board unless… (605.28)
- accompanied by a parent
- weight and height of child are within range
- legible label indicating the design standards/date
- secured by safety belt
- not in an emergency exit
- tether strap used
when may an aircraft take off or continue a flight where icing conditions are reported to exist? (605.30)
- PIC determines they’re adequately equipped to operating in icing
- current weather reports indicate icing no long exists
when may a person operate an unpressurized aircraft? (605.31)
-equipped with sufficient oxygen dispensing units and oxygen supply
when is oxygen required for all crew and 10% of passengers? (no less than 1 pax) Unpressurized Aircraft (605.31)
-flight exceeds 30 mins above 10,000’ ASL but below 13,000’ ASL
when is oxygen required for all persons on board? (605.31)
Unpressurized Aircraft
- entire flight above 13,000’ ASL
- not less than 1 hour for air transport service at cabin pressure altitudes above 13,000’ ASL
when must all crew and 10% of passengers (no less than 1 pax) have oxygen following an emergency descent? (605.31)
Commercial AIr law
- flight exceeds 30 mins above 10,000’ ASL but below 13,000’ ASL
- entire flight above 13,000’ ASL
- not less than 1 hour for air transport service at cabin pressure altitudes above 13,000’ ASL
- 2 hours for aircraft where type certificate authorizes flight at altitudes above FL250
when must there be oxygen for all passenger following an emergency descent? (605.31)
- entire flight above 13,000’ ASL
- not less than 10 mins for air transport service at cabin pressure altitudes above 13,000’ ASL
what is required in transponder airspace? (605.35)
- transponder
- automatic pressure-altitude reporting equipment
when may you not have an unserviceable transponder when operating in transponder airspace? (605.35)
- MEL approved by Minister, or
- MEL hasn’t been approved and aircraft is operated to the next aerodrome of intended landing and after landing completes a planned flight schedule or go to maintenance facility
- ATC received a request before entering and authorizes
- Aviation safety not affected
when may an aircraft operate without an ELT? (605.38)
- flight training within 25NM of the departure aerodrome and holds a flight training unit certificate
- flight test
- parachute descent within 25NM of the departure aerodrome
- balloon, glider, ultra-light
when are you required to have 2 ELTs on board and what type? (605.38)
- large multi-engine turbo-jet engaged in air transport service carrying passengers
- over water at a distance where life rafts are required to be carried
- type W or S or one of each
when may an aircraft be operated without a serviceable ELT? (605.39)
- operator repairs ELT or removes it to be repaired
- placard displayed
when must and operator re-equip the aircraft with a serviceable ELT when one is required? (605.39)
- 10 days after removal
- 30 days after the date of removal in the case of any other aircraft
when may an ELT be tested? (605.40)
first 5 mins of any hour for no more than 5 seconds
what do you do if an ELT is accidentally activated? (605.40)
- inform nearest ATC, FSS, etc
- ELT off
when operating between 10,000’ and 13,000’ how much oxygen is required and for who? (605.32)
-each crew member shall wear a mask and use supplemental oxygen for any part of the flight at those altitudes for more than 30 mins
when operating above 13,000’ who requires oxygen and for how long? (605.32)
each person on board shall wear a mask for the duration of the flight at those altitudes
when shall the pilot at the flight controls wear an oxygen mask? (605.32)
- aircraft isn’t equipped with quick-donning oxygen masks and operated at or above FL250
- aircraft is equipped with quick-donning oxygen masks and operated above FL410
Who is not required to have a shoulder harness? (605.24)
- PIC unless each forward or aft facing seat is equipped with a safety belt that includes a shoulder harness